/* * ircd-ratbox: A slightly useful ircd. * m_info.c: Sends information about the server. * * Copyright (C) 1990 Jarkko Oikarinen and University of Oulu, Co Center * Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Hybrid Development Team * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 ircd-ratbox development team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA */ #include "stdinc.h" #include "m_info.h" #include "channel.h" #include "client.h" #include "match.h" #include "ircd.h" #include "hook.h" #include "numeric.h" #include "s_serv.h" #include "s_user.h" #include "send.h" #include "s_conf.h" #include "msg.h" #include "parse.h" #include "modules.h" #include "s_newconf.h" static const char info_desc[] = "Provides the INFO command for retrieving server copyright, credits, and other info"; static void send_conf_options(struct Client *source_p); static void send_birthdate_online_time(struct Client *source_p); static void send_info_text(struct Client *source_p); static void info_spy(struct Client *); static void m_info(struct MsgBuf *, struct Client *, struct Client *, int, const char **); static void mo_info(struct MsgBuf *, struct Client *, struct Client *, int, const char **); struct Message info_msgtab = { "INFO", 0, 0, 0, 0, {mg_unreg, {m_info, 0}, {mo_info, 0}, mg_ignore, mg_ignore, {mo_info, 0}} }; int doing_info_hook; mapi_clist_av1 info_clist[] = { &info_msgtab, NULL }; mapi_hlist_av1 info_hlist[] = { { "doing_info", &doing_info_hook }, { NULL, NULL } }; DECLARE_MODULE_AV2(info, NULL, NULL, info_clist, info_hlist, NULL, NULL, NULL, info_desc); enum info_output_type { OUTPUT_STRING, /* Output option as %s w/ dereference */ OUTPUT_STRING_PTR, /* Output option as %s w/out deference */ OUTPUT_DECIMAL, /* Output option as decimal (%d) */ OUTPUT_BOOLEAN, /* Output option as "ON" or "OFF" */ OUTPUT_BOOLEAN_YN, /* Output option as "YES" or "NO" */ OUTPUT_INTBOOL, /* BOOLEAN encoded as an int */ OUTPUT_INTBOOL_YN, /* BOOLEAN_YN encoded as an int */ OUTPUT_YESNOMASK, /* Output option as "YES/NO/MASKED" */ OUTPUT_STATSL, /* Output as "YES/NO/SELF" */ }; #define INFO_STRING(ptr) OUTPUT_STRING, .option.string_p = (ptr) #define INFO_STRING_PTR(ptr) OUTPUT_STRING_PTR, .option.string = (ptr) #define INFO_BOOLEAN(ptr) OUTPUT_BOOLEAN, .option.bool_ = (ptr) #define INFO_BOOLEAN_YN(ptr) OUTPUT_BOOLEAN_YN, .option.bool_ = (ptr) #define INFO_INTBOOL(ptr) OUTPUT_INTBOOL, .option.int_ = (ptr) #define INFO_INTBOOL_YN(ptr) OUTPUT_INTBOOL_YN, .option.int_ = (ptr) #define INFO_YESNOMASK(ptr) OUTPUT_YESNOMASK, .option.int_ = (ptr) #define INFO_DECIMAL(ptr) OUTPUT_DECIMAL, .option.int_ = (ptr) #define INFO_STATSL(ptr) OUTPUT_STATSL, .option.statsl = (ptr) struct InfoStruct { const char *name; const char *desc; enum info_output_type output_type; union { const int *int_; const bool *bool_; char *const *string_p; const char *string; const enum stats_l_oper_only *statsl; } option; }; /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static struct InfoStruct info_table[] = { { "opers_see_all_users", "Farconnect notices available or operspy accountability limited", INFO_BOOLEAN(&opers_see_all_users) }, { "max_connections", "Max number connections", INFO_DECIMAL(&maxconnections), }, { "anti_nick_flood", "NICK flood protection", INFO_INTBOOL(&ConfigFileEntry.anti_nick_flood), }, { "anti_spam_exit_message_time", "Duration a client must be connected for to have an exit message", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.anti_spam_exit_message_time), }, { "caller_id_wait", "Minimum delay between notifying UMODE +g users of messages", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.caller_id_wait), }, { "client_exit", "Prepend 'Quit:' to user QUIT messages", INFO_INTBOOL(&ConfigFileEntry.client_exit), }, { "client_flood_max_lines", "Number of lines before a client Excess Flood's", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.client_flood_max_lines), }, { "client_flood_burst_rate", "Maximum lines per second during flood grace period", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.client_flood_burst_rate), }, { "client_flood_burst_max", "Number of lines to process at once before delaying", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.client_flood_burst_max), }, { "client_flood_message_num", "Number of messages to allow per client_flood_message_time outside of burst", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.client_flood_message_num), }, { "client_flood_message_time", "Time to allow per client_flood_message_num outside of burst", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.client_flood_message_time), }, { "post_registration_delay", "Time to wait before processing commands from a new client", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.post_registration_delay), }, { "connect_timeout", "Connect timeout for connections to servers", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.connect_timeout), }, { "default_ident_timeout", "Amount of time the server waits for ident responses from clients", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.default_ident_timeout), }, { "default_floodcount", "Startup value of FLOODCOUNT", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.default_floodcount), }, { "default_adminstring", "Default adminstring at startup.", INFO_STRING(&ConfigFileEntry.default_adminstring), }, { "default_operstring", "Default operstring at startup.", INFO_STRING(&ConfigFileEntry.default_operstring), }, { "servicestring", "String shown in whois for opered services.", INFO_STRING(&ConfigFileEntry.servicestring), }, { "drain_reason", "Message to quit users with if this server is draining.", INFO_STRING(&ConfigFileEntry.drain_reason), }, { "disable_auth", "Controls whether auth checking is disabled or not", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigFileEntry.disable_auth), }, { "disable_fake_channels", "Controls whether bold etc are disabled for JOIN", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigFileEntry.disable_fake_channels), }, { "dots_in_ident", "Number of permissible dots in an ident", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.dots_in_ident), }, { "failed_oper_notice", "Inform opers if someone /oper's with the wrong password", INFO_INTBOOL(&ConfigFileEntry.failed_oper_notice), }, { "fname_userlog", "User log file", INFO_STRING(&ConfigFileEntry.fname_userlog), }, { "fname_fuserlog", "Failed user log file", INFO_STRING(&ConfigFileEntry.fname_fuserlog), }, { "fname_operlog", "Operator log file", INFO_STRING(&ConfigFileEntry.fname_operlog), }, { "fname_foperlog", "Failed operator log file", INFO_STRING(&ConfigFileEntry.fname_foperlog), }, { "fname_serverlog", "Server connect/disconnect log file", INFO_STRING(&ConfigFileEntry.fname_serverlog), }, { "fname_killlog", "KILL log file", INFO_STRING(&ConfigFileEntry.fname_killlog), }, { "fname_klinelog", "KLINE etc log file", INFO_STRING(&ConfigFileEntry.fname_klinelog), }, { "fname_operspylog", "Oper spy log file", INFO_STRING(&ConfigFileEntry.fname_operspylog), }, { "fname_ioerrorlog", "IO error log file", INFO_STRING(&ConfigFileEntry.fname_ioerrorlog), }, { "global_snotices", "Send out certain server notices globally", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigFileEntry.global_snotices), }, { "hide_error_messages", "Hide ERROR messages coming from servers", INFO_YESNOMASK(&ConfigFileEntry.hide_error_messages), }, { "hide_spoof_ips", "Hide IPs of spoofed users", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigFileEntry.hide_spoof_ips), }, { "kline_reason", "K-lined clients sign off with this reason", INFO_STRING(&ConfigFileEntry.kline_reason), }, { "dline_with_reason", "Display D-line reason to client on disconnect", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigFileEntry.dline_with_reason), }, { "kline_with_reason", "Display K-line reason to client on disconnect", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigFileEntry.kline_with_reason), }, { "hide_tkdline_duration", "Hide \"Temporary K-line 123 min.\" from user K/D-lline reasons", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigFileEntry.hide_tkdline_duration), }, { "max_accept", "Maximum nicknames on accept list", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.max_accept), }, { "max_nick_changes", "NICK change threshold setting", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.max_nick_changes), }, { "max_nick_time", "NICK flood protection time interval", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.max_nick_time), }, { "max_targets", "The maximum number of PRIVMSG/NOTICE targets", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.max_targets), }, { "min_nonwildcard", "Minimum non-wildcard chars in K lines", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.min_nonwildcard), }, { "min_nonwildcard_simple", "Minimum non-wildcard chars in xlines/resvs", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.min_nonwildcard_simple), }, { "network_name", "Network name", INFO_STRING(&ServerInfo.network_name), }, { "nick_delay", "Delay nicks are locked for on split", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.nick_delay), }, { "no_oper_flood", "Disable flood control for operators", INFO_INTBOOL(&ConfigFileEntry.no_oper_flood), }, { "non_redundant_klines", "Check for and disallow redundant K-lines", INFO_INTBOOL(&ConfigFileEntry.non_redundant_klines), }, { "operspy_admin_only", "Send +Z operspy notices to admins only", INFO_INTBOOL(&ConfigFileEntry.operspy_admin_only), }, { "operspy_dont_care_user_info", "Remove accountability and some '!' requirement from non-channel operspy", INFO_INTBOOL(&ConfigFileEntry.operspy_dont_care_user_info), }, { "pace_wait", "Minimum delay between uses of certain commands", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.pace_wait), }, { "pace_wait_simple", "Minimum delay between less intensive commands", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.pace_wait_simple), }, { "ping_cookie", "Require ping cookies to connect", INFO_INTBOOL(&ConfigFileEntry.ping_cookie), }, { "reject_after_count", "Client rejection threshold setting", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.reject_after_count), }, { "reject_ban_time", "Client rejection time interval", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.reject_ban_time), }, { "reject_duration", "Client rejection cache duration", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.reject_duration), }, { "short_motd", "Do not show MOTD; only tell clients they should read it", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigFileEntry.short_motd), }, { "stats_e_disabled", "STATS e output is disabled", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigFileEntry.stats_e_disabled), }, { "stats_c_oper_only", "STATS C output is only shown to operators", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigFileEntry.stats_c_oper_only), }, { "stats_i_oper_only", "STATS I output is only shown to operators", INFO_YESNOMASK(&ConfigFileEntry.stats_i_oper_only), }, { "stats_k_oper_only", "STATS K output is only shown to operators", INFO_YESNOMASK(&ConfigFileEntry.stats_k_oper_only), }, { "stats_l_oper_only", "STATS l/L output is only shown to operators", INFO_STATSL(&ConfigFileEntry.stats_l_oper_only), }, { "stats_o_oper_only", "STATS O output is only shown to operators", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigFileEntry.stats_o_oper_only), }, { "stats_P_oper_only", "STATS P is only shown to operators", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigFileEntry.stats_P_oper_only), }, { "stats_y_oper_only", "STATS Y is only shown to operators", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigFileEntry.stats_y_oper_only), }, { "throttle_count", "Connection throttle threshold", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.throttle_count), }, { "throttle_duration", "Connection throttle duration", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.throttle_duration), }, { "tkline_expire_notices", "Notices given to opers when tklines expire", INFO_INTBOOL(&ConfigFileEntry.tkline_expire_notices), }, { "ts_max_delta", "Maximum permitted TS delta from another server", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.ts_max_delta), }, { "ts_warn_delta", "Maximum permitted TS delta before displaying a warning", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.ts_warn_delta), }, { "warn_no_nline", "Display warning if connecting server lacks connect block", INFO_INTBOOL(&ConfigFileEntry.warn_no_nline), }, { "use_propagated_bans", "KLINE sets fully propagated bans", INFO_INTBOOL(&ConfigFileEntry.use_propagated_bans), }, { "max_ratelimit_tokens", "The maximum number of tokens that can be accumulated for executing rate-limited commands", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.max_ratelimit_tokens), }, { "away_interval", "The minimum time between aways", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigFileEntry.away_interval), }, { "tls_ciphers_oper_only", "TLS cipher strings are hidden in whois for non-opers", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigFileEntry.tls_ciphers_oper_only), }, { "default_split_server_count", "Startup value of SPLITNUM", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigChannel.default_split_server_count), }, { "default_split_user_count", "Startup value of SPLITUSERS", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigChannel.default_split_user_count), }, { "knock_delay", "Delay between a users KNOCK attempts", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigChannel.knock_delay), }, { "knock_delay_channel", "Delay between KNOCK attempts to a channel", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigChannel.knock_delay_channel), }, { "kick_on_split_riding", "Kick users riding splits to join +i or +k channels", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigChannel.kick_on_split_riding), }, { "disable_local_channels", "Disable local channels (&channels)", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigChannel.disable_local_channels), }, { "max_bans", "Total +b/e/I/q modes allowed in a channel", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigChannel.max_bans), }, { "max_bans_large", "Total +b/e/I/q modes allowed in a +L channel", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigChannel.max_bans_large), }, { "max_chans_per_user", "Maximum number of channels a user can join", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigChannel.max_chans_per_user), }, { "max_chans_per_user_large", "Maximum extended number of channels a user can join", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigChannel.max_chans_per_user_large), }, { "no_create_on_split", "Disallow creation of channels when split", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigChannel.no_create_on_split), }, { "no_join_on_split", "Disallow joining channels when split", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigChannel.no_join_on_split), }, { "only_ascii_channels", "Controls whether non-ASCII is disabled for JOIN", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigChannel.only_ascii_channels), }, { "use_except", "Enable chanmode +e (ban exceptions)", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigChannel.use_except), }, { "use_invex", "Enable chanmode +I (invite exceptions)", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigChannel.use_invex), }, { "use_forward", "Enable chanmode +f (channel forwarding)", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigChannel.use_forward), }, { "use_knock", "Enable /KNOCK", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigChannel.use_knock), }, { "resv_forcepart", "Force-part local users on channel RESV", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigChannel.resv_forcepart), }, { "opmod_send_statusmsg", "Send messages to @#channel if affected by +z", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigChannel.opmod_send_statusmsg), }, { "hide_opers", "Hide all opers from unprivileged users", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigFileEntry.hide_opers), }, { "hide_opers_in_whois", "Don't send RPL_WHOISOPERATOR to non-opers", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigFileEntry.hide_opers_in_whois), }, { "disable_hidden", "Prevent servers from hiding themselves from a flattened /links", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigServerHide.disable_hidden), }, { "flatten_links", "Flatten /links list", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigServerHide.flatten_links), }, { "hidden", "Hide this server from a flattened /links on remote servers", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigServerHide.hidden), }, { "links_delay", "Links rehash delay", INFO_DECIMAL(&ConfigServerHide.links_delay), }, { "oper_secure_only", "Require TLS to become an oper", INFO_INTBOOL_YN(&ConfigFileEntry.oper_secure_only), }, { NULL, NULL, 0, { NULL } }, }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ /* ** m_info ** parv[1] = servername */ static void m_info(struct MsgBuf *msgbuf_p, struct Client *client_p, struct Client *source_p, int parc, const char *parv[]) { static time_t last_used = 0L; if((last_used + ConfigFileEntry.pace_wait) > rb_current_time()) { /* safe enough to give this on a local connect only */ sendto_one(source_p, form_str(RPL_LOAD2HI), me.name, source_p->name, "INFO"); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_ENDOFINFO, form_str(RPL_ENDOFINFO)); return; } else last_used = rb_current_time(); if(hunt_server(client_p, source_p, ":%s INFO :%s", 1, parc, parv) != HUNTED_ISME) return; info_spy(source_p); send_info_text(source_p); send_birthdate_online_time(source_p); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_ENDOFINFO, form_str(RPL_ENDOFINFO)); } /* ** mo_info ** parv[1] = servername */ static void mo_info(struct MsgBuf *msgbuf_p, struct Client *client_p, struct Client *source_p, int parc, const char *parv[]) { if(hunt_server(client_p, source_p, ":%s INFO :%s", 1, parc, parv) == HUNTED_ISME) { info_spy(source_p); send_info_text(source_p); if(IsOperGeneral(source_p)) { send_conf_options(source_p); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_INFO, ":%s", rb_lib_version()); } send_birthdate_online_time(source_p); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_ENDOFINFO, form_str(RPL_ENDOFINFO)); } } /* * send_info_text * * inputs - client pointer to send info text to * output - none * side effects - info text is sent to client */ static void send_info_text(struct Client *source_p) { const char **text = infotext; while (*text) { sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_INFO, form_str(RPL_INFO), *text++); } sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_INFO, form_str(RPL_INFO), ""); } /* * send_birthdate_online_time * * inputs - client pointer to send to * output - none * side effects - birthdate and online time are sent */ static void send_birthdate_online_time(struct Client *source_p) { char tbuf[26]; /* this needs to be 26 - see ctime_r manpage */ sendto_one(source_p, ":%s %d %s :Birth Date: %s, compile # %s", get_id(&me, source_p), RPL_INFO, get_id(source_p, source_p), creation, generation); sendto_one(source_p, ":%s %d %s :On-line since %s", get_id(&me, source_p), RPL_INFO, get_id(source_p, source_p), rb_ctime(startup_time, tbuf, sizeof(tbuf))); } /* * send_conf_options * * inputs - client pointer to send to * output - none * side effects - send config options to client */ static void send_conf_options(struct Client *source_p) { Info *infoptr; int i = 0; /* * Now send them a list of all our configuration options * (mostly from defaults.h) */ for (infoptr = MyInformation; infoptr->name; infoptr++) { if(infoptr->intvalue) { sendto_one(source_p, ":%s %d %s :%-30s %-16d [%s]", get_id(&me, source_p), RPL_INFO, get_id(source_p, source_p), infoptr->name, infoptr->intvalue, infoptr->desc); } else { sendto_one(source_p, ":%s %d %s :%-30s %-16s [%s]", get_id(&me, source_p), RPL_INFO, get_id(source_p, source_p), infoptr->name, infoptr->strvalue, infoptr->desc); } } /* * Parse the info_table[] and do the magic. */ for (i = 0; info_table[i].name; i++) { static char opt_buf[BUFSIZE]; const char *opt_value = opt_buf; switch (info_table[i].output_type) { case OUTPUT_STRING: { const char *option = *info_table[i].option.string_p; opt_value = option != NULL ? option : "NONE"; break; } case OUTPUT_STRING_PTR: { const char *option = info_table[i].option.string; opt_value = option != NULL ? option : "NONE"; break; } case OUTPUT_DECIMAL: { int option = *info_table[i].option.int_; snprintf(opt_buf, sizeof opt_buf, "%d", option); break; } case OUTPUT_BOOLEAN: { bool option = *info_table[i].option.bool_; opt_value = option ? "ON" : "OFF"; break; } case OUTPUT_BOOLEAN_YN: { bool option = *info_table[i].option.bool_; opt_value = option ? "YES" : "NO"; break; } case OUTPUT_YESNOMASK: { int option = *info_table[i].option.int_; opt_value = option == 0 ? "NO" : option == 1 ? "MASK" : "YES"; break; } case OUTPUT_INTBOOL: { bool option = *info_table[i].option.int_; opt_value = option ? "ON" : "OFF"; break; } case OUTPUT_INTBOOL_YN: { bool option = *info_table[i].option.int_; opt_value = option ? "YES" : "NO"; break; } case OUTPUT_STATSL: { enum stats_l_oper_only option = *info_table[i].option.statsl; opt_value = option == STATS_L_OPER_ONLY_NO ? "NO" : option == STATS_L_OPER_ONLY_SELF ? "SELF" : "YES"; break; } } sendto_one(source_p, ":%s %d %s :%-30s %-16s [%s]", get_id(&me, source_p), RPL_INFO, get_id(source_p, source_p), info_table[i].name, opt_value, info_table[i].desc ? info_table[i].desc : "<none>"); } /* Don't send oper_only_umodes...it's a bit mask, we will have to decode it ** in order for it to show up properly to opers who issue INFO */ sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_INFO, form_str(RPL_INFO), ""); } /* info_spy() * * input - pointer to client * output - none * side effects - hook doing_info is called */ static void info_spy(struct Client *source_p) { hook_data hd; hd.client = source_p; hd.arg1 = hd.arg2 = NULL; call_hook(doing_info_hook, &hd); }