/* * charybdis: an advanced ircd. * rb_dictionary.h: Dictionary-based storage. * * Copyright (c) 2007 William Pitcock <nenolod -at- sacredspiral.co.uk> * Copyright (c) 2007 Jilles Tjoelker <jilles -at- stack.nl> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING * IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef __RB_DICTIONARY_H__ #define __RB_DICTIONARY_H__ struct Dictionary; /* defined in src/dictionary.c */ typedef int (*DCF)(/* const void *a, const void *b */); struct DictionaryElement { struct DictionaryElement *left, *right, *prev, *next; void *data; const void *key; int position; }; struct DictionaryIter { struct DictionaryElement *cur, *next; }; /* * this is a convenience macro for inlining iteration of dictionaries. */ #define DICTIONARY_FOREACH(element, state, dict) for (rb_dictionary_foreach_start((dict), (state)); (element = rb_dictionary_foreach_cur((dict), (state))); rb_dictionary_foreach_next((dict), (state))) /* * rb_dictionary_create_named() creates a new dictionary tree which has a name. * name is the name, compare_cb is the comparator. */ extern struct Dictionary *rb_dictionary_create(const char *name, DCF compare_cb); /* * rb_dictionary_set_comparator_func() resets the comparator used for lookups and * insertions in the DTree structure. */ extern void rb_dictionary_set_comparator_func(struct Dictionary *dict, DCF compare_cb); /* * rb_dictionary_get_comparator_func() returns the comparator used for lookups and * insertions in the DTree structure. */ extern DCF rb_dictionary_get_comparator_func(struct Dictionary *dict); /* * rb_dictionary_get_linear_index() returns the linear index of an object in the * DTree structure. */ extern int rb_dictionary_get_linear_index(struct Dictionary *dict, const void *key); /* * rb_dictionary_destroy() destroys all entries in a dtree, and also optionally calls * a defined callback function to destroy any data attached to it. */ extern void rb_dictionary_destroy(struct Dictionary *dtree, void (*destroy_cb)(struct DictionaryElement *delem, void *privdata), void *privdata); /* * rb_dictionary_foreach() iterates all entries in a dtree, and also optionally calls * a defined callback function to use any data attached to it. * * To shortcircuit iteration, return non-zero from the callback function. */ extern void rb_dictionary_foreach(struct Dictionary *dtree, int (*foreach_cb)(struct DictionaryElement *delem, void *privdata), void *privdata); /* * rb_dictionary_search() iterates all entries in a dtree, and also optionally calls * a defined callback function to use any data attached to it. * * When the object is found, a non-NULL is returned from the callback, which results * in that object being returned to the user. */ extern void *rb_dictionary_search(struct Dictionary *dtree, void *(*foreach_cb)(struct DictionaryElement *delem, void *privdata), void *privdata); /* * rb_dictionary_foreach_start() begins an iteration over all items * keeping state in the given struct. If there is only one iteration * in progress at a time, it is permitted to remove the current element * of the iteration (but not any other element). */ extern void rb_dictionary_foreach_start(struct Dictionary *dtree, struct DictionaryIter *state); /* * rb_dictionary_foreach_cur() returns the current element of the iteration, * or NULL if there are no more elements. */ extern void *rb_dictionary_foreach_cur(struct Dictionary *dtree, struct DictionaryIter *state); /* * rb_dictionary_foreach_next() moves to the next element. */ extern void rb_dictionary_foreach_next(struct Dictionary *dtree, struct DictionaryIter *state); /* * rb_dictionary_add() adds a key->value entry to the dictionary tree. */ extern struct DictionaryElement *rb_dictionary_add(struct Dictionary *dtree, const void *key, void *data); /* * rb_dictionary_find() returns a struct DictionaryElement container from a dtree for key 'key'. */ extern struct DictionaryElement *rb_dictionary_find(struct Dictionary *dtree, const void *key); /* * rb_dictionary_find() returns data from a dtree for key 'key'. */ extern void *rb_dictionary_retrieve(struct Dictionary *dtree, const void *key); /* * rb_dictionary_delete() deletes a key->value entry from the dictionary tree. */ extern void *rb_dictionary_delete(struct Dictionary *dtree, const void *key); /* * rb_dictionary_size() returns the number of elements in a dictionary tree. */ extern unsigned int rb_dictionary_size(struct Dictionary *dtree); void rb_dictionary_stats(struct Dictionary *dict, void (*cb)(const char *line, void *privdata), void *privdata); void rb_dictionary_stats_walk(void (*cb)(const char *line, void *privdata), void *privdata); #define RB_POINTER_TO_INT(x) ((int32_t) (long) (x)) #define RB_INT_TO_POINTER(x) ((void *) (long) (int32_t) (x)) #define RB_POINTER_TO_UINT(x) ((uint32_t) (unsigned long) (x)) #define RB_UINT_TO_POINTER(x) ((void *) (unsigned long) (uint32_t) (x)) static inline int rb_int32cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { return RB_POINTER_TO_INT(b) - RB_POINTER_TO_INT(a); } static inline int rb_uint32cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { return RB_POINTER_TO_UINT(b) - RB_POINTER_TO_UINT(a); } #endif