from subprocess import run, PIPE def goat(bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: bot.log("GOAT DETECTED") bot.msg("Hello Goat", chan) if mfind( message.lower(), ["!botlist"], False, ): bot.msg( f"Hi! I'm FireBot (! My admins on this server are {adminnames}.", chan, ) def bugs(bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: bot.msg( f"\x01ACTION realizes {name} looks like a bug, and squashes {name}\x01", chan, ) def hi(bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: bot.msg(f"Hello {name}!", chan) def op(bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: op(name, chan) def ping(bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: bot.msg( f"{name}: pong", chan, ) def uptime(bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: uptime = ( run(["uptime", "-p"], stdout=PIPE).stdout.decode().strip() ) bot.msg( f"Uptime: {uptime}", chan, ) def isAdmin(bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: bot.msg( f"{name.lower()} in {bot.adminnames} == {name.lower() in bot.adminnames}", chan, ) def help(bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: if not helpErr: bot.msg("Command list needs rework", name) return bot.msg("List of commands:", name) bot.msg(f'Current bot.prefix is "{bot.prefix}"', name) bot.msg(f"{bot.prefix}help - Sends this help list", name) bot.msg( f"{bot.prefix}quote - Sends a random firepup quote", name ) bot.msg( f"{bot.prefix}(eightball,8ball,8b) [question]? - Asks the magic eightball a question", name, ) bot.msg( f"(hi,hello) {botnick} - The bot says hi to you", name ) if name.lower() in bot.adminnames: bot.msg(f"reboot {bot.rebt} - Restarts the bot", name) bot.msg("op me - Makes the bot try to op you", name) bot.msg( f"{bot.prefix}join [channel(s)] - Joins the bot to the specified channel(s)", name, ) else: bot.msg("Sorry, I can't send help to bridged users.", chan) def goatOn(bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: bot.log("GOAT DETECTION ACTIVATED") bot.gmode = True def goatOff(bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: bot.log("GOAT DETECTION DEACTIVATED") bot.gmode = False def quote(bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: r.seed() mm = open("mastermessages.txt", "r") q = mm.readlines() sel = decode_escapes( str(r.sample(q, 1)) .strip("[]'") .replace("\\n", "") .strip('"') ) bot.msg(sel, chan) mm.close() def join(bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: if name.lower() in bot.adminnames: newchan = message.split(" ", 1)[1].strip() channels = bot.join(newchan, chan) def eball(bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: if message.endswith("?"): eb = open("eightball.txt", "r") q = eb.readlines() sel = ( str(r.sample(q, 1)) .strip("[]'") .replace("\\n", "") .strip('"') ) bot.msg(f"The magic eightball says: {sel}", chan) eb.close() else: bot.msg("Please pose a Yes or No question.", chan) def debug(bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: if name.lower() in bot.adminnames: bot.msg(f"[DEBUG] NICKLEN={nicklen}", chan) bot.msg(f"[DEBUG] ADMINS={adminnames}", chan) bot.msg(f"[DEBUG] CHANNELS={channels}", chan) def raw(bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: sendraw(message.split(" ", 1)[1]) def reboot(bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: if name.lower() in bot.adminnames: send("QUIT :Rebooting\n") exit("Reboot") def sudo(bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: if name.lower() in bot.adminnames: bot.msg( "Error - system failure, contact system operator", chan ) elif "bot" in name.lower(): bot.log("lol, no.") else: bot.msg("Access Denied", chan) def nowplaying(bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: if name in bot.npallowed: x02 = "\x02" bot.msg( f"f.sp {message.split(':')[1].split('(')[0].strip(f' {x02}')}", chan, ) data = {"!botlist": {"prefix": False, "aliases": []}, "bugs bugs bugs": {"prefix": False, "aliases": []}, "hi $BOTNICK": {"prefix": False, "aliases": ["hello $BOTNICK"]}, } call = {"!botlist": botlist, "bugs bugs bugs": bugs, "hi $BOTNICK": hi, }