/* * Yanked out of Net::Patricia by Aaron Sethman * * This was then yanked out of the ratbox/devel/src tree and stuffed into * librb and had function names changed, but otherwise not really altered. * * Dave Plonka * * This product includes software developed by the University of Michigan, * Merit Network, Inc., and their contributors. * * This file had been called "radix.c" in the MRT sources. * * I renamed it to "patricia.c" since it's not an implementation of a general * radix trie. Also I pulled in various requirements from "prefix.c" and * "demo.c" so that it could be used as a standalone API. * * This product includes software developed by the University of Michigan, Merit * Network, Inc., and their contributors. * */ #include #include /* Enable both of these to debug patricia.c * #define NOTYET 1 * #define PATRICIA_DEBUG 1 */ void rb_init_patricia(void) { return; } /* prefix_tochar * convert prefix information to bytes */ static uint8_t * prefix_tochar(rb_prefix_t *prefix) { if(prefix == NULL) return (NULL); return ((uint8_t *)&prefix->add.sin); } static int comp_with_mask(void *addr, void *dest, unsigned int mask) { if( /* mask/8 == 0 || */ memcmp(addr, dest, mask / 8) == 0) { int n = mask / 8; uint8_t m = (0xFF << (8 - (mask % 8))); if(mask % 8 == 0 || (((uint8_t *)addr)[n] & m) == (((uint8_t *)dest)[n] & m)) return (1); } return (0); } #ifdef NOTYET static char * prefix_toa2x(rb_prefix_t *prefix, char *buf, int buf_len, int with_len) { static char tmp[6]; if(prefix == NULL) { rb_strlcpy(buf, "(NULL)", buf_len); return (buf); } inet_ntop(prefix->family, &prefix->add.sin, buf, buf_len); if(with_len) { snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "/%d", prefix->bitlen); strcat(buf, tmp); } return (buf); } /* prefix_toa2 * convert prefix information to ascii string */ static char * prefix_toa2(rb_prefix_t *prefix, char *buff, int buf_len) { return (prefix_toa2x(prefix, buff, buf_len, 0)); } static char * prefix_toa(rb_prefix_t *prefix) { #ifdef RB_IPV6 static char buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 6]; #else static char buf[16 + 6]; #endif return (prefix_toa2(prefix, buf, sizeof(buf))); } #endif static rb_prefix_t * New_Prefix2(int family, void *dest, int bitlen, rb_prefix_t *prefix) { int dynamic_allocated = 0; #ifdef RB_IPV6 int default_bitlen = 128; #else int default_bitlen = 32; #endif #ifdef RB_IPV6 if(family == AF_INET6) { default_bitlen = 128; if(prefix == NULL) { prefix = rb_malloc(sizeof(rb_prefix_t)); dynamic_allocated++; } memcpy(&prefix->add.sin6, dest, 16); } else #endif /* RB_IPV6 */ if(family == AF_INET) { if(prefix == NULL) { prefix = rb_malloc(sizeof(rb_prefix_t)); dynamic_allocated++; } memcpy(&prefix->add.sin, dest, 4); } else { return (NULL); } prefix->bitlen = (bitlen >= 0) ? bitlen : default_bitlen; prefix->family = family; prefix->ref_count = 0; if(dynamic_allocated) { prefix->ref_count++; } return (prefix); } static rb_prefix_t * New_Prefix(int family, void *dest, int bitlen) { return (New_Prefix2(family, dest, bitlen, NULL)); } /* ascii2prefix */ static rb_prefix_t * ascii2prefix(int family, const char *string) { long bitlen, maxbitlen = 0; char *cp; struct in_addr sinaddr; #ifdef RB_IPV6 struct in6_addr sinaddr6; #endif /* RB_IPV6 */ int result; char save[MAXLINE]; if(string == NULL) return (NULL); /* easy way to handle both families */ if(family == 0) { family = AF_INET; #ifdef RB_IPV6 if(strchr(string, ':')) family = AF_INET6; #endif /* RB_IPV6 */ } if(family == AF_INET) { maxbitlen = 32; } #ifdef RB_IPV6 else if(family == AF_INET6) { maxbitlen = 128; } #endif /* RB_IPV6 */ if((cp = strchr(string, '/')) != NULL) { bitlen = atol(cp + 1); /* *cp = '\0'; */ /* copy the string to save. Avoid destroying the string */ assert(cp - string < MAXLINE); memcpy(save, string, cp - string); save[cp - string] = '\0'; string = save; if(bitlen <= 0 || bitlen > maxbitlen) bitlen = maxbitlen; } else { bitlen = maxbitlen; } if(family == AF_INET) { if((result = rb_inet_pton(AF_INET, string, &sinaddr)) <= 0) return (NULL); return (New_Prefix(AF_INET, &sinaddr, bitlen)); } #ifdef RB_IPV6 else if(family == AF_INET6) { if((result = rb_inet_pton(AF_INET6, string, &sinaddr6)) <= 0) return (NULL); return (New_Prefix(AF_INET6, &sinaddr6, bitlen)); } #endif /* RB_IPV6 */ else return (NULL); } static rb_prefix_t * Ref_Prefix(rb_prefix_t *prefix) { if(prefix == NULL) return (NULL); if(prefix->ref_count == 0) { /* make a copy in case of a static prefix */ return (New_Prefix2(prefix->family, &prefix->add, prefix->bitlen, NULL)); } prefix->ref_count++; return (prefix); } static void Deref_Prefix(rb_prefix_t *prefix) { if(prefix == NULL) return; /* for secure programming, raise an assert. no static prefix can call this */ assert(prefix->ref_count > 0); prefix->ref_count--; assert(prefix->ref_count >= 0); if(prefix->ref_count <= 0) { rb_free(prefix); return; } } /* } */ // #define PATRICIA_DEBUG 1 static int num_active_patricia = 0; /* these routines support continuous mask only */ rb_patricia_tree_t * rb_new_patricia(int maxbits) { rb_patricia_tree_t *patricia = rb_malloc(sizeof(rb_patricia_tree_t)); patricia->maxbits = maxbits; patricia->head = NULL; patricia->num_active_node = 0; assert(maxbits <= RB_PATRICIA_MAXBITS); /* XXX */ num_active_patricia++; return (patricia); } /* * if func is supplied, it will be called as func(node->data) * before deleting the node */ void rb_clear_patricia(rb_patricia_tree_t *patricia, void (*func) (void *)) { assert(patricia); if(patricia->head) { rb_patricia_node_t *Xstack[RB_PATRICIA_MAXBITS + 1]; rb_patricia_node_t **Xsp = Xstack; rb_patricia_node_t *Xrn = patricia->head; while(Xrn) { rb_patricia_node_t *l = Xrn->l; rb_patricia_node_t *r = Xrn->r; if(Xrn->prefix) { Deref_Prefix(Xrn->prefix); if(Xrn->data && func) func(Xrn->data); } else { assert(Xrn->data == NULL); } rb_free(Xrn); patricia->num_active_node--; if(l) { if(r) { *Xsp++ = r; } Xrn = l; } else if(r) { Xrn = r; } else if(Xsp != Xstack) { Xrn = *(--Xsp); } else { Xrn = (rb_patricia_node_t *)0; } } } assert(patricia->num_active_node == 0); rb_free(patricia); } void rb_destroy_patricia(rb_patricia_tree_t *patricia, void (*func) (void *)) { rb_clear_patricia(patricia, func); num_active_patricia--; } /* * if func is supplied, it will be called as func(node->prefix, node->data) */ void rb_patricia_process(rb_patricia_tree_t *patricia, void (*func) (rb_prefix_t *, void *)) { rb_patricia_node_t *node; assert(func); RB_PATRICIA_WALK(patricia->head, node) { func(node->prefix, node->data); } RB_PATRICIA_WALK_END; } rb_patricia_node_t * rb_patricia_search_exact(rb_patricia_tree_t *patricia, rb_prefix_t *prefix) { rb_patricia_node_t *node; uint8_t *addr; unsigned int bitlen; assert(patricia); assert(prefix); assert(prefix->bitlen <= patricia->maxbits); if(patricia->head == NULL) return (NULL); node = patricia->head; addr = rb_prefix_touchar(prefix); bitlen = prefix->bitlen; while(node->bit < bitlen) { if(BIT_TEST(addr[node->bit >> 3], 0x80 >> (node->bit & 0x07))) { #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG if(node->prefix) fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_exact: take right %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); else fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_exact: take right at %u\n", node->bit); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ node = node->r; } else { #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG if(node->prefix) fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_exact: take left %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); else fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_exact: take left at %u\n", node->bit); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ node = node->l; } if(node == NULL) return (NULL); } #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG if(node->prefix) fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_exact: stop at %s/%d %u\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen, node->bit); else fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_exact: stop at %u\n", node->bit); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ if(node->bit > bitlen || node->prefix == NULL) return (NULL); assert(node->bit == bitlen); assert(node->bit == node->prefix->bitlen); if(comp_with_mask(prefix_tochar(node->prefix), prefix_tochar(prefix), bitlen)) { #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_exact: found %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ return (node); } return (NULL); } /* if inclusive != 0, "best" may be the given prefix itself */ rb_patricia_node_t * rb_patricia_search_best2(rb_patricia_tree_t *patricia, rb_prefix_t *prefix, int inclusive) { rb_patricia_node_t *node; rb_patricia_node_t *stack[RB_PATRICIA_MAXBITS + 1]; uint8_t *addr; unsigned int bitlen; int cnt = 0; assert(patricia); assert(prefix); assert(prefix->bitlen <= patricia->maxbits); if(patricia->head == NULL) return (NULL); node = patricia->head; addr = rb_prefix_touchar(prefix); bitlen = prefix->bitlen; while(node->bit < bitlen) { if(node->prefix) { #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_best: push %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ stack[cnt++] = node; } if(BIT_TEST(addr[node->bit >> 3], 0x80 >> (node->bit & 0x07))) { #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG if(node->prefix) fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_best: take right %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); else fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_best: take right at %u\n", node->bit); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ node = node->r; } else { #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG if(node->prefix) fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_best: take left %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); else fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_best: take left at %u\n", node->bit); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ node = node->l; } if(node == NULL) break; } if(inclusive && node && node->prefix) stack[cnt++] = node; #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG if(node == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_best: stop at null\n"); else if(node->prefix) fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_best: stop at %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); else fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_best: stop at %u\n", node->bit); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ if(cnt <= 0) return (NULL); while(--cnt >= 0) { node = stack[cnt]; #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_best: pop %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ if(comp_with_mask(prefix_tochar(node->prefix), prefix_tochar(prefix), node->prefix->bitlen)) { #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_search_best: found %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ return (node); } } return (NULL); } rb_patricia_node_t * rb_patricia_search_best(rb_patricia_tree_t *patricia, rb_prefix_t *prefix) { return (rb_patricia_search_best2(patricia, prefix, 1)); } rb_patricia_node_t * rb_patricia_lookup(rb_patricia_tree_t *patricia, rb_prefix_t *prefix) { rb_patricia_node_t *node, *new_node, *parent, *glue; uint8_t *addr, *test_addr; unsigned int bitlen, check_bit, differ_bit; unsigned int i, j, r; assert(patricia); assert(prefix); assert(prefix->bitlen <= patricia->maxbits); if(patricia->head == NULL) { node = rb_malloc(sizeof(rb_patricia_node_t)); node->bit = prefix->bitlen; node->prefix = Ref_Prefix(prefix); node->parent = NULL; node->l = node->r = NULL; node->data = NULL; patricia->head = node; #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: new_node #0 %s/%d (head)\n", prefix_toa(prefix), prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ patricia->num_active_node++; return (node); } addr = rb_prefix_touchar(prefix); bitlen = prefix->bitlen; node = patricia->head; while(node->bit < bitlen || node->prefix == NULL) { if(node->bit < patricia->maxbits && BIT_TEST(addr[node->bit >> 3], 0x80 >> (node->bit & 0x07))) { if(node->r == NULL) break; #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG if(node->prefix) fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: take right %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); else fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: take right at %u\n", node->bit); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ node = node->r; } else { if(node->l == NULL) break; #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG if(node->prefix) fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: take left %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); else fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: take left at %u\n", node->bit); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ node = node->l; } assert(node); } assert(node->prefix); #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: stop at %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ test_addr = rb_prefix_touchar(node->prefix); /* find the first bit different */ check_bit = (node->bit < bitlen) ? node->bit : bitlen; differ_bit = 0; for(i = 0; i * 8 < check_bit; i++) { if((r = (addr[i] ^ test_addr[i])) == 0) { differ_bit = (i + 1) * 8; continue; } /* I know the better way, but for now */ for(j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if(BIT_TEST(r, (0x80 >> j))) break; } /* must be found */ assert(j < 8); differ_bit = i * 8 + j; break; } if(differ_bit > check_bit) differ_bit = check_bit; #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: differ_bit %u\n", differ_bit); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ parent = node->parent; while(parent && parent->bit >= differ_bit) { node = parent; parent = node->parent; #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG if(node->prefix) fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: up to %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); else fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: up to %u\n", node->bit); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ } if(differ_bit == bitlen && node->bit == bitlen) { if(node->prefix) { #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: found %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ return (node); } node->prefix = Ref_Prefix(prefix); #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: new node #1 %s/%d (glue mod)\n", prefix_toa(prefix), prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ assert(node->data == NULL); return (node); } new_node = rb_malloc(sizeof(rb_patricia_node_t)); new_node->bit = prefix->bitlen; new_node->prefix = Ref_Prefix(prefix); new_node->parent = NULL; new_node->l = new_node->r = NULL; new_node->data = NULL; patricia->num_active_node++; if(node->bit == differ_bit) { new_node->parent = node; if(node->bit < patricia->maxbits && BIT_TEST(addr[node->bit >> 3], 0x80 >> (node->bit & 0x07))) { assert(node->r == NULL); node->r = new_node; } else { assert(node->l == NULL); node->l = new_node; } #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: new_node #2 %s/%d (child)\n", prefix_toa(prefix), prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ return (new_node); } if(bitlen == differ_bit) { if(bitlen < patricia->maxbits && BIT_TEST(test_addr[bitlen >> 3], 0x80 >> (bitlen & 0x07))) { new_node->r = node; } else { new_node->l = node; } new_node->parent = node->parent; if(node->parent == NULL) { assert(patricia->head == node); patricia->head = new_node; } else if(node->parent->r == node) { node->parent->r = new_node; } else { node->parent->l = new_node; } node->parent = new_node; #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: new_node #3 %s/%d (parent)\n", prefix_toa(prefix), prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ } else { glue = rb_malloc(sizeof(rb_patricia_node_t)); glue->bit = differ_bit; glue->prefix = NULL; glue->parent = node->parent; glue->data = NULL; patricia->num_active_node++; if(differ_bit < patricia->maxbits && BIT_TEST(addr[differ_bit >> 3], 0x80 >> (differ_bit & 0x07))) { glue->r = new_node; glue->l = node; } else { glue->r = node; glue->l = new_node; } new_node->parent = glue; if(node->parent == NULL) { assert(patricia->head == node); patricia->head = glue; } else if(node->parent->r == node) { node->parent->r = glue; } else { node->parent->l = glue; } node->parent = glue; #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_lookup: new_node #4 %s/%d (glue+node)\n", prefix_toa(prefix), prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ } return (new_node); } void rb_patricia_remove(rb_patricia_tree_t *patricia, rb_patricia_node_t *node) { rb_patricia_node_t *parent, *child; assert(patricia); assert(node); if(node->r && node->l) { #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_remove: #0 %s/%d (r & l)\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ /* this might be a placeholder node -- have to check and make sure * there is a prefix aossciated with it ! */ if(node->prefix != NULL) Deref_Prefix(node->prefix); node->prefix = NULL; /* Also I needed to clear data pointer -- masaki */ node->data = NULL; return; } if(node->r == NULL && node->l == NULL) { #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_remove: #1 %s/%d (!r & !l)\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ parent = node->parent; Deref_Prefix(node->prefix); rb_free(node); patricia->num_active_node--; if(parent == NULL) { assert(patricia->head == node); patricia->head = NULL; return; } if(parent->r == node) { parent->r = NULL; child = parent->l; } else { assert(parent->l == node); parent->l = NULL; child = parent->r; } if(parent->prefix) return; /* we need to remove parent too */ if(parent->parent == NULL) { assert(patricia->head == parent); patricia->head = child; } else if(parent->parent->r == parent) { parent->parent->r = child; } else { assert(parent->parent->l == parent); parent->parent->l = child; } child->parent = parent->parent; rb_free(parent); patricia->num_active_node--; return; } #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "patricia_remove: #2 %s/%d (r ^ l)\n", prefix_toa(node->prefix), node->prefix->bitlen); #endif /* PATRICIA_DEBUG */ if(node->r) { child = node->r; } else { assert(node->l); child = node->l; } parent = node->parent; child->parent = parent; Deref_Prefix(node->prefix); rb_free(node); patricia->num_active_node--; if(parent == NULL) { assert(patricia->head == node); patricia->head = child; return; } if(parent->r == node) { parent->r = child; } else { assert(parent->l == node); parent->l = child; } } rb_patricia_node_t * make_and_lookup_ip(rb_patricia_tree_t *tree, struct sockaddr *in, int bitlen) { rb_prefix_t *prefix; rb_patricia_node_t *node; void *ipptr = NULL; #ifdef RB_IPV6 if(in->sa_family == AF_INET6) ipptr = &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)in)->sin6_addr; else #endif ipptr = &((struct sockaddr_in *)in)->sin_addr; prefix = New_Prefix(in->sa_family, ipptr, bitlen); if(prefix == NULL) return NULL; node = rb_patricia_lookup(tree, prefix); Deref_Prefix(prefix); return (node); } rb_patricia_node_t * make_and_lookup(rb_patricia_tree_t *tree, const char *string) { rb_prefix_t *prefix; rb_patricia_node_t *node; if((prefix = ascii2prefix(AF_INET, string)) != NULL) { node = rb_patricia_lookup(tree, prefix); } else #ifdef RB_IPV6 if((prefix = ascii2prefix(AF_INET6, string)) != NULL) { node = rb_patricia_lookup(tree, prefix); } else #endif return NULL; #ifdef PATRICIA_DEBUG printf("make_and_lookup: %s/%d\n", prefix_toa(prefix), prefix->bitlen); #endif Deref_Prefix(prefix); return (node); } #ifdef NOTYET static rb_patricia_node_t * try_search_exact(rb_patricia_tree_t *tree, char *string) { rb_prefix_t *prefix; rb_patricia_node_t *node; if((prefix = ascii2prefix(AF_INET, string)) != NULL) { node = rb_patricia_search_exact(tree, prefix); Deref_Prefix(prefix); return (node); } #ifdef RB_IPV6 else if((prefix = ascii2prefix(AF_INET6, string)) != NULL) { node = rb_patricia_search_exact(tree, prefix); Deref_Prefix(prefix); return (node); } #endif else return NULL; } void lookup_then_remove(rb_patricia_tree_t *tree, char *string) { rb_patricia_node_t *node; if((node = try_search_exact(tree, string))) patricia_remove(tree, node); } #endif rb_patricia_node_t * rb_match_ip(rb_patricia_tree_t *tree, struct sockaddr *ip) { rb_prefix_t *prefix; rb_patricia_node_t *node; void *ipptr; unsigned int len; int family; #ifndef RB_IPV6 len = 32; family = AF_INET; ipptr = &((struct sockaddr_in *)ip)->sin_addr; #else if(ip->sa_family == AF_INET6) { len = 128; family = AF_INET6; ipptr = &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)ip)->sin6_addr; } else { len = 32; family = AF_INET; ipptr = &((struct sockaddr_in *)ip)->sin_addr; } #endif if((prefix = New_Prefix(family, ipptr, len)) != NULL) { node = rb_patricia_search_best(tree, prefix); Deref_Prefix(prefix); return (node); } return NULL; } rb_patricia_node_t * rb_match_ip_exact(rb_patricia_tree_t *tree, struct sockaddr *ip, unsigned int len) { rb_prefix_t *prefix; rb_patricia_node_t *node; void *ipptr; int family; #ifndef RB_IPV6 if(len > 128) len = 128; family = AF_INET; ipptr = &((struct sockaddr_in *)ip)->sin_addr; #else if(ip->sa_family == AF_INET6) { if(len > 128) len = 128; family = AF_INET6; ipptr = &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)ip)->sin6_addr; } else { if(len > 32) len = 32; family = AF_INET; ipptr = &((struct sockaddr_in *)ip)->sin_addr; } #endif if((prefix = New_Prefix(family, ipptr, len)) != NULL) { node = rb_patricia_search_exact(tree, prefix); Deref_Prefix(prefix); return (node); } return NULL; } rb_patricia_node_t * rb_match_string(rb_patricia_tree_t *tree, const char *string) { rb_patricia_node_t *node; rb_prefix_t *prefix; if((prefix = ascii2prefix(AF_INET, string)) != NULL) { node = rb_patricia_search_best(tree, prefix); Deref_Prefix(prefix); } else #ifdef RB_IPV6 if((prefix = ascii2prefix(AF_INET6, string)) != NULL) { node = rb_patricia_search_best(tree, prefix); Deref_Prefix(prefix); } else #endif return NULL; return node; } rb_patricia_node_t * rb_match_exact_string(rb_patricia_tree_t *tree, const char *string) { rb_prefix_t *prefix; rb_patricia_node_t *node; if((prefix = ascii2prefix(AF_INET, string)) != NULL) { node = rb_patricia_search_exact(tree, prefix); Deref_Prefix(prefix); } else #ifdef RB_IPV6 if((prefix = ascii2prefix(AF_INET6, string)) != NULL) { node = rb_patricia_search_exact(tree, prefix); Deref_Prefix(prefix); } else #endif return NULL; return node; }