#!/usr/bin/python3 import bare, pylast import config as conf import random as r from logs import log from typing import Any, Callable, NoReturn from threading import Thread from time import sleep from traceback import format_exc def is_dead(thr: Thread) -> bool: thr.join(timeout=0) return not thr.is_alive() def threadWrapper(data: dict) -> NoReturn: if not data["noWrap"]: while 1: if data["ignoreErrors"]: try: data["func"](*data["args"]) except Exception: Err = format_exc() for line in Err.split("\n"): log(line, "Thread", "WARN") else: try: data["func"](*data["args"]) except Exception: Err = format_exc() for line in Err.split("\n"): log(line, "Thread", "CRASH") exit(1) sleep(data["interval"]) log("Threaded loop broken", "Thread", "FATAL") else: data["func"](*data["args"]) exit(1) def startThread(data: dict) -> Thread: t = Thread(target=threadWrapper, args=(data,)) t.daemon = True t.start() return t def threadManager( threads: dict[str, dict[str, Any]], output: bool = False, mgr: str = "TManager", interval: int = 60, ) -> NoReturn: if output: log("Begin init of thread manager", mgr) running = {} for name in threads: data = threads[name] running[name] = startThread(data) if output: log("All threads running, starting checkup loop", mgr) while 1: sleep(interval) if output: log("Checking threads", mgr) for name in running: t = running[name] if is_dead(t): if output: log(f"Thread {name} has died, restarting", mgr, "WARN") data = threads[name] running[name] = startThread(data) log("Thread manager loop broken", mgr, "FATAL") exit(1) def radio(instance: bare.bot) -> NoReturn: lastTrack = "" complained = False firstMiss = False while 1: try: newTrack = instance.lastfmLink.get_user("Firepup650").get_now_playing() if newTrack: complained = False firstMiss = False thisTrack = newTrack.__str__() if thisTrack != lastTrack: lastTrack = thisTrack instance.msg("f.sp " + thisTrack, "#fp-radio") instance.sendraw( f"TOPIC #fp-radio :Firepup radio ({thisTrack}) - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4ctNy3O0rOwhhXIKyLvUZM" ) elif not complained: if not firstMiss: firstMiss = True continue instance.msg( "Firepup seems to have stopped the music by mistake :/", "#fp-radio" ) instance.sendraw( "TOPIC #fp-radio :Firepup radio (Offline) - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4ctNy3O0rOwhhXIKyLvUZM" ) complained = True lastTrack = "null" except Exception: Err = format_exc() for line in Err.split("\n"): instance.log(line, "WARN") sleep(2) instance.log("Thread while loop broken", "FATAL") exit(1) def mcDown(instance: bare.bot) -> None: instance.sendraw("TOPIC #firemc :FireMC Relay channel (offline)") data: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = { "radio": {"noWrap": True, "func": radio, "passInstance": True}, "mc-down": { "noWrap": False, "func": mcDown, "passInstance": True, "interval": 60, "ignoreErrors": True, }, }