Add two mechanism for avoiding name-collisions in a system-wide installation of charybdis. The ssld and bandb daemons, intended to be directly used by ircd and not the user, install into libexec when --enable-fhs-paths is set. For binaries which are meant to be in PATH (bindir), such as ircd and viconf, there is now an option --with-program-prefix=progprefix inspired by automake. If the user specifies --with-program-prefix=charybdis, the ircd binary is named charybdisircd when installed. Add support for saving the pidfile to a rundir and storing the ban database in localstatedir instead of in sysconfdir. This is, again, conditional on --enable-fhs-paths. Fix(?) to always write created SSL key/certificate/dh parameters to the sysconfdir specified during ./configure. The previous behavior was to assume that the user ran after ensuring that his current working directory was either sysconfdir or a sibling directory of sysconfdir.
29 lines
921 B
Executable file
29 lines
921 B
Executable file
echo "Generating self-signed certificate .. "
openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout "${sysconfdir}"/ssl.key -out "${sysconfdir}"/ssl.cert
echo "Generating Diffie-Hellman file for secure SSL/TLS negotiation .. "
openssl dhparam -out "${sysconfdir}"/dh.pem 1024
# If sysconfdir is relative to prefix, make the path relative. I.e.,
# prefix=/usr and sysconfdir=/etc -> relative_sysconfdir=/etc,
# prefix=/home/binki/chary and sysconfdir=/home/binki/chary/etc ->
# relative_sysconfdir=etc
cat <<EOF
Now change these lines in the IRCd config file:
ssl_private_key = "${relative_sysconfdir}/ssl.key";
ssl_cert = "${relative_sysconfdir}/ssl.cert";
ssl_dh_params = "${relative_sysconfdir}/dh.pem";
Enjoy using ssl.