#!/usr/bin/python3 from subprocess import run, PIPE import config as conf import random as r from typing import Any, Callable import bare, re, checks def fpmp(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: bot.msg("Firepup's master playlist", chan) bot.msg("https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4ctNy3O0rOwhhXIKyLvUZM", chan) def version(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: bot.msg("Version: " + bot.__version__, chan) def goat(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: bot.log("GOAT DETECTED") bot.msg("Hello Goat", chan) bot.gmode = False def botlist(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: bot.msg( f"Hi! I'm FireBot (https://git.amcforum.wiki/Firepup650/fire-ircbot)! {'My admins on this server are' + str(bot.adminnames) + '.' if bot.adminnames else ''}", # pyright: ignore [reportOperatorIssue] chan, ) def bugs(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: bot.msg( f"\x01ACTION realizes {name} looks like a bug, and squashes {name}\x01", chan, ) def hi(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: bot.msg(f"Hello {name}!", chan) def op(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: bot.op(name, chan) def ping(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: bot.msg( f"{name}: pong", chan, ) def uptime(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: uptime = run(["uptime", "-p"], stdout=PIPE).stdout.decode().strip() bot.msg( f"Uptime: {uptime}", chan, ) def isAdmin(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: bot.msg( f"{'Yes' if checks.admin(bot, name) else 'No'}", chan, ) def help(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: helpErr = False if bot.current == "bridge": helpErr = True if not helpErr: bot.msg("Command list needs rework", name) return bot.msg("List of commands:", name) bot.msg(f'Current bot.prefix is "{bot.prefix}"', name) bot.msg(f"{bot.prefix}help - Sends this help list", name) bot.msg(f"{bot.prefix}quote - Sends a random firepup quote", name) bot.msg( f"{bot.prefix}(eightball,8ball,8b) [question]? - Asks the magic eightball a question", name, ) bot.msg(f"(hi,hello) {bot.nick} - The bot says hi to you", name) if checks.admin(bot, name): bot.msg(f"reboot {bot.rebt} - Restarts the bot", name) bot.msg("op me - Makes the bot try to op you", name) bot.msg( f"{bot.prefix}join [channel(s)] - Joins the bot to the specified channel(s)", name, ) else: bot.msg("Sorry, I can't send help to bridged users.", chan) def goatOn(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: bot.log("GOAT DETECTION ACTIVATED") bot.gmode = True def goatOff(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: bot.log("GOAT DETECTION DEACTIVATED") bot.gmode = False def quote(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: qfilter = "" query = "" if " " in message: query = message.split(" ", 1)[1] qfilter = query.replace( " ", "\s" ) # pyright: ignore [reportInvalidStringEscapeSequence] r.seed() with open("mastermessages.txt", "r") as mm: q = [] try: q = list(filter(lambda x: re.search(qfilter, x), mm.readlines())) except re.error: q = ["Sorry, your query is invalid regex. Please try again."] if q == []: q = [f'No results for "{query}" '] sel = conf.decode_escapes( r.sample(q, 1)[0].replace("\\n", "").replace("\n", "") ) bot.msg(sel, chan) def join(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: newchan = message.split(" ", 1)[1].strip() bot.join(newchan, chan) def eball(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: if message.endswith("?"): eb = open("eightball.txt", "r") q = eb.readlines() sel = str(r.sample(q, 1)).strip("[]'").replace("\\n", "").strip('"') bot.msg(f"The magic eightball says: {sel}", chan) eb.close() else: bot.msg("Please pose a Yes or No question.", chan) def debug(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: dbg_out = { "VERSION": bot.__version__, "NICKLEN": bot.nicklen, "NICK": bot.nick, "ADMINS": str(bot.adminnames) + " (Does not include hostname checks)", "CHANNELS": bot.channels, } bot.msg(f"[DEBUG] {dbg_out}", chan) def debugInternal(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: things = dir(bot) try: thing = message.split(" ", 1)[1] except IndexError: bot.msg("You can't just ask me to lookup nothing.", chan) return if thing in things: bot.msg(f"self.{thing} = {getattr(bot, thing)}", chan) else: bot.msg(f'I have nothing called "{thing}"', chan) def debugEval(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: try: bot.msg(str(eval(message.split(" ", 1)[1])), chan) except Exception as E: bot.msg(f"Exception: {E}", chan) def raw(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: bot.sendraw(message.split(" ", 1)[1]) def reboot(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: bot.send("QUIT :Rebooting\n") bot.exit("Reboot") def sudo(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: if checks.admin(bot, name): bot.msg("Error - system failure, contact system operator", chan) elif "bot" in name.lower(): bot.log("lol, no.") else: bot.msg("Access Denied", chan) def nowplaying(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: if name in bot.npallowed and not bot.current == "bridge": x02 = "\x02" bot.msg( f"f.sp {message.split(x02)[1]}", chan, ) def fmpull(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: song = None try: song = bot.lastfmLink.get_user("Firepup650").get_now_playing() except: bot.msg( "Sorry, the music api isn't cooperating, please try again in a minute", chan ) if song: bot.msg( "Firepup is currently listening to: " + song.__str__(), chan, ) else: bot.msg("Firepup currently has his music stopped :/", chan) def whoami(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: bot.msg( f"I think you are {name}{' (bridge)' if bot.current == 'bridge' else '@'+bot.tmpHost}", chan, ) def markov(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: word = None if " " in message: word = message.split()[1] proposed = bot.markov.generate_text(word) if proposed == word: proposed = f'Chain failed. (Firepup has never been recorded saying "{word}")' bot.msg(proposed, chan) def setStatus(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: user, stat, reas = ("", 0, "") try: if message.split(" ")[1] == "help": bot.msg( "Assuming you want help with status codes. 1 is Available, 2 is Busy, 3 is Unavailable, anything else is Unknown.", chan, ) return message = message.split(" ", 1)[1] user = message.split(" ")[0].lower() stat = int(message.split(" ")[1]) reas = message.split(" ", 2)[2] except IndexError: bot.msg( f"Insufficent information to set a status. Only got {len(message.split(' ')) - (1 if '.sS' in message else 0)}/3 expected args.", chan, ) return except ValueError: bot.msg("Status parameter must be an int.", chan) return match stat: case 1: stat = "Available" case 2: stat = "Busy" case 3: stat = "Unavailable" case _: stat = "Unknown" if user in ["me", "my", "I"]: user = "firepup" bot.statuses[user] = {"status": stat, "reason": reas} bot.msg(f"Status set for '{user}'. Raw data: {bot.statuses[user]}", chan) def getStatus(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: user = "" try: user = message.split(" ")[1] except IndexError: user = "firepup" if bot.statuses.get(user) is None: bot.msg("You've gotta provide a nick I actually recognize.", chan) return bot.msg( f"{user}'s status: {'Unknown' if not bot.statuses[user].get('status') else bot.statuses[user]['status']} - {'Reason unset' if not bot.statuses[user].get('reason') else bot.statuses[user]['reason']}", chan, ) def check(bot: bare.bot, chan: str, name: str, message: str) -> None: try: msg = message.split(" ", 1)[1] nick = msg.split("!")[0] host = msg.split("@", 1)[1] dnsbl, raws = conf.dnsblHandler(bot, nick, host, chan) bot.msg(f"Blacklist check: {dnsbl if dnsbl else 'Safe.'} ({raws})", chan) except IndexError: try: dnsbl, raws = conf.dnsblHandler(bot, "thisusernameshouldbetoolongtoeveractuallybeinuse", message.split(" ", 1)[1], chan) bot.msg(f"Blacklist check: {dnsbl if dnsbl else 'Safe.'} ({raws})", chan) except Exception as E: bot.msg("Blacklist Lookup Failed. Error recorded to bot logs.", chan) bot.log(str(E), "FATAL") except Exception as E: bot.msg("Blacklist lookup failed. Error recorded to bot logs.", chan) bot.log(str(E), "FATAL") data: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = { "!botlist": {"prefix": False, "aliases": []}, "bugs bugs bugs": {"prefix": False, "aliases": []}, "hi $BOTNICK": {"prefix": False, "aliases": ["hello $BOTNICK"]}, # [npbase, su] "restart": { "prefix": True, "aliases": ["reboot", "stop", "hardreload", "hr"], "check": checks.admin, }, "uptime": {"prefix": True, "aliases": []}, "raw": {"prefix": True, "aliases": ["cmd "], "check": checks.admin}, "debug": {"prefix": True, "aliases": ["dbg", "d"], "check": checks.admin}, "debugInternal": { "prefix": True, "aliases": ["dbgInt", "dI"], "check": checks.admin, }, "debugEval": {"prefix": True, "aliases": ["dbgEval", "dE"], "check": checks.admin}, "8ball": {"prefix": True, "aliases": ["eightball", "8b"]}, "join": {"prefix": True, "aliases": ["j"], "check": checks.admin}, "quote": {"prefix": True, "aliases": ["q"]}, "goat.mode.activate": {"prefix": True, "aliases": ["g.m.a"], "check": checks.admin}, "goat.mode.deactivate": { "prefix": True, "aliases": ["g.m.d"], "check": checks.admin, }, "help": {"prefix": True, "aliases": ["?"]}, "amiadmin": {"prefix": True, "aliases": []}, "ping": {"prefix": True, "aliases": []}, "op me": {"prefix": False, "aliases": [], "check": checks.admin}, "whoami": {"prefix": True, "aliases": []}, "fpmp": {"prefix": True, "aliases": []}, "version": {"prefix": True, "aliases": ["ver", "v"]}, "np": {"prefix": True, "aliases": []}, "markov": {"prefix": True, "aliases": ["m"]}, "setStatus": {"prefix": True, "aliases": ["sS"], "check": checks.admin}, "getStatus": {"prefix": True, "aliases": ["gS"]}, "check": {"prefix": True, "aliases": [], "check": checks.admin}, } regexes: list[str] = [conf.npbase, conf.su] call: dict[str, Callable[[bare.bot, str, str, str], None]] = { "!botlist": botlist, "bugs bugs bugs": bugs, "hi $BOTNICK": hi, conf.npbase: nowplaying, conf.su: sudo, "restart": reboot, "uptime": uptime, "raw": raw, "debug": debug, "debugInternal": debugInternal, "debugEval": debugEval, "8ball": eball, "join": join, "quote": quote, "goat.mode.activate": goatOn, "goat.mode.decativate": goatOff, "help": help, "amiadmin": isAdmin, "ping": ping, "op me": op, "whoami": whoami, "fpmp": fpmp, "version": version, "np": fmpull, "markov": markov, "setStatus": setStatus, "getStatus": getStatus, "check": check, }