/* * ircd-ratbox: an advanced Internet Relay Chat Daemon(ircd). * m_etrace.c: Gives local opers a trace output with added info. * * Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Lee Hardy <lee@leeh.co.uk> * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 ircd-ratbox development team * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * 1.Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2.Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3.The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING * IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "stdinc.h" #include "class.h" #include "hook.h" #include "client.h" #include "hash.h" #include "common.h" #include "hash.h" #include "match.h" #include "ircd.h" #include "numeric.h" #include "s_serv.h" #include "s_conf.h" #include "s_newconf.h" #include "send.h" #include "msg.h" #include "parse.h" #include "modules.h" #include "logger.h" #include "supported.h" static const char etrace_desc[] = "Provides enhanced tracing facilities to opers (ETRACE, CHANTRACE, and MASKTRACE)"; static void mo_etrace(struct MsgBuf *, struct Client *, struct Client *, int, const char **); static void me_etrace(struct MsgBuf *, struct Client *, struct Client *, int, const char **); static void m_chantrace(struct MsgBuf *, struct Client *, struct Client *, int, const char **); static void mo_masktrace(struct MsgBuf *, struct Client *, struct Client *, int, const char **); struct Message etrace_msgtab = { "ETRACE", 0, 0, 0, 0, {mg_ignore, mg_not_oper, mg_ignore, mg_ignore, {me_etrace, 0}, {mo_etrace, 0}} }; struct Message chantrace_msgtab = { "CHANTRACE", 0, 0, 0, 0, {mg_ignore, {m_chantrace, 2}, mg_ignore, mg_ignore, mg_ignore, {m_chantrace, 2}} }; struct Message masktrace_msgtab = { "MASKTRACE", 0, 0, 0, 0, {mg_ignore, mg_not_oper, mg_ignore, mg_ignore, mg_ignore, {mo_masktrace, 2}} }; static int _modinit(void) { add_isupport("ETRACE", isupport_string, ""); return 0; } static void _moddeinit(void) { delete_isupport("ETRACE"); } mapi_clist_av1 etrace_clist[] = { &etrace_msgtab, &chantrace_msgtab, &masktrace_msgtab, NULL }; DECLARE_MODULE_AV2(etrace, _modinit, _moddeinit, etrace_clist, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, etrace_desc); static void do_etrace(struct Client *source_p, int ipv4, int ipv6); static void do_etrace_full(struct Client *source_p); static void do_single_etrace(struct Client *source_p, struct Client *target_p); static const char *empty_sockhost = ""; static const char *spoofed_sockhost = "0"; /* * m_etrace * parv[1] = options [or target] * parv[2] = [target] */ static void mo_etrace(struct MsgBuf *msgbuf_p, struct Client *client_p, struct Client *source_p, int parc, const char *parv[]) { if(parc > 1 && !EmptyString(parv[1])) { if(!irccmp(parv[1], "-full")) do_etrace_full(source_p); #ifdef RB_IPV6 else if(!irccmp(parv[1], "-v6")) do_etrace(source_p, 0, 1); else if(!irccmp(parv[1], "-v4")) do_etrace(source_p, 1, 0); #endif else { struct Client *target_p = find_named_person(parv[1]); if(target_p) { if(!MyClient(target_p)) sendto_one(target_p, ":%s ENCAP %s ETRACE %s", get_id(source_p, target_p), target_p->servptr->name, get_id(target_p, target_p)); else do_single_etrace(source_p, target_p); } else sendto_one_numeric(source_p, ERR_NOSUCHNICK, form_str(ERR_NOSUCHNICK), parv[1]); } } else do_etrace(source_p, 1, 1); } static void me_etrace(struct MsgBuf *msgbuf_p, struct Client *client_p, struct Client *source_p, int parc, const char *parv[]) { struct Client *target_p; if(!IsOper(source_p) || parc < 2 || EmptyString(parv[1])) return; /* we cant etrace remote clients.. we shouldnt even get sent them */ if((target_p = find_person(parv[1])) && MyClient(target_p)) do_single_etrace(source_p, target_p); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_ENDOFTRACE, form_str(RPL_ENDOFTRACE), target_p ? target_p->name : parv[1]); } static void do_etrace(struct Client *source_p, int ipv4, int ipv6) { struct Client *target_p; rb_dlink_node *ptr; /* report all direct connections */ RB_DLINK_FOREACH(ptr, lclient_list.head) { target_p = ptr->data; #ifdef RB_IPV6 if((!ipv4 && target_p->localClient->ip.ss_family == AF_INET) || (!ipv6 && target_p->localClient->ip.ss_family == AF_INET6)) continue; #endif sendto_one(source_p, form_str(RPL_ETRACE), me.name, source_p->name, IsOper(target_p) ? "Oper" : "User", get_client_class(target_p), target_p->name, target_p->username, target_p->host, show_ip(source_p, target_p) ? target_p->sockhost : "", target_p->info); } sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_ENDOFTRACE, form_str(RPL_ENDOFTRACE), me.name); } static void do_etrace_full(struct Client *source_p) { rb_dlink_node *ptr; RB_DLINK_FOREACH(ptr, lclient_list.head) { do_single_etrace(source_p, ptr->data); } sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_ENDOFTRACE, form_str(RPL_ENDOFTRACE), me.name); } /* * do_single_etrace - searches local clients and displays those matching * a pattern * input - source client, target client * output - etrace results * side effects - etrace results are displayed */ static void do_single_etrace(struct Client *source_p, struct Client *target_p) { /* note, we hide fullcaps for spoofed users, as mirc can often * advertise its internal ip address in the field --fl */ if(!show_ip(source_p, target_p)) sendto_one(source_p, form_str(RPL_ETRACEFULL), me.name, source_p->name, IsOper(target_p) ? "Oper" : "User", get_client_class(target_p), target_p->name, target_p->username, target_p->host, "", "<hidden> <hidden>", target_p->info); else sendto_one(source_p, form_str(RPL_ETRACEFULL), me.name, source_p->name, IsOper(target_p) ? "Oper" : "User", get_client_class(target_p), target_p->name, target_p->username, target_p->host, target_p->sockhost, target_p->localClient->fullcaps, target_p->info); } static void m_chantrace(struct MsgBuf *msgbuf_p, struct Client *client_p, struct Client *source_p, int parc, const char *parv[]) { struct Client *target_p; struct Channel *chptr; struct membership *msptr; const char *sockhost; const char *name; rb_dlink_node *ptr; int operspy = 0; name = parv[1]; if(IsOperSpy(source_p) && parv[1][0] == '!') { name++; operspy = 1; if(EmptyString(name)) { sendto_one(source_p, form_str(ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS), me.name, source_p->name, "CHANTRACE"); return; } } if((chptr = find_channel(name)) == NULL) { sendto_one_numeric(source_p, ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL, form_str(ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL), name); return; } /* dont report operspys for nonexistant channels. */ if(operspy) report_operspy(source_p, "CHANTRACE", chptr->chname); if(!operspy && !IsMember(client_p, chptr)) { sendto_one_numeric(source_p, ERR_NOTONCHANNEL, form_str(ERR_NOTONCHANNEL), chptr->chname); return; } RB_DLINK_FOREACH(ptr, chptr->members.head) { msptr = ptr->data; target_p = msptr->client_p; if(EmptyString(target_p->sockhost)) sockhost = empty_sockhost; else if(!show_ip(source_p, target_p)) sockhost = spoofed_sockhost; else sockhost = target_p->sockhost; sendto_one(source_p, form_str(RPL_ETRACE), me.name, source_p->name, IsOper(target_p) ? "Oper" : "User", /* class field -- pretend its server.. */ target_p->servptr->name, target_p->name, target_p->username, target_p->host, sockhost, target_p->info); } sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_ENDOFTRACE, form_str(RPL_ENDOFTRACE), me.name); } static void match_masktrace(struct Client *source_p, rb_dlink_list *list, const char *username, const char *hostname, const char *name, const char *gecos) { struct Client *target_p; rb_dlink_node *ptr; const char *sockhost; RB_DLINK_FOREACH(ptr, list->head) { target_p = ptr->data; if(!IsPerson(target_p)) continue; if(EmptyString(target_p->sockhost)) sockhost = empty_sockhost; else if(!show_ip(source_p, target_p)) sockhost = spoofed_sockhost; else sockhost = target_p->sockhost; if(match(username, target_p->username) && (match(hostname, target_p->host) || match(hostname, target_p->orighost) || match(hostname, sockhost) || match_ips(hostname, sockhost))) { if(name != NULL && !match(name, target_p->name)) continue; if(gecos != NULL && !match_esc(gecos, target_p->info)) continue; sendto_one(source_p, form_str(RPL_ETRACE), me.name, source_p->name, IsOper(target_p) ? "Oper" : "User", /* class field -- pretend its server.. */ target_p->servptr->name, target_p->name, target_p->username, target_p->host, sockhost, target_p->info); } } } static void mo_masktrace(struct MsgBuf *msgbuf_p, struct Client *client_p, struct Client *source_p, int parc, const char *parv[]) { char *name, *username, *hostname, *gecos; const char *mask; int operspy = 0; mask = parv[1]; name = LOCAL_COPY(parv[1]); collapse(name); if(IsOperSpy(source_p) && parv[1][0] == '!') { name++; mask++; operspy = 1; } if(parc > 2 && !EmptyString(parv[2])) { gecos = LOCAL_COPY(parv[2]); collapse_esc(gecos); } else gecos = NULL; if((hostname = strchr(name, '@')) == NULL) { sendto_one_notice(source_p, ":Invalid parameters"); return; } *hostname++ = '\0'; if((username = strchr(name, '!')) == NULL) { username = name; name = NULL; } else *username++ = '\0'; if(EmptyString(username) || EmptyString(hostname)) { sendto_one_notice(source_p, ":Invalid parameters"); return; } if(operspy) { if (!ConfigFileEntry.operspy_dont_care_user_info) { char buf[512]; rb_strlcpy(buf, mask, sizeof(buf)); if(!EmptyString(gecos)) { rb_strlcat(buf, " ", sizeof(buf)); rb_strlcat(buf, gecos, sizeof(buf)); } report_operspy(source_p, "MASKTRACE", buf); } match_masktrace(source_p, &global_client_list, username, hostname, name, gecos); } else match_masktrace(source_p, &lclient_list, username, hostname, name, gecos); sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_ENDOFTRACE, form_str(RPL_ENDOFTRACE), me.name); }