Connecting servers ================== Servers can be connected together to improve redundancy, distribute bandwidth, lower latency, and connect network services. This document is an introduction to connecting servers. It assumes you are already somewhat familiar with Solanum's configuration (if not, read :file:`ircd.conf.example`, and set up your own server by editing it and running Solanum). Solanum uses the TS6 protocol, and can only be connected with other servers using this protocol. We recommend you only connect Solanum with other Solanum instances. Unlike some other IRCd implementations, all connections are reciprocal in Solanum, which means a single configuration block is used for both incoming and outgoing connections. Additionally, the same ports are used for server and client connections. Creating servers ---------------- If you already have a server running, copy its configuration to a new machine, and edit ``serverinfo`` for the new server. In particular, you must change the ``name`` and ``sid``, but keep the same ``network_name``. We recommend you keep both configurations in sync using some external configuration management systems, so server configurations do not drift apart over time, as you change them. For each of the two servers, you must create a ``connect`` block to represent the connection with the other server. For example, if you have servers A and B respectively at and, use respectively:: serverinfo { name = ""; // ... }; connect "" { host = ""; port = 6666; send_password = "password"; accept_password = "anotherpassword"; flags = topicburst, autoconn; class = "server"; }; and:: serverinfo { name = ""; // ... }; connect "" { host = ""; port = 6666; send_password = "anotherpassword"; accept_password = "password"; flags = topicburst, autoconn; class = "server"; }; Note the reversed passwords. The ports should be any of the ports defined in a ``listen {}`` block of the other server. The ``autoconn`` flag indicates a server should automatically connect using this ``connect {}`` block. At least one of the two servers should have it, or the servers won't try to connect. If you are connecting servers over an unencrypted link, you should use SSL/TLS for the connection; see :file:`reference.conf`. Connecting services ------------------- In addition to regular servers, you can also connect service packages such as atheme-services. These services typically do not accept incoming connections, and connect to one of the existing servers of the network. To allow connections from such a service server, you should create a new ``connect {}`` block for this package, on the server the services will connect to:: connect "" { host = "localhost"; port = 6666; send_password = "password"; accept_password = "anotherpassword"; flags = topicburst; // No autoconn, services don't accept incoming connections class = "server"; }; And create the appropriate config in your services' configuration so that they connect to your server on the configured port, and from the configured hostname. For example, with atheme:: loadmodule "modules/protocol/solanum"; uplink "" { host = "localhost"; port = 6666; send_password = "anotherpassword"; receive_password = "password" }; Finally, you must configure all servers in your network to recognize the services server:: service { name = ""; };