Server capabilities Ariadne Conill <ariadne -at-> ------------------- Not all TSora IRCd's support these. QS - supports Quit Storm (SQUIT does not have to send recursive quits) EX - supports ban exceptions (+e) CHW - supports messages directed to channel operators only i.e. @#channel IE - supports invite exceptions (+I) EOB - supports end of burst notification (EOB token) KLN - supports remote KLINE UNKLN - supports remote UNKLINE GLN - supports hybrid7-style GLINE (:oper GLINE user host :reason) HOPS - supports halfops (+h -- %<nick>) HUB - denotes that the target server is a HUB AOPS - supports anonymous ops (+a, op hiding/op status hiding) KNOCK - supports KNOCK extension (request invite to +ikl channel) TBURST - supports old TBURST command [broken, don't use.] TB - supports new TB command [do use.] PARA - supports sending invite notices via INVITE from server ENCAP - supports message encapsulation SERVICES - supports ratbox's services extensions SAVE - supports SAVE extension (friendlier alternative to KILL on nick collide) RSFNC - supports RSFNC extension (forcenick) CLUSTER - supports remote XLINE, UNXLINE, RESV, UNRESV and LOCOPS EUID - supports EUID, non-ENCAP CHGHOST and NICKDELAY ZIP - supports ziplinks ENC - supports encryption (cryptlinks) The KLN, UNKLN and CLUSTER capabilities do not apply to klines, xlines and resvs sent over ENCAP. Disabling ban/invite exceptions in ircd.conf does not remove the EX/IE capabs.