#!/usr/bin/python3 from builtins import bytes as bbytes from typing import TypeVar, Type, Any _T = TypeVar("_T") bbytes = bbytes class bytes(bbytes): """Local override of builtin bytes class to add "lazy_decode" bytes(iterable_of_ints) -> bytes bytes(string, encoding[, errors]) -> bytes bytes(bytes_or_buffer) -> immutable copy of bytes_or_buffer bytes(int) -> bytes object of size given by the parameter initialized with null bytes bytes() -> empty bytes object Construct an immutable array of bytes from: - an iterable yielding integers in range(256) - a text string encoded using the specified encoding - any object implementing the buffer API. - an integer """ def __new__( cls: Type[_T], thing: Any = None, encoding: str = "UTF-8", errors: str = "strict", ) -> _T: if type(thing) == str: cls.value = super().__new__(cls, thing, encoding, errors) # type: ignore elif thing == None: cls.value = super().__new__(cls) # type: ignore elif thing != None: cls.value = super().__new__(cls, thing) # type: ignore else: raise AttributeError("This shouldn't happen") return cls.value # type: ignore @classmethod def lazy_decode(cls) -> str: "Lazily decode the bytes object using string manipulation" return str(cls.value)[2:-1] @classmethod def safe_decode(cls) -> str: 'Calls cls.decode(cls, errors = "ignore"), if that errors, returns "nul"' try: return cls.decode(cls.value, errors="ignore") # type: ignore except TypeError: print("panik - invalid UTF-8") return "nul"