/* * ircd-ratbox: an advanced Internet Relay Chat Daemon(ircd). * m_stats.c: Sends the user statistics or config information. * * Copyright (C) 1990 Jarkko Oikarinen and University of Oulu, Co Center * Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Hybrid Development Team * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 ircd-ratbox development team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA */ #include "stdinc.h" #include "class.h" /* report_classes */ #include "client.h" /* Client */ #include "match.h" #include "ircd.h" /* me */ #include "listener.h" /* show_ports */ #include "msg.h" /* Message */ #include "hostmask.h" /* report_mtrie_conf_links */ #include "numeric.h" /* ERR_xxx */ #include "scache.h" /* list_scache */ #include "send.h" /* sendto_one */ #include "s_conf.h" /* ConfItem */ #include "s_serv.h" /* hunt_server */ #include "s_stats.h" #include "s_user.h" /* show_opers */ #include "parse.h" #include "modules.h" #include "hook.h" #include "s_newconf.h" #include "hash.h" #include "reject.h" #include "whowas.h" #include "rb_radixtree.h" #include "sslproc.h" #include "s_assert.h" static const char stats_desc[] = "Provides the STATS command to inspect various server/network information"; static void m_stats (struct MsgBuf *, struct Client *, struct Client *, int, const char **); struct Message stats_msgtab = { "STATS", false, false, false, false, {mg_unreg, {m_stats, 2}, {m_stats, 3}, mg_ignore, mg_ignore, {m_stats, 2}} }; int doing_stats_hook; int doing_stats_p_hook; mapi_clist_av1 stats_clist[] = { &stats_msgtab, NULL }; mapi_hlist_av1 stats_hlist[] = { { "doing_stats", &doing_stats_hook }, { "doing_stats_p", &doing_stats_p_hook }, { NULL, NULL } }; DECLARE_MODULE_AV2(stats, NULL, NULL, stats_clist, stats_hlist, NULL, NULL, NULL, stats_desc); const char *Lformat = "%s %u %u %u %u %u :%u %u %s"; static void stats_l_list(struct Client *s, const char *, bool, bool, rb_dlink_list *, char, bool (*check_fn)(struct Client *source_p, struct Client *target_p)); static void stats_l_client(struct Client *source_p, struct Client *target_p, char statchar); static int stats_spy(struct Client *, char, const char *); static void stats_p_spy(struct Client *); typedef void (*handler_t)(struct Client *source_p); typedef void (*handler_parv_t)(struct Client *source_p, int parc, const char *parv[]); struct stats_cmd { union { handler_t handler; handler_parv_t handler_parv; }; const char *need_priv; bool need_parv; bool need_admin; }; static void stats_dns_servers(struct Client *); static void stats_delay(struct Client *); static void stats_hash(struct Client *); static void stats_connect(struct Client *); static void stats_tdeny(struct Client *); static void stats_deny(struct Client *); static void stats_exempt(struct Client *); static void stats_events(struct Client *); static void stats_prop_klines(struct Client *); static void stats_auth(struct Client *); static void stats_tklines(struct Client *); static void stats_klines(struct Client *); static void stats_messages(struct Client *); static void stats_dnsbl(struct Client *); static void stats_oper(struct Client *); static void stats_privset(struct Client *); static void stats_operedup(struct Client *); static void stats_ports(struct Client *); static void stats_tresv(struct Client *); static void stats_resv(struct Client *); static void stats_secure(struct Client *); static void stats_ssld(struct Client *); static void stats_usage(struct Client *); static void stats_tstats(struct Client *); static void stats_uptime(struct Client *); static void stats_servers(struct Client *); static void stats_tgecos(struct Client *); static void stats_gecos(struct Client *); static void stats_class(struct Client *); static void stats_memory(struct Client *); static void stats_servlinks(struct Client *); static void stats_ltrace(struct Client *, int, const char **); static void stats_comm(struct Client *); static void stats_capability(struct Client *); #define HANDLER_NORM(fn, admin, priv) \ { { .handler = fn }, .need_parv = false, .need_priv = priv, .need_admin = admin } #define HANDLER_PARV(fn, admin, priv) \ { { .handler_parv = fn }, .need_parv = true, .need_priv = priv, .need_admin = admin } /* This table contains the possible stats items, in order: * stats letter, function to call, operonly? adminonly? --fl_ * * Previously in this table letters were a column. I fixed it to use modern * C initalisers so we don't have to iterate anymore * --Elizafox */ static struct stats_cmd stats_cmd_table[256] = { /* letter handler admin priv */ ['a'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_dns_servers, true, NULL), ['A'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_dns_servers, true, NULL), ['b'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_delay, true, NULL), ['B'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_hash, true, NULL), ['c'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_connect, false, NULL), ['C'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_capability, false, "oper:general"), ['d'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_tdeny, false, "oper:general"), ['D'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_deny, false, "oper:general"), ['e'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_exempt, false, "oper:general"), ['E'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_events, true, NULL), ['f'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_comm, true, NULL), ['F'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_comm, true, NULL), ['g'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_prop_klines, false, "oper:general"), ['i'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_auth, false, NULL), ['I'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_auth, false, NULL), ['k'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_tklines, false, NULL), ['K'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_klines, false, NULL), ['l'] = HANDLER_PARV(stats_ltrace, false, NULL), ['L'] = HANDLER_PARV(stats_ltrace, false, NULL), ['m'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_messages, false, NULL), ['M'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_messages, false, NULL), ['n'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_dnsbl, false, NULL), ['o'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_oper, false, NULL), ['O'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_privset, false, "oper:privs"), ['p'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_operedup, false, NULL), ['P'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_ports, false, NULL), ['q'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_tresv, false, "oper:general"), ['Q'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_resv, false, "oper:general"), ['r'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_usage, false, "oper:general"), ['R'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_usage, false, "oper:general"), ['s'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_secure, false, "oper:general"), ['S'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_ssld, true, NULL), ['t'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_tstats, false, "oper:general"), ['T'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_tstats, false, "oper:general"), ['u'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_uptime, false, NULL), ['v'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_servers, false, NULL), ['V'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_servers, false, NULL), ['x'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_tgecos, false, "oper:general"), ['X'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_gecos, false, "oper:general"), ['y'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_class, false, NULL), ['Y'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_class, false, NULL), ['z'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_memory, false, "oper:general"), ['?'] = HANDLER_NORM(stats_servlinks, false, NULL), }; /* * m_stats by fl_ * Modified heavily by Elizafox * parv[1] = stat letter/command * parv[2] = (if present) server/mask in stats L, or target * * This will search the tables for the appropriate stats letter, * if found execute it. */ static void m_stats(struct MsgBuf *msgbuf_p, struct Client *client_p, struct Client *source_p, int parc, const char *parv[]) { static time_t last_used = 0; struct stats_cmd *cmd; unsigned char statchar; int did_stats = 0; statchar = parv[1][0]; if(MyClient(source_p) && !IsOperGeneral(source_p) && parc > 2) { /* Check the user is actually allowed to do /stats, and isnt flooding */ if((last_used + ConfigFileEntry.pace_wait) > rb_current_time()) { /* safe enough to give this on a local connect only */ sendto_one(source_p, form_str(RPL_LOAD2HI), me.name, source_p->name, "STATS"); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_ENDOFSTATS, form_str(RPL_ENDOFSTATS), statchar); return; } else last_used = rb_current_time(); } if(hunt_server(client_p, source_p, ":%s STATS %s :%s", 2, parc, parv) != HUNTED_ISME) return; if(tolower(statchar) != 'l') /* FIXME */ did_stats = stats_spy(source_p, statchar, NULL); /* if did_stats is true, a module grabbed this STATS request */ if(did_stats) goto stats_out; /* Look up */ cmd = &stats_cmd_table[statchar]; if(cmd->handler != NULL) { /* The stats table says what privs are needed, so check --fl_ */ const char *missing_priv = NULL; if(cmd->need_admin && !IsOperAdmin(source_p)) missing_priv = "admin"; else if(cmd->need_priv && !HasPrivilege(source_p, cmd->need_priv)) missing_priv = cmd->need_priv; if(missing_priv != NULL) { if(!IsOper(source_p)) { sendto_one_numeric(source_p, ERR_NOPRIVILEGES, form_str(ERR_NOPRIVILEGES)); } else { if(!strncmp(missing_priv, "oper:", 5)) missing_priv += 5; sendto_one(source_p, form_str(ERR_NOPRIVS), me.name, source_p->name, missing_priv); } goto stats_out; } if(cmd->need_parv) cmd->handler_parv(source_p, parc, parv); else cmd->handler(source_p); } stats_out: /* Send the end of stats notice, and the stats_spy */ sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_ENDOFSTATS, form_str(RPL_ENDOFSTATS), statchar); } static void stats_dns_servers (struct Client *source_p) { rb_dlink_node *n; RB_DLINK_FOREACH(n, nameservers.head) { sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "A :%s", (char *)n->data); } } static void stats_delay(struct Client *source_p) { struct nd_entry *nd; rb_dictionary_iter iter; RB_DICTIONARY_FOREACH(nd, &iter, nd_dict) { sendto_one_notice(source_p, ":Delaying: %s for %ld", nd->name, (long) nd->expire); } } static void stats_hash_cb(const char *buf, void *client_p) { sendto_one_numeric(client_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "B :%s", buf); } static void stats_hash(struct Client *source_p) { sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "B :%-30s %-15s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s", "NAME", "TYPE", "OBJECTS", "DEPTH SUM", "AVG DEPTH", "MAX DEPTH"); rb_dictionary_stats_walk(stats_hash_cb, source_p); rb_radixtree_stats_walk(stats_hash_cb, source_p); } static void stats_connect(struct Client *source_p) { static char buf[BUFSIZE]; struct server_conf *server_p; char *s; rb_dlink_node *ptr; if((ConfigFileEntry.stats_c_oper_only || (ConfigServerHide.flatten_links && !IsExemptShide(source_p))) && !IsOperGeneral(source_p)) { sendto_one_numeric(source_p, ERR_NOPRIVILEGES, form_str(ERR_NOPRIVILEGES)); return; } RB_DLINK_FOREACH(ptr, server_conf_list.head) { server_p = ptr->data; if(ServerConfIllegal(server_p)) continue; s = buf; if(IsOperGeneral(source_p)) { if(ServerConfAutoconn(server_p)) *s++ = 'A'; if(ServerConfSCTP(server_p)) *s++ = 'M'; if(ServerConfSSL(server_p)) *s++ = 'S'; if(ServerConfTb(server_p)) *s++ = 'T'; if(ServerConfCompressed(server_p)) *s++ = 'Z'; } if(s == buf) *s++ = '*'; *s = '\0'; sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSCLINE, form_str(RPL_STATSCLINE), "*@", buf, server_p->name, server_p->port, server_p->class_name, server_p->certfp ? server_p->certfp : "*"); } } /* stats_tdeny() * * input - client to report to * output - none * side effects - client is given temp dline list. */ static void stats_tdeny (struct Client *source_p) { char *host, *pass, *user, *oper_reason; struct AddressRec *arec; struct ConfItem *aconf; int i; for (i = 0; i < ATABLE_SIZE; i++) { for (arec = atable[i]; arec; arec = arec->next) { if(arec->type == CONF_DLINE) { aconf = arec->aconf; if(!(aconf->flags & CONF_FLAGS_TEMPORARY)) continue; get_printable_kline(source_p, aconf, &host, &pass, &user, &oper_reason); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDLINE, form_str (RPL_STATSDLINE), 'd', host, pass, oper_reason ? "|" : "", oper_reason ? oper_reason : ""); } } } } /* stats_deny() * * input - client to report to * output - none * side effects - client is given dline list. */ static void stats_deny (struct Client *source_p) { char *host, *pass, *user, *oper_reason; struct AddressRec *arec; struct ConfItem *aconf; int i; for (i = 0; i < ATABLE_SIZE; i++) { for (arec = atable[i]; arec; arec = arec->next) { if(arec->type == CONF_DLINE) { aconf = arec->aconf; if(aconf->flags & CONF_FLAGS_TEMPORARY) continue; get_printable_kline(source_p, aconf, &host, &pass, &user, &oper_reason); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDLINE, form_str (RPL_STATSDLINE), 'D', host, pass, oper_reason ? "|" : "", oper_reason ? oper_reason : ""); } } } } /* stats_exempt() * * input - client to report to * output - none * side effects - client is given list of exempt blocks */ static void stats_exempt(struct Client *source_p) { char *name, *host, *user, *classname; const char *pass; struct AddressRec *arec; struct ConfItem *aconf; int i, port; if(ConfigFileEntry.stats_e_disabled) { sendto_one_numeric(source_p, ERR_DISABLED, form_str(ERR_DISABLED), "STATS e"); return; } for (i = 0; i < ATABLE_SIZE; i++) { for (arec = atable[i]; arec; arec = arec->next) { if(arec->type == CONF_EXEMPTDLINE) { aconf = arec->aconf; get_printable_conf (aconf, &name, &host, &pass, &user, &port, &classname); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDLINE, form_str(RPL_STATSDLINE), 'e', host, pass, "", ""); } } } } static void stats_events_cb(char *str, void *ptr) { sendto_one_numeric(ptr, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "E :%s", str); } static void stats_events (struct Client *source_p) { rb_dump_events(stats_events_cb, source_p); } static void stats_prop_klines(struct Client *source_p) { struct ConfItem *aconf; char *user, *host, *pass, *oper_reason; rb_dictionary_iter state; RB_DICTIONARY_FOREACH(aconf, &state, prop_bans_dict) { /* Skip non-klines and deactivated klines. */ if (aconf->status != CONF_KILL) continue; get_printable_kline(source_p, aconf, &host, &pass, &user, &oper_reason); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSKLINE, form_str(RPL_STATSKLINE), 'g', host, user, pass, oper_reason ? "|" : "", oper_reason ? oper_reason : ""); } } static void stats_auth (struct Client *source_p) { /* Oper only, if unopered, return ERR_NOPRIVS */ if((ConfigFileEntry.stats_i_oper_only == 2) && !IsOperGeneral (source_p)) sendto_one_numeric(source_p, ERR_NOPRIVILEGES, form_str (ERR_NOPRIVILEGES)); /* If unopered, Only return matching auth blocks */ else if((ConfigFileEntry.stats_i_oper_only == 1) && !IsOperGeneral (source_p)) { struct ConfItem *aconf; char *name, *host, *user, *classname; const char *pass = "*"; int port; if(MyConnect (source_p)) aconf = find_conf_by_address (source_p->host, source_p->sockhost, NULL, (struct sockaddr *)&source_p->localClient->ip, CONF_CLIENT, GET_SS_FAMILY(&source_p->localClient->ip), source_p->username, NULL); else aconf = find_conf_by_address (source_p->host, NULL, NULL, NULL, CONF_CLIENT, 0, source_p->username, NULL); if(aconf == NULL) return; get_printable_conf (aconf, &name, &host, &pass, &user, &port, &classname); if(!EmptyString(aconf->spasswd)) pass = aconf->spasswd; sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSILINE, form_str(RPL_STATSILINE), name, pass, show_iline_prefix(source_p, aconf, user), host, port, classname); } /* Theyre opered, or allowed to see all auth blocks */ else report_auth (source_p); } static void stats_tklines(struct Client *source_p) { /* Oper only, if unopered, return ERR_NOPRIVS */ if((ConfigFileEntry.stats_k_oper_only == 2) && !IsOperGeneral (source_p)) sendto_one_numeric(source_p, ERR_NOPRIVILEGES, form_str (ERR_NOPRIVILEGES)); /* If unopered, Only return matching klines */ else if((ConfigFileEntry.stats_k_oper_only == 1) && !IsOperGeneral (source_p)) { struct ConfItem *aconf; char *host, *pass, *user, *oper_reason; if(MyConnect (source_p)) aconf = find_conf_by_address (source_p->host, source_p->sockhost, NULL, (struct sockaddr *)&source_p->localClient->ip, CONF_KILL, GET_SS_FAMILY(&source_p->localClient->ip), source_p->username, NULL); else aconf = find_conf_by_address (source_p->host, NULL, NULL, NULL, CONF_KILL, 0, source_p->username, NULL); if(aconf == NULL) return; /* dont report a permanent kline as a tkline */ if((aconf->flags & CONF_FLAGS_TEMPORARY) == 0) return; get_printable_kline(source_p, aconf, &host, &pass, &user, &oper_reason); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSKLINE, form_str(RPL_STATSKLINE), (aconf->flags & CONF_FLAGS_TEMPORARY) ? 'k' : 'K', host, user, pass, oper_reason ? "|" : "", oper_reason ? oper_reason : ""); } /* Theyre opered, or allowed to see all klines */ else { struct ConfItem *aconf; rb_dlink_node *ptr; int i; char *user, *host, *pass, *oper_reason; for(i = 0; i < LAST_TEMP_TYPE; i++) { RB_DLINK_FOREACH(ptr, temp_klines[i].head) { aconf = ptr->data; get_printable_kline(source_p, aconf, &host, &pass, &user, &oper_reason); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSKLINE, form_str(RPL_STATSKLINE), 'k', host, user, pass, oper_reason ? "|" : "", oper_reason ? oper_reason : ""); } } } } /* report_Klines() * * inputs - Client to report to, mask * outputs - * side effects - Reports configured K-lines to client_p. */ static void report_Klines(struct Client *source_p) { char *host, *pass, *user, *oper_reason; struct AddressRec *arec; struct ConfItem *aconf = NULL; int i; for (i = 0; i < ATABLE_SIZE; i++) { for (arec = atable[i]; arec; arec = arec->next) { if(arec->type == CONF_KILL) { aconf = arec->aconf; /* its a tempkline, theyre reported elsewhere */ if(aconf->flags & CONF_FLAGS_TEMPORARY) continue; get_printable_kline(source_p, aconf, &host, &pass, &user, &oper_reason); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSKLINE, form_str(RPL_STATSKLINE), 'K', host, user, pass, oper_reason ? "|" : "", oper_reason ? oper_reason : ""); } } } } static void stats_klines(struct Client *source_p) { /* Oper only, if unopered, return ERR_NOPRIVS */ if((ConfigFileEntry.stats_k_oper_only == 2) && !IsOperGeneral (source_p)) sendto_one_numeric(source_p, ERR_NOPRIVILEGES, form_str (ERR_NOPRIVILEGES)); /* If unopered, Only return matching klines */ else if((ConfigFileEntry.stats_k_oper_only == 1) && !IsOperGeneral (source_p)) { struct ConfItem *aconf; char *host, *pass, *user, *oper_reason; /* search for a kline */ if(MyConnect (source_p)) aconf = find_conf_by_address (source_p->host, source_p->sockhost, NULL, (struct sockaddr *)&source_p->localClient->ip, CONF_KILL, GET_SS_FAMILY(&source_p->localClient->ip), source_p->username, NULL); else aconf = find_conf_by_address (source_p->host, NULL, NULL, NULL, CONF_KILL, 0, source_p->username, NULL); if(aconf == NULL) return; get_printable_kline(source_p, aconf, &host, &pass, &user, &oper_reason); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSKLINE, form_str(RPL_STATSKLINE), (aconf->flags & CONF_FLAGS_TEMPORARY) ? 'k' : 'K', host, user, pass, oper_reason ? "|" : "", oper_reason ? oper_reason : ""); } /* Theyre opered, or allowed to see all klines */ else report_Klines (source_p); } static void stats_messages(struct Client *source_p) { rb_dictionary_iter iter; struct Message *msg; RB_DICTIONARY_FOREACH(msg, &iter, cmd_dict) { s_assert(msg->cmd != NULL); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSCOMMANDS, form_str(RPL_STATSCOMMANDS), msg->cmd, msg->count, msg->bytes, msg->rcount); } } static void stats_dnsbl(struct Client *source_p) { rb_dictionary_iter iter; struct DNSBLEntryStats *stats; if(dnsbl_stats == NULL) return; RB_DICTIONARY_FOREACH(stats, &iter, dnsbl_stats) { /* use RPL_STATSDEBUG for now -- jilles */ sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "n :%d %s", stats->hits, (const char *)iter.cur->key); } } static void stats_oper(struct Client *source_p) { struct oper_conf *oper_p; rb_dlink_node *ptr; if(!IsOperGeneral(source_p) && ConfigFileEntry.stats_o_oper_only) { sendto_one_numeric(source_p, ERR_NOPRIVILEGES, form_str (ERR_NOPRIVILEGES)); return; } RB_DLINK_FOREACH(ptr, oper_conf_list.head) { oper_p = ptr->data; sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSOLINE, form_str(RPL_STATSOLINE), oper_p->username, oper_p->host, oper_p->name, HasPrivilege(source_p, "oper:privs") ? oper_p->privset->name : "0", "-1"); } } static void stats_capability_walk(const char *line, void *data) { struct Client *client_p = data; sendto_one_numeric(client_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "C :%s", line); } static void stats_capability(struct Client *client_p) { capability_index_stats(stats_capability_walk, client_p); } static void stats_privset(struct Client *source_p) { privilegeset_report(source_p); } /* stats_operedup() * * input - client pointer * output - none * side effects - client is shown a list of active opers */ static void stats_operedup (struct Client *source_p) { struct Client *target_p; rb_dlink_node *oper_ptr; unsigned int count = 0; RB_DLINK_FOREACH (oper_ptr, oper_list.head) { target_p = oper_ptr->data; if(!SeesOper(target_p, source_p)) continue; if(target_p->user->away) continue; count++; sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "p :%s (%s@%s)", target_p->name, target_p->username, target_p->host); } sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "p :%u staff members", count); stats_p_spy (source_p); } static void stats_ports (struct Client *source_p) { if(!IsOperGeneral (source_p) && ConfigFileEntry.stats_P_oper_only) sendto_one_numeric(source_p, ERR_NOPRIVILEGES, form_str (ERR_NOPRIVILEGES)); else show_ports (source_p); } static void stats_tresv(struct Client *source_p) { struct ConfItem *aconf; rb_radixtree_iteration_state state; rb_dlink_node *ptr; RB_DLINK_FOREACH(ptr, resv_conf_list.head) { aconf = ptr->data; if(aconf->hold) sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSQLINE, form_str(RPL_STATSQLINE), 'q', aconf->port, aconf->host, aconf->passwd); } RB_RADIXTREE_FOREACH(aconf, &state, resv_tree) { if(aconf->hold) sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSQLINE, form_str(RPL_STATSQLINE), 'q', aconf->port, aconf->host, aconf->passwd); } } static void stats_resv(struct Client *source_p) { struct ConfItem *aconf; rb_radixtree_iteration_state state; rb_dlink_node *ptr; RB_DLINK_FOREACH(ptr, resv_conf_list.head) { aconf = ptr->data; if(!aconf->hold) sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSQLINE, form_str(RPL_STATSQLINE), 'Q', aconf->port, aconf->host, aconf->passwd); } RB_RADIXTREE_FOREACH(aconf, &state, resv_tree) { if(!aconf->hold) sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSQLINE, form_str(RPL_STATSQLINE), 'Q', aconf->port, aconf->host, aconf->passwd); } } static void stats_secure(struct Client *source_p) { struct AddressRec *arec; struct ConfItem *aconf; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < ATABLE_SIZE; i++) { for (arec = atable[i]; arec; arec = arec->next) { if(arec->type == CONF_SECURE) { aconf = arec->aconf; sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "s :%s", aconf->host); } } } } static void stats_ssld_foreach(void *data, pid_t pid, int cli_count, enum ssld_status status, const char *version) { struct Client *source_p = data; sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "S :%u %c %u :%s", pid, status == SSLD_DEAD ? 'D' : (status == SSLD_SHUTDOWN ? 'S' : 'A'), cli_count, version); } static void stats_ssld(struct Client *source_p) { ssld_foreach_info(stats_ssld_foreach, source_p); } static void stats_usage (struct Client *source_p) { #ifndef _WIN32 struct rusage rus; time_t secs; time_t rup; #ifdef hz # define hzz hz #else # ifdef HZ # define hzz HZ # else int hzz = 1; # endif #endif if(getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rus) == -1) { sendto_one_notice(source_p, ":Getruseage error: %s.", strerror(errno)); return; } secs = rus.ru_utime.tv_sec + rus.ru_stime.tv_sec; if(0 == secs) secs = 1; rup = (rb_current_time() - startup_time) * hzz; if(0 == rup) rup = 1; sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "R :CPU Secs %d:%02d User %d:%02d System %d:%02d", (int) (secs / 60), (int) (secs % 60), (int) (rus.ru_utime.tv_sec / 60), (int) (rus.ru_utime.tv_sec % 60), (int) (rus.ru_stime.tv_sec / 60), (int) (rus.ru_stime.tv_sec % 60)); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "R :RSS %ld ShMem %ld Data %ld Stack %ld", rus.ru_maxrss, (rus.ru_ixrss / rup), (rus.ru_idrss / rup), (rus.ru_isrss / rup)); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "R :Swaps %d Reclaims %d Faults %d", (int) rus.ru_nswap, (int) rus.ru_minflt, (int) rus.ru_majflt); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "R :Block in %d out %d", (int) rus.ru_inblock, (int) rus.ru_oublock); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "R :Msg Rcv %d Send %d", (int) rus.ru_msgrcv, (int) rus.ru_msgsnd); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "R :Signals %d Context Vol. %d Invol %d", (int) rus.ru_nsignals, (int) rus.ru_nvcsw, (int) rus.ru_nivcsw); #endif } static void stats_tstats (struct Client *source_p) { struct Client *target_p; struct ServerStatistics sp; rb_dlink_node *ptr; memcpy(&sp, &ServerStats, sizeof(struct ServerStatistics)); RB_DLINK_FOREACH(ptr, serv_list.head) { target_p = ptr->data; sp.is_sbs += target_p->localClient->sendB; sp.is_sbr += target_p->localClient->receiveB; sp.is_sti += (unsigned long long)(rb_current_time() - target_p->localClient->firsttime); sp.is_sv++; } RB_DLINK_FOREACH(ptr, lclient_list.head) { target_p = ptr->data; sp.is_cbs += target_p->localClient->sendB; sp.is_cbr += target_p->localClient->receiveB; sp.is_cti += (unsigned long long)(rb_current_time() - target_p->localClient->firsttime); sp.is_cl++; } RB_DLINK_FOREACH(ptr, unknown_list.head) { sp.is_ni++; } sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "T :accepts %u refused %u", sp.is_ac, sp.is_ref); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "T :rejected %u delaying %lu", sp.is_rej, delay_exit_length()); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "T :throttled refused %u throttle list size %lu", sp.is_thr, throttle_size()); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "T :nicks being delayed %lu", get_nd_count()); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "T :unknown commands %u prefixes %u", sp.is_unco, sp.is_unpf); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "T :nick collisions %u saves %u unknown closes %u", sp.is_kill, sp.is_save, sp.is_ni); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "T :wrong direction %u empty %u", sp.is_wrdi, sp.is_empt); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "T :numerics seen %u", sp.is_num); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "T :tgchange blocked msgs %u restricted addrs %lu", sp.is_tgch, rb_dlink_list_length(&tgchange_list)); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "T :ratelimit blocked commands %u", sp.is_rl); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "T :auth successes %u fails %u", sp.is_asuc, sp.is_abad); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "T :sasl successes %u fails %u", sp.is_ssuc, sp.is_sbad); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "T :Client Server"); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "T :connected %u %u", sp.is_cl, sp.is_sv); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "T :bytes sent %lluK %lluK", sp.is_cbs / 1024, sp.is_sbs / 1024); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "T :bytes recv %lluK %lluK", sp.is_cbr / 1024, sp.is_sbr / 1024); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "T :time connected %llu %llu", sp.is_cti, sp.is_sti); } static void stats_uptime (struct Client *source_p) { time_t now; now = rb_current_time() - startup_time; sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSUPTIME, form_str (RPL_STATSUPTIME), (int)(now / 86400), (int)((now / 3600) % 24), (int)((now / 60) % 60), (int)(now % 60)); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSCONN, form_str (RPL_STATSCONN), MaxConnectionCount, MaxClientCount, Count.totalrestartcount); } /* stats_servers() * * input - client pointer * output - none * side effects - client is shown lists of who connected servers */ static void stats_servers (struct Client *source_p) { struct Client *target_p; rb_dlink_node *ptr; time_t seconds; int days, hours, minutes; int j = 0; if(ConfigServerHide.flatten_links && !IsOperGeneral(source_p) && !IsExemptShide(source_p)) { sendto_one_numeric(source_p, ERR_NOPRIVILEGES, form_str (ERR_NOPRIVILEGES)); return; } RB_DLINK_FOREACH (ptr, serv_list.head) { target_p = ptr->data; j++; seconds = rb_current_time() - target_p->localClient->firsttime; days = (int) (seconds / 86400); seconds %= 86400; hours = (int) (seconds / 3600); seconds %= 3600; minutes = (int) (seconds / 60); seconds %= 60; sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "V :%s (%s!*@*) Idle: %d SendQ: %d " "Connected: %d day%s, %d:%02d:%02d", target_p->name, (target_p->serv->by[0] ? target_p->serv->by : "Remote."), (int) (rb_current_time() - target_p->localClient->lasttime), (int) rb_linebuf_len (&target_p->localClient->buf_sendq), days, (days == 1) ? "" : "s", hours, minutes, (int) seconds); } sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "V :%d Server(s)", j); } static void stats_tgecos(struct Client *source_p) { struct ConfItem *aconf; rb_dlink_node *ptr; RB_DLINK_FOREACH(ptr, xline_conf_list.head) { aconf = ptr->data; if(aconf->hold) sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSXLINE, form_str(RPL_STATSXLINE), 'x', aconf->port, aconf->host, aconf->passwd); } } static void stats_gecos(struct Client *source_p) { struct ConfItem *aconf; rb_dlink_node *ptr; RB_DLINK_FOREACH(ptr, xline_conf_list.head) { aconf = ptr->data; if(!aconf->hold) sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSXLINE, form_str(RPL_STATSXLINE), 'X', aconf->port, aconf->host, aconf->passwd); } } static void stats_class(struct Client *source_p) { if(ConfigFileEntry.stats_y_oper_only && !IsOperGeneral(source_p)) sendto_one_numeric(source_p, ERR_NOPRIVILEGES, form_str (ERR_NOPRIVILEGES)); else report_classes(source_p); } static void stats_memory (struct Client *source_p) { struct Client *target_p; struct Channel *chptr; rb_dlink_node *rb_dlink; rb_dlink_node *ptr; int channel_count = 0; int local_client_conf_count = 0; /* local client conf links */ int users_counted = 0; /* user structs */ int channel_users = 0; int channel_invites = 0; int channel_bans = 0; int channel_except = 0; int channel_invex = 0; int channel_quiets = 0; int class_count = 0; /* classes */ int conf_count = 0; /* conf lines */ int users_invited_count = 0; /* users invited */ int user_channels = 0; /* users in channels */ int aways_counted = 0; size_t number_servers_cached; /* number of servers cached by scache */ size_t channel_memory = 0; size_t channel_ban_memory = 0; size_t channel_except_memory = 0; size_t channel_invex_memory = 0; size_t channel_quiet_memory = 0; size_t away_memory = 0; /* memory used by aways */ size_t ww = 0; /* whowas array count */ size_t wwm = 0; /* whowas array memory used */ size_t conf_memory = 0; /* memory used by conf lines */ size_t mem_servers_cached; /* memory used by scache */ size_t linebuf_count = 0; size_t linebuf_memory_used = 0; size_t total_channel_memory = 0; size_t totww = 0; size_t local_client_count = 0; size_t local_client_memory_used = 0; size_t remote_client_count = 0; size_t remote_client_memory_used = 0; size_t total_memory = 0; whowas_memory_usage(&ww, &wwm); RB_DLINK_FOREACH(ptr, global_client_list.head) { target_p = ptr->data; if(MyConnect(target_p)) { local_client_conf_count++; } if(target_p->user) { users_counted++; users_invited_count += rb_dlink_list_length(&target_p->user->invited); user_channels += rb_dlink_list_length(&target_p->user->channel); if(target_p->user->away) { aways_counted++; away_memory += (strlen(target_p->user->away) + 1); } } } /* Count up all channels, ban lists, except lists, Invex lists */ RB_DLINK_FOREACH(ptr, global_channel_list.head) { chptr = ptr->data; channel_count++; channel_memory += (strlen(chptr->chname) + sizeof(struct Channel)); channel_users += rb_dlink_list_length(&chptr->members); channel_invites += rb_dlink_list_length(&chptr->invites); RB_DLINK_FOREACH(rb_dlink, chptr->banlist.head) { channel_bans++; channel_ban_memory += sizeof(rb_dlink_node) + sizeof(struct Ban); } RB_DLINK_FOREACH(rb_dlink, chptr->exceptlist.head) { channel_except++; channel_except_memory += (sizeof(rb_dlink_node) + sizeof(struct Ban)); } RB_DLINK_FOREACH(rb_dlink, chptr->invexlist.head) { channel_invex++; channel_invex_memory += (sizeof(rb_dlink_node) + sizeof(struct Ban)); } RB_DLINK_FOREACH(rb_dlink, chptr->quietlist.head) { channel_quiets++; channel_quiet_memory += (sizeof(rb_dlink_node) + sizeof(struct Ban)); } } /* count up all classes */ class_count = rb_dlink_list_length(&class_list) + 1; rb_count_rb_linebuf_memory(&linebuf_count, &linebuf_memory_used); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "z :Users %u(%lu) Invites %u(%lu)", users_counted, (unsigned long) users_counted * sizeof(struct User), users_invited_count, (unsigned long) users_invited_count * sizeof(rb_dlink_node)); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "z :User channels %u(%lu) Aways %u(%d)", user_channels, (unsigned long) user_channels * sizeof(rb_dlink_node), aways_counted, (int) away_memory); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "z :Attached confs %u(%lu)", local_client_conf_count, (unsigned long) local_client_conf_count * sizeof(rb_dlink_node)); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "z :Conflines %u(%d)", conf_count, (int) conf_memory); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "z :Classes %u(%lu)", class_count, (unsigned long) class_count * sizeof(struct Class)); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "z :Channels %u(%d)", channel_count, (int) channel_memory); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "z :Bans %u(%d) Exceptions %u(%d) Invex %u(%d) Quiets %u(%d)", channel_bans, (int) channel_ban_memory, channel_except, (int) channel_except_memory, channel_invex, (int) channel_invex_memory, channel_quiets, (int) channel_quiet_memory); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "z :Channel members %u(%lu) invite %u(%lu)", channel_users, (unsigned long) channel_users * sizeof(rb_dlink_node), channel_invites, (unsigned long) channel_invites * sizeof(rb_dlink_node)); total_channel_memory = channel_memory + channel_ban_memory + channel_users * sizeof(rb_dlink_node) + channel_invites * sizeof(rb_dlink_node); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "z :Whowas array %ld(%ld)", (long)ww, (long)wwm); totww = wwm; sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "z :Hash: client %u(%ld) chan %u(%ld)", U_MAX, (long)(U_MAX * sizeof(rb_dlink_list)), CH_MAX, (long)(CH_MAX * sizeof(rb_dlink_list))); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "z :linebuf %ld(%ld)", (long)linebuf_count, (long)linebuf_memory_used); count_scache(&number_servers_cached, &mem_servers_cached); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "z :scache %ld(%ld)", (long)number_servers_cached, (long)mem_servers_cached); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "z :hostname hash %d(%ld)", HOST_MAX, (long)HOST_MAX * sizeof(rb_dlink_list)); total_memory = totww + total_channel_memory + conf_memory + class_count * sizeof(struct Class); total_memory += mem_servers_cached; sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "z :Total: whowas %d channel %d conf %d", (int) totww, (int) total_channel_memory, (int) conf_memory); count_local_client_memory(&local_client_count, &local_client_memory_used); total_memory += local_client_memory_used; sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "z :Local client Memory in use: %ld(%ld)", (long)local_client_count, (long)local_client_memory_used); count_remote_client_memory(&remote_client_count, &remote_client_memory_used); total_memory += remote_client_memory_used; sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "z :Remote client Memory in use: %ld(%ld)", (long)remote_client_count, (long)remote_client_memory_used); } static void stats_servlinks (struct Client *source_p) { static char Sformat[] = ":%s %d %s %s %u %u %u %u %u :%u %u %s"; long uptime, sendK, receiveK; struct Client *target_p; rb_dlink_node *ptr; int j = 0; char buf[128]; if(ConfigServerHide.flatten_links && !IsOperGeneral (source_p) && !IsExemptShide(source_p)) { sendto_one_numeric(source_p, ERR_NOPRIVILEGES, form_str (ERR_NOPRIVILEGES)); return; } sendK = receiveK = 0; RB_DLINK_FOREACH (ptr, serv_list.head) { target_p = ptr->data; j++; sendK += target_p->localClient->sendK; receiveK += target_p->localClient->receiveK; sendto_one(source_p, Sformat, get_id(&me, source_p), RPL_STATSLINKINFO, get_id(source_p, source_p), target_p->name, (int) rb_linebuf_len (&target_p->localClient->buf_sendq), (int) target_p->localClient->sendM, (int) target_p->localClient->sendK, (int) target_p->localClient->receiveM, (int) target_p->localClient->receiveK, rb_current_time() - target_p->localClient->firsttime, (rb_current_time() > target_p->localClient->lasttime) ? (rb_current_time() - target_p->localClient->lasttime) : 0, IsOperGeneral (source_p) ? show_capabilities (target_p) : "TS"); } sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "? :%u total server(s)", j); snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%7.2f", _GMKv ((sendK))); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "? :Sent total : %s %s", buf, _GMKs (sendK)); snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%7.2f", _GMKv ((receiveK))); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "? :Recv total : %s %s", buf, _GMKs (receiveK)); uptime = (rb_current_time() - startup_time); snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%7.2f %s (%4.1f K/s)", _GMKv (me.localClient->sendK), _GMKs (me.localClient->sendK), (float) ((float) me.localClient->sendK / (float) uptime)); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "? :Server send: %s", buf); snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%7.2f %s (%4.1f K/s)", _GMKv (me.localClient->receiveK), _GMKs (me.localClient->receiveK), (float) ((float) me.localClient->receiveK / (float) uptime)); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "? :Server recv: %s", buf); } static inline bool stats_l_should_show_oper(struct Client *source_p, struct Client *target_p) { return SeesOper(target_p, source_p); } static void stats_ltrace(struct Client *source_p, int parc, const char *parv[]) { bool doall = false; bool wilds = false; const char *name; char statchar = parv[1][0]; if (ConfigFileEntry.stats_l_oper_only == STATS_L_OPER_ONLY_YES && !IsOperGeneral(source_p)) { sendto_one_numeric(source_p, ERR_NOPRIVILEGES, form_str(ERR_NOPRIVILEGES)); return; } /* this is def targeted at us somehow.. */ if (parc > 2 && !EmptyString(parv[2])) { /* directed at us generically? */ if (match(parv[2], me.name) || (!MyClient(source_p) && !irccmp(parv[2], me.id))) { name = me.name; doall = true; } else { name = parv[2]; wilds = strchr(name, '*') || strchr(name, '?'); } /* must be directed at a specific person thats not us */ if (!doall && !wilds) { struct Client *target_p; if (MyClient(source_p)) target_p = find_named_person(name); else target_p = find_person(name); if (target_p != source_p && ConfigFileEntry.stats_l_oper_only != STATS_L_OPER_ONLY_NO && !IsOperGeneral(source_p)) { sendto_one_numeric(source_p, ERR_NOPRIVILEGES, form_str(ERR_NOPRIVILEGES)); } else if (target_p != NULL) { stats_spy(source_p, statchar, target_p->name); stats_l_client(source_p, target_p, statchar); } else { sendto_one_numeric(source_p, ERR_NOSUCHSERVER, form_str(ERR_NOSUCHSERVER), name); } return; } } else { name = me.name; doall = true; } stats_spy(source_p, statchar, name); if (ConfigFileEntry.stats_l_oper_only != STATS_L_OPER_ONLY_NO && !IsOperGeneral(source_p)) { if (doall && MyClient(source_p)) stats_l_client(source_p, source_p, statchar); else sendto_one_numeric(source_p, ERR_NOPRIVILEGES, form_str(ERR_NOPRIVILEGES)); return; } if (doall) { /* local opers get everyone */ if(MyOper(source_p)) { stats_l_list(source_p, name, doall, wilds, &unknown_list, statchar, NULL); stats_l_list(source_p, name, doall, wilds, &lclient_list, statchar, NULL); } else { /* they still need themselves if theyre local.. */ if(MyClient(source_p)) stats_l_client(source_p, source_p, statchar); stats_l_list(source_p, name, doall, wilds, &local_oper_list, statchar, stats_l_should_show_oper); } if (!ConfigServerHide.flatten_links || IsOperGeneral(source_p) || IsExemptShide(source_p)) stats_l_list(source_p, name, doall, wilds, &serv_list, statchar, NULL); return; } /* ok, at this point theyre looking for a specific client whos on * our server.. but it contains a wildcard. --fl */ stats_l_list(source_p, name, doall, wilds, &lclient_list, statchar, NULL); return; } static void stats_l_list(struct Client *source_p, const char *name, bool doall, bool wilds, rb_dlink_list * list, char statchar, bool (*check_fn)(struct Client *source_p, struct Client *target_p)) { rb_dlink_node *ptr; struct Client *target_p; /* send information about connections which match. note, we * dont need tests for IsInvisible(), because non-opers will * never get here for normal clients --fl */ RB_DLINK_FOREACH(ptr, list->head) { target_p = ptr->data; if(!doall && wilds && !match(name, target_p->name)) continue; if (check_fn == NULL || check_fn(source_p, target_p)) stats_l_client(source_p, target_p, statchar); } } void stats_l_client(struct Client *source_p, struct Client *target_p, char statchar) { if(IsAnyServer(target_p)) { sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSLINKINFO, Lformat, target_p->name, (int) rb_linebuf_len(&target_p->localClient->buf_sendq), (int) target_p->localClient->sendM, (int) target_p->localClient->sendK, (int) target_p->localClient->receiveM, (int) target_p->localClient->receiveK, rb_current_time() - target_p->localClient->firsttime, (rb_current_time() > target_p->localClient->lasttime) ? (rb_current_time() - target_p->localClient->lasttime) : 0, IsOperGeneral(source_p) ? show_capabilities(target_p) : "-"); } else { sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSLINKINFO, Lformat, show_ip(source_p, target_p) ? (IsUpper(statchar) ? get_client_name(target_p, SHOW_IP) : get_client_name(target_p, HIDE_IP)) : get_client_name(target_p, MASK_IP), (int) rb_linebuf_len(&target_p->localClient->buf_sendq), (int) target_p->localClient->sendM, (int) target_p->localClient->sendK, (int) target_p->localClient->receiveM, (int) target_p->localClient->receiveK, rb_current_time() - target_p->localClient->firsttime, (rb_current_time() > target_p->localClient->lasttime) ? (rb_current_time() - target_p->localClient->lasttime) : 0, "-"); } } static void rb_dump_fd_callback(int fd, const char *desc, void *data) { struct Client *source_p = data; sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "F :fd %-3d desc '%s'", fd, desc); } static void stats_comm(struct Client *source_p) { rb_dump_fd(rb_dump_fd_callback, source_p); } /* * stats_spy * * inputs - pointer to client doing the /stats * - char letter they are doing /stats on * output - none * side effects - * This little helper function reports to opers if configured. */ static int stats_spy(struct Client *source_p, char statchar, const char *name) { hook_data_int data; data.client = source_p; data.arg1 = name; data.arg2 = (int) statchar; data.result = 0; call_hook(doing_stats_hook, &data); return data.result; } /* stats_p_spy() * * input - pointer to client doing stats * ouput - * side effects - call hook doing_stats_p */ static void stats_p_spy (struct Client *source_p) { hook_data data; data.client = source_p; data.arg1 = data.arg2 = NULL; call_hook(doing_stats_p_hook, &data); }