<chapter id="ucommands"> <title>User Commands</title> <sect1> <title>User commands</title> <para> Standard IRC commands are not listed here. Several of the commands in the operator commands chapter can also be used by normal users. </para> <sect2> <title>ACCEPT</title> <cmdsynopsis><command>ACCEPT</command> <arg choice=plain><replaceable>nick</replaceable>,</arg> <arg choice=plain>-<replaceable>nick</replaceable>,</arg> <arg choice=plain><replaceable>...</replaceable></arg> </cmdsynopsis> <para> Adds or removes users from your accept list for umode +g and +R. Users are automatically removed when they quit, split or change nick. </para> <cmdsynopsis><command>ACCEPT</command> <arg choice=plain>*</arg> </cmdsynopsis> <para> Lists all users on your accept list. </para> <para> Support of this command is indicated by the CALLERID token in RPL_ISUPPORT (005); the optional parameter indicates the letter of the <quote>only allow accept users to send private messages</quote> umode, otherwise +g. In charybdis this is always +g. </para> </sect2> <sect2> <title>CNOTICE</title> <cmdsynopsis><command>CNOTICE</command> <arg choice=plain><replaceable>nick</replaceable></arg> <arg choice=plain><replaceable>channel</replaceable></arg> <arg choice=plain>:<replaceable>text</replaceable></arg> </cmdsynopsis> <para> Providing you are opped (+o) or voiced (+v) in <replaceable>channel</replaceable>, and <replaceable>nick</replaceable> is a member of <replaceable>channel</replaceable>, CNOTICE generates a NOTICE towards <replaceable>nick</replaceable>. </para> <para> CNOTICE bypasses any anti-spam measures in place. If you get <quote>Targets changing too fast, message dropped</quote>, you should probably use this command, for example sending a notice to every user joining a certain channel. </para> <para> Support of this command is indicated by the CNOTICE token in RPL_ISUPPORT (005). </para> </sect2> <sect2> <title>CPRIVMSG</title> <cmdsynopsis><command>CPRIVMSG</command> <arg choice=plain><replaceable>nick</replaceable></arg> <arg choice=plain><replaceable>channel</replaceable></arg> <arg choice=plain>:<replaceable>text</replaceable></arg> </cmdsynopsis> <para> Providing you are opped (+o) or voiced (+v) in <replaceable>channel</replaceable>, and <replaceable>nick</replaceable> is a member of <replaceable>channel</replaceable>, CPRIVMSG generates a PRIVMSG towards <replaceable>nick</replaceable>. </para> <para> CPRIVMSG bypasses any anti-spam measures in place. If you get <quote>Targets changing too fast, message dropped</quote>, you should probably use this command. </para> <para> Support of this command is indicated by the CPRIVMSG token in RPL_ISUPPORT (005). </para> </sect2> <sect2> <title>FINDFORWARDS</title> <cmdsynopsis><command>FINDFORWARDS</command> <arg choice=plain><replaceable>channel</replaceable></arg> </cmdsynopsis> <para> <note> <para> This command is only available if the <filename>m_findforwards.so</filename> extension is loaded. </para> </note> Displays which channels forward to the given channel (via cmode +f). If there are very many channels the list will be truncated. </para> <para> You must be a channel operator on the channel or an IRC operator to use this command. </para> </sect2> <sect2> <title>HELP</title> <cmdsynopsis><command>HELP</command> <arg><replaceable>topic</replaceable></arg> </cmdsynopsis> <para> Displays help information. <replaceable>topic</replaceable> can be INDEX, CREDITS, UMODE, CMODE, SNOMASK or a command name. </para> <para> There are separate help files for users and opers. Opers can use UHELP to query the user help files. </para> </sect2> <sect2> <title>IDENTIFY</title> <cmdsynopsis><command>IDENTIFY</command> <arg choice=plain><replaceable>parameters...</replaceable></arg> </cmdsynopsis> <para> <note> <para> This command is only available if the <filename>m_identify.so</filename> extension is loaded. </para> </note> Sends an identify command to either NickServ or ChanServ. If the first parameter starts with #, the command is sent to ChanServ, otherwise to NickServ. The word IDENTIFY, a space and all parameters are concatenated and sent as a PRIVMSG to the service. If the service is not online or does not have umode +S set, no message will be sent. </para> <para> The exact syntax for this command depends on the services package in use. </para> </sect2> <sect2> <title>KNOCK</title> <cmdsynopsis><command>KNOCK</command> <arg choice=plain><replaceable>channel</replaceable></arg> </cmdsynopsis> <para> Requests an invite to the given channel. The channel must be locked somehow (+ikl), must not be +p and you may not be banned or quieted. Also, this command is rate limited. </para> <para> If successful, all channel operators will receive a 710 numeric. The recipient field of this numeric is the channel. </para> <para> Support of this command is indicated by the KNOCK token in RPL_ISUPPORT (005). </para> </sect2> <sect2> <title>MONITOR</title> <para> Server side notify list. This list contains nicks. When a user connects, quits with a listed nick or changes to or from a listed nick, you will receive a 730 numeric if the nick went online and a 731 numeric if the nick went offline. </para> <para> Support of this command is indicated by the MONITOR token in RPL_ISUPPORT (005); the parameter indicates the maximum number of nicknames you may have in your monitor list. </para> <para> You may only use this command once per second. </para> <para> More details can be found in <filename>doc/monitor.txt</filename> in the source distribution. </para> <cmdsynopsis><command>MONITOR +</command> <arg choice=plain><replaceable>nick</replaceable>,</arg> <arg choice=plain><replaceable>...</replaceable></arg> </cmdsynopsis> <para> Adds nicks to your monitor list. You will receive 730 and 731 numerics for the nicks. </para> <cmdsynopsis><command>MONITOR -</command> <arg choice=plain><replaceable>nick</replaceable>,</arg> <arg choice=plain><replaceable>...</replaceable></arg> </cmdsynopsis> <para> Removes nicks from your monitor list. No output is generated for this command. </para> <cmdsynopsis><command>MONITOR C</command> </cmdsynopsis> <para> Clears your monitor list. No output is generated for this command. </para> <cmdsynopsis><command>MONITOR L</command> </cmdsynopsis> <para> Lists all nicks on your monitor list, using 732 numerics and ending with a 733 numeric. </para> <cmdsynopsis><command>MONITOR S</command> </cmdsynopsis> <para> Shows status for all nicks on your monitor list, using 730 and 731 numerics. </para> </sect2> </sect1> </chapter> <!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file Local variables: mode: sgml sgml-omittag:t sgml-shorttag:t sgml-namecase-general:t sgml-general-insert-case:lower sgml-minimize-attributes:nil sgml-always-quote-attributes:t sgml-indent-step:2 sgml-indent-data:t sgml-parent-document: ("charybdis-oper-guide.sgml" "book") sgml-exposed-tags:nil sgml-local-ecat-files:nil fill-column:105 End: -->