/* * Extended extban type: bans all users with matching nick!user@host#gecos. * Requested by Lockwood. * - nenolod */ #include "stdinc.h" #include "modules.h" #include "client.h" #include "ircd.h" static const char extb_desc[] = "Extended mask ($x) extban type"; static int _modinit(void); static void _moddeinit(void); static int eb_extended(const char *data, struct Client *client_p, struct Channel *chptr, long mode_type); DECLARE_MODULE_AV2(extb_extended, _modinit, _moddeinit, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, extb_desc); static int _modinit(void) { extban_table['x'] = eb_extended; return 0; } static void _moddeinit(void) { extban_table['x'] = NULL; } static int eb_extended(const char *data, struct Client *client_p, struct Channel *chptr, long mode_type) { (void)chptr; if (data == NULL) return EXTBAN_INVALID; const char *idx = strchr(data, '#'); if (idx != NULL && idx[1] == '\0') /* Users cannot have empty realnames, * so don't let a ban be set matching one */ return EXTBAN_INVALID; char buf[BUFSIZE]; if (idx != NULL) { // Copy the nick!user@host part of the ban memcpy(buf, data, (idx - data)); buf[(idx - data)] = '\0'; // Advance to the realname part of the ban idx++; if (client_matches_mask(client_p, buf) && match(idx, client_p->info)) return EXTBAN_MATCH; } else { // Treat data as a pattern to match against the full nick!user@host#gecos. snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%s!%s@%s#%s", client_p->name, client_p->username, client_p->host, client_p->info); if (match(data, buf)) return EXTBAN_MATCH; } return EXTBAN_NOMATCH; }