/* SSL extban type: matches ssl users */ /* This file is available under the same conditions as the rest of https://github.com/asterIRC/ircd-chatd, and by extension, the rest of Charybdis. */ #include "stdinc.h" #include "modules.h" #include "client.h" #include "ircd.h" static int _modinit(void); static void _moddeinit(void); static int eb_ssl(const char *data, struct Client *client_p, struct Channel *chptr, long mode_type); DECLARE_MODULE_AV1(extb_ssl, _modinit, _moddeinit, NULL, NULL, NULL, "1.05"); static int _modinit(void) { extban_table['z'] = eb_ssl; return 0; } static void _moddeinit(void) { extban_table['z'] = NULL; } static int eb_ssl(const char *data, struct Client *client_p, struct Channel *chptr, long mode_type) { (void)chptr; (void)mode_type; if (data != NULL) { if (EmptyString(client_p->certfp)) return EXTBAN_NOMATCH; return !irccmp(data, client_p->certfp) ? EXTBAN_MATCH : EXTBAN_NOMATCH; } return IsSSLClient(client_p) ? EXTBAN_MATCH : EXTBAN_NOMATCH; }