/* doc/ircd.conf.example - brief example configuration file
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Hybrid Development Team
 * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 ircd-ratbox development team
 * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 charybdis development team
 * $Id: example.conf 3582 2007-11-17 21:55:48Z jilles $
 * See reference.conf for more information.

/* Extensions */
#loadmodule "extensions/chm_operonly_compat.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/chm_quietunreg_compat.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/chm_sslonly_compat.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/createauthonly.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/extb_account.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/extb_canjoin.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/extb_channel.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/extb_extgecos.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/extb_oper.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/extb_realname.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/extb_server.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/extb_ssl.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/hurt.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/m_findforwards.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/m_identify.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/no_oper_invis.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/sno_farconnect.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/sno_globalkline.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/sno_globaloper.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/sno_whois.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/override.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/no_kill_services.so";

 * IP cloaking extensions: use ip_cloaking_4.0
 * if you're linking 3.2 and later, otherwise use
 * ip_cloaking.so, for compatibility with older 3.x
 * releases.

#loadmodule "extensions/ip_cloaking_4.0.so";
#loadmodule "extensions/ip_cloaking.so";

serverinfo {
	name = "hades.arpa";
	sid = "42X";
	description = "charybdis test server";
	network_name = "StaticBox";
	hub = yes;

	/* On multi-homed hosts you may need the following. These define
	 * the addresses we connect from to other servers. */
	/* for IPv4 */
	#vhost = "";
	/* for IPv6 */
	#vhost6 = "2001:db8:2::6";
	/* ssl_private_key: our ssl private key */
	ssl_private_key = "etc/ssl.key";

	/* ssl_cert: certificate for our ssl server */
	ssl_cert = "etc/ssl.pem";

	/* ssl_dh_params: DH parameters, generate with openssl dhparam -out dh.pem 2048
	 * In general, the DH parameters size should be the same as your key's size.
	 * However it has been reported that some clients have broken TLS implementations which may
	 * choke on keysizes larger than 2048-bit, so we would recommend using 2048-bit DH parameters
	 * for now if your keys are larger than 2048-bit.
	ssl_dh_params = "etc/dh.pem";

	/* ssld_count: number of ssld processes you want to start, if you
	 * have a really busy server, using N-1 where N is the number of
	 * cpu/cpu cores you have might be useful. A number greater than one
	 * can also be useful in case of bugs in ssld and because ssld needs
	 * two file descriptors per SSL connection.
	ssld_count = 1;

	/* default max clients: the default maximum number of clients
	 * allowed to connect.  This can be changed once ircd has started by
	 * issuing:
	 *   /quote set maxclients <limit>
	default_max_clients = 1024;

	/* nicklen: enforced nickname length (for this server only; must not
	 * be longer than the maximum length set while building).
	nicklen = 30;

admin {
	name = "Lazy admin (lazya)";
	description = "StaticBox client server";
	email = "nobody@";

log {
	fname_userlog = "logs/userlog";
	#fname_fuserlog = "logs/fuserlog";
	fname_operlog = "logs/operlog";
	#fname_foperlog = "logs/foperlog";
	fname_serverlog = "logs/serverlog";
	#fname_klinelog = "logs/klinelog";
	fname_killlog = "logs/killlog";
	fname_operspylog = "logs/operspylog";
	#fname_ioerrorlog = "logs/ioerror";

/* class {} blocks MUST be specified before anything that uses them.  That
 * means they must be defined before auth {} and before connect {}.
class "users" {
	ping_time = 2 minutes;
	number_per_ident = 10;
	number_per_ip = 10;
	number_per_ip_global = 50;
	cidr_ipv4_bitlen = 24;
	cidr_ipv6_bitlen = 64;
	number_per_cidr = 200;
	max_number = 3000;
	sendq = 400 kbytes;

class "opers" {
	ping_time = 5 minutes;
	number_per_ip = 10;
	max_number = 1000;
	sendq = 1 megabyte;

class "server" {
	ping_time = 5 minutes;
	connectfreq = 5 minutes;
	max_number = 1;
	sendq = 4 megabytes;

listen {
	/* defer_accept: wait for clients to send IRC handshake data before
	 * accepting them.  if you intend to use software which depends on the
	 * server replying first, such as BOPM, you should disable this feature.
	 * otherwise, you probably want to leave it on.
	defer_accept = yes;

	/* If you want to listen on a specific IP only, specify host.
	 * host definitions apply only to the following port line.
	#host = "";
	port = 5000, 6665 .. 6669;
	sslport = 6697;

	/* Listen on IPv6 (if you used host= above). */
	#host = "2001:db8:2::6";
	#port = 5000, 6665 .. 6669;
	#sslport = 9999;

/* auth {}: allow users to connect to the ircd (OLD I:)
 * auth {} blocks MUST be specified in order of precedence.  The first one
 * that matches a user will be used.  So place spoofs first, then specials,
 * then general access, then restricted.
auth {
	/* user: the user@host allowed to connect.  Multiple IPv4/IPv6 user
	 * lines are permitted per auth block.  This is matched against the
	 * hostname and IP address (using :: shortening for IPv6 and
	 * prepending a 0 if it starts with a colon) and can also use CIDR
	 * masks.
	user = "*@";
	user = "*test@2001:db8:1:*";

	/* password: an optional password that is required to use this block.
	 * By default this is not encrypted, specify the flag "encrypted" in
	 * flags = ...; below if it is.
	password = "letmein";
	/* spoof: fake the users user@host to be be this.  You may either
	 * specify a host or a user@host to spoof to.  This is free-form,
	 * just do everyone a favour and dont abuse it. (OLD I: = flag)
	spoof = "I.still.hate.packets";

	/* Possible flags in auth:
	 * encrypted                  | password is encrypted with mkpasswd
	 * spoof_notice               | give a notice when spoofing hosts
	 * exceed_limit (old > flag)  | allow user to exceed class user limits
	 * kline_exempt (old ^ flag)  | exempt this user from k/g/xlines&dnsbls
	 * dnsbl_exempt		      | exempt this user from dnsbls
	 * spambot_exempt	      | exempt this user from spambot checks
	 * shide_exempt		      | exempt this user from serverhiding
	 * jupe_exempt                | exempt this user from generating
	 *                              warnings joining juped channels
	 * resv_exempt		      | exempt this user from resvs
	 * flood_exempt               | exempt this user from flood limits
	 *                                     USE WITH CAUTION.
	 * no_tilde     (old - flag)  | don't prefix ~ to username if no ident
	 * need_ident   (old + flag)  | require ident for user in this class
	 * need_ssl                   | require SSL/TLS for user in this class
	 * need_sasl                  | require SASL id for user in this class
	flags = kline_exempt, exceed_limit;
	/* class: the class the user is placed in */
	class = "opers";

auth {
	user = "*@*";
	class = "users";

/* privset {} blocks MUST be specified before anything that uses them.  That
 * means they must be defined before operator {}.
privset "local_op" {
	privs = oper:local_kill, oper:operwall;

privset "server_bot" {
	extends = "local_op";
	privs = oper:kline, oper:remoteban, snomask:nick_changes;

privset "global_op" {
	extends = "local_op";
	privs = oper:global_kill, oper:routing, oper:kline, oper:unkline, oper:xline,
		oper:resv, oper:mass_notice, oper:remoteban;

privset "admin" {
	extends = "global_op";
	privs = oper:admin, oper:die, oper:rehash, oper:spy;

operator "god" {
	/* name: the name of the oper must go above */

	/* user: the user@host required for this operator.  CIDR *is*
	 * supported now. auth{} spoofs work here, other spoofs do not.
 	 * multiple user="" lines are supported.
	user = "*god@";

	/* password: the password required to oper.  Unless ~encrypted is
	 * contained in flags = ...; this will need to be encrypted using 
	 * mkpasswd, MD5 is supported
	password = "etcnjl8juSU1E";

	/* rsa key: the public key for this oper when using Challenge.
	 * A password should not be defined when this is used, see 
	 * doc/challenge.txt for more information.
	#rsa_public_key_file = "/usr/local/ircd/etc/oper.pub";

	/* umodes: the specific umodes this oper gets when they oper.
	 * If this is specified an oper will not be given oper_umodes
	 * These are described above oper_only_umodes in general {};
	#umodes = locops, servnotice, operwall, wallop;

	/* fingerprint: if specified, the oper's client certificate
	 * fingerprint will be checked against the specified fingerprint
	 * below.
	#fingerprint = "c77106576abf7f9f90cca0f63874a60f2e40a64b";

	/* snomask: specific server notice mask on oper up.
	 * If this is specified an oper will not be given oper_snomask.
	snomask = "+Zbfkrsuy";

	/* flags: misc options for the operator.  You may prefix an option
	 * with ~ to disable it, e.g. ~encrypted.
	 * Default flags are encrypted.
	 * Available options:
	 * encrypted:    the password above is encrypted [DEFAULT]
	 * need_ssl:     must be using SSL/TLS to oper up
	flags = encrypted;

	/* privset: privileges set to grant */
	privset = "admin";

connect "irc.uplink.com" {
	host = "";
	send_password = "password";
	accept_password = "anotherpassword";
	port = 6666;
	hub_mask = "*";
	class = "server";
	flags = compressed, topicburst;

	#fingerprint = "c77106576abf7f9f90cca0f63874a60f2e40a64b";

	/* If the connection is IPv6, uncomment below.
	 * Use 0::1, not ::1, for IPv6 localhost. */
	#aftype = ipv6;

connect "ssl.uplink.com" {
	host = "";
	send_password = "password";
	accept_password = "anotherpassword";
	port = 9999;
	hub_mask = "*";
	class = "server";
	flags = ssl, topicburst;

service {
	name = "services.int";

cluster {
	name = "*";
	flags = kline, tkline, unkline, xline, txline, unxline, resv, tresv, unresv;

shared {
	oper = "*@*", "*";
	flags = all, rehash;

/* exempt {}: IPs that are exempt from Dlines and rejectcache. (OLD d:) */
exempt {
	ip = "";

channel {
	use_invex = yes;
	use_except = yes;
	use_forward = yes;
	use_knock = yes;
	knock_delay = 5 minutes;
	knock_delay_channel = 1 minute;
	max_chans_per_user = 15;
	max_bans = 100;
	max_bans_large = 500;
	default_split_user_count = 0;
	default_split_server_count = 0;
	no_create_on_split = no;
	no_join_on_split = no;
	burst_topicwho = yes;
	kick_on_split_riding = no;
	only_ascii_channels = no;
	resv_forcepart = yes;
	channel_target_change = yes;
	disable_local_channels = no;

serverhide {
	flatten_links = yes;
	links_delay = 5 minutes;
	hidden = no;
	disable_hidden = no;

/* These are the blacklist settings.
 * You can have multiple combinations of host and rejection reasons.
 * They are used in pairs of one host/rejection reason.
 * These settings should be adequate for most networks, and are (presently)
 * required for use on StaticBox.
 * Word to the wise: Do not use blacklists like SPEWS for blocking IRC
 * connections.
 * As of charybdis 2.2, you can do some keyword substitution on the rejection
 * reason. The available keyword substitutions are:
 *   ${ip}           - the user's IP
 *   ${host}         - the user's canonical hostname
 *   ${dnsbl-host}   - the dnsbl hostname the lookup was done against
 *   ${nick}         - the user's nickname
 *   ${network-name} - the name of the network
 * As of charybdis 3.4, a type parameter is supported, which specifies the
 * address families the blacklist supports. IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.
 * IPv4 is currently the default as few blacklists support IPv6 operation
 * as of this writing.
 * As of charybdis 3.5, a matches parameter is allowed; if omitted, any result
 * is considered a match. If included, a comma-separated list of *quoted* 
 * strings is allowed to match queries. They may be of the format "0" to "255"
 * to match the final octet (e.g. or "127.x.y.z" to explicitly match
 * an A record. The blacklist is only applied if it matches anything in the 
 * list. You may freely mix full IP's and final octets.
 * Consult your blacklist provider for the meaning of these parameters; they
 * are usually used to denote different ban types.
blacklist {
	host = "rbl.efnetrbl.org";
	type = ipv4;
	reject_reason = "${nick}, your IP (${ip}) is listed in EFnet's RBL. For assistance, see http://efnetrbl.org/?i=${ip}";

	/* Example of a blacklist that supports both IPv4 and IPv6 and using matches */
#	host = "foobl.blacklist.invalid";
#	type = ipv4, ipv6;
#	matches = "4", "6", "";
#	reject_reason = "${nick}, your IP (${ip}) is listed in ${dnsbl-host} for some reason. In order to protect ${network-name} from abuse, we are not allowing connections listed in ${dnsbl-host} to connect";

alias "NickServ" {
	target = "NickServ";

alias "ChanServ" {
	target = "ChanServ";

alias "OperServ" {
	target = "OperServ";

alias "MemoServ" {
	target = "MemoServ";

alias "NS" {
	target = "NickServ";

alias "CS" {
	target = "ChanServ";

alias "OS" {
	target = "OperServ";

alias "MS" {
	target = "MemoServ";

general {
	hide_error_messages = opers;
	hide_spoof_ips = yes;

	 * default_umodes: umodes to enable on connect.
	 * If you have enabled the new ip_cloaking_4.0 module, and you want
	 * to make use of it, add +x to this option, i.e.:
	 *      default_umodes = "+ix";
	 * If you have enabled the old ip_cloaking module, and you want
	 * to make use of it, add +h to this option, i.e.:
	 *	default_umodes = "+ih";
	default_umodes = "+i";

	default_operstring = "is an IRC Operator";
	default_adminstring = "is a Server Administrator";
	servicestring = "is a Network Service";

	 * Nick of the network's SASL agent. Used to check whether services are here,
	 * SASL credentials are only sent to its server. Needs to be a service.
	 * Defaults to SaslServ if unspecified.
	sasl_service = "SaslServ";
	disable_fake_channels = no;
	tkline_expire_notices = no;
	default_floodcount = 10;
	failed_oper_notice = yes;
	min_nonwildcard = 4;
	min_nonwildcard_simple = 3;
	max_accept = 100;
	max_monitor = 100;
	anti_nick_flood = yes;
	max_nick_time = 20 seconds;
	max_nick_changes = 5;
	anti_spam_exit_message_time = 5 minutes;
	ts_warn_delta = 30 seconds;
	ts_max_delta = 5 minutes;
	client_exit = yes;
	collision_fnc = yes;
	resv_fnc = yes;
	global_snotices = yes;
	dline_with_reason = yes;
	kline_delay = 0 seconds;
	kline_with_reason = yes;
	kline_reason = "K-Lined";
	identify_service = "NickServ@services.int";
	identify_command = "IDENTIFY";
	non_redundant_klines = yes;
	warn_no_nline = yes;
	use_propagated_bans = yes;
	stats_e_disabled = no;
	map_oper_only = no;
	operspy_admin_only = no;
	operspy_dont_care_user_info = no;
	caller_id_wait = 1 minute;
	pace_wait_simple = 1 second;
	pace_wait = 10 seconds;
	short_motd = no;
	ping_cookie = no;
	connect_timeout = 30 seconds;
	default_ident_timeout = 5;
	disable_auth = no;
	no_oper_flood = yes;
	max_targets = 4;
	client_flood_max_lines = 20;
	use_whois_actually = no;
	oper_only_umodes = operwall, locops, servnotice;
	oper_umodes = locops, servnotice, operwall, wallop;
	oper_snomask = "+s";
	burst_away = yes;
	nick_delay = 0 seconds; # 15 minutes if you want to enable this
	reject_ban_time = 1 minute;
	reject_after_count = 3;
	reject_duration = 5 minutes;
	throttle_duration = 60;
	throttle_count = 4;
	max_ratelimit_tokens = 30;
	away_interval = 30;

modules {
	path = "modules";
	path = "modules/autoload";