#ifndef RB_LIB_H #define RB_LIB_H 1 #include <librb-config.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <limits.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <assert.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <signal.h> #include <ctype.h> #ifdef __GNUC__ #undef alloca #define alloca __builtin_alloca #else # ifdef _MSC_VER # include <malloc.h> # define alloca _alloca # else # if RB_HAVE_ALLOCA_H # include <alloca.h> # else # ifdef _AIX #pragma alloca # else # ifndef alloca /* predefined by HP cc +Olibcalls */ char *alloca(); # endif # endif # endif # endif #endif /* __GNUC__ */ #ifdef __GNUC__ #ifdef rb_likely #undef rb_likely #endif #ifdef rb_unlikely #undef rb_unlikely #endif #if __GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 96 # define __builtin_expect(x, expected_value) (x) #endif #define rb_likely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 1) #define rb_unlikely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 0) #else /* !__GNUC__ */ #define UNUSED(x) x #ifdef rb_likely #undef rb_likely #endif #ifdef rb_unlikely #undef rb_unlikely #endif #define rb_likely(x) (x) #define rb_unlikely(x) (x) #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #define rb_get_errno() do { errno = WSAGetLastError(); WSASetLastError(errno); } while(0) typedef SOCKET rb_platform_fd_t; #define RB_PATH_SEPARATOR '\\' #else #define rb_get_errno() typedef int rb_platform_fd_t; #define RB_PATH_SEPARATOR '/' #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include <process.h> #ifndef PATH_MAX #define PATH_MAX 128 #endif #ifdef strerror #undef strerror #endif #define strerror(x) rb_strerror(x) char *rb_strerror(int error); #undef ENOBUFS #define ENOBUFS WSAENOBUFS #undef EINPROGRESS #define EINPROGRESS WSAEINPROGRESS #undef EWOULDBLOCK #define EWOULDBLOCK WSAEWOULDBLOCK #undef EMSGSIZE #define EMSGSIZE WSAEMSGSIZE #undef EALREADY #define EALREADY WSAEALREADY #undef EISCONN #define EISCONN WSAEISCONN #undef EADDRINUSE #define EADDRINUSE WSAEADDRINUSE #undef EAFNOSUPPORT #define EAFNOSUPPORT WSAEAFNOSUPPORT #define pipe(x) _pipe(x, 1024, O_BINARY) #define ioctl(x,y,z) ioctlsocket(x,y, (unsigned long *)z) #define WNOHANG 1 #ifndef SIGKILL #define SIGKILL SIGTERM #endif #endif /* _WIN32 */ #ifndef HOSTIPLEN #define HOSTIPLEN 53 #endif /* For those unfamiliar with GNU format attributes, a is the 1 based * argument number of the format string, and b is the 1 based argument * number of the variadic ... */ #ifdef __GNUC__ #define AFP(a,b) __attribute__((format (printf, a, b))) #else #define AFP(a,b) #endif #ifdef __GNUC__ #define slrb_assert(expr) ( \ rb_likely((expr)) || ( \ rb_lib_log( \ "file: %s line: %d (%s): Assertion failed: (%s)", \ __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, #expr), 0) \ ) #else #define slrb_assert(expr) ( \ rb_likely((expr)) || ( \ rb_lib_log( \ "file: %s line: %d: Assertion failed: (%s)", \ __FILE__, __LINE__, #expr), 0) \ ) #endif /* evaluates to true if assertion fails */ #ifdef SOFT_ASSERT #define lrb_assert(expr) (!slrb_assert(expr)) #else #define lrb_assert(expr) (assert(slrb_assert(expr)), 0) #endif #ifdef RB_SOCKADDR_HAS_SA_LEN #define ss_len sa_len #endif #define GET_SS_FAMILY(x) (((const struct sockaddr *)(x))->sa_family) #define SET_SS_FAMILY(x, y) ((((struct sockaddr *)(x))->sa_family) = y) #ifdef RB_SOCKADDR_HAS_SA_LEN #define SET_SS_LEN(x, y) do { \ struct sockaddr *_storage; \ _storage = ((struct sockaddr *)(x));\ _storage->sa_len = (y); \ } while (0) #define GET_SS_LEN(x) (((struct sockaddr *)(x))->sa_len) #else /* !RB_SOCKADDR_HAS_SA_LEN */ #define SET_SS_LEN(x, y) (((struct sockaddr *)(x))->sa_family = ((struct sockaddr *)(x))->sa_family) #define GET_SS_LEN(x) (((struct sockaddr *)(x))->sa_family == AF_INET ? sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) : sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6)) #endif #define GET_SS_PORT(x) (((struct sockaddr *)(x))->sa_family == AF_INET ? ((struct sockaddr_in *)(x))->sin_port : ((struct sockaddr_in6 *)(x))->sin6_port) #define SET_SS_PORT(x, y) do { \ if(((struct sockaddr *)(x))->sa_family == AF_INET) { \ ((struct sockaddr_in *)(x))->sin_port = (y); \ } else { \ ((struct sockaddr_in6 *)(x))->sin6_port = (y); \ } \ } while (0) #ifndef INADDRSZ #define INADDRSZ 4 #endif #ifndef IN6ADDRSZ #define IN6ADDRSZ 16 #endif #ifndef INT16SZ #define INT16SZ 2 #endif #ifndef UINT16_MAX #define UINT16_MAX (65535U) #endif #ifndef UINT32_MAX #define UINT32_MAX (4294967295U) #endif typedef void log_cb(const char *buffer); typedef void restart_cb(const char *buffer); typedef void die_cb(const char *buffer); char *rb_ctime(const time_t, char *, size_t); char *rb_date(const time_t, char *, size_t); void rb_lib_log(const char *, ...); void rb_lib_restart(const char *, ...) __attribute__((noreturn)); void rb_lib_die(const char *, ...); void rb_set_time(void); const char *rb_lib_version(void); void rb_lib_init(log_cb * xilog, restart_cb * irestart, die_cb * idie, int closeall, int maxfds, size_t dh_size, size_t fd_heap_size); void rb_lib_loop(long delay) __attribute__((noreturn)); time_t rb_current_time(void); const struct timeval *rb_current_time_tv(void); pid_t rb_spawn_process(const char *, const char **); char *rb_strtok_r(char *, const char *, char **); int rb_gettimeofday(struct timeval *, void *); void rb_sleep(unsigned int seconds, unsigned int useconds); char *rb_crypt(const char *, const char *); unsigned char *rb_base64_encode(const unsigned char *str, int length); unsigned char *rb_base64_decode(const unsigned char *str, int length, int *ret); int rb_kill(pid_t, int); char *rb_strerror(int); int rb_setenv(const char *, const char *, int); pid_t rb_waitpid(pid_t pid, int *status, int options); pid_t rb_getpid(void); //unsigned int rb_geteuid(void); #include <rb_tools.h> #include <rb_memory.h> #include <rb_commio.h> #include <rb_balloc.h> #include <rb_linebuf.h> #include <rb_event.h> #include <rb_helper.h> #include <rb_rawbuf.h> #include <rb_patricia.h> #endif