import random as r import config as conf import re import commands as cmds from typing import Union from overrides import bytes, bbytes from importlib import reload import bare def CTCP(bot:, msg: str) -> bool: sender = msg.split("!", 1)[0][1:] kind = msg.split("\x01")[1].split(" ", 1)[0] bot.log(f'Responding to CTCP "{kind}" from {sender}') if kind == "VERSION": bot.notice( f"\x01VERSION FireBot {conf.__version__} (\x01", sender, True, ) return True elif kind == "USERINFO": bot.notice("\x01USERINFO FireBot (Firepup's bot)\x01", sender, True) return True elif kind == "SOURCE": bot.notice( "\x01SOURCE\x01", sender, True, ) return True elif kind == "FINGER": bot.notice("\x01FINGER Firepup's bot\x01", sender, True) return True elif kind == "CLIENTINFO": bot.notice( "\x01CLIENTINFO ACTION VERSION USERINFO SOURCE FINGER\x01", sender, True ) return True bot.log(f'Unknown CTCP "{kind}"', "WARN") return False def PRIVMSG(bot:, msg: str) -> tuple[Union[None, str], Union[None, str]]: # Format of ":[Nick]![ident]@[host|vhost] PRIVMSG [channel] :[message]” name = msg.split("!", 1)[0][1:] if (name.startswith("saxjax") and bot.server == "efnet") or ( name == "ReplIRC" and bot.server == "replirc" ) or (name == "FirePyLink_" and bot.server == "ircnow"): if msg.find("<") != -1 and msg.find(">") != -1: Nname = msg.split("<", 1)[1].split(">", 1)[0].strip() if name == "ReplIRC": name = Nname[4:] else: name = Nname message = msg.split(">", 1)[1].strip() else: message = msg.split("PRIVMSG", 1)[1].split(":", 1)[1].strip() elif name == bot.nick: return None, None else: message = msg.split("PRIVMSG", 1)[1].split(":", 1)[1].strip() chan = msg.split("PRIVMSG", 1)[1].split(":", 1)[0].strip() bot.log( f'Got "{bytes(message).lazy_decode()}" from "{name}" in "{chan}"', ) if len(name) > bot.nicklen: bot.log(f"Name too long ({len(name)} > {bot.nicklen})") return None, None elif chan not in bot.channels: bot.log( f"Channel not in channels ({chan} not in {bot.channels})", "WARN", ) if not chan.startswith(("#", "+", "&")): chan = name else: bot.channels[chan] += 1 if "goat" in name.lower() and bot.gmode == True: cmds.goat(bot, chan, name, message) handled = False for cmd in triggers = [cmd] triggers.extend([cmd]["aliases"]) triggers = list(call.replace("$BOTNICK", bot.nick.lower()) for call in triggers) if conf.mfind( message.lower(), triggers,[cmd]["prefix"], ): if ( "admin" in[cmd] and[cmd]["admin"] ) and name not in bot.adminnames: bot.msg( f"Sorry {name}, you don't have permission to use {cmd.strip()}.", chan, ) else:[cmd](bot, chan, name, message) handled = True break if not handled: for check in cmds.checks: if check.replace("$MAX", str(bot.nicklen)).replace("$BOTNICK", bot.nick), message, ):[check](bot, chan, name, message) handled = True break if not handled and conf.mfind(message, ["reload"]): if name in bot.adminnames: return "reload", chan else: bot.msg( f"Sorry {name}, you don't have permission to use reload.", chan, ) handled = True if not handled and len(message.split("\x01")) == 3: if not CTCP(bot, message): kind = message.split("\x01")[1] if kind == "ACTION ducks": bot.msg("\x01ACTION gets hit by a duck\x01", chan) elif kind.startswith("ACTION ducks"): bot.msg( f"\x01ACTION gets hit by {kind.split(' ', 2)[2]}\x01", chan, ) if chan in bot.channels and bot.channels[chan] >= bot.interval: r.seed() bot.channels[chan] = 0 mm = open("mastermessages.txt", "r") q = mm.readlines() sel = conf.decode_escapes( str(r.sample(q, 1)).strip("[]'").replace("\\n", "").strip('"') ) bot.msg(f"[QUOTE] {sel}", chan) mm.close() return None, None handles = {"PRIVMSG": PRIVMSG}