#!/usr/bin/python3 from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM from overrides import bytes, bbytes import logs import re from typing import NoReturn, Union import commands as cmds import config as conf from time import sleep from importlib import reload import random as r def mfind(message: str, find: list, usePrefix: bool = True) -> bool: if usePrefix: return any(message[: len(match) + 1] == conf.prefix + match for match in find) else: return any(message[: len(match)] == match for match in find) class bot: def __init__(self, server: str): self.gmode = False self.server = server self.nicklen = 30 self.address = conf.servers[server]["address"] self.port = ( conf.servers[server]["port"] if "port" in conf.servers[server] else 6667 ) self.channels = conf.servers[server]["channels"] self.interval = ( conf.servers[server]["interval"] if "interval" in conf.servers[server] else 50 ) self.__version__ = conf.__version__ self.nick = "FireBot" self.adminnames = conf.servers[server]["admins"] self.queue: list[bbytes] = [] self.sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) self.npallowed = ["FireBitBot"] self.log(f"Start init for {self.server}") def connect(self) -> None: self.log(f"Joining {self.server}...") self.sock.connect((self.address, self.port)) self.send(f"USER {self.nick} {self.nick} {self.nick} {self.nick}\n") self.send(f"NICK {self.nick}\n") ircmsg = "" while ( ircmsg.find(f"MODE {self.nick}") == -1 and ircmsg.find(f"PRIVMSG {self.nick}") == -1 ): ircmsg = self.recv().decode() if ircmsg != "": code = 0 try: code = int(ircmsg.split(" ", 2)[1].strip()) except (IndexError, ValueError): pass print(bytes(ircmsg).lazy_decode()) if ircmsg.find("NICKLEN=") != -1: self.nicklen = int(ircmsg.split("NICKLEN=")[1].split(" ")[0]) self.log(f"NICKLEN set to {self.nicklen}") elif code == 433: self.log("Nickname in use", "WARN") self.nick = f"{self.nick}{r.randint(0,1000)}" self.send(f"NICK {self.nick}\n") self.log(f"nick is now {self.nick}") elif ircmsg.startswith("PING "): self.ping(ircmsg) elif len(ircmsg.split("\x01")) == 3: self.CTCP(ircmsg, isRaw=True) elif ircmsg.find("Closing Link") != -1: self.exit("Closing Link") else: self.exit("Lost connection to the server") self.log(f"Joined {self.server} successfully!") def join(self, chan: str, origin: str, lock: bool = True) -> None: self.log(f"Joining {chan}...") chan = chan.replace(" ", "") if "," in chan: chans = chan.split(",") for subchan in chans: self.join(subchan, origin) return if chan.startswith("0") or (chan == "#main" and lock): if origin != "null": self.msg(f"Refusing to join channel {chan} (protected)", origin) return if chan in self.channels and lock: if origin != "null": self.msg(f"I'm already in {chan}.", origin) return self.send(f"JOIN {chan}\n") while True: ircmsg = self.recv().decode() if ircmsg != "": code = 0 try: code = int(ircmsg.split(" ", 2)[1].strip()) except (IndexError, ValueError): pass print(bytes(ircmsg).lazy_decode()) if ircmsg.startswith("PING "): self.ping(ircmsg) elif len(ircmsg.split("\x01")) == 3: self.CTCP(ircmsg, isRaw=True) elif code == 403: self.log(f"Joining {chan} failed", "WARN") if origin != "null": self.msg(f"{chan} is an invalid channel", origin) break elif code == 473: self.log(f"Joining {chan} failed (+i)", "WARN") if origin != "null": self.msg(f"{chan} is +i, and I'm not invited.", origin) break elif code == 520: self.log(f"Joining {chan} failed (+O)", "WARN") if origin != "null": self.msg(f"{chan} is +O, and I'm not an operator.", origin) break elif code == 405: self.log(f"Joining {chan} failed (too many channels)", "WARN") if origin != "null": self.msg(f"I'm in too many channels to join {chan}", origin) break elif code == 471: self.log(f"Joining {chan} failed (+l)", "WARN") if origin != "null": self.msg(f"{chan} is +l, and is full", origin) break elif code == 366: self.log(f"Joining {chan} succeeded") if origin != "null": self.msg(f"Joined {chan}", origin) self.channels[chan] = 0 break def ping(self, ircmsg: str) -> int: pong = f"PONG :{ircmsg.split('PING :')[1]}\n" print(pong, end="") return self.send(pong) def send(self, command: str) -> int: return self.sock.send(bytes(command)) def recv(self) -> bytes: if self.queue: return bytes(self.queue.pop(0)) data = bytes(self.sock.recv(2048).strip(b"\r\n")) if b"\r\n" in data: self.queue.extend(data.split(b"\r\n")) return bytes(self.queue.pop(0)) return data def log(self, message: str, level: str = "LOG") -> None: logs.log(message, self.server) def exit(self, message: str) -> NoReturn: logs.log(message, self.server, "EXIT") exit(1) def CTCP(self, msg: str, sender: str = "", isRaw: bool = False) -> bool: if isRaw: sender = msg.split("!", 1)[0][1:] message = msg.split("PRIVMSG", 1)[1].split(":", 1)[1].strip() kind = msg.split("\x01")[1].split(" ", 1)[0] self.log(f'Responding to CTCP "{kind}" from {sender}') if kind == "VERSION": self.notice( f"\x01VERSION FireBot {conf.__version__} (https://git.amcforum.wiki/Firepup650/fire-ircbot)\x01", sender, True, ) return True elif kind == "USERINFO": self.notice("\x01USERINFO FireBot (Firepup's bot)\x01", sender, True) return True elif kind == "SOURCE": self.notice( "\x01SOURCE https://git.amcforum.wiki/Firepup650/fire-ircbot\x01", sender, True, ) return True elif kind == "FINGER": self.notice("\x01FINGER Firepup's bot\x01", sender, True) return True elif kind == "CLIENTINFO": self.notice( "\x01CLIENTINFO ACTION VERSION USERINFO SOURCE FINGER\x01", sender, True ) return True self.log(f'Unknown CTCP "{kind}"', "WARN") return False def msg(self, msg: str, target: str) -> None: if not (target == "NickServ" and mfind(msg, ["IDENTIFY"], False)): self.log(f"Sending {bytes(msg).lazy_decode()} to {target}") else: self.log("Identifying myself...") self.send(f"PRIVMSG {target} :{msg}\n") def op(self, name: str, chan: str) -> Union[int, None]: if name != "": self.log(f"Attempting op of {name} in {chan}...") return self.send(f"MODE {chan} +o {name}\n") return None def notice(self, msg: str, target: str, silent: bool = False) -> int: if not silent: self.log(f"Sending {bytes(msg).lazy_decode()} to {target} (NOTICE)") return self.send(f"NOTICE {target} :{msg}\n") def sendraw(self, command: str) -> int: self.log(f"RAW sending {command}") command = f"{command}\n" return self.send(command.replace("$BOTNICK", self.nick)) def mainloop(self) -> NoReturn: self.log("Starting connection..") self.connect() if "pass" in conf.servers[self.server]: self.msg( f"IDENTIFY FireBot {conf.servers[self.server]['pass']}", "NickServ" ) sleep(0.5) for chan in self.channels: self.join(chan, "null", False) while 1: raw = self.recv() ircmsg = raw.decode() if ircmsg == "": self.exit("Probably a netsplit") else: print(raw.lazy_decode(), sep="\n") action = "Unknown" try: action = ircmsg.split(" ", 2)[1].strip() except IndexError: pass if action == "PRIVMSG": # Format of ":[Nick]![ident]@[host|vhost] PRIVMSG [channel] :[message]” name = ircmsg.split("!", 1)[0][1:] helpErr = False if (name.startswith("saxjax") and self.server == "efnet") or ( name == "ReplIRC" and self.server == "replirc" ): if ircmsg.find("<") != -1 and ircmsg.find(">") != -1: Nname = ircmsg.split("<", 1)[1].split(">", 1)[0].strip() if name == "ReplIRC": name = Nname[4:] else: name = Nname message = ircmsg.split(">", 1)[1].strip() helpErr = True else: message = ( ircmsg.split("PRIVMSG", 1)[1].split(":", 1)[1].strip() ) elif name == self.nick: continue else: message = ircmsg.split("PRIVMSG", 1)[1].split(":", 1)[1].strip() if name.endswith("dsc"): helpErr = True chan = ircmsg.split("PRIVMSG", 1)[1].split(":", 1)[0].strip() self.log( f'Got "{bytes(message).lazy_decode()}" from "{name}" in "{chan}"', ) if len(name) > self.nicklen: self.log(f"Name too long ({len(name)} > {self.nicklen})") continue elif chan not in self.channels: self.log( f"Channel not in channels ({chan} not in {self.channels})", "WARN", ) if not chan.startswith(("#", "+", "&")): chan = name else: self.channels[chan] += 1 if "goat" in name.lower() and self.gmode == True: cmds.goat(self, chan, name, message) handled = False for cmd in cmds.data: triggers = [cmd] triggers.extend(cmds.data[cmd]["aliases"]) triggers = list( call.replace("$BOTNICK", self.nick.lower()) for call in triggers ) if mfind( message.lower(), triggers, cmds.data[cmd]["prefix"], ): if ( "admin" in cmds.data[cmd] and cmds.data[cmd]["admin"] ) and name not in self.adminnames: self.msg( f"Sorry {name}, you don't have permission to use {cmd.strip()}.", chan, ) else: cmds.call[cmd](self, chan, name, message) handled = True break if not handled: for check in cmds.checks: if re.search( check.replace("$MAX", str(self.nicklen)).replace( "$BOTNICK", self.nick ), message, ): cmds.call[check](self, chan, name, message) handled = True break if not handled and mfind(message, ["reload"]): if name in self.adminnames: reload(conf) reload(cmds) self.__version__ = conf.__version__ self.msg("Reloaded config and commands", chan) else: self.msg( f"Sorry {name}, you don't have permission to use reload.", chan, ) handled = True if not handled and len(message.split("\x01")) == 3: if not self.CTCP(message, name): CTCP = message.split("\x01")[1] if CTCP == "ACTION ducks": self.msg("\x01ACTION gets hit by a duck\x01", chan) elif CTCP.startswith("ACTION ducks"): self.msg( f"\x01ACTION gets hit by {CTCP.split(' ', 2)[2]}\x01", chan, ) if chan in self.channels and self.channels[chan] >= self.interval: r.seed() self.channels[chan] = 0 mm = open("mastermessages.txt", "r") q = mm.readlines() sel = conf.decode_escapes( str(r.sample(q, 1)) .strip("[]'") .replace("\\n", "") .strip('"') ) self.msg(f"[QUOTE] {sel}", chan) mm.close() elif action == "NICK": name = ircmsg.split("!", 1)[0][1:] if name == self.nick: self.nick = ircmsg.split("NICK", 1)[1].split(":", 1)[1].strip() else: if ircmsg.startswith("PING "): self.ping(ircmsg) elif ircmsg.startswith("ERROR :Closing Link"): self.exit("I got killed :'(") elif ircmsg.startswith("ERROR :Ping "): self.exit("Ping timeout") self.exit("While loop broken")