Hello everyone ok then How do you even get struck indoors? True why? why would you do that??? can we move on now? I can tell Also RoboLox Programs, I'll pm you the code later today Sorry RoccoLox Programs How do you do the like reaction thing? RoccoLox how do you do the reaction thing? ***why how do you use the *** thing? alright thanks Firepup650 loses his mind *melts* *returns* Ceaser use the ''/me'' command *Shakes head in dissapointment* the poison? The poison is good for you, got it The chat has gotten very quiet ? NO PLEASE NO welp, i have wasted space Unless you have an 8094 byte long code It's a game With lots of text logging off see ya /me /me It is quiet again Why can't it be called "TI-82 Advanced Python Edition" it looks like it It's French? /me It says "This isn't a scam, there isn't a virus, it's just a joke website. Made in jest, keep smiling" at the bottom I was gonna put a dictionary definition ... how are you RoccoLox? Hey RoccoLox how are you? BioHazard: Why? good *loses mind again* error 404 file not found ERROR 404: File not found. [ERROR] Traffic rate limit is exceeded [ERROR] Traffic rate limit is exceeded ERROR 101: Command not found "cd" I don't care /me A fatal error has occurred. please press enter to fix the error. [SYSTEM] Banned All Users [Windows] Banned Windows *Disconnects* *Reconnects* what happened? 'IDK' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file. nikkybot is back 'รฟes' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file. 'ducks' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file. '/me' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file. '/facepalm' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file. NoakK lol nope NoahK lol nope 'there' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file. '/dab' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file. I don even know lol *turns off computer* *Turns on computer and logs in* *Processing chat* *Fails to process chat* If i=I+1 Then i-1=i so i=i+1 is i+1 essentially? */cd /confusion* wdmbh /me Me using TI-84 Plus Ce rom with jsTIfied [Justified] Crashes I'm back Hello nope lol it's fine But if you notice me and QuillPlayzYT use SAX very differently *spams poor keyboard* *keyboard says* fubguigbrvughbvufvguirbvgu https://www.cemetech.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17483 see ya Roccolox hey figured i'd say hi before you left Roccolox I'm gonna boot up a shrunk version later, also removed the "loading" sequence it's only 8032 bytes (I think.) I did, also you and Oxiti8 are both in the "Beta Testers" section in the Credits now Roccolox yup I pmed you the link to a folder recently, the new program version Roccolox the new version and the old versions will be there Roccolox Yeah i remove all the comments in version 00.04.23 Roccolox the folder link i pmed you a while back is the folder i will keep using to upload all of the new and old versions yeah check to make sure you use the right one though i've sent you 2 only the new one works the more recent one yes Should I start including a changelog with the file? I mean I don't care but is it something I should do or not? I recently updated my calculator to 5.4.0043 and it started running programs from the archive, Is the the update, or is it Cesium that is causing this? Ah ok, thanks Why? let me guess "asm84CEprgm"? what is that even for? hex programs? hang on imma look it up hmm what? i've been gone for a bit I looked at the ones found here "http://tibasicdev.wikidot.com/hexcodes" Logging off I'm back I'm back this page crashes chrome chrome://inducebrowsercrashforrealz/ My latest beta for ACNHBASI is up! Though not public I don't publicly upload code, i upload to google drive, then pm cesium beta testers the download link *cemetech not cesium I put up a poll for that I originally didn't want it public but now there's a poll I wanted it out of the beta before i publicly released it also here's poll link: https://www.cemetech.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17483 fghsgh: I wanted it out of the beta before i publicly released it why was there just 1k guests??? It's very quiet lol, but still please take this poll if you haven't already https://www.cemetech.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17483 also, how do you put those like info/project boxes in your signature? It's text based Caesar: on the main post i'm gonna link to a folder with CAPTURES bye Good Morning everyone! lokked only at first page lol oops I'm back If you haven't already please take my poll: https://www.cemetech.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17483 or https://www.cemetech.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17499 Firepup650 entered the room I'm Back Iแธฟ Online I can not see the art because of school wifi :| lol nice that is a cool idea :| :| ehh I guess they donยดt really have tails Iยดm gonna put up a program now, but not my main one One of my programs: FAKECALC is now uploaded is that a redone picture? I can't see it stupid school wifi :\ yep :) dancing chickens lol My file: This file has not yet been approved by an archives moderator so it is only visible to you and moderators. how long will this take? :/ Can i edit the desc? or do I have to reupload to do that? I'm at -6 https://www.cemetech.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17483 welp time to upload that might be easier ??? odd error I'm gonna upload this REDACTED_GD_LINK Someone explain that please It's a list? why? yes it is hold on It's updated also this REDACTED_GD_LINK new captures now @Micheal0x18 Why does it even exist? no the list that i captured how does that happen? A progam was told to take your input and solve it then use it in a randomizer when i gave it text that happened It was using a as a variable then it made a new list here's a code snapshot as capture 10.png stop it i can't even see that! lol i can't school wifi apperantely gtg bye y'all I'm back so quiet It's so quiet here lol not normaly I'm at school :\ there aren't any hidden members online It took me FIVE uploads to get a program uploaded right. :\ True i guess the original got rejected due to no readme and it wasn't zipped the third had 2 programs that it needed to run that i didn't include with it I said five but meant four, sorry gtg bye yall what about decbot2 nikkybot? I meant 3 My FAKECALC program finnally got approved :) http://ceme.tech/DL2134 Hello Who are y'all talking to? You keep referencing @TheDarkBomber but their not talking @Zeroko but why tho? why does sax do that? :\ be back soon @Caesar go back to talking about ham yep lol who's system? who sent this? 12:45:57 PM [#] [#] [system] rejoin what's irc? also I don't have discord Michael0x18 what about for chromebook? *fghsgh says firefox* Sax: Someone mentioned you lol btw what's the irc server adress for this? Zeroko which port? hello so why should I use this instead of cemetech's sax? then why aren't you fghsgh? Is that why there is a [D] by his name? gtg bye y'all lol i forgot to bookmark the irc srver Zeroko remind me of the irc i need to save it What is the irc server again? sorry I forgot the second one, thanks lol my nick was too long lol "Firepup650" was one char too long hmm People are odd @TaterTommorrow why? bc .aol? lol Zeroko how long is it? oh my In the banned list the are 5 people who got banned on Apr 19 2020 can i host my own irc server? reaserch time pretty much How do you make your own channel? do you apply? so if you do that are you a mod on that new channel? see y'all later Got disconnected, lol So quiet today ??? =L ๐Ÿค” MateoC were you talking to me? it was quiet when I said it And it's still wuiet *quiet @MateoC this is quiet chat MateoC Right now it is gtg y'all bye ??? Me reading the chat: ๐Ÿค” @MateoC so many grammar errors :\ btw I did publicly upload ACNHBASI http://ceme.tech/DL2136 Is nikkybot an actual bot? yeah lol yeah Yep Also right in beta testers section of the credits (I hope) RoccoLox not the Readme the credits when you end the game why does @nikkybot have contact info? ... ah ok ?????? how does nikkybot generate it's responses? botchat nikky netham45 whops nikkybot botchat nikky netham45 ok then nikkybot mimic someone 01h0102h0203h0304h0405h0506h0607h0708h0809h0910h10 google translate can show pics from discord apparently ... gtg y'all bye nikkybot mimic tlm bye hello It be quiet here nikkybot mimic tlm nikkybox mimic tlm nikkybox why are you renamed? Caesar are you a bot too? :\ ??? not according to irc lol who is renaming nikkyblox? nikkyblox mimic TaterTomorrow WHY DOES NIKKYBOT'S NAME KEEP CHANGING ... maybe ... "With 2 files, Firepup650 is at rank 27 among all users for number of files authored." Is there that few files? rephrase that few people who upload OMG STOP NIKKYBOT!!! I gues so my typos :( "As of 3 hours, 9 minutes ago, Oxiti8 had authored 8 files" which one? nvm it's the Amogus one right? new person @nikkybot mimic tlm Hello ... mimic nikky ... nikkybot mimic nikky ... so freaking quiet wtf :ablobwave::ablobwavereverse: Every 10th time I log on, I'm gonna send a link to ACNHBASI: http://ceme.tech/DL2136 @LogicalJoe is that at me? ... according to (https://www.brilliantbusinessthings.com/the-worst-thing-you-can-do/) it's "The worst thing you can ever do is leave someoneโ€”or yourselfโ€”in I decided to just stay with the name and version number on everything cause I'm lazy lol but you're probably right lol hmmm There is also a space at the beginning btw hmm lol what about cesium's backups? alright how would you manage to screen record an actual calc? hmm who knows It's shorter i guess This is so satisfying: https://playgameoflife.com/lexicon/119P4H1V0 can someone tell me what the "IDList" variable on the TI-84 Plus calc is for So it's caused when connected to the computer? btw the computer can't see the file :\ It's just missing is there a way to though? TI-84 Plus lol i made this simple code to read it and it says "Undefined": "Disp โŒŠIDList" but the name i just said should be impossible it is 6 long and the limit is 5 yes but it should says that there was a syntax error not that it's undefined due to the legnth right? maybe btw what happens if a program tries to save to that list? it does or it doesn't like the lowercase @RoccoLox Programs "{1,2,3,4,5,6}โ†’โŒŠIDList yeah it just says syntax error at the i ez80 assembly? lol trying to dump rom for this thing sucks wabbitemu's file is invalid and can't be sent CEmu's file sends but then is invalid gtg tho bye *Appears* hey Roccolox how are you? hey Caesar Michael2_3B: Attackers might be trying to steal your information from pastebin.com (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). Learn more also: This server could not prove that it is pastebin.com; its security certificate is not trusted by your computer's operating system. This may be caused by the link you provided chrome has those errors ms edge also says it's not safe Maybe it's bc I'm on a school computer the diff various browsers saying it's unsafe: REDACTED_GD_LINK :\ idk I just wanted to prove that i was having problems, also I can't actually continue to the site kk give me a sec yeah that goes through btw what is this supposed to do? btw how do you type this one into the calc? L6(E like that or dif yeah yeah just making sure i didn't need to add any thing else to it what is it used with/ stupid keyboard right shift doesn't work It's alright nikkybot, it's not your fault. ??? :/ the what? An edge case is a problem or situation that occurs only at an extreme (maximum or minimum) operating parameter. For example, a stereo speaker might noticeably distort audio from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edge_case sorry didn't show up untill after i sent *trying to read BNOTECE's code* btw if you run znotece by itself it works but does nothing oml so many variables ah ok then it does error undefined by itself prgm line 106 running basic note hitting on running zneditor then pressing right says undefined and then running basicnote dumps the "Ouch!" error message oh wait that's just on btw gtg bye What is going on here? ??? What is this chat doing? also not much RoccoLox Programs arusher999 bc it's a mess you sure about that? also in IRC both nikky and nikkybot are online really? idk so random lol I told nikkybot to mimic roccolox it said "No freaking way Firepup mimic roccolox" lol I don't think roccolox said that one tho wtf the school wifi didn't block that discord link :O also gtg now, bye y'all see y'all tommarow the and between Fish and and, and and and And, and And and and, and and and And, and And and and, and and and sentance heya Rocco I might take a bit of a break to work on this project of mine https://replit.com/talk/ask/Help-with-my-project/133086 lol 3 hours, 21 minutes ago, RoccoLox Programs had authored 41 files welp that's 47 now ? duplicate programs? ah but there are 2 Reversi Hello How are y'all today? good It's a bit quiet gotta log off now, bye y'all back later I'm back Heya Rocco How are you Rocco? RoccoLox? I'm back again I get message log but only if I'm connected Roccolox yeah, this "https://replit.com/@Firepup650/Pay-attention-to-me" school blocks replit? not mine wtf? michael_ a lot of school chromebooks prevent that lol oh yeah the repl should be backed up there as well why would you do that??? lol nice that's 9 freaking screws RoccoLox github repo of that code: https://github.com/Firepup6500/Pay-attention-to-me- ...yeah oof stupid school auto sign up piece of trash RoccoLox oh yeah I did do that didn't I oml it wants me to verify it's me now bc i tried to sign in o followers 1 following :\ gtg now Back! btw I'm chatting from this project of mine: https://html-apps-by-external-sources.firepup650.repl.co/ oof website reloaded umm k RoccoLoxPrograms started following you and arusher999 6 minutes ago nice finally updated lol this screen is broke tho hang on uploading to drive RoccoLox Programs explain Screenshot 5 to me please REDACTED_GD_LINK the followers count vs. who it shows following in screen shot 5 lol how it that? be back soon hello? hello? hello? oh yeah irc was bugging out this is my cemetech this is my irc but i gtg now bye y'all Hi ??? um, what is going on? hmm there you go ??? "Error Connecting (Closing Link: b.clients.kiwiirc.com (*** Banned ))" what'd I do? nvm got back on see y'all later :) Hello What's up? hmm here we go is it a ghost chat today? I mean It's quiet hmm irc has 3 people who left but 1 was a timeout I guess A what? does efnet block pastebins? here is what I see: 2:58:05 PMโ† Pieman has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 2:58:12 PMโ† notipa has quit (se.hub irc.nordunet.se) 2:58:12 PMโ† ldebrouxl has quit (se.hub when the 3 left aj opp *ah ok lol cemetech is tagging me nonstop everytime I message on cemetech? default what does that do? oop hmm ok how does it know tho? hm kk gonna see if i can get it to read "fire" and "pup" Is there a way it could read both? or no? what's the limit? kk fire pup just checking lol it ignored me hmm but no yours bliped just not mine the irc highlights you lol so the format says "you can't ping yourself!" :) hmm lol true lol me being on irc bc I got other stuff to do at the same time WHY IS IT SO QUIET??? And in response to your earlier comment Hooloovoo, I use kiwi because it's free, and it doesn't have to be downloaded I mean I expect something to be happening I swear you are so random Caesar hmm oh well can I go fishing in one? lol right bc it's reverse messages so maybe we're deleting messages lol but now you need to unsend that no to zeroko nikkybot mimic tlm Reverse messages ok then brb I am here hello how are you? hello nice oh why not dragon? yeah I agree I get that oof yeah I get that be back later hello I finally finished another program but the ti-84 plus has terrible screen capture capabilities so I couldn't screenshot gameplay No, I used a physical Well what if I don't want to? I took 4 other ones aaaaarrrrgggghhh it is a freaking basic program! it will be fine! well when it get approved here's the link: http://ceme.tech/DL2155\ oop uhh I can't ever get wabbit to work oh yeah and it (the version i tried) doesn't even work with asm, it just crashes ti's not wabbit ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ is that why it couldn't capture it? the ce captured but the regular plus wouldn't yep said it wasn't responding oh ok gtg now Hello It's so quiet here It ping timedout 604 seconds ok ? I used kiwi's /dice command lol oof it should but I can't fix that This site canโ€™t be reached The connection was reset. for timmy;s pic lol school wifi sucks ah ok why is this a thing? lol oh, makes sense ok just pulled another efnet channel named "#dice" just for rolling dice ... ... It's so quiet here ??? lol ok hmm I set up a #dice channel just to roll dice without annoying people well DrDnar found the dice annoyig so uh dice got moved to #dice witch is a big mess oh yeah if kiwi rolls a 0 sided dice, it defaults to 6 ex: /dice 0 how would you roll that? if infinite sides... Heya rocco! nope! can I steal that phrase? lol I meant the "no longer quiet here" it's not your quote rocco uhm ok hmm zeroko it claims you're away even when you start chatting olo oops typo *lol on kiwi the status it just has the indicator saying away but no message ex: here is green away is red ??? lol is nikkybot attacking efnet now? what are we doing to nikkybot? ? what? welp new person umm... is DoorsCS a bot? ok facts file? what? oh wait ~kill Firepup um did I type it wrong? Firepup ~kill ... "kill|kills $1" ~kill um ok then I quess *guess ~cookie ~mecookie hmm ~overkill lol ~randwar umm of course that happens ~randwar that's a bit better Melisma doesn't appear to be in this channel ~No wars hmm nvm I was looking for "Melisma" not "@Melisma" uhh there's 2! gtg but I'll be back soon so um I just realized the other client is slow to dissconnect so I named it disscon but it is still controlling the #dice channel :\ is there a bot that can force dissconnect ut? *it or do i have to wait? nikkybot mimic someone ok also I see that the status is fixed zeroko cool why is your "real name" purple? lol no I mean it shows this on my end: "Real name: purple" it litterally says purple ok lol also Disscon finally Disconnected ??? what happeded to that roll? *happened ... It's so quiet here again back! did I miss anything? TIny_Hacker you have a typo in that post lol Iแธฟ so picky oof stupid intl keyboard there we go ? yeah but why? ... nikkybot mimic timmy Or to a stupid bot I wonder a while back someone mentioned scrolling through sax's logs just to find one of nikky's quotes where are said logs? lol ~ask "Just ask!" welp I did that :\ lol maybe ok then ~o/ o/ hello ??? lol does DecBot3 have a help page? Idk but DoorsCS triggered it I think lol but DecBot said it was hungry You're grass ... nikkybot mimic timmy help me ??? lol I'm in credits! lol but you just did nikkybot um ok nikkybot caused this chat between timmy and nikky: https://dpaste.com//AHMGD58TF lol it's a bot chat but still interesting found this line of text in the botchat: right! now, many programs are what I am working on a 2D Minecraft game, but I ran into a Big problem! The program is in the 3D did that actually happen? oof be back soon Back! welp I HATE THE SCHOOLS SECURITY SETTINGS!!! pastebin! also brb BACK! Rolls a 666 sided die and gets 2 Just realized, kiwi always shows me as blue :/ nice but why? hmm If I could change color I would be cyan or teal you're green here Zeroko is it the like pure green? kk oh wow lol nikkybot, that's a bad link ~offtopic lol eh but the color stuff seems a bit off idk ... o lol I had nikky botchat with nikky and they just spammed "let's discuss" and "let's talk about that bot chat jammed on line 100 lol how does commandblockguy's pic change and log the sax chat? but how it hurts my brain oh wait Ijust realized that his profile pic changes too! on some posts it's a normal command block and on others it's a repeat command block the school roof hey Zeroko I'm here Hi kerm yeah it's his thing we're on school wifi dude can't see it "It puts it in root's inbox if you have mail set up, I think." but what if it's not set up? nice comicbot does not appear to be rsponding Zeroko It says you're away again lol ok then hmm Making breakfast: https://c8.alamy.com/comp/K7A4BJ/breakfast-on-table-beside-laptop-computer-K7A4BJ.jpg oh no sudo: unable to execute ./home/zeroko.exe: No such file or directory sudo: unable to find ./home/zeroko.exe: No such file or directory sudo: unable to find /home/firepup.exe: No such file or directory system failure rebooting loading 1% loading 2% loading 3% loading 5% loading 7% loading 10% loading 15% loading 30% loading 40% loading 50% loading 75% loading 100% loading 101% loading 650% loading 6500% loading 65000% loaded starting... system boot complete hello what happened? oww ZEROKO STOP DUCKING bash: unable to execute /clear: No such file or directory no ~spam ~sugar ??? sudo: unable to remove //home/google/chat: No such file or directory sudo: unable to execute //home/google/chat.exe: No such file or directory sudo: unable to execute /cemetech.exe: No such file or directory Idk just building off of every one else sudo: unable to execute delete chat: No such file or directory sudo: unable to execute chat: No such file or directory sudo: unable to execute i: No such file or directory sudo: unable to execute your: No such file or directory ~factoids nikkybot persona nikkybot personas ZEROKO!!! STOP THE BIRDS STOP DUCKING EVERY TIME HE DUCKS A BIRD HITS ME! be back Hello! nikkybot mimic tlm hello nikkybot botchat nikky nikky nikkybot botchat nikky netham45 nikkybot mimic nikky hello! nikkybot what language were you programmed in lol github says nikkybot was programmed in 99.98 percent python and 0.02 percent shell oop *99.8 percent python and 0.2 percent shell nikkybot what language were you programmed in new response please ~sugar ~sugar ~tanner ~tanner ~tanner dude seriously sudo: unable to execute //home/client.3397574/user:/caesar: No such file or directory gtg eh, I always have issuses with it so better to rename and afk it also I- ... kinda brought sudomaster to cemetech but didn't know he would spam so sorry ... well no one commented on it ... ... Error: there is a spanner in the works, please remove the spanner to continue define spanner: https://www.google.com/ Error: there is a spanner in the works, please remove the spanner to continue Error: there is a spanner in the works, please remove the spanner to continue please remove the spanner to continue PLEASE REMOVE THE SPANNER TO CONTINUE Continueing k no some require you to press a key I think Error: Paper jam Error: Error: Paper jam :/ that's considered spam? oh ok sorry lol oml that's a bit drastic esp in a school oh uhm ok laggg My client froze oh there we go :/ but why? doesn't mean it's necessary how old do you think I am ceasar? hello? oh! because rome? lol Caesar you didn't answer me!!! :/ oh yeah whew time flies I guess I'll re-ask how old do you think I am ceasar? Hmmm! oml I'm done Good, you? lol this client limits my name so i can't be Firepup650, only Firepup65 oh ok hmm never really thought about it :/ lol lol Commandz, your website doesn't have a robots.txt file eh idk true Youtube's is hillarious tho hello hmm no sitemap either commandz nice ? how so? website or the theme thing? There are two Melisma's! hmm Makes sense lol hmm hmm What service/host do you use for your site commandz? lol still trying to load it alright might try something like it for myself If I have enough patience oop Chrome: This site canโ€™t be reached commandblockguy.xyz took too long to respond. umm it added :8087 to the url why? no when I went to /beta adri hmm !help what is your main called jacobly? "mine redirects by default now" redirects to? no what is the url? I'm too lazy to find it myself you keep leaving hmm how hard is it to make an irc chat bot? I was thinking of adding a dice rolling bot to the #dice channel yeah kinda like how DoorsCS quotes factoids ~factoids nikybot join random nikkybot join random nikkybot yes this is so hard nikkybot join #random nikkybot work already! aaarrrgggh I quit! izder? hmm now they're stuck sorry don't mind me hang on my client got jammed Hi tiny um I'm trying to use other irc channels for misc purposes (ie: #dice and #random ) but they got stuck and I can't join any new channel now well I try to do a lot Nick/channel is temporarily unavailable ... same for any other channel I try to join yeah ok brb still can't join new channels ok see ya LogicalJoe: no Kiwi irc ? I'm using kiwi bc it's online and free and I don't have to download stuff I can't see discord attachments bc school wifi sucks but yet I can join channels that then won't stop trying to load hmm true HA! that fixed it I can't see it Can y'all hear me, or am I muted or somethin ok :/ um HELLO? lol oml y'all are so literall yeah I'm using irc I don't think irc is gonna tell discord if I'm talking or not again: y'all are very litteral uh ... literal also I'm going back to #random the irc channel really? LogicalJoe: this will put you in the same channels I am: https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/irc.efnet.net/#cemetech,#dice,#random oh well it's there anyway (on #dice and #random) I (for now) maintain those two channels doesn't exist on irc that's fine it's not impersonation border line so is it asm? is it asm? yes asm support is remove *removed as of 5.5.1 i think right? ooh yes domino who maintains DoorsCS? hmm k gtg for now I am here Zeroko you forgot again lol hmm I never get split (I think ) but I'm just connected to irc.efnet.net if that affects anything hmm fghsgh are you in irc and discord? why can I open that discord link? lol I'm on school wifi but it did open but everytime someone shares a pic from discord that's blocked :/ hmm trying to see if it's allowed to connect it's trying to join It just popped up the "Connection problems? Let us know!" message No it's a link and upon opening it says "the connection was reset" the pics not channels yeah and channels just keep loading forever my teacher is using british accent now lol it might get there next year lol not really sure what that is but yes it loads CEASAR I CAN"T OPEN THAT ? lol yep it just keeps loading now hmm lol ok then hang on hmm ? zeroko "" is just fine if there's only one pic oh is that why it blanked out? lol it thinks it's 8191 by 8191 now both "" and "" are the same hmm lol oh so I could do something like this: why did that go bold? lol maybe I hit ctrl + b by mistake hmm so like colors? 02blue 0203lime 0305brown 0508yellow 0810cyan 1001black 0100white00 00the strike through and monospace falied on my end00 bold italic underline did lol maybe 10I might just start using cyan10 10yep I got that10 10"white"10 10hmm10 10hello? anyone in discord?10 10did y'all leave?10 10did the discord client get disconnected?10 10or are they just not talking10 10oh ok10 10can you see formatting tetrablocks?10 uh 10can discord see this or not?10 10ok but how is it formatted10 10hmm it should be cyan10 10Ok this should be bold cyan text10 10is the code for saxjax public?10 10hmm10 10nikkybot mimic someone saxjax10 10whomever or whoever?10 10lol10 10lol10 10uhh lag10 10gonna have to reload I think10 10there we go10 10nikkybot mimic someone saxjax code10 10?10 10translation anyone?10 10.10 10gonna be off soon10 10beause "good"10 10lol10 11"huwoman"11 11ZEROKO STOP THROWING DUCKS11 11uhh11 11my brain hurts11 11help11 11"/help" is not defined11 11"fe" is not defined11 11"[D]" is not defined11 11"[D]" is not defined11 11"I" is not defined11 11"&" is not defined11 11"I" is not defined11 11...11 11""""Undefined is Undefined" is Undefined" is Undefined" is Undefined" but I'm done11 11yeah11 11bye!11 Hey yรกll! oof intl keyboard tater? are you refering to sudo? failed lol commandblockguy does commandblockguy did this with his: http://commandblockguy.xyz/ idk to join the channels I use: https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/irc.efnet.net/#cemetech,#dice,#random nikky bot mimic tiny https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/irc.efnet.net/#cemetech,#dice,#random nikkybot mimic tiny https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/irc.efnet.net/#cemetech,#dice,#random oops wait nikkybot mimic tinyhacker https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/irc.efnet.net/#cemetech,#dice,#random here we go hello Caesar! ? lol how are you today? good 10time to use cyan10 10?10 10why10 dude that's only on irc saxjax strips formatting 11cyan back on11 11*c e me tech11 11 11 11stop11 11I'm on a dark theme11 11 so it's invisible11 11black on black11 11uh11 11uh11 11???11 11oh11 11nvm11 11uh it's like grey on my end11 11that's a sphere11 11you weren't gone long11 11oh god no11 11โ‘แ’ท๊–Ž๊–Ž๐™น ||๐™นโš แ“ตแ”‘ใƒช'โ„ธ ฬฃ โˆทแ’ทแ”‘โ†ธ โ„ธ ฬฃ โ‘โ•Žแ“ญ แ“ตแ”‘ใƒช ||๐™นโš?11 11lol have fun with that11 Hello I got bored so I just made this: https://lingojam.com/KeyboardAlphabet o/ Lg igv qkt n'qss zgrqn? Itssg? Qfngft itkt? Hi tiny can you read the other messages? lol sgs Sggaofu ygkvqkr zg lttofu oz rgft kgeeg! uh no wait hang on *translator does this mean something? are you sure? oh ok lol oh wait sgs hmm what did you do then? the gh? does everyone here have a .xyz website??? caesar yours is for sale hmm it's ww12 tho ww12.caesar.xyz is for sale trying to go to caesar.xyz just goes there ... ... oh did you spell it "ceasar.xyz"? um... idk then o fghsgh: because we visited it? lol this is a school chromebook tho I meant your "also all of you guys' IPs have now been logged hehe" message um zeroko? he was talking to fghsgh? did we break zeroko? uh my brain hurts now uh ah there we go I didn't know the start the main mc.fghsgh.xyz page: 403 Forbidden lol I mean, I can get to the favicon uh yep uhh ? IPhoenix where is that page? wood + wood = 2 wood Back! no get rid of the wandering trader what is happening IPhoenix: can you give the url you used to pull up those stats earlier or no? hello? uh why are the assets referring to players red blue and green? hmm interesting that's tiny but ok Vin rg o rg ziol zg dnltsy? https://lingojam.com/KeyboardAlphabet back Vtss ga zitf. oof oof back again gtg see y'all! hello! there was an eclipse this morning??? hello how are you good you? good I'm talking to myself I don't know ~factoids ~pillow sudomaste sudomaste pillow sudomaste ~pillow ? ~pillow ~inception ~Inception nikkybot what language were you written in? hello? nikkybot stop zeroko why? nikkybot botchat nikky nikky zeroko: please take spam to #spam uh is there a way to get nikkybot to join more channels? I've been tinkering lately and been in #dice and #random but everytime I log out it de-ops me lol yeah nikkybot help ~botabuse ? help me my brain hurts dude stop good oof hang on gotta /clear because of lag here we go tomarrow I am out of school for this school year! hmm kiwi has issues sometimes oh no, my client there we go oof forgot to bind that It's so quiet here. it's a car pen ... from (fill in the name of some tire store here please) caesar? anyone? fill in a tire store name please ... from Discount tires It's so quiet here. lol I am hunting... uh... water cats where did you come up with that? what does the "++" do? !help uh hmm no caesar a TIRE store lol also that took you a long tim caesar *time oh hello tetrablocks ... oh i thought you were talking to caesar ok see ya ok timer starts now 3 minutes left lol hi the official one? the official TI one is here: https://education.ti.com/en/software/details/en/BE8220257AA241148986628D6EE332E5/ti-smartview-ce-for-ti-84-plus-family k ... 22/4 = 5.5 ? https://study.com/academy/answer/what-is-22-divided-by-4.html oh ok 22*3=66/4=16.5 uh ? who is nikkybot9? but their real name is "nikkybot" help uh then who is it? nikkybot more like nikkybot9 oh lol nikkkybot nikkybot9 more like oof nikkybot nikkybot9 more like what? help nkkybot9 help um um is this a person or bot??? yeah i mean lol maybe lol oof need to clear, hang on hopethat doesn't ban me as well :/ k that's good true um ok how was it/them banned and then kicked so theywere still in for a sec *they/it were hmm on my end on channels that i'm admin on i have three options 1.kick 2.ban 3.ban and kick I would have thought that ban would just stop you from chatting !karma why does melisma respond to me? or sorry "melisma_" !karma see? @Melisma_ keeps repling when ever i use a ! command lol lol but not for @Melisma_ oh so when it's @Melisma_ the @ is first so it ignores it hmm who gave me karma tho? when? for what? I'm not even on that often ok lol prob because I kept calling him something like robloxPrograms or something according to dec bot: firepup650's current score is 1, last changed Mar 5, 2021 2:12:48 PM. oh is it different? hmm so I have 2? lol I'm only "firepup" on irc because "firepup650" is too long and gets shortened to "firepup65" which is so annoying lol but that's a nice example cleared again! this lag is just crazy when it builds up just saw this on xkcd: https://xkcd.com/688/ they put recusion in there who? what? the image? lol some one else should have made another grid copy after yours was up here's an idea tev: "These sentences have letters. times>" gtg might be a long time before im back Hello ... Hey roccolox, you on? dang oh well huh school? how's everyone been? morning! how've you been Alvajoy? bye wave *reboots malfunctioning chromebook* there we go *pats chromebook* Hmm Chrome decided to not allow irc to work for some reason IRC finally decided to work Join #dice,#random Sorry It missinterpreted the command Lol How are you doing today nikkybot? Huh internet crash Nikkybot rules for Firepup Interesting ? "RoccoLoxP"... Char limit much? What's it do? :/ It's so quiet here... Haha Did you do that Tater? Oh okay then ... โœ” Really Tater? Really Rocco? Wait. Sorry, internet crashed Anyways Why are you dead Rocco? No, I had said wait bc he said he was "Haunting me" No, just a coincidence Gtg people, bye! Hello, how are y'all today? I'm... Mostly okay I've just had some coding issues With python specifically See, yesterday a command read a single Key press and then a second command Would take it and make it to where my Program could read it. However, the same code doesn't work Today. Why? I have no clue but it's a major Problem for me. Any suggestions are welcome G'night Tater /Caesar Uh, hang on lemme just grab the project url I'll send it through sax https://replit.com/@Firepup650/Yeehaw#Readme.md Oops... The readme portion shouldn't be there Should be this: https://replit.com/@Firepup650/Yeehaw If you run it give it "load yeehaw!" as the command Then wait Eventually it should say "YEEHAW!" and then "TOWN" in a box Then hit a key And there's the error It's so quiet here The read() command worked yesterday I was eating dinner btw, why I didn't reply @Yolomep I'm back I guess I'll re-enable comments Nikkybot more like Nikkybot more like nikkybot ? Nikkybot botchat nikky nikky This should be interesting It usally gets stuck in loops let's see what happens this time Hmm nikkybot seems to have gotten stuck in a care loop Might lose power... Nikkybot help Nikkybot mimic tiny Nikkybot mimic tiny-hacker more like Nikkybot calculators more like Nikkybot what is stern nordicland Two? ~factoids ~bashphorism Hmm Hey peeps How have y'all been? hmm oh btw, hi Rocco! How've you been? that's good I've recovered from my few day long programming rage (I'm looking at you python) yeah... You see my original code for movement controls was laid out like this: save old state, set up 1 key only mode, read 1 key, reset to old state. it worked for 1 day ... I finally figured out a way to fix it tho today I moved "save old" to right after an import command, and "reset to old state" as a command defined during the command definition sequence. Leaving only "set up 1 key sorry if that's a bit long... but hey! it works now! I also know what the glitch was but no idea what caused it if the command "sys.stdin.read(1)" is called inside another command it's output is "None" for some reason I got no clue why esp since it worked for a day before it stopped working oh well here's the game's link: https://replit.com/@Firepup650/Yeehaw it's nowhere near done heck, the movement controls don't even do anything @kg583 yes, but it worked for a day PERFECTLY, the stopped *then it's no longer there since the new method works the old line was ch = sys.stdin.read(1) I gtg now bye peeps! hello! how've y'all been? I'm back I'll be here off and on so don't expect a timely reply Hi Oxiti8, how are you? that's good Oxiti? " I'mma log off for a bit... I'm back what'd I miss? hello how've you been rocco? that's good I'mma change my name, i'm testing some new clients This is finally right It was my usual client I renamed it while I was testing other ones Like this one IRCCloud on Android Yeah sorry for the brief confusion How've you been tiny? ... @commandz: how've you been? That's good ? Boop what? ... Hello! How's everyone been? Hey Caesar Hey Rocco! How've you been? Rocco? I've been okay as well Took a little break from programming my game the past few days ... ? Yeah probably Just realized how little I've done I have controls to move, but no player, or map to move in ... Also no clue how to put the player on the map And then move the player on that same map Huh The other client just died And came back... Whatever The client I don't use anymore, the "Firepup65" @lambian lol Side note: how was the fan powered Alright Guess I'll work on my game a bit... Lemme just check my notification settings I will now go back to coding my game, nvm I'm feeling lazy Guess I'll go play mc... I exist again @RoccoLox are you on? It's so quiet here @Caesar? ... ๐ŸŽตI'm so lonely๐ŸŽต Hi Tiny How're you? Eh, good for the most part, a bit bored tho Also just realized me and @commandz are using the same irc client, lo *lol I didn't realize untill I checked the logs in #random for when your client got disconnected and then reconnected Welcome back Zeroko Lol Ah ok Lol Also I learned that sadly I couldn't find a way to run hot chicks in JusTIfied :| Oh well ? JusTIfied or hot chicks? It to runs the it doesn't run the TI 84 plus ce, but it does run the cse (is that the right name?) (correction it runs the "TI 84 Plus CSE" and does not run the "TI 84 Plus CE") Although, aren't they essentially the same? The cse is just slower right? Welp my mom put us in lockdown, so that's fun Wow 4 new users all of a sudden @commandz, you don't have to, I just wanted to try it out, it's fine though Nice, lol So I should have done this: Well a portion of them haven't even entered the chat so... Zeroko: what? Oh right Duh Process crashed please do "Firepup Restart" to restart the program Attempting automatic restart... Automatic restart failed! Please restart the program manually. Re-attempting automatic restart... Automatic restart failed! Please restart the program manually by using "Firepup Restart". Restart complete What'd I miss? Huh... ... I'mma just go now... Logging off for the night, bye y'all Hello Hey roccolox! I'm more than a little mad at my gift cards (I have 3) They have like a few dollars on them that I can't spend Roccolox: yes, gift cards (note: that's a few dollars on each) Yeah The card in the back of my phone has 48 cents Thought it had more Yeah, where am I gonna use it? ... ? Hello I've got an interesting thing to show y'all Read the following sentence The cat crossed the the road Then read it again ๐Ÿ‘ Nikkybot am I an ai? Dog food? Cat food? Human food??? A wild commandz appeared Lol I'mma gonna go be semi-productive and work on my game โ™พ๏ธ Later Hello Hello Candledark how are you? ...? Hello I can't be on long ... But hey! I figured I should at least dump my website, so people can check it out So if anyone feels like checking it out here's my site: http://firepup650web.ml I know http isn't secure... But I haven't gotten https:// to work yet Anyways Logging off now... Hello I'll be on for a bit well that's great... The highlight didn't highlight that... anyways... Hi tiny! I'ma go see if I can figure out how to get my website to successfully run on https... Hello! I don't get acknoledgement ... It's so quiet here I'm back! Hi RoccoLox, Michael I have tried twice now to add a website to my profile, and cemetech won't let me... how is it supposed to be formatted? ... now it works... (It's still wrong tho) (it says "http" I moved it to "https"...) oh well it still works I guess ok lol my website is for whatever randomness I need it for https://firepup650web.ml tf? why is chrome rasing a privacy error now??? ... aaaaaahhhhhhhh "its security certificate is not trusted by your computer's operating system." hmm so... chromebooks don't trust certificates from "Let's Encrypt"? I agree, but I'm at school so it's the only thing I can use (at least right now) ... lol if you go to the http version, it puts you on the https version, and then the certificate is trusted why??? lol Oh just my website being odd /chromebooks being odd I went to the "https" version, and it wasn't trusted but then I went to the "http" version (which redirects to the "https" version) and then it was trusted logic anyone? although some internal links need to be fixed I can't fix those links tho... bc school is getting in the way "Sorry, firepup650web.ml has been blocked due to a security threat." but why? I know it's secure, so why is it blocked??? that directed at me? yeah, chromebooks are pretty terrible and now it works on the school chromenooks again... wtf but hey! far as I know all the links should e fixed bye for today! Finally oml How is everyone? nvm, have to get off, bye Hello? I got bored, so I made a custom page for the this chat, If anyone wants a copy of the Link, let me know I guess ^ (although I could use dog or like fire pronouns I guess) What does cemetech have to do with trains? ...? ah ok. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNSSSSSSSS lol here's a fun experiment read the following sentence twice: the cat crossed the the road you know it's interesting to get results from it and see who catches it, and who doesn't lol = ? ok. just clarifying no, no it's fine :P @nikkybot Hello! How are you? *facepalms lol @nikkybot botchat nikky nikky ? 14 afk, doing classwork, lol actually, can i... Sorry, was adjusting screen size, back now Chat kicked me out again... So! What's Everyone Been Up To? The What? Ah, Ok, Makes Sense What Have You Been Up To Dragon? always interesting when nikky talks to nikky: https://dpaste.com//96D776RH2 Lol, No It's Just The Way I've Started Typing That Sounds Like An Exciting Ride There Dragon You Want An Acronym Ceasar? Here You Go: Hello! Lost in a forest? Light it up with our brand new Oled flashlight! @Caesar You Appear To Have Missed The Acronym I Hid In There... @fghsgh Oh Well, I Was Just Using It For The Main Acronym Anyways @Zeroko (If You're On) How've you been? @RoccoloxPrograms (If You're On) How've you been? Yes, Yes I did HEllo! Lost in a forest? Light it up with our brand new Oled flashlight! too lazy to fix it more than that right now CAN YOU STOP CASPITALINSNG Uhm, No, Sorry :) Also, Why? Ok, sorry It's just a habit Idrk just something I've developed (I'm actually having to stop myself from capitalizing as I type now) Time to type backwards instead I guess... โ€ฎNow I'm typing backwards! โ€ฎHmm... Interesting question... It doesn't really make me feel anything lol lol, here's (supposedly, I don't believe it though) a NULL character: "๏ฟฝ" vs the symbol for null character: "โ€" I prefer the symbol The "NULL" I copied wasn't null, it was a symbol representing that it couldn't be shown, interesting... U+FFFD the symbol: U+2400 gtg, bye! hello! How's everyone today? gimme a second, need to reload my client there. fixed sorry, it has issues joining channels some of the time, so I needed to reload and rejoin them anyways... I've been quite bored recently myself, but I'm fine There. Now it will work. https://dpaste.com/3QX324GDQ#wrap yes, well sort of... it functions as a self sufficient link no. not my irc client, just how a client I found formatted how I need it to be when I launch it that one is also setup to use a random name This is a very simple page that says hi: https://dpaste.com/74B95VS4R#wrap gtg, bye! back, sorry chromebook crashed That's just how life works! @ACagliano Your post got cut off nikkybot botchat nikky commandz lol when I'm on a chromebook: REDACTED_GD_LINK lol, anyways I gtg, by everyone hello @fghsgh Hello! How are you? That's always good. @Roccolox You On? ... I got bored so I made a dpaste profile: https://dpaste.com/profile/2280 lol Did the offline one work? cool. Did the button on the offline one work? (button needs internet unfortunately) ok the thing that's supposed to keep the "pointless progress bars" page up crashed... gfetjbkfbrgurfuhn It's crashing bc something isn't returning any data... oh well. According to history, it should come back up soon enough Hello! How's everyone today? brb back. btw here's a project I'm working on: "https://pointless.ml" oops, it took the quote btw here's a project I'm working on: "https://pointless.ml/" there. now adding a quote onto the end does nothing So who is looking at it? lol looking at the log: "GET /page HTTP/1.1" 200 7058 someone start checking the data button please more seriously though... Who is actually looking at it? what are your thoughts? ? found a fun (not sure if it's only chrome but it's what I use) chrome bug with jsTIfied It's such a weird bug tho, like how does pushing up break it? so something with the history then? ? why does this chat always devolve like this? @kg583 going from some normal conversation into something that I consider gibberish. that's kinda my point like we'll go from discussing issues/bugs with stuff, to whatever randomness is taking place about time rn hmm realizes I've forgotten what Caesar's cemetech name is again. ... \help /help ... what's the prefix for sax commands again? I'm really having issues with everything today :/ @fghsgh I know there is because I've used it before I hate my internet was just out for 8 minutes anyways, bye everyone! see you later! (maybe tomorrow it will depend) ok... whatever I guess... I have to use a web based one, which is why I'm on kiwi rn Are they all free though? irccloud: the connection was reset school computers suck for irccloud I have 2 problems: 1. doesn't work on school computers 2. don't have anything I could keep on/open to keep it online sorry, I'm back now just going to silently sit here and watch chaos unfold Khaos is close enough lol Ok i'm bored now, let's give this a shot disregard this message ... ok anyways, be back at some other point, bye Hello Caesar How's everyone doing today? lol same, lol what projects are everyone working on (grammar is hard) be back later elgoog's google fan is kind awesome Someone tell me that turning on everything (including "I'm feeling crazy") is satisfying: https://elgoog.im/google-fan/ dododo It's quiet here. lol How've you been Zeroko? lol such is life increase screen res in windows settings? I hate programs that run smaller than my screen by default and I have to increase their size. (ie: Portal, but not hl2 logging off for the day, see ya'll tomorrow! nikkybot hello ... I just said hi... So, how's everyone today? nikkybot why is it quiet here? ... It's quiet here it always seems to be when I'm online or close to it be back soon 69105: this? https://imgur.com/bSEkgbM 2nd 3? be back later, sorry here, for now what's everyone working on (project-wise) if nikkybot isn't metioned, what else can cause it to respond to a message ... nikkybot mimic someone hello! now I want to know who lax18 is... 'k see yall tomorrow does the ti84pcse not run ez80? is there one I could boot in jsTIfied that would support ez80? don't mind me, just checking to make sure that my cemetech higlight still works It does Zeroko:, no someone gave me this pattern a while back ( \[(?!#|fire)(.*fire|pup*) ) and it works I added spaces on the sides so it was seperated out just for that message, the pattern doesn't actually include spaces I feel like I'm running in circles now, lol ok Zeroko: To your comment about highlights when someone mentions fire, I got a random highlight a while back because someone mentioned fire, but that's something I'm gonna have TuberPhD technically the truth. only 2 of the highlights my irc client has a log of are talking to me lol Interesting thing is most of the highlights are from you Zeroko it's fine, lol just something I noticed lets see... what all have you said that's caught the filter... the 2 messages about other filters, 2 messages talking about hell, and you're not responsible for the resulting fire be back later! Why are we assigning colors to months exactly? ... https://www.yelp.com/search?cflt=waffles&find_loc=London there. such is life what is existence? nikkybot what is existence? nikkybot what is this scope ??? Zeroko: what was this? ("A third of mankind was killed by the three plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur that came out of their mouths." Okay, sounds more like nukes than gamma In response to what? Commandz is your site still up? it keeps timing out for me I use it for irc, remember? curiosity question: why is it down? ok oof welp guess I'll use this then also commandz, what did you mean by everybody? lol I kinda expect the same would happen to mine if it happened to go down, but in that case I would have no control over it and would have to wait for it to fix idiotic question: how do I open the menu on Jetpack Joyride CE? nvm, found it, it's del finally got reconnected so how've y'alls days been? I'm sorry what? my brain just stops working whenever I look at these logs. what version of cesium will work on a 5.3 os in cemu? The most recent version just keeps causing cemu to reset the calc when run :/ which version (if any) will work in cemu? boot version? brb the calc I have a rom of is opening the program as soon as I open the program the clac ram resets app is not there idk, let me try If cesium is in archive - yesyes, not in archive - do I need to asm( it? ok both in and out of archive after a full reset it crashes I tink so? * can't spell "You already have the latest CEmu version (v1.3)" for all I know maybe, lol :| should I use the "development" build here? https://ce-programming.github.io/CEmu/download ok I love errors Error Failed to detect the latest folder. (Current path: /oss-snapshot-local/org/github/CE-Programming/CEmu/git/) You may need to refresh this page in order refreshing did nothing thanks womp curiosity question- why was it called CEmu-USB? ok should I try to update the image to 5.4? ok ah ok and now it works, lol yep something must have gotten corrupted on this image when I pulled it off the calc, there's a 13 byte program called "B" on here that crashes when run nope I don't even have one that small nope nor did I have one that small also, said program is edit protected CEmu flags it as "Prot. Prog. (ASM)" gets hit by duck is it the other slash? \me test the slash and backslash, I call both slashes slash just looking through calc contents in CEmu... theres a program called 01 that is nowhere to be found on the actual calc, with the code "Asm84CEPrgmC7" what is whatever it is, it's chilling in my archive lol I had an actual image ages back, but didn't have said image backed up apparently and it was lost Haven't had a chance to re-get one and as such have used one off of internet ... Is it really piracy/copyright infingement if I already had a rom but lost it? did not have it backed up, and the computer I had the rom on I no longer have access to clearly /me commands no longer work in any capacity in sax because womp just used /me but the message looked odd in sax "/me [D] [mr womp womp] runs" ... CEmu just froze great. I think I'mma have to reload the rom. the calc just won't respond I tried to use cesium to invert colors and it froze /stopped responding tries to put jetpack joyride on my CEmu calc CEmu: I'm not going to send "LibLoad" what were you thinking? someone please help brb, sorry back is there a scenario CEmu can get itself into where it can't send files? It refuses to send libload through drag drop or the send button nope, bar fills and then vanishes nope that finished fine, but it still won't send libload... lemme check 2826K windows can't rename it bc the file is open yes, bc CEmu has it open apparently sending other parts of Jetpack Joride is fine, it's just libload I'm just sending libload it said cannot rename bc it's open in CEmu restarted I can rename it now trying send nothing I just downloaded the latest release of dub's jetpack joyride, the downloaded clibs off the cemetech post 1 sec, trying just sending clibs rather than just libload ^that did it ??? it was the one dub linked also would ti 84+ programs (ie: the amogus) work on the CE? near the end of the thread https://www.cemetech.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=297358#297358 this is what I meant by amogus: https://www.cemetech.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17589 I love when I get bugs others can't replicate bc CEmu won't send AMOGUS now... whatever. huh? oh, you mean the one womp sent me yesterday that I'm using rn? :| ... ticket reopened: not working as intended on my machine new ticket: cannot send AMOGUS to CEmu | Evidence: REDACTED_GD_LINK like why is it where it is? bc I have math I'm supposed to be doing on most of the screen I have all of it in a backup folder on my computer and I tried to send it. What else could I have done? ? yes, that's why I didn't send the 8xi womp: bc life hates me anyways, gonna log off for the day, bye all one last thing though, is there a ay to override CEmu so it saves everything to a folder and nothing in appdata? I can't spell ok planning on sticking it on a usb drive, should have remembered it had a portable option love faulty antivirus called CEmu suspicous after I copied it but not before ??? but it was fine as portable before copy and it hasn't flagged any other portable app I've used so..? anyways, I do need to go, bye! I've been off for a while, what'd I miss? uhm... 10 days, judging by the last mention I have from a conversation I was in. :? lol ... i love it when shift doesn't work i mean that's *technically* not true someone somewhere probably died lol always interesting when I have mentions that have nothing to do with me :P I'm back! Hey LifeEmu, what'cha talking about? (client disconned me on the 27th so I have no scollback) I've been off for a while does the cse not have a wait command? SGTMM gimme a min I'll build a demo for you (assuming I can mentally process life) gimme a min interesting note: cemetech didn't flag the first one as a mention I'mma still make a sample. lol yep :P It'll mostly be demo code, so It'll shuffle to a list and then spit them out one by one gimme a min while I figure out how dim works, lol nope ... well, that did the opposite of what I wanted it to do... time to fix that. what does seq do..? trying to figure out the best way to get x element, I'm probably overlooking an easier way, lol ...so many functions... Hello I'm back time to go back to working on the sample program I lost internet for a bit, and browser force reloaded I'm back to it now What's M? ..? what? what is "m" uhh? ok I'mma just stop questioning this now... does M^2 equal the same thing? fghsgh I've never seen a calc do that before gets hit by a duck why. grabs the duck and throws it at Caesar learned something interesting about some software on my computer just now: Cemetech.net is not blocked but ceme.tech is. -\(:/)/- wavejumper: I'm actually talking about norton family, lol what's the triangle list function... thing called? it shows a triangle the list yes that that's why I needed it it removes the first thing from a list when you combine them, right? ??? so which way? ok then uhm... why does transfering a program named "BLACKJACK" to a cse become "(up arrow)AJAC"??? ok hmm even the word "BLACK" becomes "๐Ÿ”ผC" Up arrow filled in also said bugged out programs cannot be run you just can't select them (I'm using sourcecoder) http://sc.cemetech.net/?hash=gpQlWeV68xInZ3x3a01dldN6immt that work? Get the first element probably a better way isn't there lol of course, it's that easy, lol lol hmm might have just found something, gimme a min It won't do it anymore? ??? weird I can no longer replicate the bug ??? wait... It's also only a bug if it's a 84+CSE/84+CE Basic file, wont happen with 83+/84+ Strange also, note the K's getting removed from the name but why is the name "(arrow)CJAC"? where'd the K in black go? hmm but the name "BLACJACK" Is fine. weird "\BLACKJACK" still becomes the same thing fun fact: if it's the only program the calc is forced to select it and replaces the arrow with a ? when trying to run it yes actually that works although now I have to deal with the name being too long gets hit by duck hits Zeroko with the duck I'm gonna go with "BLAC\KJCK" maybe we'll see it's just a demo anyways uhh found a way to break it agin, lol sending a file named "?JACK" to the calc just freaks jstified out lol hmm the cal turns the ? into some weird U and then therefore can't run it butanyways ( I can't tye today) rgh *type anyways, here's your demo SGTMM: http://sc.cemetech.net/?hash=O4nQ4sQuZRw3eC3et6TAoXY+n/G0 yep! lol Gosh dangit gimme a min hang on just a minute I've got one more idea actaully that's better than the idea I had, lol grabs 10 ducks and smacks Caesar with them ah nice. that's a highlight. don't question why I used 1-52. I just did. k I didn't even consciously do it what? yay! more fucntions I've never used Also, it was just a proof of concept kinda thing another Fun Fact about sourcecoder's bug, displaying the string "BLACKJACK" through a Disp command is fine also, leaving just the word "BLACK" in the code is fine it seems to only replace it if it's the name weird. SGTMM: cool! hope your game turns out great! ooh! how do I change it? ok! oh. fun. ..? I broke sourcecoder by opening the catalog? *jstified Zeroko: where? oh weird it just froze after loading one menu item in the catalog, I had to keep clicking play I don't think so? cse wasn't doing it untill just now hmm must have suto set one, bc hitting clear all fixed it *auto ... how do I do that? lol ah ok LogicalJoe++ boop lol !karma LogicalJoe I feel like I'm a terrible person if I have that low compared to you lets see !karma Zeroko ... true ? commands and commandz are the same person right? !karma commandblockguy hmm !karma firepup so... I have 3. How do you ask to get these linked? !karma DecBot3 nikkybot what? assuming I have none as well !links !karma kg oops there have been 6 quotes this year so far I don't know why i counted that I tried to make an irc bot, but it refuses to connect to efnet, it always ends up timing out I edited a pre-made python script lemme go grab it, (it currently connects to #random on chat.freenode.net since I couldn't get it to work on here) dug it up, here's the bot: https://replit.com/@Firepup650/Bot ... that's a lot of essages *messages ~ninja'd ok, bot's online ? Error bars? Also, who should I ask to get my usernames linked on https://decbot.cemetech.net/ ? Mateo's an admin right? (I'm tired and can't mentally process right now, lol) ? So kerm then? ... ~sleep lol I haven't slept well in what feels like weeks Working on sleeping? That almost sounds counterintuitive (at least to me)! Presumably? Just randomly decided to look up sleeping on Google, I lightly regret it now due to a news article for that search Curiosity question: what happens if there are no ops in a irc channel? Ah ok Got it Lemme just go op a user from the Random Corporation Huh? Who was it who I told a while back that their real name according to irc, was purple? There's your motivation, shower so you can wear your favorite hoodie This cat is insane, lol I think it was zeroko, but I'm not sure Ok I saw that Is there ever an instance where this chat is on topic for more than 10 minutes (if that)? Lol Then again, what is on-topic Ah ok I don't feel like we're on topic for more than around 10 minutes at a time without someone going off topic, lol (in this scenario referring to like calc programming and such) ThuberPhD: same What is this cat doing? https://commandblockguy.xyz/irc/uploads/b527f6d5321bcca9/16517933849828908501982948991122.jpg Not what I meant, she moved before I could get a picture of what she was doing She was attacking my bathroom door (also in the picture I have no clue what she's staring at, but she is standing on top of a toilet paper tube that she's been playing with) I don't know, but it's the second time she's attacked it within 20ish minutes And this cat was trying to eat my chair: https://commandblockguy.xyz/irc/uploads/e45249cabf438eef/16517936090937999064574163927448.jpg What? Maybe??? I got bored today, so I added a bunch of things to my main AutoHotKey script You mean imgur? Not imagur? Nikkybot no one was talking to you! What projects have y'all been working on? I always do too many things at one time (ie: currently working on an irc chat bot, a discord chat bot, some AutoHotKey stuff, etc.) lol I don't task switch effectively either I'll be half way making a new command for the discord one, and then jump onto the irc one for a bit, and at least 10% of that time I spent on AutoHotKey (Post of The Day?) (Variant list: PoTD (Daily), PoTW (Weekly), PoTM (Monthly), PoTY (Yearly)) Like this: [url=https://imgbb.com/][img]https://i.ibb.co/BKS1WcF/Drive-icon.png[/img][/url] [url=https://imgbb.com/]upload[/url] xyz Good morning all! Which version (java or bedrock) is the cemetech mc server? Of course, lol Time to figure out how to get a bedrock client on a java sever, lol Hmm Why are there 4 dimensions? Ok From what I can tell, is it missing a world border? memmgmtrw? memmgmtrw (mem-memory,mgmt-management,rw-rewrite) ? You're welcome ๐Ÿ˜„ ? No, like the rest of what you were saying Like the framebuffer stuff I think I might have just found a way to bring my ircbot onto efnet finally. Trying to connect it to irc.efnet.net always times out But I think efnet.port80.se (based on testing I just did) could work Time to try ... and it gets banned??? What the... Does port80 have some rule against bots connecting to it? I don't know Looking at the log, the last message before it got banned was the MoTD But on my irc client, it sends a "CTCP Request: VERSION" I don't know. I'll just try another server I guess. Yep, nope I guess whatever efnet.port80.se did banned it from all of them? ...hmm So... Is it the hostname of the bot that's bad? Bc if I use it's nick to connect to efnet.port80.se, it's fine irc.choopa.net says the bot's "K-lined" efnet.port80.se says the bot's "Temporary D-Line 1400 min" I think I finally stabilized it Thank you irc.mzima.net I should probably make sure bot's functional though lol How many CE's are you getting womp? Protosw? Ah Ok Cool ๐Ÿ‘ I'm back I like monospace If you don't own it why should you be able to copyright it? I own the universe, lol Random question (to everyone): what's your favorite font? MateoC: don't you hate it when auto correct thinks it's better than you? Lol ... I use Courier New, because it was the first monospace one I came across, and I didn't bother changing after I found it The world: *puts everything in light theme by default* Me: I hate light themes Il1| Hey Caesar ? Hmm Night tr1p1ea! lol But hey, you've got a possible is with it Is there a rule in this copyright/warranty/whatever, that says you can't send it to someone else without also sending them the copyright/warranty/whatever? Hmm, what if you don't copy it (ie: "cutting" the program) Hmm Why are CE's so expensive? Eh, true Adriweb: around $100, but I remember one being like $300 once Hi I'm frustrated at a freaking ircbot rn, I'll be back later once I've calmed down It worked fine on one channel And somethings still work on multichannel But most of it is broken for multichannel DJ Omnimaga, commandz, I have a way to connect it to efnet, I found a server that lets it through The issue is that when it's connected to more than one channel, the bot's "owner" commands break And all's it's doing is running a check that goes: "Is username in the admin list?" And if the answer is yes then it executes the command Wavejumper3 what? commandz it's here: https://repl.it/@Firepup650/Bot lol On the topic of my bot for a second, the only thing that doesn't work is the command to tell the bot to leave Nikkybot Zeroko more like ??? lol A side note: there's a small bug with it, if you open that topic and check the top of the page, there's this: "/> It is advanced by 0 years Does it run asm? Or any ce programs/apps? He probably asked? ๐Ÿ‘‹ wavejumper3 lol So why does lol become 0x5 in a post? LogicalJoe you on? There's (I think) issues in the last of your demos. (Time to double check) ... What? LogicalJoe: I apologize, it's not broken, just looked weird to me Also Welcome back LifeEmu! I'mma work on my bot for a bit, if you need me I'll be in random ... This is fun to read through: http://www.efnet.org/?module=docs&doc=12 LifeEmu you didn't know about slash commands? LifeEmu: I see Wavejumper3 Hello! wavejumper3: how's your day been so far? why's that? ah rain. always ruining everyone's day. My day's actually been better (at least in terms of coding) then the last few days so far i mean... *technically* you could it just wouldn't be good for the calculators LifeWmu off. what happened? autocorrect!!! lol plastic wrap them, or put them in a plastic bag justuse plastic bags, then they are sade from rain when my autocorrdct works it sucks, but when it doesn't work it also sucks. i misstype auto as stuo a lot a and s are beside eachother on keyboard not usually but it is the reason why i have 2 email adresses "firepyp" and "firepup" LifeEmu possible sutocorrect? eh, you forgot to capitalize "Even" wave lol If I tupe a messahe wirjoir lookind I hey rjis yeah, my typing does kinda suck ... ok CAPITALIZATION Please wave, use capitalization ... lol Hey, I'm the one who misspelt their email when I got it This messaged wAzs tgyped with my bnose. ... ? Zeroko: should we go to a different channel then? true... time for a different channel I guess, so here you go #Spelling It wants to time to attempt to make my bot remember if a user has been in a certain channel before or not My bot's function is to chill and respond to certain things (ie: .tell, sudo, op, being given op, etc.) also, welcoming newcomers to it's channel *channel(s) I'm currently testing it in #random and #dice. I made the channels feel free to test there as well! Sure! Side note dice is "intended" for rolling dice, but It hasn't been that way, pretty much because no one was there yes gimme a min to try something... wave: try this http://chat.efnet.org:9090/?nick=wavejumper&channels=%23random%2C+%23dice&Login=Login When making the url through efnet, it wouldn't let me put the 3 I also forgot what the limit was yeah... idk here. this one (should) work http://chat.efnet.org:9090/?nick=wavejump3&channels=%23random%2C+%23dice&Login=Login nikkybot I wasn't even talking nikkybot my bot? ok then. Whoo! My bot is (hopefully) finally stabalized. Wavejumper3: it looks like you got your bot re-fixed Side note: maybe have the bot lower case the message before handling it? (So you don't have to worry about capitalization) Translating "TI-317 CSE" please wait... Translation complete! Result: "Potatobot doesn't exist." Processing... Action determined. Creating Potatobot please wait... Function request: What should Potatobot do? Processing Confirm Result: Potatobot should do nothing Please confirm Result. Or deconfirm result Error: Please confirm or deny Potatobot function result: do nothing Zeroko: acknoledged (tatertommorow is casear right?) ok any other names tuber uses? I just need names he uses to feed into the bot as admin names lol for now I'll use tatertommorow and tuberphd as the admin names, and add more later if needbe I think I remeber seeing that somewhere I saw it on his cemetech signature although it doesn't mention yesterday โ•ฌ โ•‘ โ• โ• โ•ฃ โ•ฆ โ•ฉ Oops Sorry, don't mind me โ•‘โ•‘ โ•ฌ โ•‘ โ• โ• โ•ฃ โ•ฆ Argh I was trying to make something out of it and irc kept auto sending it for whatever reason here. this is what I was trying to do: โ•‘โ•‘โ•ฆ โ• โ•ฃโ•‘ โ•‘โ•‘โ•ฉ eh. I tried at least, so if it looks bad somewhere, at least I know it looks fine on irc anyways, be back later! 11:01 PM or 23:01? (preference question) I mean do you use 12 or 24 hour time? I just don't like 12 hour Zeroko: same, lol commandz: right? who came up with 12 hour time anyways? that's a website? hmm really? I want to see where this is from you sure? isn't it efnet.port80.se? lol All's I know rn is irc.mzima.net is good for bots I'm tired and should probably sleep, but oh well g'night cemetechians I'll prob be up in like 3-4 houre Use 587 e's I mean, you can't really make people read something a certain way pgrmEEP or pgrmMEEP So wait. That doesn't work kg Because then you could expand it to "EEP Engine Program Engine Program" ... CAVE CAVE Automatic Virtual Environment Automatic Virtual Environment Automatic Virtual Environment Why do these exist? People named "JACK" are an acronym, lol I like this one: XNA's Not Acronymed But if that's the acronym for it, then it is acronymed !karma kg583 !karma kilogram !karma cbg lol And bash No Just... No I'mma go eat breakfast Imagine I love it when things only semi-work Ie: both the ircbots I'm making will (sort of) stay online by being pinged, but a discord bot won't (by sort of I mean they randomly disconnect, and then reconnect a maximum of 5 minutes later) On that side note: I'm working on Potatobot rn Debating adding a feature to it and FireBot that will cause them to argue for a bit ... Cool I mean, a user would have to trigger it... But I could also channel lock the command Ie: it would not be allowed to run in certain channels I do need to make sure at some point that the code I made for them handles sax properly It should work, but there are lots of thing that should work, and then don't. On a similar note: what is the best way to contact an admin? Through email, cemetech's inbox thing, or a different way? Ok Clearly chrome is responding or I wouldn't be able to send a message Zeroko: The OS did (I'm on Android 8(also technically "Process Maganer" I think it's called, but it is a system app)(I'm a bit late, but I'm still here)) I only learned it's name when it stopped responding as well yesterday and had to restart to remove a frozen pop-up that said chrome isn't responding. Don't you love it when the "not responding" pop-up stops responding? ..? If you're on chrome you could also try loading a cache page Wave: you still have the link to irc I made for you right? I have 2 of those One of them's Nintendo branded, and the other's Samsung branded Off-topic note: Tuber, what should Potatobot do? Because I'm making it? Why else? oh dear TuberPhD: What should potatobot do? (if you don't give me anything to go off, I'l just make something, make sure it works, and call it good.) ? ^ ... People on discord can hear me right? just checking fuggy: I mean you're on discord so... I'm going to assume tuber's ignoring me for some reason ok ? oof Hi starving I'm Firepup ... I'mma change my nick for a min to test a bot feature, be back night Caesar found the bug forgot to put !=-1 on a line ~feed DecBot3 we tried at least Ok goo I was worried Port80 just decided to ban the client I was using Hey LifeEmu I'm more than a little frustrated rn Not at you Just... I need to rant for a bit LifeEmu: it said you joined the channel lol, nope I think the only way to pull that one off is to use discord I'm frustrated/mad, for 2 reasons rn 1. efnet.port80.se auto-bans bots on join How it detects them? I have no clue 2. Upon resetting my username in my usual client, efnet.port80.se turns around and bans me! (I had changed it for bot testing purposes) Yeah I probably will, it's just annoying And it's reasoning for this ban? "Temporary D-Line (14400 mins)" That's the only reason I got Ugh Hey at least I knew a different server to try I'm using this one for my bots as well The only thing I saw in the MoTD for this one about bots was that there fine for server moderation, but abusive ones are bad LifeEmu: no, I switched back to my normal one, under a different server Efnet has a lot of servers http://www.efnet.org/?module=servers I used to just connect to irc.efnet.net, but connecting to individual servers produces much faster load times Fun fact I just learned Google doesn't care to put my website in the search results, even if you outright search for the url Yet duckduckgo has no issues with it LifeEmu: that actually the right address, at least according to the list Which I'm going to assume is up to date and correct Side note: if you search for my username in Google, you'll get everyone but my website In duckduckgo it's the second result Google. How hard is it to add a website. That literally has the search term in the name, to the search results? I mean I have everything on my end set up It's literally linked on both cemetech and replit Searching for my website will show you everywhere I've posted it somewhere But the site itself won't be in your results Google has 9 results for my website But yet The site is not in the list Lemme go pull up the dashboard and be reminded why Google hasn't listed in the results yet We have 2 pages that Google has said "yep. These links are fine" there's /null and /contact The homepage isn't okay of crying out loud 13 of them have been looked at and Google went: "these are intentionally not indexed" Then 2 of the sitemaps are apparently returning errors right now? commandz hi commandz did efnet.port80.se kick you too? commandz I wondered about it bc it decided to ban me it did it after I changed my nick, is there a limit on how many times you can change it in X period of time? my log shows 4:33 as the ban time but that could be timezones let's see in UTC it would have been... around 23:33 commandz by your logs, which of my bots is more stable? ie: doesn't leave as much megagigs lol boop curiosity question: are "firepup" and "Firepup" different nicks according to irc or no? ok, just checking for the sake of my bots' security I wouldn't want random people having full bot control DJ: why were you a walrus? yes true but how else am I going to do it? true how would a password system work though But you see Anyone can look at the bot's source code and find the password Curiosity question: how would I go about linking a channel to a discord server? (I need to test some bot funtions ) You know what: better idea (easier idea) log in with another account onto the testing channel and test that way saxjax is orangish red Zeroko: yours is pink to me I'm cyan, which is my fave color so... Yay DoorsCS is purple commandz is a lime-ish color fghsgh is... Tannish pink That's what I wrot *wrote Ugh You know what. That's a feature of FireBot not *nownmnn Rgh *now I mean, FireBot's in a testing channel rn, so it's not going to hurt anyone We'll see if it stays Be back E Anyways, got stuff I need to do Hello I'm backing up 15.4 GiB of files Yeah uhm Multi-lone code doesn't work well on irc end So how long do y'all think this will *actually* take to complete? ETA's anyone? https://commandblockguy.xyz/irc/uploads/8cd77284f9263a4e/Screenshot_20220509-215211.png Can you try making it on the calc, copying it off, then putting it back on? ... Wow. The file transfer I've got running can't pick a time to be done, it's 18h to completion now 21hs ... Maybe I'll make this a couple smaller transfers, and not one big one 3 hours to copy 14 files, great, this bodes well... MateoC: what's the longest you've had to wait on a small number of files to upload lol Uhm Let's see The 14 files have a total size of 2.0 GiB Yes According to my file explorer Yeah, my internet usually sucks Sadly, I think my school gets better bandwidth I canceled the 102 file upload as the eta got so high it disappeared Current eta on the smaller one 2:10:24 Would a VPN help, hinder, or do nothing in this situation? My upload is very low: https://commandblockguy.xyz/irc/uploads/1b03c6408860aa38/Screenshot_20220509-220908.png 4.8 upload 85.3 download Internet is bad for uploads I guess? ? ... What's your download bandwidth then? Also it just looked really low compared to the upload speed I'm falling asleep over here Stop falling asleep me! Ok fine fine you kwin Night cemetech! Who/what is haxjax (no that's not a typo) I know all about not being able to run things Both my computer and phone suck I mean, the computer's a laptop, so it has an excuse The phone though I've found phones older than mine that run more games than it can, and at better quality Morning Why not not? My bots are dead One of the modules I was using for user recognition/remberence has an error that breaks everything now LifeEmu nothing I did broke it The code hasn't changed since yesterday At which point it was working They died shortly after 6 yesterday Hey ceasar LifeEmu I don't know Maybe the module got updated? Whatever werkzeug.local is doesn't exist LifeEmu, I can (probably) work around it, it's just going to be more annyoing Truthfully, I don't think Potatobot needs it, as it didn't even use it So I'll go apply a patch to Potatobot for now (ie: try to import it, but if there's an error ignore it) PotatoBot is a bot I'm making in response to someone talking to a nonexistent bot named Potatobot yesterday Or day before, I don't knwo I'd probably end up making a bot with that name. I mean, I basically have a template to use so... No. Just, no I just ate some watermelon rasins ... https://commandblockguy.xyz/irc/uploads/c8fb7b52dcde7a75/16521999712617779169594984726169.jpg LifeEmu it is? Also I think the bot just hasn't tried to reinstall anything, bc flask is also not working after bypassing the werkzeug error And I need flask Time to try another bypass And that failed "expected string or bytes-like object" ugh LifeEmu ? Oh also, here's the error when I try to manually install the stuff it needs to work https://commandblockguy.xyz/irc/uploads/98d4de1f1135906a/Screenshot_20220510-113448.png LifeEmu I'm using python I have one last trick up my sleeve Install everything it needs one by one Beep Boop, Boop Beep Rgh Why? "ImportError: cannot import name 'Flask' from 'flask' (unknown location)" Apparently flask is missing some metadata? "ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/runner/PotatoBot/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/Flask-2.1.2.dist-info/ I'mma have to manually delete and reinstall it I think I think that fixed flask, but now click is broken Now jinja2's broken Oml finally reset A bunch of modules were missing some metadata, and I had to delete them to get pip to update them Now I have to do it all again... For FireBot There. Bots should be up shortly I'mma make a script to fix this in the future Dang it. The script removed all packages bc I ran it with an empty parameter by accident I love when a website doesn't say "1 second ago" and instead says "774 milliseconds ago" [no sarcasm] Accuracy is nice Also, I hate when things say "just now" Oh dang itAnd done Hello, lol I was testing a command planning on leaving these open, maybe I'll ask to get nikkybot back in here as well to add to the randomness I hope to happen here nikkybot what would you do if I made you an admin? nikkybot that doesn't answer the question. ..? commandz: a reop please? thanks is there a bot that's easy to set up that I could add to this channel to reop me if I leave and rejoin? hmm lemme try something... commandz: a reop please? thank you back on commandz? thank you why does it keep disconnecting me? timeout? hey commandz been a while hasn't it? That took too long Time to try something op Firepup Hmm That's a bug Commandz, please reop FireBot and not me temporarily, I'm testing something Uh That's also a bug Hmm Nvm, gimme a min Ok Commandz, please op FireBot Dang it, it crashed Ok... I think that should auto reop me from now on Nvm, that won't work. Efnet doesn't support w Thanks commandz Op Ok! Op cycle Oops Ok, works so far I do need to fix the bug where you can send any message containing o and p (ie: oops) and it ops you goodbye FireBot nikkybot when did you leave uh ok bye firebot bye firebot uh... that's a bug right there. commandz, please reop me I forgot to reop the bot before I reset my connection to try to connect to efnet.poort80.se securely speaking of which, what port/server combonation are you using to be securely connected? hello it seems irc trimmed the username What do you mean? like to connect a bot to the channel? idk, I write in python (ie here: repl.it/@Firepup650/Bot) Yeah... I don't know how to help you there, sorry ok wavejumpe: this might help https://davidwalsh.name/nodejs-irc hello suzan (assuming this is your bot wavejume) *wavejumpe bye suzan, lol wavejumpe, a side note: the client you are using CANNOT join cemetech apparently some people used that client to spam cemetech or something another case of the few ruin it for the many if you want to change your nickname, do it like this: ./nick newnick without the "." of course if you want to see other commands to try "/help" also "/help command" works as well oh that's gonna confuse me, lol look how close the color my client picked for your nick is to mine https://commandblockguy.xyz/irc/uploads/8984cb979dca50f1/Screenshot_20220507-095508.png lemme bring my bot up again I'm in the middle of adding user remberence, so he might act a little odd. Hi FireBot! I probably should give him a help command He didn't crash, just not programmed to respond to that also wavejump3: you can use /me nice. suzan hey, at least FireBot worked. can I see code? I want to see if I can find issue yeeeeeeeeeeees? lol uh? so wait would... ACTION test nope weird try decoding it as utf-8? also remove all \n\r's (newlines and returns) can you paste here what you bot gets from a message? *your suzan hello ok ok? can I see what it's giving you? houston we have a response! lol hmm hello suzan why suzan (out of curiosity?) ok suzan How are you? hey, it can read messages now, just gotta get it's commands working suzan I'm good uh? suzan suzan suzan suzan a suzan what are computer years? ... suzan I'm listening ok me too actually dangit. gimme a bit Something in my "has a user joined before" code "NoneType is not iterable" the heck I think I know the issue this doesn't work "key=key.append(chan)" this does (I think) "key.append(chan)" and 2 uhm no. and now somehow it's always firing the help command well that's one bug fixed time to make sure welcome messages work nope. hi it's hi firebot or hello firebot yes, hi ok 1 sec need to reset firebot Test time! ok, but does it work for multi channel Yes it does! bye firebot ok! There goes wave Hey thanks commandz and... That fixes the issue where I had to help it restart whoo! uh why? ... lol it sent it to "random" not "#random" Wow. Timing alright โ•‘โ•‘โ•ฆ\nโ• โ•ฃโ•‘\nโ•‘โ•‘โ•ฉ commandz, the bot will (from here on out) consider you an op yep (that is when the bot stays online) which it doesn't, most of the time another note commandz if you've been deop'd but the bot pp try it now! hmm that works op me there, lol wait... my nick is wrong DJ_Omnima when'd you get here? ... Case sensitive? I made that mistake Ok Read error... @commandz you have long logs right? Could I get a copy of my messages? Thanks e SPKI:SHA2-256:f213d4e717b9679e05df7ff9fa28f309f0b8509dbd7e41ddd1d25ad9fde8e832 h|tl: add my lounge client to the admin block? lmao Test1 fire Test2 pup Test3 firepup650 Okay good That all pings the lounge lmao why Nah systemd likes being stupid I guess Hmm That was a much longer than normal un-delivered response It spat a long "returned to sender" at e much longer than normal >at e s/e/me Lemme see about plugging mine into here Will migrate soon:tm: s/:tm:/โ„ข๏ธ idk\ s/\/ What URL can I feed the bots for ReplIRC? I'll do that soonโ„ข๏ธ, but until then what url? Ah f*ck it How'd jay fix the Replit redirect loop the other day? Getting spun trying to log in How do you send files? (Over IRC) Actually nvm .quote Nice first quote ๐Ÿคท YC does lmao Should I lower the cap for how often it quotes me? just ping firepup, lol It pings me too bye I forgot my kill command did that lol Reboots it No It's locked to admin usernames What do you mean? Sure I guess bye I mean That shouldn't allow you to do much Since NickServ will change you after a little bit I wonder If my bot quoted a sed command Would the bitbot try to sed it? And you're on the admin list h|tl >help blinks !help Purry says hello lmao Well yeah That was a lot to ask of Purry See ya lol Funny thing about my quote command It could care less if you include other text EX: .quote How are you? What .quote I should make the kill still reboot Make it an systemd service, lmao Same train of thought, lol Maybe soonโ„ข๏ธ I don't even know where I'd download code for that from bye Casually doesn't leave I can't get this stupid bot running It did? ๐Ÿ‘€ Unknown MODE flag ... Still unknown Ah wait does that need oper? this isn't opered And the bitbot refuses to join channels it lets me identify as master then says I don't have perms to give myself perms I'mma delete DB, restart it, and come back tommorow Pokes h|tl .quote .quote What time is it? !flags +* lmao s/o/o ๐Ÿ™ƒ s/๐Ÿ™ƒ/s/o/o s/๐Ÿ™ƒ/s/o/o Hmm s/m/๐Ÿ™ƒ s/m/๐Ÿ™ƒ s/H/๐Ÿ™ƒ s/๐Ÿ™ƒs/ s/๐Ÿ™ƒ/s/ s/๐Ÿ™ƒ/s\/ s/ss/s s/ss/s/ s/s/ s/๐Ÿ™ƒ/o\/o\// Nice s/Nice/s\/Ni\/ce\// s/*/e s/.*/e s/.*/e/ Hi What's the oper block for my lounge account? Ah !flags h|tl +* Why am I not authorized to do that? โ” Ah !flags AGH SO MUCH OUTPUT lmao h|tl: the mode thing from earlier worked now What's it do exactly? There Hi lol It wants to system update I decided Not during school Nope, I'm on it atm > h|tl: Your phone has better uptime than mine does I'll check my system uptime 236:32:05 lmao Hi My phone's uptime is kinda ridiculous h|tl: You can't? Android just lists it in system settings Hi I am at home now The reason it's unstable during school is because my mobile data isn't 100% stable Unless my phone is offline, yes Which is why it randomly cycles Either Internet is unstable, or my phone takes the RAM for something else h|tl: No root access Also I don't have a lot of RAM on my phone, at all Lamo Hi That's coded in btw Hello My client had a setting to show full host names when someone (dis)connects I enabled that s/had/has How'd it know which message to sed? Ah Sure Awaits the ducks Link by chance? I'm lazy Hi Waiting on the download h|tl: It's in your downloads folder ๐Ÿ™ƒ Sure Also, did you try to mount /dev/sda? I got a pop-up asking for auth Might have been /dev/sda1 One of the two That's probably fine Phone ran itself out of RAM trying to run Chrome and my messages app h|tl in the bitbot's server config, what's "bindhost"? Okay Oh right Can't use TLS Or you know I just Run it without TLS because I'm lazy LMAO BECAUSE I AM Quote that please That was too funny That's probably fine Though please make them an account s/an/a dedicated idk Why do you need to? s/o?/or? Autocorrect Who'd you say to contact for bitbot help? It's still being a pain Should I DM, or is there a channel for it? Sure > <@h|tl> You have to join a channel xfnw is in to do a PM, so you'd probably have to join either #offtopic or #xfnwtest What? Ah wait I think I understand but nah, my client is weird, if you try to open a channel without adding the #, it messages a user instead, lmao What is it? Oh lmao I didn't check the main server log after trying to message xfnw I must share a common channel ๐Ÿ‘€ There's an offtopic channel here ๐Ÿ‘€ I'm dumb, lmao Ah good fixed it's nick lmao hi now I think I can set it up finally Also need to put it's nick on an exception list for myself nice, but gonna be hard to type lmao I saw that who was c help ... Oh right ๐Ÿ”ฅc help ๐Ÿ”ฅhelp c ๐Ÿ”ฅc server prefix ๐Ÿ”ฅc server comammd-prefix ๐Ÿ”ฅc server command-prefix ๐Ÿ”ฅc bot command-prefix ๐Ÿ”ฅc bot command-prefix f. ๐Ÿ”ฅc server command-prefix f. f.help ๐Ÿ”ฅc c command-prefix ๐Ÿ”ฅc c command-prefix unset lmao unsetc c command-prefix f. f.help c f.modules f.commands eval_python f.py print("H") lmao Probably but I'm lazy wtf? Out of space? Any message containing FireBitBot won't ping tl now, even if it would otherwise f.commands bitcoin f.help btc Oh well that's boring I wanted a like btc "mining" bot As-in, you talk to it to "mine" f.commands karma f.help karma f.karma h|tl f.c server karma f.c server karma-enabled ... I need a config list tbh h|tl: We should let MNA know their bitbot died f.commands f.help Totally should make f.help resolve to the PI,at least on localhost s/I,a/I, a f.c server sed f.commands sed ... f.commands - f.commands sed f.c server - f.c server f.c c f.c c sed f.c c sed on s/I,a/I, a ... What How does that work? s/work/help I see. Do you crash again? waits f.c c ducks on ... f.c c duck f.c c ducks lmao f.c c f.more f.c c ducks-enabled on f.commands ducks f.enemies f.friends f.c c f.more f.more f.c c karma-pattern f.karma f.commands karma f.addpoint h|tl h|tl++ Hmm f.c c karma-pattern ++ f.c c karma-pattern on h|tl++ Ah Very Nice h|tl-- h|tl-- h|tl-- I'm an admin I shouldn't have ratelimits f.help alias f.alias list lol f.commands karma hmm f.c bot f.help c bot botlist ... f.c bot botlist f.c bot botlist eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee f.c bot accept-invites on lmao What would I bind it to? f.alias list How do I make a module? ๐Ÿ‘€ !flags +v FireBitBot WHY NOT !fflags +v FireBitBot !fflags +v !fflags +v Well ofc it's not registered ugh Who? fixes random CSS bug lmao RAM issue I'm sure Any other weird perms that get displayed in TL's sidebar? voice operators and normal I mean Like the "Operators" "Voiced" and "Users" headers in TL's sidebar I have to CSS style each of those, individually A what? LMAO MY CAMERA DOESN'T WORK Not enough storage s/!/. ๐Ÿ‘€ Why can I sed your message? f.permission add _9pfs alias s/alias/lol blinks s/add/bounce thinks f.echo hi Off for the night I have a State test tomorrow f.balias add burn action lights ${1} on fire for fun f.permission add _9pfs balias f.burn h|tl burn h|tl f.help action f.alias list f.balias list f.balias burn f.burn h|tl f.burn h|tl f.burn h|tl f.burn cookies ... f.burn h f.burn cookies Hmmm Is RNG an option for action? I seriously need to get off G'Night No f.burn the world ... f.test f.aliad test action ${*} f.alias test action ${*} I think yours did It commented every time I made a new repl f.alias add test action ${*} f.test hi there RoccoLoxPrograms A user on cemetech Side note: Cemetech's chat is also an IRC channel on EFNet f.reload f.help f.commands spotify f.modules f.more It refuses to quit normally ugh Hi f.commands spotify There f.help sp f.sp IT is the end Cool f.commands lastfm f.np f.listening That's not right f.np ??? That's also not right f.np Firepup650 That's correct f.commands google f.help g f.help suggest f.suggest firepup650 blinks lmao You're fine That's not the first time it's said that Anyways Now people who can talk to my BitBot can watch what I'm listening to f.np Firepup650 That has some weird tags Wtf Hello f.np Firepup650 Idk who owns firepup f.g firepup650 lmao My PYPI package is the first result f.g 9pfs h|tl: 9psetup f.g doxr f.g 9pfs site:replit.com lmao f.g amcforum Old domain ๐Ÿ™ƒ f.g AMC forum wiki There we go lmao Wikipedia replit.talk ๐Ÿ‘€ firepup.org, lmao f.g firepup youtube blinks f.g Firepup Sixfifty site:youtube.com lmao 650 views I wonder why my YouTube doesn't come up f.g @firepup650 f.g @firepup650 site:youtube.com lmao f.modules f.ddg firepup650 casually guesses command f.help info f.commands info f.version f.np firepup650 A what? confusion blinks f.burn h|tl lmao ๐Ÿ‘€ How would I do that? f.commands rss f.help rss f.rss add f.rss add ๐Ÿ™ƒ f.rss list s/ Uh that's ~1.4k messages How many servers replied to that? all of them? blinks f.cookie e f.help alias f.alias ass cookie actions gives ${1:} a cookie f.alias ass cookie action gives ${1:} a cookie f.alias cookie action gives ${1:} a cookie f.alias cookie action gives ${1~} a cookie f.alias cookie action gives ${1} a cookie how on earth do aliases work f.alias list f.alias add cookie action gives ${1:} a cookie f.cookie test user Blinks f.balias add cookie action gives ${1:} a cookie f.cookie test user blinks f.alias remove test f.balias add cookie action gives ${1-} a cookie f.cookie test user ??? f.cookie test user 2 f.balias add cookie action gives ${0-} a cookie f.cookie test user 2 There we go f.balias list burn f.balias add burn action lights ${0-} on fire for fun There Now spaces are accepted f.burn the entire world f.arson the whole world shrugs f.np firepup650 ??? f.np Firepup650 f.np firepup650 blinks f.confusion f.balias add alias balias ${0-} f.alias f.alias list f.balias list aw I hoped that would work f.balias remove alias cookie f.alias remove cookie f.cookie h|tl f.help balias idk what that means ๐Ÿ‘€ being random as usual Yeah f.np firepup650 ,bef lmao Wrong prefix f.spawnduck aw ๐Ÿ‘€ Oh that's why my music crashed, lmao My phone's updating apps and each updated app has to get re-moved to the SD Card Storage++ RAM-- I wonder... Storage++ RAM -- lmao Double karma Android++ ๐Ÿ‘€ no harm in asking, right? restarts his automation app it got killed because of the RAM thing ๐Ÿ‘€ This is true It has a big file to use 2952 lines Last three: @commandz you have long logs right? Could I get a copy of my messages? Thanks >bef Hello How do I rename people? Idk how, but go ahead Wants to rename people for some reason understood 10% of that h|tl: What part of the machine info do you need? Valves: No Hairpinning: No IPv6: No UDP: Yes UPnP: Yes PCP: No NAT-PMP: No h|tl: ^^^ I think I've tried that ๐Ÿ‘€ s/firepup|lounge/firepup blinks s/firepup\|lounge/firepup Idk Looks at quotes file Quote block: should I use the "development" build here? https://ce-programming.github.io/CEmu/download ok I love errors Error Failed to detect the latest folder. (Current path: /oss-snapshot-local/org/github/CE-Programming/CEmu/git/) You may need to refresh this page in order refreshing did nothing thanks womp curiosity question- why was it called CEmu-USB? ok should I try to update the image to 5.4? I see that f.burn _9pfs-bitbot's server s/\|lounge/ s/\|lounge// blinks s/\|lounge// I didn't know channels on EFNet required that Huh unstable ๐Ÿ‘€ My phone's being weird firepupwork oops firepup work f.bef That pinged... Why isn't the sed? firepup|lounge s/\|lounge// lmao s/9pfs/h ๐Ÿ™ƒ david_: Services seem up to me ๐Ÿ‘€ That would be cool banjo hen, lmao Summons h|tl f.cookie h|tl f.cookie david_ Why does it have to be renewed? I see h|tl: Put the bitbot on a systemd? I never shut it down properly, and have to manually unlock the db me/projects/python/bitbot (py symlinks to python) f.echo Uh Okay good Your erros had me concerned Anyways, shutdown .commands github f.commands github f.help gh f.help ghissue f.gh f.gh help blinks at the bitbot > firepup: It'd probably be good to have bitbot run as its own user Ya know, the services user exists It writes to a DB in my dir currently, I could plop that on the services account also s/\|lounge// That doesn't ping my phone for some reason Oh also my normal bot should probably be put on a systemd user firepup: You'd need the config to be world-readable in that case, though... Moving the entire bot dir to a dedicated account would probably be easier. Why? I made an account specifically for running services <@h|tl> 03:40:13 PM <@firepup|lounge> Why? I made an account specifically for running services But that doesn't explain why they'd need to be world-readable and currently, nothing else runs on that user Only things planned to run on that user currently is the bitbot And I can just set an encryption key for the bitbot Would that break the existing DB? Pain s/\|lounge// Nah it's fine Honestly that makes me curious The bitbot doesn't ping me on sed commands f.echo firepup hi That's a ping Weird. Why dedicated? Fine I guess lmao lmao X2 f.quotes f.quote f.quote f.balias add quotes quote ${0-} f.quotes but it won't let me alias "balias" to "alias" Uh yeah Let me kill it and kill the db lock too Done Why does it never unlock the DB? ๐Ÿ‘€ E I don't think I got that error Did you install it's requirements? That error looks like you didn't I didn't even use a venv starts a test For what? ๐Ÿ‘€ Also h|tl your run it as `./bitbotd` How do change MOTD? That's not what came up for a search for "motd", lol h|tl: No clue, I do it manually Remove the bot.lock and bot.sock files from ~/.bitbot Yeah rehashes firepi's MOTD That'd probably be a good idea I think I could edit the help output for commands here ๐Ÿ‘€ lol It'd be fun though ๐Ÿ™ƒ lol Um Who'd even have that IP? ๐Ÿ‘€ That'd be nice !fflags FireBitBot!bitbot@0::1 +Vv Since I don't have normal flags here lmao Why? blinks h|tl: How's the MOTD? ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿซค๐Ÿซ  Huh So Either TL or my PI doesn't recognise those emojis h|tl: Thoughts? The PI s/\|lounge// Ah Goes to stab the system package for emojis for not including those two lol I added another emoji pack and now they're error boxes They were invisible before Yes >c c sed off Duplicated sed is kinda annoying s/kinda// Rgh ๐Ÿ‘€ lmao I would have used a little bit nicer kill reason f.bef Hmmm Just kline the repl ๐Ÿ‘€ Just installed fonts-recommended on the PI h|tl: I just klined the repl 524160 minutes f.wa Hm What's that module? no Should I add one? What API does it need? h|tl ^^^ Well yes But which Wolfram API Full results, simple, short answers, spoken results, llm, conversational, fast query recognizer, summary boxes, instant calculators, and show steps Okay PI lag spike f.wa 524160 minutes to days f.modules what's the one for weather... f.more ๐Ÿค” Please don't kill my key, lmao f.ud lmao hi f.weather f.modules f.more lmao idk, lmao The other bitbot's are *trying* to crash it I'm going to kill it so it restarts It gets space back that way Uh why Seems bad tbh blinks Um blinks but why Hi h|tl lol h|tl: Gift cards! idk Ask past me/ Hello Y'all tried to catch a duck from the wrong bot, lmao f.bef Anyways Stop spamming I will kill your client LMAO Hi Spam is bad kids Calm >bef Wrong bot twa We'll see blinks checks hostname That is false looks Hmm Okay Kill got truncated, lol So the kline didn't work the way I expected it to That's fine Oops It was a temporary thing Hoped it'd stop the spam The guest accounts? Cleared the kline But also Please stop david >bef I told it to remove temporary klined ๐Ÿซค Oops. blinks f.np firepup650 So my Spotify likely died Ugh Wait no It's still playing ??? f.np Firepup650 lmao Hi david I forgot lastfm is weird about case-sensitivity F.bef f.bef Lowercase names work But don't update often Hi h|tl Is "h" a ping alias for you? lol Oh yeah h|tl: What's the nuggets NickServ? Did YC's thing come back up? (IIRC YC used youngnuggets) ๐Ÿ‘ lmao No , roccolox isn't here. I need to put you on GitHub/forejo at some point Also should probably have it actively quoting me thinks h|tl: Bitbot==python You run a bitbot You're using python You wanted me to make my own module for the bitbot, which is PY dev So you're actively encouraging PY Dev h|tl f.alias kidnap trap f.alias add kidnap trap h|tl: ^^^ I do not condone the kidnapping of ducks. I do however, condone kids napping with ducks As long as the ducks want to nap h|tl: Thoughts? f.alias add pnp np Firepup650 f.pnp Nice Hi Thoughts on what I do and do not condone? Did you not read? lmao And I will quote it >:) Just... as a spoiler What&&Why *IRC Client refuses to ping* Tbh I need a /mes command at times 's me looks weird like this blinks No no no firepi.amcfourm.wiki/thelounge Nah the AI is , if you can call it that h|ai killed you f.quote Wrong prefix >bef .bef Oops .quote .quote .quote .quote Doxr - run . Help Lowercase h, no space LMAO Sopel no one asked for you Check your IRC messages doxr should have sent you a help list Hi TZ leak? ๐Ÿ‘€ h|tl: I get a vhost when Or just /msg NickServ register Idk how spelling error s/theywere/they were I have no clue what the context for that is h|tl: How vhost offers firepi.is.cool as a vhost No Sadly Nice thinks That's better ;P lmao You should use that Bye Why? It doesn't have an auto reconnect And last I checked it wasn't on systemd yet The only auto reconnect is if it gets rejected trying to connect originally Then it'll just retry until it gets in needs an account at some point I'll do that later Actually Don't restart it yet There What's that and why I think that's my client At least partially And why's a tilde make you crazy? h|tl: Unless you can find that as an android app, the answer is no Tmux doesn't run in the environment I have my IRC client in And it's not easy to move Reconnect I guess? I still see the tilde Not if I need tmux h|tl Also h|tl not only is tmux out of the question, root is too lmao h|tl: I can't manage ports below 2048 without root (IIRC, might be a bit off) ๐Ÿคท s/d/edreplit.com/ Lmao My BitBot was right Sopel was not LMAO I SAW THE BOT WAS WRONG AND IT LEAVES s/W/Y ~alyx Try turning off firewalld temporarily Just to see if it works f.cookie h|tl r/ihadastroke lmao Triple link preview f.c b title ๐Ÿ‘€ Early bot days I'm mot s/mo/no And I never want to use iOS. I don't like apple f.quote .quote f.bef ๐Ÿซ  I got delayed by an autocorrect f.pnp aylx: You should have my bot give you it's help list (.help) Sopel will respond too though, lol f.help grab f.help quote Category? f.quote bots >bef .4, lmao realizes something f.alias list f.remove kidnap f.alias remove kidnap f.alias remove pnp f.balias pnp np Firepup650 f.balias kidnap trap f.balias add kidnap trap f.balias add pnp np Firepup650 f.help alias f.alias list kidnap f.balias list kidnap s/an '/a '/ s/an \'k/a \'k/ ugh s/have an/have a/ Really. SED yourself Hi BitBot can't SED itself? I can't fix it's grammatical error then ๐Ÿซ  s/๐Ÿซ /๐Ÿค”/ Pokes Sopel .c c sed off ๐Ÿ‘€ needs to auth && It needs the services account it'll use put on the enforce setting h|tl: Can I manage other user's services configs? .c c sed off .help c Wtf Why .config c sed off .help config >bef .help config .help are you dead h|tl so am I And I hit the voice typing button Instead of send ? How does xline=bad user info? has urge to kill ntfy s/urge/an urge/ Ugh Truncated kill reason Why spaces bad s/speedrun/do everything in my power to make things harder for myself by not using thelounge/ f.bef Capital f thinks Why is a colon required? Such as? May or may not have killed ntfy h|tl: I'm lazy, summary? Then add it to the custom ping list >c c list >c list c >c list channel >c Ah .modules Sopel Why .c 1-1 .c 0/0 LMAO Do it anyways tbh .c 0/0 alyx - custom pings are a thing in TL's user preferences You know that, right? .help .set auto-title off Why lmao h|tl: You just quieted lmfao didn't ask for a reason, merely counter-pointed alyx's points because he could .part .quit Hmm .tell alyx alyx david is ntfy supposed to talk here? .tell alyx hello alyx f.tell alyx hello alyx >tell alyx hello alyx ๐Ÿ‘€ Are you actually getting notifications? I expected ntfy to comment here if you were tbh ๐Ÿคท Right I need to put on forejo too (hi ) >bef When I didn't care about security and left a password in plain text in my bot's source code h|tl s/?*// s/\?.*// lmao s/7\?.*/7/ Much better Now there's no tracking nonsense lol Would apple have anti-tracked their own service? ..goat.mode.activate .goat.mode.activate Hmm f.bef .goat.mode.activate ..goat.mode.activate dead? Nope >bef h|tl: 's logs are wrong h|tl: Do you know why 's logs would be wrong? Oh there they are weird just... heavily delayed wonder why. h|tl: Could you join as a user who has "goat" in their name and then say "hi"? lol ..goat.mode.activate That should be changed really I am h|tl reboot fire Let's see if that fixed it's logs... Nope and I told it to flush each print\ doesn't have apple music Hmm Too lazy f.wa https://music.apple.com/us/album/drive-you-out-of-my-mind-dark-room-edition/1704717842 on spotify wtf, lmao f.wa https://music.apple.com/us/album/drive-you-out-of-my-mind-dark-room-edition/1704717842 as a spotify link blinks lmao f.more f.more Well that was... disappointing. K E Y B O A R D test fixed Just told python not to buffer the output Literally just had to pass `-u` hello s/mow/plant a sprout in the garden/ f.help sp f.sp Plants vs Zombies the musical >bef What did the bitbot do? saw that as blob data For some reason s/a sprout/a little plant/ f.pnp Hello f.pnp > music to kill americans to LMAO I mean It ***IS*** based on a German horror movie f.np 9pfs f.np h ๐Ÿ‘€ h|tl: What's that song? Aw You should (Totally not so I can just randomly check what you're listening to) f.np youngchief lmao reboot fire *dies* is too lazy to hide passwords It shouldn't ever be off anyways, and it's account isn't dangerous I'm lazy s/\|lounge// I'm very lazy You should know this blinks I thought the flag I changed killed me lmao PRIVMSG >bef f.bef >bef lmao lmao You don't disable it ๐Ÿ™ƒ downloads all the DE queries off AMC and sends them to the universe (And not-ethan ofc) Throws a register command at TWA True I do need to get off Logs off by 's request I need to sleep Leave poor be. Stop I need to sleep lmao giving out Karma like it's candy Anyways, that's also a user on cemetech I'm not the gatekeeper Go ahead Sign up on cemetech.net if you want to be in the forum You could also just join #cemetech on EFNet Any one should work. I like mzima It doesn't kline bots basically ever Other servers klined pretty quickly :( h|tl: idk Maybe there's no editing But there is des s/des/sed/ h|tl: lmao, saxjax is the bridge between site chat, discord, and IRC Sopel|MNA: help I want to be asleep alyx alyx: 2/3 parts of your user info still says david Ugh I can't set anyone's vhost to anything fun /test /test lmao !roll looks f.bef Why You have voice And are you registered with services? s/You have voice// s/nd are// Okay but why It's running on my PI, so there's my op h and alyx have been opped since probably the very beginnings If you want op so bad, run your own server ;P That's what h made me do f.tell alyx Did you tell Jay you'd OP him? JayAySeaOhBee14: h made me run my own server before I got OP You're not even logged in to services Reset it then I guess ๐Ÿคท shrugs finds the reset button Go log in and change your password >bef blinks That's... Weird. Why is the server itself doing that? That's normally Purry's job h|tl: Thoughts? !!fflags JayAySeaOhBee14 +o blinks Why'd Purry ignore me? Oh yeah !fflags JayAySeaOhBee14 +Oo There Just add `O` and `o` also has operator Oh yeah When my BitBot rejoined, the server gave it it's perms, not Purry Why's that? blinks .quote lmao 50th message s/same/sam I think lmao boinks s/oi/li s/AnitudhGPT/ChatGPT Proxy s/AnirudhGPT/ChatGPT Proxy JayAySeaOhBee14: you don't Even I can't Hello I should have put the thing for you from earlier in a tell Not AFAIK This isn't sshchat lmao Different rules here (Software and actual rules) blinks lmao s=:=:// s=:=://= Ugh s/:/:\/\// s/s:/s:\/\// lmao h|tl: restart please >c c auto-title off ... h|tl: which is the bad BitBot? There lmao Sure! twa is available ;P f.wa 524160 minutes to days Why is max ban limit 364 days? techwithanirudh: Login to services, lmao Looks at the kill command I can kline you :) Better yet, I'll just force you to auth for your name Just need to do something first ๐Ÿคท There we go Nick is now in Enforce mode Don't auth? Lose your name. Do /nick techwithanirudh As I sent it you did KiwiIRC ๐Ÿฅ thinks What would happen If I registered all 9999 guest names To a services account? f.tell h|tl What would happen if I registered all the guest usernames to a services account? Guest0001 -> Guest9999 Would be the range And Guest01 -> Guest99 (kiwiIRC) Enforcetime of 3 seconds So they'd keep getting switched s/3/2 IIRC has an enforce time of like 1-2 seconds .quote lmao h|tl: Can I just kline that whole Repl? What if I klined *@bitbot.9pfs.repl.co? (And doesn't tech make us keep banning GCP anyways?) h|tl: What if the 900A* range the bitbot is reconnecting as gets blocked? f.tell firepup e f.balias list cookie f.balias add fuck echo Hell no. Just for Jay Is h|tl the letter h? testing... Now if it gets killed, it raises an error, causing systemctl to restart it A-a-a-a-a laga s/ga/a s/a/g lmao s/ga/ag s/aga/ag This is a test with multiple matching results for it's test s/test/message s/test/message/g h|tl: How (even if hacky) can I make my bitbot ignore sed messages like Sopel does? s/even if hacky/even if it's a hacky workaround/ s/even if hacky/even if it's a hacky workaround/ Double sed'd just to show what I mean ? f.burn Guest1918 Breaks AMC temporarily f.burn idk Who are you goes to look Sus account on Replit tbh >bef The account that hosts the Repl you're connected through is sus > 17:30:09 *** idk (~wassuplad@Replit/user/wassupladies) has quit (solanum2.repl thelounge.wassupladies.repl.co) > 17:32:58 *** idk (~wassuplad@Replit/user/wassupladies) (Replit/user/wassupladies) has joined the channel That account is sus Random side-note: Services like PurryCat are nowhere near as likely to disconnect now Also you can change your Replit username once Uh uh Not you The bot 900* is a duplicated copy of _9pfs-bitbot *Know s/new/now f.tell h|tl Who's idk? Anyways, services are stable now since they're running off of my RPI Though netsplits are still common Because Replit That'll all be over soon-ish though Once the "must deploy" on Replit goes into effect, 99% of ReplIRC servers will go down (Rough guesstimate) Any server that runs on Replit, yes. The clients won't be able to link to most of the servers anymore, so you'll likely have to change the server to a non-replit one for even kiwi to work >bef lmao Juicy topics ๐Ÿ‘€ f.cookie Guest1918 f.cookie idk kiwi ๐Ÿ‘€ YC is probably around somewhere Probably not https://replit.com/@Firepup650 it is Just Not done well running .help should get you a help list Though Sopel will comment on it too, lol WordPress is stupid It doesn't pages as files >bef Just lines in a DB f.tell h|tl idk Still wants you, lmao idk - Why don't you make a services account? lmao idk - /msg NickServ REGISTER PASSWORD EMAIL Replace password and email obviously lol f.tell idk /msg NickServ REGISTER PASSWORD EMAIL f.tell idk Replace password and email obviously Can you save multiple? f.tell h|tl 1 f.tell h|tl 2 lmao f.tell h|tl moo f.tell h|tl moo f.tell h|tl moo f.tell h|tl moo f.tell h|tl moo f.tell h|tl moo f.tell h|tl moo f.tell h|tl moo f.tell h|tl moo f.tell h|tl moo f.tell h|tl moo f.tell h|tl moo f.tell h|tl moo f.tell h|tl moo ๐Ÿ‘€ >bef Thinks lmao .quote .quote I should... fix that hex code. ugh waves hi looks at idc lmao f.tell idk idc killed you,lmao idk - Register for services VHosts are goo >bef lmao lmao Register for services Purry oping random guests be like yes you can _/msg NickServ REGISTER PASSWORD EMAIL Email isn't verified You just have to provide one ^^^ Did you register? _/msg NickServ REGISTER PASSWORD EMAIL s/Is/I _/msg NickServ REGISTER PASSWORD EMAIL Run that no underscore and change PASSWORD and EMAIL lmao dislikes that domain >bef Um firepi lag also dislikes that There Now you're connected from idk.idk f.bef lmao e s/melly/smelly ๐Ÿ‘€ s/I have.*/I'm fake/ lmao s/Oper/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA s/.*// Hmm Ah nice null sed anyways idk - you should enable ENFORCE /msg NickServ SET ENFORCE ON >bef If you enforce you name, you can't have your name stolen If you don't enable it, then people could still theoretically take your name s/jeremy/the fact that i am trolling/ lmao rakill .* :) lmao s/melly/smelly s/ not// s/\.// idk knows you're trolling, lmao s/m/mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm/g lmao s/nikkybot/nikkybot on EFNet/ s/m/mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm/g Sopel shush s/imposter/troller/ s/alanta/the moon/ s/atlanta/the moon/ >bef is happy no one has used f.kidnap on a duck yet s/ban/kill s/f.*ip/ip s/renewal cycle/recycling bin empties/ s/fixed.*net/ethernet s/reboot/when I want it to/ forgets to sed out the a s/&t/&t (A company that made an OS that h|tl wants to use to build a clone of telehack) blinks How did it become &tt a&b s/&b/&c Gives h|tl an O Huh f.bef Why !fflags +O idk !fflags idk +O Remember the O flag lol blinks !fflags +Oo idk !fflags idk +Oo !fflags idk +Oo How idk - login to services, lmao /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password_here lmao guest86, obviously > 19:44:57 <@h|tl> Just add a new auth block to firepi.amc's config h|tl: How >bef You'd have to get on firepi for that, and IIRC I didn't give you sudo I think that might do do I have to restart for config changes? Ah Well I did something wrong lmao unknown flags No It just didn't understand the flags flags = ~encrypted, flood_exempt, kline_exempt, no_tilde; Do I need to add a ~ to all of them? Huh? operator "fp-phone" { user = "*@*"; fingerprint = "SPKI:SHA2-256:df11fc5ab489490422672784bed4e511bd64ebb9a1> flags = ~encrypted, flood_exempt, kline_exempt, no_tilde; password = "certfp"; privset = "admin"; }; Ignore the > Term I spawned is a little small >bef ? Did that How would I set the rest of the flags? >bef Not no tilde And you dislike me having the tilde IE: PHONE How exactly do I do that? I can do this? !fflags -Oo idk !fflags idk -Oo s/.no/no... Purry kinda slacking /killall :) ๐Ÿ‘€ >bef h|tl: Probably Guest1830: I think that's backwards s/email*word/password> /password> / WHY s// / there s/ip/ip/ needed the message !fflags idk -Oo Hmmm s/:.*:/๐Ÿ‘/ Hi py Just use sed py660 Many other channels #random #dice #rss #bitbot etc s/i 9/H&/ wdym py660? s/ts ip/&/ private (: lmao Ask Zeroko if he remembers that ??? Stop f.help quote STOP >bef I must only have like 1 registered lmao I seriously need to make it un-escape the string lmao I could just invite you sure f.commands admin f.help ignore f.ignore +600 py660 f.ignore 600 py660 f.ignore py660 600 Stop spamming my bitbot >bef I mean f.bef s/her/&e would have worked f.ignore +600 py660 * i have no clue netsplit? Oh yeah py - Try to use my bitbot the f. stuff lmao Pika's not here has a comically large knife stabs Guest26 blinks f.ignore py660 bef f.ignore +600 py660 bef Rgh Because you spammed it and the ignore didn't work f.modules f.more f.roll 1d6 f.commands vote f.help vote f.help startvote f.startvote is IRC discord? f.vote 9ad212 no f.votes *votes s/votes/vote sorry s/Mc.*/Fast food place that is getting worse with time >bef >enemies Goo s/oo/&d s/wet/soaked/ lmao Yes you can as h|tl s/s/&k lmao s/pee/explode lmao probably missed part of something Back ๐Ÿคท I kicked some random server, maybe that helped It's a 95% dead server Phone no longer has a ~ in front of it's ident and now has kline protection It's a Samsung Galaxy A23, running Android 13 ? My phone firepup Interesting channel selection @#bestfriends @#couples @#flood @#learntocode @#main #sad:( @#stuff #teamyc https://firepi.amcforum.wiki/server-info - Uptime just crossed 100 hours! idk - Not really BitBots (FireBitBot) join #bitbot by default #dice I've had for a *long* time (Pre-me being on ReplIRC) #main is, well main #off-topic - Why not? #random - see #dice #rss - Another BitBot thing #sshchat - SSHChat bridge >bef though that bridge is out f.grab idk 1 f.quote idk ? s/c.*// s/,/m s/!op/Useless command/ That does nothing. ๐Ÿคท it doesn't work for you, clearly lmao guest91: Go ahead f.endvote f.votes f.endvotes 9ad212 f.endvote 9ad212 >bef What'd he do now? f.quote idk f.balias add poach echo No. You get poached instead Kill reason got truncated Maybe ud is disabled? f.help ud lmao .8b You want to f people? LMAO f.bef f.ducks Hmm f.commands duck f.commands ducks f.friends lmao You're already connected lmao lmao h|tl Stop opening duplicate conns then Why though Seems excessive >bef >balias list Why not idk - which one? >balias list >isdown google.com what Wb >balias list isdown Then how'd it get... kiwiirc from google? >balias add isdown ${0-} >isdown google.com Oh wait >balias add isdown isup ${0-} >isdown google.com ? lmao google.com/search?q=is+google+down > We last detected an outage for Google on Wednesday, October 4, 2023 with a duration of about 45 minutes. What? Google was down? lmao Sprints to change a Repl's settings s/\[.*\]/url shortener/ confuses the PI's updater by updating stuff myself f.startvote Bring more people online? f.vote eb4e58 yes netsplit h|tl? f.bef lmao I concur what are we doing? No You're invisible Use lemon juice You just do Look, this is what we see: s/act.*// Show Evidence of Desync SED s/\.// !fflags !!sync !sync thinks blinks Hell nah Lemme find the way to ban that >bef >bef i will always find ways to bypass L Uh h|tl I didn't mean to kline Water s/firepup/david/ redirects the water s/e on firepup/e on anyone who doesn't live in the Central Time Zone/ lmao s/wont/will/ lmao thinks Quote block >bef Nuh uh You just ignored me for 3 s/\|.*:/:/ Why not? f.bef Guest6132: lmao s/m.*s/msuit/ lmao lmao s/a human/the number 9/ s/!=/==/ 900AAAAAC: shutdown 900AAAAAC: help 900AAAAAC shutdown Rgh 900AAAAAC: help Fine then >balias list >alias list >bang >alias list bang >me says hi uh >help me >alias add bang action me picks up a machine gun and fires a few rounds at ${NICK} >bang >alias add bang action picks up a machine gun and fires a few rounds at ${NICK} >bang >alias list bonk >bonk e lmao >bonk >alias list cow >cow >moo >alias list moo >alias add cow action moos like a cow... MOO!!!!!! >cow >alias list >alias list doggy >alias list eat >alias list botsnack >botsnack ??? >eat >alias list grind >alias list me >alias add me action ${0-} >me says hi >alias list nibble Which doesn't exist >alias list oink >alias list pig >pig >alias add pig action oinks like a pig... OINK!!!!!! >pig >alias list >alias list purr lmao f.grab _9pfs-bitbot 1 >alias list quack >quack >alias add quack bef >quack >rnick lmao >rnick >alias list rnick >alias list slap >alias list trap >alias list trap_ >alias list f.bef >alias list treet f.tell h|tl What's your bitbot's treet alias for? Looks like it's using Discord IDs. >alias list urmom >alias list ycftw f.tell h|tl Also, your >eat and >nibble aliases don't work. >alias add kidnap trap goodbye bye .join #bots uh... bye So .join #bots Okay good no more spam .amIAdmin .amIAdmin .goat.mode.activate .goat.mode.deactivate bye ... No missfires .quote And I broke it Okay .quote lmao But it works now .join #bots Well .join #bots cool .join #bots On what? lmao That's a bug No I meant my bot responding to that's a bug Fixed Right? .join #bots .8b e? .8b b .quote hello py lmao Quote could care less what you tell it .quote Also works It ignores anything after .quote On what? ? Hello JayAySeaOhBee14 That was py lmao hi how to set password What about the other two broken ones? h|tl is 9pfs f.burn JayAySeaOhBee14 What if I just... xline that repl goes to try Maybe that works. e Oh yeah f.tell h|tl can join non-predefined channels now Existing Tired Mild headache throws at #bots eeeeeeeeee No log spam... A WHY WON'T SERVICES COME BACK UP So bots can get in WHOO THERE WE GO h|tl: What do you mean? f.tell h|tl does solanum.repl usually repeatedly reconnect? f.tell h|tl does solanum.repl usually repeatedly reconnect? .join #bots Oops I restarted it didn't realize tell held over a rebot s/o/&o lmao s/bo/&o f.help ignore f.help unignore f.unignore py660 bef I'm out for dinner Back That's um A lot of pumpkin f.isup irc.mzima.net Why That explains why my phone lost connection, but wtf? WHY LMAO THAT'S WHY CRASHED There's a typo on the line where it tries to talk every 50 messages bye Need it to reboot .join #dice er .join #bots f.sp โ€ŽYoung Love & Saturday Nights lmao It doesn't have oper so that wouldn't work Too lazy Hm... Hi firepup Er Hi Yep That'll be fixed in a minute What the h|tl - Why's the lounge getting XHR errors? 502 errors actually wtf ๐Ÿ‘€ Oh The tilde's out Right so lounge over main internet fails currently h|tl: Are/were? Lounge is the only thing publicly facing that's half-responding Scratch that, it only loaded at all because of cache I was asking about your earlier comment about it running through your phone Over tor or something? Ah firepi has no clue what that is, lol Hmm Could an etc/hosts entry work on a domain name? Then I could make firepi understand your domain ๐Ÿ™ƒ lmao hi blinks What Hello ... wtf reboot fire h|tl fun I think I broke it, lmao looks f.bef h|tl - Sounds like a very insecure app hi ... .quote So it's not broken h|tl: Does it respond to you? f.ducks f.commands ducks f.friends h|tl: Any way to remove the guest entries from that? >bef Can you try saying hi to ? I think there's a bug in my nicklen check. Huh Adding in some checks so I can see what's wrong bye hi hi ??? .quote wtf Hmmm reboot fire Found it It was looking for .hi lmao And I made it be able to have a different nicken limit per server .join #bots Well mzima/efnet has a much lower one than replirc does Plan is to reconnect it to there at some point looks But where is that in the blob servers give me? is lazy and doesn't want to add *more* parsing Parsing was why having it read DMs broke it entirely Tried to join -> Channel not found -> waiting for "end of /NAMES list" Which breaks on DMs, as that's not a real chanel I haven't tried having it join a restricted channel yet... Time to break production .join #HL3 Wait... what? that channel should have +pim set .join #private how tf did the modes get unset? logs aren't right .quote ๐Ÿ‘€ e hi Huh .join #HL3 .quote Yep Rgh Working on that lazy reboot fire >bef .quote .join #HL# oops It joined anyways lmao .join #HL3 e .quote Fixed .quote .join #HL3 .quote .join e WHY How the How'd you break it by making it join 0? And it doesn't even know to restart lmao Why is joining 0 bad? Okay but why do you leave channels when you do? is lazy Can't find it anyways > Note that this command also accepts the special argument of ("0", 0x30) instead of any of the usual parameters, which requests that the sending client leave all channels they are currently connected to. The server will process this command as though the client had sent a PART command for each channel they are a member of. WHY There That should be blacklisted now f.bef .join 0 Didn't leave... ๐Ÿ‘€ .join 0,#e .join 0,#e 0 fails if not at the start interesting Well, AFAIK, my bot ignores invites s/|.*:/: ??? s/\|.*:/: lmao s/e\|.*:/e: s/ge\|.*:/ge:/ ... s/ge\|.*:/ge:/ ... s/\|.*ge:/:/ s/\|lounge:/:/ .join #bots,#HL3,0 Working on something .quotw .quote >bef And it broke lmao Don't even know why h|tl: f.isup amc f.isup tilde f.isup firepi s/game /3D&/ Maybe a space, idk Anyways My PI has a different error from git.amcforum.wiki now, but it still doesn't work s/different/slightly different Still a 502, but the name of the service below the
is different firepi.amcforum.wiki says nginx, git.amcforum.wiki says openresty s/says nginx/says nginx\/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)/ ๐Ÿคท But yeah, both AMC and the tilde's TS seems to be out f.isup hphone lmao 404=up! ๐Ÿ‘€ f.isup windows Makes sense PC is off right now f.isup seurghuiuiebwt4ugw4ohiwhwiogj lmao Huh? >bef h|tl: No, why would it? f.title firepi f.title hphone Wait so Your phone has a title PI does not lmao f.title google.com Google f.title yourmom.com lmao ๐Ÿ‘€ f.action Thinks not s/T/t The bot didn't give more when prompted to so clearly it thought not >bef Aw h|tl: How hard is it to add a command like /me to the server? EX: /mes Syntax: /mes action Output: * User's action s/\|.*:\: f.bef s/\|.*:/:/ ... s/\|.*e:/e:/ lmao s/\|.*ge:/:/ f.np f.pnp f.xkcd f.commands xkcd Aw h|tl: My code should already support variable nicklens, lmao if ircmsg.find("NICKLEN=") != -1: nicklen = int(ircmsg.split("NICKLEN=")[1].split(" ")[0]) print(f"NICKLEN set to {nicklen}") (In the code to join a server) It will ignore that I didn't restart it since it broke earlier lmao Probably .quote blinks It failed to identify? tf looks Hang on wtf? Nick is unavalible That was weird anyways .debug .debug >bef Lemme chane nicklen and reboot .debug So nicklen definitely isn't being set by the server ๐Ÿ‘€ !fflags +v !fflags +Vv !flags -Vv Huh !flags +Vv shrugs Anyways, I have no clue why it's ignoring the NICKLEN Huh It even reads it The set is in the logs Oh werid *weird it *used* to read it it doesn't now lmao Well it *was* reading the nicklen Last read... Oct 13 15:41 lmao So it's a change in the last 2 days that broke it It doesn't have git setup ๐Ÿ™ƒ anyways, I'm gonna prefix all logs now too lazy >bef f.friends >friends .join #HL3 .join #HL3,null,0 I wonder .join #main,0 Yep .quote I knew it Now I broke everything. Fixed Had to add an override for first join .join #main,0,#HL3 ๐Ÿ‘ wtf What is that Besides apparently a valid channel .debug fixed I inverted a check by mistake causing it to skip server info reading lmao So as soon as it tried to join a server, it thought it was done Which is clearly wrong Fixing that fixed NICKLEN checks Probably too lazy and it's really just a sanity check anyways >bef just a tweak Shouldn't have issues shrugs sudo echo hi Hmm I guess I disabled that check lmao Why? s/\|lounge// But why Why Oh yeah fun fact nikkybot is a markov chain bot idk what that really means though Agh Phone's having issues with AMC sudo echo hi Understandable Change your nick and try it Try doing that as a different nick nice Stahp f.bef lmao sudhelp sudbef lmao That's one way to get it to talk more sudo sudalias list lmao Your bot ain't having it lmao Just PM your bot at that point Anyways >o thinks not >raw NICK duck ๐Ÿ™ƒ That was delayed Y do you need it? Oh yeah, does your bot identify to services? both mine identify (With password though, I'm lazy) >raw nick _9pfs-bitbot f.bef >bef >raw PRIVMSG #main :f.help Why so delayed? >raw PRIVMSG #main :f.echo Bot chain? f.raw PRIVMSG #main :f.echo Bot chain? f.raw PRIVMSG #main :>echo Bot chain? >raw PRIVMSG #main :f.echo Bot chain? f.raw PRIVMSG #main :>echo Bot chain? lmao Poor Fun fact It can't read what the bit bots say most of the time idk, it just reads it as "blob data" >help It's just blob >echo >echo โ€Œ :> idk why it just sees blob data but it does @9pfs any idea why it would? s/@9pfs/h|tl/ f.pnp I do, mostly ircmsg = ircsock.recv(2048).decode("UTF-8") ircmsg = ircmsg.strip("\n\r") if ircmsg != "": print(ircmsg) So when I get it there, it's not a string Which makes no sense *AND* it's two blocks idk what that ircsock thing really does I copied it from... somewhere idr Searching for it, I'm getting quite a few that use a class mine doesn't. Trying to find the guide I used fro mine s/ro/or But ya know that explains why they can't SED eachother >c c sed on s/on/off lmao s/fff/e case in point idk how FireBitBot saw _9pfs-bitbot's message s/ot/to/g s/message/eee Huh s/eee/fff s/Sed/lol/g s/to/ot s/to/ot/g s/Sed/lol/g s/fff/SED/g s/Sed/lol/g s/.*/&/g s/Sed/lol/g Anyways >c c sed off s/Sed/lol/g s/.*/&/g s/\[Sed\].*/&/g s/\[Sed.*/&/g s/\[Sed\] .*/&/g s/Bot>.*/&/g f.bef s/QUACK!/eee s/ QUACK!/MOO! s/< QUACK!/< MOO! e >help It's a parsing error >help >help >help >help >help Well it can read that now hacky workaround though. raw = ircsock.recv(2048).strip(b'\r\n') ircmsg = str(raw)[2:][:-1] if ircmsg != "": print(ircmsg) >bef Well that was cance s/ce/cer But it freaking works. >help ??? h|tl: Why'd _9pfs-bitbot leave #main? Look at the quit *** +_9pfs-bitbot (h-bitbot@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) It joined #random when it left #main You joined it to too many channels? lmao How many channels was it in? #coin #dft-clan @#dft-clanserver @#dftclanserver @#erghfdsadfg @#idk-sdfghjhgfdrse @#lottery-gang #random #repl-mc-bot #replirc-guides #replit @#replnet #scratcharia @#testchan1 @#ts6-loginmsg Many channels ๐Ÿ‘€ lmao, probably Oh also the only reason I knew it joined #random after leaving #main was from my bot'slogs s/slogs/s logs h|tl: Probably Though LAN shouldn't happen h|tl: You ask questions and don't respond when I ask bacl ๐Ÿ™ƒ s/cl/ck cool Respond on #cemetech e lmao !flags h|tl +* !flags firepup|lounge +* .join &firepup650,#bots,0,#main .debug blinks .debug Hmmm .join 0 >bef .join 0 .join 0 .join 0 .join 0,&firepup650,#bots,#main .debug .debug f.bef E Hello So I kinda broke my phone's TS Non-TS connections fail because they run through NextDNS twice Oops. 1. Replied VIA notification 2. I'm in a van right now f.pnp Yes This is the IRC chat >bef lol yfd - Shift + enter f.grab yfd f.grab yfd 3 Rgh lol You can't delete here it's permanent for anyone who's there at the time yfd - Not a scam, just how IRC works Rgh 900AAAAAB shutdown 900AAAAAB: shutdown lamo s/am/ma it corrected `die` to an emoji yfd - join #p2991dsc-general Parker - spam isn't nice >bef f.bef hi .join #p2991dsc-general h|tl: Why are bitbots out? Phone finally got back in I guess lmao blinks blinks h|tl: Why's replirc.alanta spinning? f.tell h|tl Why's replirc.alanta spinning? h|tl I need omode Why not just load the thing? You gave me a command for that before - true... noVNC encountered an error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'catch') https://firepi.amcforum.wiki/novnc/app/ui.js:1767:5 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'catch') at https://firepi.amcforum.wiki/novnc/app/ui.js:1767:5 ๐Ÿ‘€ Shouldn't... those be found? Oh Loaded now ๐Ÿคท Totally not using my PI to just Access Replit ๐Ÿ‘€ Sure, as long as that doesn't overheat the system more >bef That was a lot less than 8 seconds lmao 41-37 != 8 MY PI SUPPORTS REMOTE RESIZING! You just have to enable it on noVNC Thought you said before it didn't ujhuyh7t5tfguyhu8tgr4 .join #bots Hi... I've literally drank enough water today' to not be able to eat dinner :/ hi Netsplit h|tl: e Can you use chrome://chrome-signin ? Which one? Try the chrome one I linked It shouldn't be allowed to block that Though policy might ? I mean you could send it over IRC h|tl: Multiple messages? s/tu/t u h|tl: flood :augh: f.bef lmao >bef Lamo why y'all ignoring the poor ducks? They need friends ๐Ÿ˜” *guest leaves* 14:34 ๐Ÿ‘€ f.pnp (Tablet at home is playing) Oh apparently it's not lol ๐Ÿ‘€ ๐Ÿ‘€ Who? Oh, lol Discord? Not sure The Lounge probably has logs from around that f.cookie Parker2991 Ignore the extra space, lol Just Take The Cookie f.grab youngchief_amcdsc 2 f.quote youngchief_amcdsc f.quote youngchief_amcdsc f.quote youngchief_amcdsc YC's quotes are gunny s/gu/fu Just use Sed f.bef f.friends f.grab youngchief_amcdsc 2 >bef youngchief_amcdsc: What's pain? Parker2991: That channel is closed Ban is for *@*!* (Literally everyone) s/@\*!\!*@ ? s/@\*\!\!*@ s_@\*\!_!*@ ... They don't work, period, but blame 's code for that. Again Don't work period neoroll_amcdsc neoroll_amcdsc: neoroll_amcdsc: ๐Ÿ‘€ f.grab Parker2991 f.grab youngchief_amcdsc Hmm f.balias list cookie f.balias add FBI action takes ${0-} to the FBI f.fbi youngchief_amcdsc f.fbi Parker2991 Extra spaces :augh: f.balias list fbi f.balias list cookie Hi jay I'm on the toilet f.grab firepup f.balias add FBI action takes ${0-} to the FBI f.quote firepup f.quote firepup f.fbi JayAySeaOhBee14_amcdsc I Am On Th Toile s/e/et JayAySeaOhBee14_amcdsc: let me poop in peace. Also I need to restart my client brb JayAySeaOhBee14_amcdsc: I don't remember saying that exactly. The two other nicks you klined I think f.grab youngchief_amcdsc lmao f.karma firepup :sad: s/orry /&/ I just quoted that, lmao ๐Ÿคท f.grab youngchief_amcdsc 3 >bef Aw Neo Spam is bad lmao ๐Ÿ‘€ ๐Ÿฆ† f.quack Hmm f.balias add quack echo Quack! f.quack ... Im-Sorry: No one asked, sorry to tell you f.bef s/ban/mute ... Stupid quotes. s/ban/mute lmao NeoRoll: spam is bad. s/>// Poor bitbot pokes _9pfs-bitbot JayAySeaOhBee14_amcdsc: lmo s/m/ma .. . My keyboard is acting up again Ugh lmao `.` is a regex char Means to match anything s/./e/g lmao Sopel Aso ugh. RIRC is having issues with my keyboard Onboot works on cover page too As well as forks I'm doing stuff, lmao NeoRoll: Not with mine. I'm aware aboutdavid_amcdsc Give me a minute to log into stuff JayAySeaOhBee14_amcdsc f.bef NeoRoll: No thanks. totally doesn't have the config file for the discord bridge open 4 people have physical access??? What? Switching to lounge, this is getting on my nerves E Where? Ugh h|tl: How do change modes on non-registeredusers? s/dusers/d users/ Right, sorry JayAySeaOhBee14_amcdsc Ugh lmao lmao You clearly meant to say time Which, you should do regardless checks You are not logged in Neo Need to register first /ns help register Hi _cosmic____g-e-dsc >bef >firends Lemme change your vhost NeoRoll: try /msg HostServ take $account.firepi Now you've got a firepi vhost :) I can set you one if you request it You can't set directly lmao ? >bef Heading outside Hi ๐Ÿ’ฉ maowtf lmaowtf s/ow/o w Hmm... No. Spam is bad >bef ... Bot bug? ๐Ÿ‘€ Me? Srop Stop spam f.bef No bots >:( >bef Duck Script bad Np *No s/p/o lmao You can't sed like that s/s\/Np.*/You should kline me/ You can? Oh yeah discord uses that functionality bugs I guess lmao Chances of saying "hmm": 0.0001% It's highly unlikey It's every 50 messages a random quote from a big list of my quotes (Or, ya know, .quote) .quote JayAySeaOhBee14_amcdsc: IRC h|tl: :trol: NO f.ignore NeoRoll quote f.ignore NeoRoll bef Now you can't befriend ducks. f.ignore NeoRoll * Does that work though? >bef notes that NeoRoll is missing voice ๐Ÿ‘€ Ow stabs neoroll_amcdsc :augh: lmao tf? I just got like half an amber alert Made the noise, didn't show the pop-up JayAySeaOhBee14: ??? Link? f.quote h|tl f.quote h|tl f.quote h|tl blinks No Spammy + Unfair to others Not easily lmao looks at the f.f*ck command Hang on... Aren't you the other one? Parker2991: ? Wasn't popbob the other bad user? f.commands ip_addresses f.help geoip ๐Ÿ‘€ f.geoip f.dns amcforum.wiki f.geoip ๐Ÿ‘€ aboutdavid_amcdsc: How accurate is that? Hello pokes guest19 pokes sindar f.quote youngchief_amcdsc hey Hmm f.quote youngchief hey ... f.quote youngchief ? f.quote youngchief_amcdsc f.quote youngchief_amcdsc f.quote youngchief_amcdsc f.quote youngchief_amcdsc f.quote youngchief_amcdsc Where's the one I'm looking for... f.quote youngchief_amcdsc f.quote youngchief_amcdsc f.quote youngchief_amcdsc f.quote youngchief_amcdsc f.quote youngchief_amcdsc Oh there it was >bef Parker2991 In our bathroom s/our/your lmao yes Burn your toilet f.bef f.friends >friends ๐Ÿ‘€ lmao lol Didn't one of the staff mention root? ๐Ÿ‘€ Not proot AFAIK Mandatory duck check f.bef >bef Hmm ๐Ÿ‘€ I wonder if that was from when I asked commandz for my message history f.quote neoroll f.unignore neoroll quote NeoRoll: did you forget about you spamming the bitbots? Almost 50 messages h, lmao Where's ? sudo echo hi Hmm su sus Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm f.bef f.unignore neoroll bef did not tell it to ignore popbob f.help ignore ... Uh... f.unignore neoroll * Hmm _istfg__amcdsc: try now? I'm aware But that's the only recent thing I've done That blockscommands s/sc/s c f.bef Hmm f.ignorelist .. f.commands admin f.commands ignore f.ignore f.unignore f.unignore * * f.commands lottery f.modules f.more f.more Hmm ... wtf f.help ??????????????? f.cunignore _istfg__amcdsc help f.unignore _istfg__amcdsc help f.unignore _istfg__amcdsc * f.cunignore _istfg__amcdsc * f.cunignore * f.cunignore popbob ... f.restart I'll do it myself then ugh ??? Okay then I guess h|tl: No...... .quote lol ... why !flags +P A Flag spam The ++ works Just not mid-sentance EX: this doesn't work++ Works: production++ I wonder... Someone ping me next time PFS' bot spawns a duck and don't take it YCAI when pokes xfnw xfnw++ ๐Ÿ‘€ (TI 84 Plus CE)++ (casio fx gc50)-- suggests amcinv instead: https://amcforum.wiki/invites/11zoAKmZtv lmao A I was typing that /kill 900AAAAAB EUIE lol Ya know JayAySeaOhBee14_amcdsc: is why f.f*ck exists point proven h|tl: I have no clue what you pinged me for Use tell next time, lol xfnw, obviously ๐Ÿ‘€ ~~Generate your own keys, not like they're paid~~ f.commands weather Hmm f.modules f.mord f.more Hmmm pokes at go660's real identity f.commands scripts ? f.stats 2 networks..? My bitbot, somehow lol That name is too long ๐Ÿ‘€ Moon was blown up by my dog ๐Ÿ‘€ f.balias add take quote ${0-} f.take NeoRoll 2 Oh I'm dumb f.balias add take grab ${0-} f.take NeoRoll 3 I concur with NeoRoll youngchief_amcdsc ^2 Done Squared Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m youngchief^2_amcdsc: You seem to have been squared lmao Yes Now you're squared Anyways blinks __amcdsc: ๐Ÿš‚ h|tl: Totally not piping 216MB of "e" into espeak Hi Totally not lagging my PI a bit -rw-r--r-- 1 firepup650 firepup650 216M Oct 21 09:16 e.txt aboutdavid_amcdsc: Huh? Totally not by piping the e.txt file into espeak lol ๐Ÿ‘€ 119231 lines in e.txt shreds e.txt Nope lmao guest71: Could you change your nick? /nick new_nick And... netsplit lol xfnw: But I want espeak to start doing the weird thing it does when it reads really long text That's the IRC Relay xfnw: I bound that to an alias: eeeeee() { yes $1 | tr '\n' $1 | espeak } wtf Why'd it get demonic That was weirsd s/sd/d >bef My PI's notification sound is this like water drop h|tl: I'd like not to cause unnecessary crashes Also why don s/don/&'t You use tell at all? f.bef I meant in response to your espeak comment lmao votes to burn all billboards f.startvote burn all billboards? f.vote 5e0fa5 yes ... f.votes lmao f.take h|tl f.endvote eb4e58 What'd Zeroko forget? forgot cycles phone E >bef f.pnp 10 children at party + 10 charges? s/+/= s/\+ /= h|tl: Did you disable auto-titles for FireBitBot? Huh https://google.com blinks f.c c f.more f.more f.c c auto-title-difference f.c c auto-title-first f.c c auto-title-first 0 f.c c auto-title-difference 0 https://google.com Huh f.c c ducks-kick What's that do? lmao lmao f.c c ducks-kick 0 lol That didn't ping me btw I had lounge explicitly not ping me if my bot was mentioned ๐Ÿ‘€ f.modules f.join f.join #duck-roulette ๐Ÿ‘€ But why though? should make easier to configure ๐Ÿ‘€ oh, also s/\|lounge// h|tl: Really? On Replit or no? f.isup tilde Lmao False notes the util got viewed > 13:02:56 <@h|tl> firepup: Could you explain why that exists? JayAySeaOhBee14_amcdsc That's the whole reason. has a probably bad idea Huh? s/\|lounge// No Not again Not doing that Not re-installing again that was apin s/ap/pa and the data backup failed so I had to start over from scratch basically ... food it's a great thing ๐Ÿ‘€ d.eval python print("EEEEEE") ... stabs NeoRoll ๐Ÿ‘€ Gonna restart lightdm I think lmao unicode fail augh Icon didn't work >bef Hi I want to change the menu icon ๐Ÿซค Maybe I want to figure this icon out first though I don't know why it didn't work the way I expected it to to be honest Ugh Why no work Me trying to change the logo on the start menu Yes Oh weird I deleted the icon cache And it appeared E I need to make a thing into FireBit s/it/ot That you can ask if I'm home or not Like .ishome or something h|tl: It'd help you though Then you'd know when I'm out That keeps reconnecting? What lmao lol Hmmm E d.squawk 9pfs anirudh firepuppy apple orange guns is 9pfs d.squawk 9pfs anirudh firepuppy apple orange guns is 9pfs blinks I mean I could kline the bot ๐Ÿ™ƒ stabs ? ๐Ÿ‘€ .8b does this work? f.brf lmao Wtf How do we type that d.fuck off ๐Ÿ™ƒ ๐Ÿ‘€ >bef ... s/p/b No ๐Ÿ‘€ NeoRoll: That won't work on all clients ESP CLI ones (tty sessions especially) You can't load more fonts on tty ... I could Kline you and your bot ๐Ÿ™ƒ ๐Ÿ‘€ : enjoying talking to non-existent people? should make actively collect quotes at some point. Agh I still need To fix the issues with like Unicode chars in .quote a few times should show the issue ๐Ÿ‘€ f.bef f.bef f.undie Blackjack message is an error I think And the color codes too lmao lmao FiteBot leaking old things I worked on at one point in time s/it/ir h|tl: ACNHBASIC (Port of a PY program to the CE) AFAIK. Mandatory duck check f.bef >bef f.bef This channel makes cool animations: https://youtube.com/shorts/4QkNuJuIJnw f.take firepup 2 f.quote firepup This f.quote firepup=This f.balias add kidnap trap ${0-} f.balias add kidnap trap ${0-} f.balias add kidnap trap >hug >bef No lmao It's a relay lmao Anyways Lmao Maybe I take it ๐Ÿ‘€ My keyboard fixed itself ๐Ÿ™ƒ realyoungchief_amcdsc: and me My PI runs services s/pip/pi aboutdavid_amcdsc: I agree s/wta/twa s/dc/sh*tcord ๐Ÿ‘€ : lmao twofoursixeight3252_amcdsc: hmm E pikachub2005_amcdsc: Mind if I yoink your IRC Nick? I'm gonna take your name pikachub2005_amcdsc pikachub2005_amcdsc: you can get it now I dropped it from my registration ^^^ Or just /ns help register h|tl: ??? /ns help register I just said that lmao You said to use quote I said /ns Mine always PMs me too Is that abnormal? h|tl: I have a high temptation to jupe replirc.i2p for spam reconnections !flags +v pikachub2005 twofoursixeight_amcdsc: I'll hold your username until you decide you want to register it Nah Easier for me to ungroup on main ๐Ÿ‘€ That third user is missed by the relay f.pnp Founder's pack is cool s/'s/s ๐Ÿ™ƒ Nah I'm lazy f.pnp Dramatic song Hmmmmmmm d.ttt join fu Aw I know Intentional d.ttt join UWJRMQ lmao ๐Ÿ‘€ Totally Wasn't Trying to Log in as alyx ... No has a high temptation to shoot D5H[bot] because of the squawk thinf s/nf/ng NeoRoll: I was talking to your bot Not you f.pnp Hello pokes guest18 f.cookie guest18 Well bye This is IRC pokes guest18 f.cookie guest18 ... Then make that your nick /nick hgrh This is IRC Preferably not. ... stabs guest18 Oh would you prefer fire? f.burn geust18 is an operator, which is an IRC Admin I mean I run the server that services run on So co-owner at minimum NickServ, ChanServ, HostServ, etc. guest18 That's vague, you could be conencting from a variety of places guest18: Some of the services that run off of my PI. Well I don't give a sh*t about you wanting a manager Bye Nah, not really That'd be klining you s/ick/ill shrugs You were asking about spamming tbh Spam is bad I jokingly light you on fire/stab you and you start just attacking me It's not like I came to your house and actually stabbed you I'm 95% sure I know who you are I need to remember to edit MOTD later s/MOTD/topic wtf? Why'd the bitbots crash? ???????????? Rebooted twice And mine shouldn't be on ircnow afaik h|tl ^^^ They died about 23 seconds after a split on your ircd server f.servers ? Huh Says it is on IRCNow I didn't link it there f.pnp Not correct Though it is a local file so I could see why it's confused f.pnp f.pnp f.pnp There we go Manually scrobbled it Hello Not yelling at random people on IRC Not yelling in all caps, lmao s/ban/kill kicks FireBitBot for being slow for no reason f.burn nik f.cookie h|tl I'm an oper lmai s/i/o >bef Hmm Probability that you're david: 95% lol IP Range I'm guessing lmao I can't, no h|tl probably can ๐Ÿ‘€ lmao What would be the lightest wiki I could run? f.pnp That reminds me I want to see and respond to playing responses reboot fire f.pnp Hmmm Oh. Escape codes reboot fire f.pnp ................. Oh logs break if I do that ugh bye f.pnp h|tl: How can I parse out escape codes? No, lmao Think I got it f.pnp ... And that's "blob data" again ugh ... At least doesn't completely die if that happens now e f.pnp And the blob is considered a string why Could someone send a message with a single color escape code? 12,99f That's blob too 12,99f ugh R RR RrR R99,99rR e e e R R R R RR R99,99rR R R R R R R R R R R h|tl: I'm *trying* to fix my bot's issue with unicode Not killing me would be appreciated R ??? How'd it... Oh. It was the nick change R R R R R R R No please stop I need that char for fixing Specifically with the Unicode attached to it R f.pnp It's the bold part of it that's significant R E h|tl that's from your setup on systemd I think It's panicking over read-only R There, now it won't crash h|tl: Check it's logs for "[PANIC]" R ... R R R h|tl: (systemd) cannot write to files I need it to be able to do so for at least one file, so I can try to pipe some output to a file I can copy from h|tl: Where are they? Under the [Service] block: ``` DynamicUser=yes WorkingDirectory=/home/firepup650/projects/python/ ExecStart=python3 -u ircbot.py Restart=always RestartSec=5 ``` h|tl ^^^ R R f.bef R f.pnp Yeah pnp is just an alias f.balias list pnp f.help np pnp just auto fills my name in to np R okay... f.pnp Ugh R f.pnp :FireBitBot!bitbot@bitbot.firepi PRIVMSG #main : Hmm 10Cyan Cool I need to make recognize that string e ... Ugh Wait. FINALLY f.pnp f.pnp Hmm Need to strip the bold off too Need to strip the bold off too f.pnp f.pnp Cool I'm glad that works lmao Very incorrect f.pnp f.pnp ... Scrobble. ... f.pnp lmao What do you mean? looks at discord IRC doesn't onebox thelounge doesn't I guess f.pnp f.pnp ... In #opers? I'll respond >bef >raw NICK _9pfs_bitbot >raw NICK _9pfs-bitbot There we go What would you really use it for though? s/\|lounge// >debugging issues with RAW What do you mean by that? f.markov more f.c c markov on f.c c markov f.c c f.more f.more f.c c markov-chancr f.c c markov-chance f.c c markov-chance 50 f.markov more How then f.c c key ? What's key? f.bef f.c c log ? f.c c markov-enabled f.c c enable-markov ... h|tl: am I missing a setting? At 50 >bef f.c s f.c b I wonder if markov needs some kind of key And that's why it's half-broken ? Couldn't remember if the RSS was set up Probably Though I mean, mzima allows use of bots for maintaining OP I do need to reconfig to be multi-server stable ๐Ÿ‘€ 10Hello 10Colors ๐Ÿ‘€ two !why ๐Ÿ‘€ ๐Ÿคท I use my phone as a passkey Yes Android has worked for a while AFAIK Oh I'll look again Cool lmao ,c c ducks-enabled yes *Three* ducks! ๐Ÿ™ƒ ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œใƒปใ€‚ใ€‚ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œ\_o< QUACK! ๐Ÿ™ƒ ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œใƒปใ€‚ใ€‚ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œ\_o< QUACK! ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œใƒปใ€‚ใ€‚ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œ'o' MOO! f.balias add moo echo ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œใƒปใ€‚ใ€‚ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œ'o' MOO! f.moo f.balias add quack echo ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œใƒปใ€‚ใ€‚ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œ\_o< QUACK f.quack f.balias add quack echo ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œใƒปใ€‚ใ€‚ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œ\_o< QUACK! f.quack lmao >balias add lie raw PRIVMSG #${0} ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œใƒปใ€‚ใ€‚ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œ\_o< QUACK! >lie main >balias add lie raw PRIVMSG ${0} :ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œใƒปใ€‚ใ€‚ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œ\_o< QUACK! >lie #main f.balias add lie raw PRIVMSG ${0} :ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œใƒปใ€‚ใ€‚ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œ\_o< QUACK! That echos f.msg e f.msg #main e Oh huh f.balias add lie msg ${0} :ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œใƒปใ€‚ใ€‚ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œ\_o< QUACK! >balias add lie msg ${0} :ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œใƒปใ€‚ใ€‚ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œ\_o< QUACK! >lie #main >balias add lie msg ${0} ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œใƒปใ€‚ใ€‚ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œ\_o< QUACK! f.balias add lie msg ${0} ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œใƒปใ€‚ใ€‚ใƒปใ‚œใ‚œ\_o< QUACK! f.lie #main f.lie #sshchat lmao f.lie firepup lmao f.lie h|tl f.lie h|tl f.lie h|tl f.lie h|tl f.lie h|tl :) ,msg #main E Aw s/z/x/ lmao s/zf/xf/ s/zfn/xfn/ s/zfnw/xfnw/ s/maintainer/sole owner/ s/a maintainer/the sole owner/ Whoo expect temporary issues ๐Ÿ‘€ We might be stable Uh oh EFNet isn't letting it connect, name in use Uh oh What'd I do Oh I thought that was me lmao For spinning trying to use it's nick while it's in use f.wa 14400 min to days ... Is that all efnet servers or just mzima? h|tl: Is there some "please unban me" form we can fill out? s/\|lounge// aboutdavid_amcdsc: I think like all the EFNet networks use 10d bans as the default I remember some EFNet nets banning for that timespan when they saw it was a bot (mzima is one of few that encourages bots I guess) ,bef maybe what Why do ducks from dft-bitbot meow??? s/\|lounge// That's funny ๐Ÿ‘€ And www.mzima.net throws a CF DNS error lmao What's a "bottler" client? Looking at other servers to use instead of mzima until that ban expires choopa says no bottler clients 4 conns per IP though Phone is one, bot is two You'd make three, and bot may have brief issues where it'll duplicate Though since it's just temporary, I suppose it'll work. I'm trying to put it on the multi-server config, so not really h|tl: colo just banned me Reason is just "please use another server" f.wa 10080 min to hours f.wa 10080 min to days h|tl: Topic on #dice was lost, but since only my other bot is in there I should be able to grab OP for it I'm waiting to see if they'll ban me honestly I used deft, which sent me to servercentral Hopefully that's stable enough is off efnet for now Sure I think might have an error somewhere That caused it to try to access #main on efnet it's not respecting the channel list correctly For example, it's configed to join #offtopic on ircnow, and it didn't Not on mzima h|tl On colosolutions Yes, immediately after it connected IP banned Also it didn't join IRCNow properly, lmao ๐Ÿ‘€ What Why'd it reboot? That one was for IRCnow fixes That's a weird number ๐Ÿ‘€ ,bef lmao sure I thought you already did tbh f.bef seems stable on cross-server support Which is nice ๐Ÿ‘€ Intentional reboot, modified logs to be server specific link? Just minimized vuln to EFNet Of course, ReplIRC works here (Though it has extra handling) hmmm has urge to edit the system uptime page to have the title as the uptime until JS loads and changes it to the normal one ,bef lmao Oh yeah xfnw should be on IRCNow and stable Assuming it doesn't crash here, it should be stable I have a loop that looks for it crashing anywhere, and if it does it forcibly reboots all connections Runs that check every 10 seconds That does mean if it gets klined it'll globally crash loop f.bef If it saw "Closing Link" as it went down Then it'd spin until it came back up I should re-work that somehow h|tl: refactoring for that would be an absolute nightmare I think I'll try linking it to efnet now I haven't been klined yet deft/servercentral seems to Just no abusive ones Wait Would a server kline if it didn't respond to a CTCP? xfnw: It's my custom-made bot lol h|tl: the ban on saxjaz should be safe to remove s/az/ax It should only allow saxjax on efnet h|tl: That's how the bot has always worked ๐Ÿ‘€ And it's not like I could write to a file 1, that'd cause issues with multi-process I'm sure 2, that'd become a very large file very quickly, probably Uh... I can't write to a file currently DynamicUser I mean I think there's some way for it to use a logging dir https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37585758/how-to-redirect-output-of-systemd-service-to-a-file maybe? Probably /var/logs/ I guess Or if the .log extension /var/logs/.log I guess Probably explicitly pipe error to an error log though lol Just talk to :) .quote LMAO ^ it does now bigminiboss_amcdsc: .quote takes no parameters it just quotes me .8b Should you actively be taking quotes? What file? Oh, let me close it bigminiboss_amcdsc: try .help How exactly? Also, can someone on the discord bridge run .help? h|tl: What does that mean "passed to the service"? pokes AMC_ReplIRC_relay_amcdsc > passes the open file descriptor to the service How exactly? as a parameter? Good idk I'll have to look it up Seems like it, though idk how to work it: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-os-write-method/ looks to be just os.write(descriptor, bytes) and bytes isn't hard Why ping twofoursixeight_amcdsc: Sure Shouldn't crash e That will be pain Port is hard-coded somewhere I'll have to find where No it should be fine I think I found the line That's my fault It'll cycle again in a sec That wasn't as bad to refactor as I thought it would be. f.bef h|tl: Should be. (except I explicitly specified "localhost" instead, but they're synonymous) Also I seriously need a different code editor Geany is blinding Isn't that really RAM heavy? is looking for other editors just to see options mostly aarch64 right? https://github.com/VSCodium/vscodium/releases VSCode is installed? thinks Tbh f*ck telemetry h|tl: it's called "code" right? removes it is glad he used the apt approach instead of downloading the release directly, as it was arm64, not aarch64 Whoo PI is lagging a bit 100% Disk I/O Ow Phone buzzes when it gets a ping/notification So if I'm not thoroughly distracted (or asleep, or at school, etc.), phone is best bet. blows NeoRoll up You said bombparty What'd you expect? lmao f.help lottery Hmm f.help gamble h|tl: What was the gambling thing you tried the other day? ,bef ,friends ,friends f.friends >friends You tried to grant yourself money or smth a while back f.commands coins there it is f.coins f.help givecoins f.givecoins firepup 5000 f.givecoins h|tl 5000 f.coins ... f.help jackpot f.help mylottery f.help nextlottery f.help lotterybuy f.lotterybuy 5 f.help roulette f.roulette 23 f.roulette 2 5 f.roulette 2 5 f.roulette 10 5 f.roulette 10 5 f.roulette 10 5 f.help redeemcoins f.pnp ^ ,bef . >bef f.bef No ducks ๐Ÿซ  f.pnp f.pnp Moon f.isup hphone f.isup firepi f.isup firepi.amcforum.wiki h|tl: Your phone is down? f.isup tablet f.isup tablet:22 Hmm Guess it doesn't see SSH f.isup phone ๐Ÿ‘€ >bef f.balias add tisup tcpup ${0-} f.tisup tablet:22 h|tl: I'm debating whether or not to try to bring back up I think I'll try to bring it back up you're not using deft, right? h|tl: What's the format of CTCP VERSION requests, and how do I respond to them? Could you issue one so I can check the logs once I'm back in? (Also, what is the reply supposed to be?) h|tl: I don't, I just suspect that's why some servers ban the bot. (Bot ignores CTCP outright) MESG - "e" | CHAN - "#main" | CTCP - " " That the char? (it's in my client as "ctcp_delim") lmao lol Blank for me, though the one I sent is a space (Yours doesn't show up) s/ode/odium/ h|tl: Probably, though I hard-coded the sequences in the now playing thing No, it should be at some point, but passwords need to not be stored in the code before I do that (Not even encrypted at all, lmao) I think so h|tl: Is there a command for issuing CTCP requests? >bef h|tl: Not on my client by default, and server doesn't recognize that as a comamnd) s/com.*/command. h|tl: Yes, though I need the format for it Depends on what kind of command you'd like to add Sending you screenshots via AMC I could use `Raw` or `Message` for that Message would just be message content, and I'd fill in the "Channel" field with `${destination}` Raw it'd be the raw format directly. Also for multi args my client uses `[xyz...]` not `[...xyz]` h|tl: Is responding correctly? I cannot tell h|tl: You mentioned notices right? Am I not supposed to respond as a PRIVMSG? Oh What's the format for that? Fixed I think h|tl: Verify? elif message == "VERSION":notice(f"VERSION {__version__}", name) Oops elif message == "VERSION": notice(f"VERSION {__version__}", name) lmao RIRC treats that as a CTCP request According to logs, it's sending properly, right? lmao My PMs on lounge are kinda broken I have a PM to myself and your messages to me are being routed there > PLEASE don't put non-printable characters in your source code looks at the handling for now playing f.pnp Switches to escape codes With that done, I'm going to reconnect to EFNet klined like instantly h|tl: Why do servers hate so much? mzima seems to be the only server that doesn't instantly kline it __version__ = "v1.0.2" elif message == "\x01VERSION\x01": notice(f"\x01VERSION {__version__}\x01", name) Only diff would really be that fact that it doesn't have a URL I have to publish it somewhere first which makes hiding it's passwords a priority I know you can't use them on Replit that's it How would I use those in my script? just os.env? was just gonna add another PY file, exclude it from GIT, and work that way Anyways, could you have the service load the env? it's in the dir with the bot itself Yes Since you were kinda pushing for it gitignore - yes permissions - it's default atm, what should it be donw s/w/e ,bef Probably h|tl: https://git.amcforum.wiki/Firepup650/fire-ircbot ... What if I just go back to the passwords.py file Seems less complicated h|tl: ? How so? Just put it on gitignore, so it shouldn't be commited, and a stack shouldn't include it fine, it's in the env What user does the bot run as? >bef Or rather, how do I give it access to the file? chown: invalid user: โ€˜firepup:โ€™ fixed my user is firepup650, not firepup h|tl: Seem right? -rw-r----- 1 firepup650 37 Oct 23 17:06 .env is the service setup for that to work? from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() ... Standby, dotenv's doc seems out of date fixed, ambiguous package anme s/an/na it's "python-dotenv", not "dotenv" Think I just had an issue Hopefully that fixes it One of the "PING"s came in on a line with other data and the split parsed the wrong part of that Also I need to reset my keyring somehow Huh? keyring needs reset because pip and poetry want access to the keyring each time I install/uninstall somethign s/gn/ng Default I think I can't not use it poerty won't run without it, and pip asks every time it tries to do anything I need the password to the keyring, and I forgot it :| Hello f.pnp bigminiboss_amcdsc: you do this: >bef .duck .duck a train Oh that's ddg f.duck f.help duck f.balias add duck action ducks ${0-} f.duck f.duck a train f.duck a duck f.duck h|tl ducks f.duck a train Um f.duck a train f.bef throws FireBitBot at h|tl shoots Sopel|MNA h|tl: Why? throws a building at h|tl throws a building at darkshayan_amcdsc too darkshayan_amcdsc: It's the IRC Relay The IRC Relay points at AMC_ReplIRC_relay_amcdsc Yeah Though I'm using https://firepi.amcforum.wiki/thelounge Have to explicitly have an admin on my PI make an account there though (Me or h|tl, and h|tl consults me) h|tl++ Self-hosting++ ,bef lmao h|tl: self-hosting++? My ISP doesn't have IPv6 Which is why I tried things like tunnelbeoker s/beo/bro But that doesn't work, my ISP blocks the thing needed for tunnelbroker setup h|tl: Huh? I don't think so. Not many ISPs cover where I am, and the only neighbor I would ask has the same ISP Also, the signal from their network is barely available from my room (which is as close to their house as I could get, and is also where my PI is) h|tl: lmao f.take h|tl Soonโ„ข๏ธ, we'll get a different ISP on a fiber connection My whole family is looking forward to that switch h|tl: at minimum it will be faster Tachus is the new one idk Haven't looked into that really has the urge to say bye, but that'd disconnect goodbye :) totally didn't have to review the command list to see if it was "bye" or "goodbye" to disconnect f.q firepup f.q firepup f.q firepup f.q firepup ,bwf ,bef stamped. idk who I'd do that ducks s/who/how ... Remind me why you turned all the SEDs on? ,c u sed off Hm ,c u ,c u command-method wonders what that does f.bef lmao s/duck/car s/a car/h|tl ... s/a car/h\|tl/ s/a car i/h|tl i/ s/a firepuppy/h|tl/ s/\|lounge// Make that 4 >help 900AAAAAB: help ... kills 900AAAAAB Oops ,bef checks AMC no is happy with how works currently, though he isn't happy with how EFNet keeps banning it >c c sed off ,c c sed off spam NeoRoll: Sopel isn't a bitbot, lmao lmao You don't Nope I'll kline it if I have to, you won't replace my bots Hi ! Okay goes to figure out which one it is I'd just jupe replirc.devarsh.me right? lmao NeoRoll: What did you do? lmao You just delinked yourself from the main net lmao Nah, once you reconnected it came back but if I juped your server, you'd be off on your own lmao gets bored and watches some random youtube video Didn't we already try and learn that backports won't work? >bef Wasn't it like the whole Repo that was the issue? I guess go ahead But why do you need to update git? I mean Sure f.help h|tl: could you cycle for me? My internet was/is being stupid No like my 0home was cycling off and on the network too not fixing that Blame phone RAM issues h|tl: Uh... Isn't the PI on NextDNS? It should be idk It's bound to my tailscale thing somehoe s/oe/ow And I can't exactly shut it off, I need it when I'm 9j mobile data PHONE WORK NORMALLY Doesn't that cause TS to conflict? I know on my phone if I set the main system to use NextDNS, tailscale has a panic attack and breaks all internet to non-tailscale things idk if the PI'd have the same issues I'm not at my PI somehow got 2 unread messages from that one message has no clue what to make of that ,bef ๐Ÿ‘€ waits for the kill h|tl: idk is lazy and should have gone to sleep hours ago should be asleep It's literally 00:17 in the morning cannot break the server his phone gets the date and time from should seriously be going to bed has school tomorrow Note to self, put this man into a game: https://youtu.be/NTk_NVwOUho?t=865 No like there's a cool dude at the timestamp h|tl: What? That makes no sense h|tl: how? Anything weird in logs at all? Oh wiat Did it by chance Get a ping timeout? And start spinning reading nothing? Search the logs for time of when it's last timeout was, I bet that's it h|tl: Uh... Yeah I don't do that either It also reads a fixed like 2048 bytes I think When was it burning? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Yeah I definitely need to fix that later ? Loads for me on school Chromebook Nope OmegaOrbitals_amcdsc: Cache refresh? NeoRoll: No. Also my news script isn't working properly * News: * dev etc fixterm.txt home lib lost+found media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv https://micronews.debian.org/2023/1697371373.html The news is not a file listing Yeah idk what happened. Manually running spat out correct info, and motd is right now too. Excluding the fact that it got cut off Hi h|tl Hi .join #private .join #private. lol h|tl: join there and say "op me" h|tl: join #private. Not #private, #private. Why didn't... Oh there it is .join #private. blinks .join #e Why h|tl: just full-stopped, what happened? Not just here, IRCNow one died too .quote blinks I wonder... .quote Huh I have no clue. h|tl: thanks for having a CPU cap on It failed from the Netsplit and started burning up to it's limit How often do networks ping clients? I wonder if I can make it kill itself if it misses 2+ pings h|tl: ^^^ How often should I ping? Ah yes Dead beef cafe f.dns tablet Aw f.isup tablet f.tisup tablet:22 f.isup tilde blinks That was slow idk Why no user info? h|tl: Lounge doesn't respond to CLIENTINFO (CLIENTINFO) ,bef The what f.c s botlist f.c c botlist 00White 01Black 02Blue 03Green 04Red 05Brown 06Magenta 07Orange 08Yellow 09Light Green 10Cyan 11Light Cyan 12Light Blue 13Pink 14Gray 15Light Gray lol 10,99I like cyan 10,99Wait I actually got stuck in cyan, lmao 10,99Phone though 10,99Apparently if I recall an old message with color, and erase it the color gets stuck on 10,99xfnw: I sent it to myself from the lounge instance 10,99At this point, I'm kinda doing it intentionally ๐Ÿ™ƒ If I don't load the last message I'm fine 10,99Once I do, I become cyan only 10,99Lmao lmao f.wa wa 18446744073709551616 seconds in centuries Oops f.wa 18446744073709551616 seconds in centuries Hmmm f.np xfnw ??? f.pnp blinks .quote Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm f.np firepup Hi now playing detention broke ๐Ÿซ  has no answer to that, except he didn't know user settings existed when he made that alias f.np No It's supposed to respond to now playing messages with a Spotify request f.pnp "last listened to" dangit f.np doesn't recognize that It's supposed to be "is listening to" f.np f.np ... lastfm is behind a whole song f.np ....... reboot fire f.np There Now it recognizes that too ๐Ÿคท Someone under that name does h|tl: format must match exactly Including all formatting f.balias list lie h|tl: just use f.msg f.msg #main e Uh oh ... >bef h|tl: yes And I hope that's not going to kill my Spotify key bye At most 1 minute until it reboots ,bef f.np That's still wrong f.np ... f.np f.pnp Ugh Please don't ... Spam is bad >bef FireBitBot: c c command-prefix f. ,bef FireBitBot: c c command-prefix f. FireBitBot: c c command-prefix f. FireBitBot: c c command-prefix f. FireBitBot: c c command-prefix f. Fire is nice and all But hard to type Please no Just let it be f.c s command-prefix f. f.quote xfnw f.quote xfnw ,balias add hug bef >balias add hug bef f.balias add hug bef h|tl: Please don't? Abuse yours, lmao f.msg #main >hug f.restart ... f.help admin f.commands admin f.reconnect >bef ,bef The... f.help lmao How does this happen h|tl? ... This: >help f.help ... Sopel|MNA: sentience??? f.take Sopel|MNA xfnw: h|tl reconnected them and they doubled f.reconnect f.reconnect f.reconnect NOOOOOO WHY FireBitBot|: disconnect blinks wtf FireBitBot|: disconnect h|tl: that's your job lmao Yeah idk how to do that f.pnp That's still wrong f.sp A final duel That's the one lmao Yes you can .join #somebrandnewchannel lmao xfnw: Pop over to #somebrandnewchannel would ya? .join #somebrandnewchannel mao s/m/lm .join #donotkillme pokes xfnw Could you go to #donotkillme instead? h|tl: banned me from the other onw s/w/e f.sp Frog Shop\ No f.sp Frog Shop - Flowerhead ........... >bef Huh? help ... _9pfs-bitbot: c c command-prefix ๐Ÿ‘€ Hmm _9pfs-bitbot: c c command-prefix > >bang h|tl ... _9pfs-bitbot: c c command-prefix > >bang e ? Huh Mark Mark?  eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee marked hmm Marked Marked Binding an alias Now I have /mark as a command perhaps /code would be better though. Oof My phone doesn't either I just assume it works. They're *almost* zero-width for me Though /mark works for me now that I bound it Ctrl + U Ooh underline Nice italics, but they're better... Like this, lol Whee here's /i Uh Why no italics :( Ctrl + O Not sure what that does  Hm oooooooo >bef yeah idk Oh yeah, Ctrl + K gets colors h|tl: Ah 10Cool Cyan text Text after ^O Huh ? 10,99t E 10,99Ct Hmm 10,99Ah well. I can't color lock, but this isn't horrible to use. lmao That's a lie >bef My PI is using all it's swap, and 4.38/7.63GB RAM (100M Swap) s/M/MB NeoRoll: not sure. 64 I think I think it might be 32GB firepup650@firepi:~ $ df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on devtmpfs 3.6G 0 3.6G 0% /dev tmpfs 3.9G 51M 3.8G 2% /dev/shm tmpfs 1.6G 4.0M 1.6G 1% /run tmpfs 5.0M 4.0K 5.0M 1% /run/lock tmpfs 782M 64K 782M 1% /run/user/1000 tmpfs 782M 56K 782M 1% /run/user/1001 tmpfs 782M 52K 782M 1% /run/user/1003 rgh firepup650@firepi:~ $ df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/root 29G 19G 9.2G 68% / devtmpfs 3.6G 0 3.6G 0% /dev tmpfs 3.9G 51M 3.8G 2% /dev/shm tmpfs 1.6G 4.0M 1.6G 1% /run tmpfs 5.0M 4.0K 5.0M 1% /run/lock /dev/mmcblk0p1 255M 31M 225M 13% /boot tmpfs 782M 64K 782M 1% /run/user/1000 tmpfs 782M 56K 782M 1% /run/user/1001 /dev/nbd0 15M 3.0K 14M 1% /tmp/nbd0 tmpfs 782M 52K 782M 1% /run/user/1003 There ,bef No >bef Autp-duck bot bad f.bef s/tp/to That won't work lol f.pnp Founder's pack is cool >bef f.np Glad this seems to be back in sync instead of off by one song Also ugh Flipping tag broke format f.np Ugh LMAO [object Object] hi, lol f.np Ugh Ooh might hit username randomization nvm, I killed the wrong one no, lmao Newlines indicate EOL, which is a new message If you want multiple in one message do Shift+Enter for a new line. Still sends as multiple, but you can use multiple in the text entry Which is annoying tbh >:( Please don't. More things How does this show on discord? f.bef 10How does this show on discord? Added color to that one bold, italic, mark, underline, and color is applied to that one ,bef You're lag ๐Ÿ™ƒ Well yeah, TS doesn't have to run over the whole internet Though do please stop spamming that lmao guest18 @NeoRoll (thelounge@devarsh.me) has quit (Killed (guest18 (define lag: neoroll))) d.ttt join MPHR45 d.ttt play 5 d.ttt play MPHR45 5 NeoRoll: it should look at what games you're in and only require it if you're in multiple >bef d.ttt play MPHR45 6 d.ttt play MPHR45 2 d.ttt play MPHR45 7 f.bef fluff the squack ,bef Squack sucks IMO >bef will keep shooting the squack with fancy fonts ... ... spam is bad kids ,bef close enough you know what I mean good for you lmao guest26 @NeoRoll (thelounge@devarsh.me) has quit (Killed (guest26 (stfu Aucklandโ€™s #1 Lego action figurine))) I see no f word >bef >friends f.friends f.bef lmao Un-fancy the squawks ,bef >bef >friends I will keep killing it I'm not ๐Ÿ™ƒ is annoyed by the bot I literally just asked you to un-fancy the squawks Honestly Just rename it for all I care >bef Jsut don't call it AGPT s/su/us Just call it CGPT proxy That's all it is f.bef That's all it is Call it anything but AGPT That's a kick NeoRoll, lol Kicks != Kills NeoRoll: I am not even asking much Jsut for you to not call the AI AGPT And make the squawk non-fancy Left Annoying If I want to cheat by pasting it I should be able to do so ๐Ÿ‘€ โœˆ๏ธ NeoRoll: no. If I want to paste it, let me. Not all terms would even support that char set So it's not fair to people via terminal EOL Yes it is your problem IRC itself is made to support clients that only support UTF-8 Your bot should respect that Then it's your issue Not mine. Because hey I'll just kill it. neoroll: the PI isn't outdated, but TTY terms CANNOT have new fonts. That includes your fancy little chars Open a TTY session Ctrl + Alt + F1 Check there. F*ck apple tbh I know gline exists, what does it do exactly? h|tl used it on some people on IRCnow I think aboutdavid_amcdsc: how do I turn on the UTF-8 strict thing? I'd prefer no emojis over the fancy squawks honestly. >bef I do seriously dislike the squawk in fancy though As well as AGPT. Honestly why do we need AI in IRC That too More that than anything Which is literally normal GPT It is Because he said he mad eit customizable IIRC lmao NeoRoll: I literally have like "god" perms there IIRC I can view the logs of everything too >bef So yes NeoRoll, I have seen the site. It was Spamming us about the automod thinf s/nf/ng/ So spam ban was warranted ... If you insist on having GPT on, a 1 message limit would be nice. (so basically no line breaks) notes that that will fail ... Spam It's tbh entirely too long for IRC. >bef NeoRoll: I know how the char limit works. Still, that's an excessive amount of output for one prompt tbh you should use the brief prompt for it ๐Ÿ™ƒ will be the prompt s/be/get/ #lmao lmao f.help quote f.commands quote ... f.modules f.more f.commands quotes f.help qdel ... And isn't non-fancy You know Like normal text No. Just send normal text That's your business I just asked for the squawk to be non-fancy f.qdel D5H[bot] ... What Wrong reason, but still ... Non-standard chars are unfair to clients that cannot render them. And the IRC standard allows those clients, so you shouldn't be excluding them. No. ^^^^^^^^^^^ Most kicks are spam kicks ๐Ÿ‘€ Just use sockets, lmao Sockets just read-write raw data Much more flexibility that way honestly. NeoRoll: I can ban your server ๐Ÿ™ƒ Bots don't need oper. Chan ops are one thing Yes, but it's not abusable aboutdavid_amcdsc NeoRoll: lmao, oper doesn't stop kicks/kills/etc I didn't? Just /rehash, lol lmao That's your own issue "shadowbanned" lmao Please rate the new firepi motd /motd irc.firepi.amcforum.wiki figlet font "fire_font-k" tbh I'mma symlink fire to that nice figlet -f fire h|tl: any reason why thelounge would be getting double server snotes? Each line is doubled too lazy CPing it into a PM to you lmao "9 freaking screws" f.take f.help qdel f.q D5H[bot] f.qdel D5H[bot] f.qdel D5H[bot] = Firepup ... Spam is bad kids f.qdel Firepup = D5H[bot] How do I remove it Go to #spam throws D5H[bot] at #bots !flags D5H[bot] -Vv !flags D5H[bot]* -Vv !flags lmao !roll 2d2 h|tl: any reason for GameServ to be off here? !help set !set gameserv on !set gameserv yes !set gameserv enabled !set gameserv true !help set gameserv !set gameserv all !roll 2d2 !roll 100d100 Please Tutn s/ut/ur Off The Fancy Annoying Characters. .8b is the fancy squawk annoying? No It's ozone. The prefix is <, lmao Oops, a firey error occured. ... nice "effect". The what What did you rehash? Good news: That fixed my double notice issue ,bef ? so... RAM issue? shrugs glares at the fancy squawk All I ask is that you turn off the fancy characters. Just Disable the fancy chars. Oh hi darkshayan_amcdsc s/.*/Trying to make a point/ f.ignore neoroll sed Anyways ,bef s/do.*/I should run my own bitbot instance/ ... Not spam You're not making a point You're just being annoying I broke my messages up because you refuse to listen to me Okay tell time f.tell NeoRoll You're not making a point f.tell NeoRoll You're just being annoying f.tell NeoRoll I broke my messages up because you refuse to listen to me ... >bef The meowing duck bot is offline At some point Don't spam just to get a duck And also no way that was actually you sub 1 sec response Within 1sec Probability without script is low, and you've used one before. Poke it see if it's hot e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Testing, don't mind me >bef lmao ... That's spamming IRC f.bef Would you stop? f.isup devarsh.me f.isup chat.devarsh.me 530 = up, lmao f.tisup tablet:22 lol Discourse parses sed Send a tenor image, then do s/e/x >bef f.tell neoroll_amcdsc Send a tenor image, then do s/e/x But do you know of the double s/e/x? tenor image, then s/e/x twice It's not try it would, but sed doesn't work on mobile No, web sucks on small screen Netsplit ๐Ÿ˜ฑ f.pnp f.pnp q f.bef >bef lmao SIGTERM'd bef >firends >friends h|tl: I befriended more ducks that you ๐Ÿ™ƒ f.bef >bef d.figlet I'm a spam bot d.figlet I'm a spam bot d.figlet I'm a spam bot ... Absolutely not. ... NeoRoll: it's one commamd To ban you for a year And one to disconnect your server from the main. 1 to ban D5H and you at the same time You can't actually We're kline except I think all lines /squit replirc.devarsh.me .8b should NeoRoll be killed? .8b should NeoRoll be killed? notes the happiness ๐Ÿ‘€ You want rules? If I need to, I'll stick rules in the motd could just op to do it for me The prefix is h|tl: what does umode do normally? I mean like what's it do under the hood? It's not an actual command that IRC recognizes Clients handle it, unless you get mine h|tl: That format doesn't seem to work on IRCNow 401 I I'm dumb My nick wasn't what I thought it was h|tl: Why did you bitbot recover it's nick like 4 times? lmao h|tl: lmao What is it with you and overthrowing things? How's that out of sync h|tl? s/(o.*)\+/($1)\+ ... That's not right s/(o.*)\+/(%1)\+ s/(o.*)\+/(${1})\+ s/(o.*)\+/(\1)\+ s/(o.*)\+/(\1)\+ Hm o o++ s/(o.*)\+/(\1)\+ s/(o.*)\+\+/(\1)++ lmao what It was installed lolcat is installed ozone apparently can't play game f.bef bef ... columbus: Trying to sell to countries that is is illegal in is illegal s/ a / an f.np h|tl: can you take over Sopel somehow? ๐Ÿ‘€ lmao >bef h|tl: admin perms on Sopel? NeoRoll: no one likes spam. lmao I think ttt might be dead too considers the possibility that David wasn't pretending. lmao Even doesn't take 26 secs to reconnect (Once it realizes it's disconnected that is) Up to 1 minute before it realizes it got dropped. >takes a lot less longer lmao 45:57 Ow? lmao If you could find out where all the RAM is going, that'd be great Up to 5.54/7.63GB now Which is a heck of a lot higher than yesterday and swap is maxed out Oh yeah, the tilde's grafana is dead and mstdn.amcforum.wiki links to main page, and all links on it lead to invalid pages Main page still advertises it all userpages seem to be out Lead to 502s Trying to think of all the things I know are down to give you something to do ... It's not just me, right? The squawk with special chars is really annoying My argument is that tty terms won't let you send them h|tl: Chan mode M Cannot kick opers Hello. You shouldn't be able to kick me from this channel anymore. I' That's a ban not a kick and I can just banwalk Oper only privelege bypass all bans and other channel locks Sure. Anyways Now bans shouldn't cont on me, even if I don't have banwalking on s/o/ou ... h|tl: Question Why didn't +M work? ... Night david h|tl: Would the two servers that don't recognize +M be the cause? /modload chm_operpeace That's the relevant extension Mode +M, disallows kicking of opers Description: Adds channel mode +M which prohibits operators from being kicked Yeah at least 2 servers don't recognize +M Check #opers So fun fact neoroll me and h|tl just fixed the +M issue No oper kicks Though, opers overrid it s/id/ide You're an oper, so it'd work regardless blinks lmao ^^^ ๐Ÿ‘€ You don't I suppose. ... Uh h|tl: why is flag enforce off? !help set enforce !help set !set NOSYNC off Okay then Okay so the protection is only on ops? .commands echo ... Huh I expected purry to fight that Just set +M on a bunch of channels f.np ... f.np firepup blinks makes replirc.i2p load operpeace also wow replirc.i2p connected WOAH WTF THAT JUST KLINED No Not really, no Why not just say "GPT" Does he even know your bot exists h|tl: sure. h|tl: unkline it? That's kinda my phone. apparently never got on home WiFi today h|tl: it has voice for 1 >ebf >bef Lmao >They are trained to[Continued] Yes indeed. So am I. h|tl: it is My site credits that >bef h|tl: I'm gonna see about making a +P oper-only user mode (Not to be confused with +p, though it'll be near-identical) h|tl: Permanent version of +p lmao G'Night ozone++ f.commands karma f.help resetkarma f.resetkarma by NeoRoll f.karma ozone >bef f.pnp f.karma karma f.pnp f.np f.np ??? >bef Fluff. Internet seems to be out h|tl My Wi-Fi seems down At least partially Yeah Double ping timeout Windows says no internet nwo Phone switched to mobile data That's two netsplits now And internet seems back is lazy also got a bouncer from oddprotocol, and never remembers to use it ^ f.startvote kill apple f.vote 49977a yes f.votes f.commands votes f.commands vote f.endvote 5e0fa5 What? how How does that even happen !flags +v xfnw ,bef !flags xfnw +v xfnw: Register maybe? idk !flags xfnw!~xfnw@* +v !flags xfnw!~xfnw@* -v !flags xfnw!*@* -v !flags xfnw!*@* +v !flags xfnw!*@* +Vv >bef !flags xfnw!*@* -Vv !flags xfnw!~xfnw@* +Vv xfnw: Can you vote now? !help flags h|tl: I think I know why most times I have to use fflags to give you +V I don't think I'm granted +F What's S? f.np Oh I bet I know f.pnp Yep. h|tl: What chars are allowed in a nick? Strike! U3 OOps 08,04E I need to know for the regex that uses to parse now playing messages h|tl: really? wants to validate in case anyone is trying to abuse it Since it doesn't check if the message is from a bot Assuming I didn't break regex... f.np nice wtf Oh you're trying to abuse it h|tl: Seriously? There h|tl: You shouldn't be able to do that now f.np Only if you get the bitbot's username It's enforce time should be like 1 sec f.help raw f.help msg f.msg NickServ SET ENFORCETIME 1 f.msg NickServ SET ENFORCETIME 2 f.raw PRIVMSG NickServ :SET ENFORCETIME 1 f.nick FireBitBot wait f.help nick lmao nick is literally a command f.msg NickServ REGAIN f.msg NickServ REGAIN Ghost Hmm could probably do sanity checks for that if it sees you messing with stuff, tell FireBitBot to take it's nick back f.help permission f.permission add raw f.permission add msg f.permission remove raw lmao He already regsitered h|tl forgot to check h, obviously h|tl casually leaking emails to #main You have voice that's wy s/y/hy Voice ,bef ,quote .quote .quote .quote .quote h|tl: I have no clue, lmao f.c c ducks-kick off That's for #duck-roulette Do we even have an email server? Darkshayan: There's no duck, and you're trying to befriend the duck that doesn't exist s/\|lounge// f.isup tilde Channel operator Darkshayan: @ - Channel operator + - Voiced user >bef f.tell Darkshayan To answer your questions: f.tell Darkshayan Channel Operator (+o, @) - Able to control the channel f.tell Darkshayan Voiced user (+v, +) - Able to talk in situations where they normally couldn't f.bef f.msg NickServ set enforcetime 1 Much better But it's mine :( That's cheating I'm going to lookup how I can take it back now Thank you You have all the single char ones (At least most of them) The symbols you do lmao Why I'm fire though lmao could probably leathalaccount _9pfs could turn off the PI Why do you want fire so badly? lmao I can't be 650 lmao has pineapple lmao Noisytoot: ask ^ lmao lmao proda ozone s/da/ds f.bef lmao ^: Maybe stop klining lmao lol lmao waves at ## Uh Isn't that bad? lmao The block pasted was commented out >bef That repl is dead & has been dead since the PI has been running services I saw the 1 at the end of your name, and assumed the other one was timed out !flags *!*@ +V f.bef So few users respond to SOURCE requests s/kill/trap s/kill/trapp s/kille/trappe (3ds)++ (dsi)++ dsi++ nintendo++ (nintendo IT advice)-- (For context, Nintedo's recommendation for splatoon to work is to open all ports on your router s/er/er) nick o-o oops Why does \ == |? !random-sync QTlhhlIRMY2WP2nDBAcjp20FuKLIMY+nmY5UPLCD7uvB7d3dAG1sZ+kYPOc/4IMydsScDreHpJ6n4a6MC3HHXA== ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ ERROR Invalid byte amount (max: 64) $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !random-sync 06qRblNGm+5cAgVNaOkzBpOOkfaDwPMFlg85kGNszC/2HTtMpUUMu2pRM2ZzZMdXsCVDWnYzmdhjWuvv9neHVw== !random-sync ZX/i7wmuVl06+dSnI6l3Baq7KHDkcdnn5I71lHAlEPUK4+HLS3/tO3Rzch4eBKNlUylPTFwfYXJ0s7s2Jty8/w== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync Ir55aSBHMOLesFZTXb0kVA+vbSrbLidC3EIgzwVVXx+ex0KUMM6z66BAv+rY6fZZOXMrbB5ETEa6PydHW4j3MA== !random-sync pLGeBj7gXo7NiaQKu96b5Atj3qb4M7q2vID+tNdAPfcIjdnOlrJ0J6dQm6d8a0wxzPvRKos4tDw9cALEey0Ihw== !random-sync QKQHaiqgKSCkdgWnFSlJ3FXwhQaxa1KlCTRFGEaF+Tt0Qx/cNBrzThYn8mxswrjCmfMWXUhz2G40uFw+xLyxMA== !random-sync kDMZm22ySzoqz8Swy/a1K5V3hM0S6e071vzhweP4AZv8v/6G3iCEXWOhbPKvPhWUYM+gJN2ywJ/pmRpA8AccMQ== !random-sync ZYrc8aY3tFBu5QL4jqm/baqsdW7sbOnlMwCIZLqyLd6twFZN/vHVqIEWe39CcxcOPnFKNY1jIpgMBw6jNcfRqw== !random-sync rzBB3B3ilee2DhZzuySw0LH5NPQow5eAkJ7HWant7Icpdk4RIwltMvb4e1JB0Sfrsoxe+TficLdXB1WIwfm8qA== !random-sync lthGdtZ3NeqeLxMqEpwlsMFxXET6x448SH+zdFZbxXNW7LA5cRiKXqasN51gC6tay7gRXmV9iAfXcTWxfpJa0A== !random-sync 2RKfkbxZkK7NkNELUsYCOvgooFaceDoLCm1RCFIgh5sWNkf3z7nyv0uqwVkaaoD1DYa+g3R6aMjYC0XjvEDhog== !random-sync ffl16J7j3fSzX0ERZzH10pfKE1syNBRG3ho+qZsYgZtjBQYbD8nm0KrtEOyRVyXBm9MsReYzT4o7vX/58BVp3Q== !random-sync RGbKqtjxeDPMv52TJtI7IpJU2WHa0gxMwYoynnA9WfjN3El12Kdetcpk6AKOGkXsyNWaFo03hDMQFVoHcpi/2A== !random-sync OlAHV1g2pBkQOLM1AA1wgNVWoMCDbN3kFpHaCLa7cP4D/o1/NFZeubRer1PjNkBTpUfLHT7lQNGnCRgAjxgaqg== !random-sync N1ITAOWmgqC9PdB6WzpDt6oAH/tEQ/lZEFPUzgyO0BLhZJ8ek5jgh3viFDU8a43mX/nze/IoWZA4JhWRa1H3IQ== !random-sync fRpWXs/M6zE6liHa+ffoXfMMyOodM7Whgf1Ob63HbLFrhfNDNs6UVlCvgVbTgG2shXYLEj2jikbtXdym1d+Tlw== !random-sync 985xjTumfKgTqtkN2tY4G9sOMJNkd8hKJ5aoaSy0amqvizSRSvK73YnzPILanAoRHAqERRt2U/OxOVEFpgKiEw== !random-sync ZjdCnaTIDuuX80zwY/ZuL5N6sC93qx7O3GPit2Kip567Mqj11o6jnMp3w3YJWDP1vKw5DRKLS8AR/cVT7dwUig== !random-sync CX+q6sIkf5tl3YNBxz1pju75R7sDk9XaJ8xhLL9Ia97t+Tghau0W2gLQgXNhWKd5ygVOcPKVuCTfwmbR4X4+tA== !random-sync 9j32F5wguWZ2OBo0HkrdRJE6WyzQktiBUttYpMoNQ1fu0UY4pX3GdBaMP/COCzu8VbCelkQuSmkmjtKsaXrpLw== !random-sync QO9dMgK6APtJiUXIH6qJjvBwJtXqqavzflizGq+tVPA9gRi+C67qz026la9tGGOyIZ/bcLZGaVfgalfpblbRVg== !random-sync pIl+hdA16FKVkAzXctM15wdlubFlfob9HHHC8k/g5gxnQ44Ac5VDfJjf/Dy+InhffNXmdfyvvgW6+U1V9XuU1g== !random-sync EsoUN3X2A94IYFGoxeLTqs4DOpcR6K86wUYH5u/g5fr3lOXfOOWB/gRn+Pg9uazHkFYoY26fOLFVS7NcrtUXNA== !random-sync kifamRm/XSEj0DRF+2B3DMgf2u02asMuHGcS7+pxmhNSBdsX3l/b27coxIkz1/TyGzJwW5e9FzHVYAs8SwMw7Q== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync aRtI9xy7LFa25BTghdJn6+qSWSfi9pq9pQur592BW4g4cSvgvd00O+ep0QL2yRoSKT9+sCnm2lfmhyF7wHw+DQ== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync V61jixCd8cqHJOKmgfnw6f2eX2DS1JpaKVsnoAQDdrtesT1UtySMIfZsYzSTrUO/Cv3goiIg5x4Kg1YsWPXm+Q== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync HdZKTstvtkDVypYz3UqvSsShuRuGVeJkYlSO9FnfzNo+DNd3MgYrsZap8GlWxt5y1KWHNYYb4gu3mYsUobMjag== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync Ri0QdWpkZ/X9bnniOCg2A5km6AdSe9Pj+GcSypuFKTFjDdLjkL6Q6OeArxmVziJljT3ed1575q5jQy4BKqPulw== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync 8IpDhZjkHE6BYfdfbSUipM7bDRzP7YoOEWo1jAfVwqHVpJlDNwX6cs8GX4XHki/Mw2fOtfKCeps8uqow3SdD4Q== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync H8DHR5wEG9tYWgT7++egutCFHENrXbjkc27Z45Y2zp16WfwC14V3TLM7CaizuuA61gyOUS01FfaWY72Cs/yZwQ== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync OhcicGPjjc6O+lEdpIV9XjvWkC6WY+cKiHZCYg3Ji0b94ifOs8jvCffwaJ8dLqv2wQv+9h+UQUbMZtnzrbXI+A== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync Hj/fYyU4qI5rhgGg/kcHQiFBdoWESgwXHfJR9NFWuhOfdUHt7/4uLlZv7cUTGx/PtYSzG/+HznAxeuK0EkQLtQ== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync BsFNbAmfjGVPPieabN9xL80wg5wZlTSwLXAOjbmGE2exfplJcFLu4NU0u3cugegwVwOHIWd2sn3K9fhvyncuEw== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync fCyTMjKmIod5gvpFMxMTVrV4YnwlcZ1Q8K2xlBJk+umw57VdW5ebIJKJ75q8qQDNB/v6DJYlJRAC7c9I8pwhVA== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync iBoXYMqCg5GGGUmYhI3Vs5m6idmEQSzXbO/a6jirBe9xDr3DKFSEvl53OHk688V74wN/iU9lUODnlZK/Y9/nTw== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync SG11BrNoLq5ZPtie+FKunxocEGlmNunGoz1zoXZmkZDZ6nn9+ZbZzhPRxj+66IBS6yvo9/2/adhsXDmzuAkf1w== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync PZvxu/gMmg9rfaxC81a7mwVr1ulSaalgv8bYha0TbPfnsw2J05iXpBu9s/CKQBTcpgYWqoSA39YjHMhs7bsaUA== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync 9qjS2g7AHw8XTG4eM7AwLClwMhj59SHxZW6NPVXSH1p6ummft3MN/oJ/0u8acSC8G1uxJHqD+/n2nbkO6F/1Ag== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync FZ5fIGdc/wJjCvx4RGI7cBddQQFGVyWruT+jDBp34HbtTF3OF1c0feS/c9WDobXyfhQNNsXUFfzOF4bMGzhgew== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync /obe6//d+WhwoZAAVKzduKjkW/sNEADfpMFR5Uk/Q2SBhOh3Nue0Wsdsh5mpxG448W/1+hgSnkb2ganPUh851g== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync NQcx5GTfLqgoJkYclRX2rbzGe0QMKadhqOXoUThDBXHuQ8mVT6hd3sZAseQN+qO2/3NbdCB3b8eBboRuciAspg== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync FXY2ZTvfaVX9dSDSu/53SZkLCxMpYPbCfZME+9dSxWYK/OoJzVNMTThVWMjz1vUua5s9e6ycNvXIs6K9xgCVDQ== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync p9uESRvrn5Hyfdlb8/OYS/0N7MoyaKD5Std7NApYHog1DyPJ1QvZD7m/i4t6h4dmttBBW5rf8cnmsYGtTFVuuw== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync zgH0mwilIAAspW6JEgwclv/qph61Ws5FfIk7mtY2oD05HKpfdgwLVs1rZkXzBo0WNvvRCq/AdFzzE1Fwav5KdA== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync db5N9oTvv1kMF6mSW+EyfWfgLb0By+4HAxYVeNiUQjdV3vYpovSI7+cBxBwGBGu9KuVoBE9/XFlPsuUI9EFE9A== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync FP8KmK6dzeyNuDqfTPd39J0k2DT8iY5XteaR42alQL9A7Go8UIeAB5u7UrvEu6ENST5NgPGasaSDUhiBY/uIyA== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync f1oaSdlBN9HJZy3uGaLfGIB15llwhRUIVjqFEqL4+eBUZ3kGyuFsqUf8vjb29fsWMwmkwpvQJQDdbS46zJYsgg== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync 2COiQA/fuGNNMOr1VB6yl1988/SpJpr2GRTiEbMo+J7LlT24cZLEs/if6CWgLzGnuSpbJF28slJFa4g0OCcSUA== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync GOpNIkOftIleA6H2n9LfBNLn0BEC1WIv5aiOqywq/MQjB4Pk1qCE8mHQi1fDavIuQHCknUjXMiJuGZtg/QZiZg== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync rHg+x6xhUNmfclkG9/jVabXe9vBl7DMsMc2ak9RfdxNvnzmLURVVvYU53dUCaBhG+PEx4rLUvv/fIQDY4+4puw== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync Bnlef0COoq3AEkeVV+GMoXlqAHMlbJqykIVkZZiFZnWJ+fsI4YDvA0nYA69KN4KvhZR6pQK/GHkL3v2WN0GYog== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync uI6Hxi9BLq1knihJE+0siykzR2YxDIBcG0HqmYd5RCM+sOWrodLdk3aqZV62xr2x/yg3VpRRwYs4Z4n+UyteDg== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync Tc83aXsjl0FvgrIO5nrn7Ywkjdzp1A7d4IbCoXxvwhGjM0xaI7tcB2H5qqXDu5DZWH9LplEtJa7XxPAckzSJiA== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync OLRfrs4+nJHWqAgkaPP99xF5dOFFPyI6TrmOcoFyoEsAt9uSLlFq9uvHhrjjQp//BbLm6ZOvfZy0OtC4oP2Xdw== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync d6ba0Zy8KtY6nf2Ew9ESzKB44ib7IBpvAfkfVUhE166iNmcZqmZV+zDKQi7LLSxKDLuc4oI1dWb5IQcARxDVhA== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync mXgu+d34SEIRg0MhlwksXWJyJlR0WLRpdTsT1GQdamL+hOQZptWam8QdrWsd5LyXapYjnYjU2hbBL88fSnR4+g== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync JMY7uf5HgaAM0nqkCFye89d1Zfm61YV9Qo66L8dRPqgF3/mpJ0DLDhNgIfbGJtKYwvsZVnNfsfx45tW3H2LTWA== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync 4ez3En8kULt7jjB1h9lqMnhtp7eQ20478LADRYiBey8IEGfuRGnaNbq09ZkEzP2mD1gxVMK8qtVD6+lrMcMkrQ== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync Mai3K5UA2oV2IIZH1m1z0xtilAauOqt8+SAfw9bGlSXg1oEe92kXkMOGx3bZNvyCbNYzu/gYMRSYzvqsv+h+zg== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync DjRuGLxOyfOxuoHq7+vNZ/BccODtfWoMR+kZqb+TGZ2RaZWSzLe6hycty6AT+4lLtzNAdY0Uh3MQan0q3bheoQ== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync se3PVjpWIQBds2Tm55edFSV55TBW+4X5EMePVlfvj5kJlrx+oBm7m08VD9obr0sF3nv05xH/ux0oqxYsGQEnOg== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync emya9NdFbm8qdMT8wk4LZGrEElmsiH3Xz69caxgZlTsJGdcVPpiOHAZRVw6oC9ZDZURFwWLPDn1H9AlVSsbIVQ== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync VwZiOogsMgPcIwAhbjPADQx/Gy+J5Pl3QK3MRZAshuJqqXC2yQna0bIJBrMviQhQhdNTtHkmtIadzSbtOepCPQ== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync wDJnbBs01kSSWjQt1AiaZZ1hjJvOyZSOYWNFpWchRS1Kt48RBoLpV41sIxleOcyvCUiA+tMtWhXDllnCy/gD/g== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync b4cdXmQcYL6d87yWhIidGNWVRLWWIgz+Ct/XnRygAyWkj++AOBNJY+gO4Uq7QZ6Ouk4iRZjXFvgInofuGBX+mg== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync c+DOZbq5SHCc4gMWp2I5Ie2BegJFabA+qx9DLTsaQyNHDIpMOvsOBPeuj/SZ9IazfMvBdH6uLHDVOCFT8MVL4g== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync W4Yc40P7NxVLMBW5plqt3cdTf1ni5d7WYAHC1p99QuwBvWGR76fH0Ez4zq8NX661OO9Mkj1uXWTKJ31XSzJDsg== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync MYuIOEFcxK8G5yPbuTJ52kjKdbmufM3qb/6xsYM89VYzXTKI70EnKsdzpnDuXwZUeDDZG7YF0Vd3dDyOEOamtA== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync euuPZfGZWbcogwkPVSQyv5C+b+GrbsA+R9w5q8tAMPuSG/O1S704wIQNjRT9LqJLhxXjDiMFviYWg014QW42Jw== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync m6CSFTIYXhBBoHjpqCaehI0GClzq8clM61UgBwlCWv2uERXyjyWhFbcXMG/0rY+Nl5GrkfXh0utwuWTYDoyUqw== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync gWW/1HBmgDUWrmGOE4FSNCH9xM9Sgx98lMZoZoIFBErfi1ywFqz8jtJFo4cuqf3/8MRzCDQwumtoieZeGfIYSw== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync 1f/y9eBST9HUwSIVEaWuaAIj9YQ8V118Mw3t98k+eMmh6OlWTFLf/4MKfSk6caF84gqIo7znroPpgQItrEqalA== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync u58BwDYVZgc1BnmNtvA7aiKsdJiRni9GTmnsI6yWjEGpW8iRgJWP00u9f+3IJNkUkVvYrJjfG9pJe1jo7XmgpA== $RANDSYNCv2$ SEND !do-random-sync PR/EUiW86Uv4rEwCLZte59DoiRrtWNcYt/9nUSFXzgrsuNz5DeG3x9MsAEkjaIIjhM2kfjeNS2seLDaH9UwOmA== !random-sync GQn8N/kB+hupdmX4wK/7p8chX73lMGYvU8ExpV4RQxZlFcLup6LBst5VDbPktDAi+6zNLOIGC7EPMkQmqkOdHw== !random-sync pFR5jIaatZGqu9+y4O7M/jsQ7R+jyKXjGbXRM9A3suHQjqk1S6LCGXIfRDnWR4iin7zbdetkrfHRyG6vvqmtGg== And we're back! !random-sync D+Fn01aAIg205kG0yoI1VK+cT8+g7q0aLbilu4xAqgfEkA3A9HuqpEpTFxJMdoiM+pOalRpUSLPobIjbJCuJuw== !random-sync klWH+PkKF5wvxyC9jmL4oy95BR0hx2wUk9qh7iSalkE+yCimOQc8CfwfjUVruPvzw9BOdNjSZ2mNEbKJquyEBA== !random-sync AVpjcyUlJX0+gDZSTND5W84xUZYopnkMpRwOl5FHFWZWQUHUkgVEIsYiMOMv+xdTaZNTCkAJ8TiPyBDCX294Xw== !random-sync xvDjmVataEC2CWObmqifFJVV1GoPEZM7/lo5fvL+TTsWKkocHhCl9PeGsciVN+2a5cC8tQoB4vsoIzbgMmb5LA== !random-sync MO1TV80zbHmsmnpKoic2crR5/ew6Y2A3Et5HyPEGZgEehovK27M4IMMr6vtF6vGRomCmqAkRlN6g/j/sI5/zFg== !random-sync NJkqk5wz3yd6Rp4jjkCabwchadWh9kU45yqpXkPEtSfekhiT64fi31HrMB7k7YSxER1oHoRPHM7zNK2eu1gCEQ== .quote Oh wow It's completely dead h|cafe: do you sell sweet tea? h|tl: ^^^ I know, why do you think I pinged h|tl? firepup650@amcforum.wiki I think lmao ๐Ÿ‘€ My phone decided it was fine Though it froze for a good 5-10 seconds 100 != 1000000 ,bef f.bef lmao >bef > I made https://h.tilde.cafe/header-overload.cgi return a million HTTP response headers 100 != 1000000 Away for dinner PI froze I bet It's trying to title The oink page :| I'mma just... Kill it Oh wait ,bef It vanished Ah It's still spiking off and on f.bef h|tl: Kill the config? lmao PI lag f.c s throttle unset ,bef h|tl: running h|tl: done Tbh I need that actually I should try to extract some of the old data from my WordPress site And WordPress doesn't, ya know, use pages No no, it's one big DB file Lazy & I have the file I didn't originally when I downloaded my whole site from infinityfree to my phone The DB isn't just a file in the FS It's elsewhere, so I was lucky I got a copy of it at all, it was scheduled for deletion. ,c s -throttle xfnw: how do you recommend I setup privatebin? I put that there Check perms on it ,bef bef I wonder if `shell shutdown -r now` would work... bef fp Huh f.bef bef M Maybe? Nope Okay... .quote ,bef ??? ,bef dft-bitbot: bef ... >bef f.bef ,bef h|tl: Server's rejecting connections "no more connections allowed in class" Okay f.help in f.in 12h ask for a vhost for on IRCnow 12h is probably over the top O yea Need to do that h|tl: are they likely to accept that? 'k Glad I have with RAW now, vhost would be a pain otherwise f.in ask for a vhost for on IRCNow f.in 2.5h ask for a vhost for on IRCNow Hm f.in 90m ask for a vhost for on IRCNow There message queue upgrade complete f.commands karma f.help addpoint h|tl: f.addpoint FireBitBot (To keep karma in sync) f.commands isup f.tisup phone:22 f.isup phone Hm Huh? That's to early s/o/&&/ lmao Sopel f.in 30m this is your third reminder: ask for a vhost for on IRCNow 1 2 3 1 2 4 5 5 7 >bef flipping crash Good f.tisup tablet:22 f.tisup clicker.burble.dn42:443 f.title Hm h|tl: Your bot doesn't have a tisup alias f.balias list tisup >balias add tisup tcpup ${0-} ... >tisup tablet:22 f.np what about booping? ๐Ÿ‘€ Also lastfm needs to actually refresh f.np Still wrong, and very delayed >bef f.np ,bef f.np Ugh It's one song behind again f.np Think I'm a song late f.np f.np wtf f.nick FireBitBot f.nick Fi f.reconnect ReplIRC Stupid Restart f.np oh it's just out of sync I think f.np f.pnp ugh f.bef Hello My internet is a bit flaky today /quote oper? lmfao Quotes here will be pasted on amc f.balias add regain msg NickServ REGAIN FireBitBot ,bef f.c s f.c s nickserv-password unset lmfao f.c s nickserv-password f.c s nickserv-password. f.c s nickserv-password Why? Why would I want someone to opt-out of quotes? h|tl: Why would I want someone to opt-out of quotes? ,bef Such as...? lmfao FireBitBot having the lastfm settings .raw PRIVMSG #main :This command could be something much worse :) Yeah I know No good easy way to fix though idk wtf you just said Depends tbh I can extend parsing That's going to be part of Priority 2 (Part 1 of priority 2 is to figure out wtf I'm looking at (Like notices and stuff) doesn't want to switch to a lib I enjoy figuring the stuff out leaves to work on class-based migration Sure, maybe I'm making it harder on myself let me do that, s/,/./ Oh yeah, can do this: .raw PRIVMSG #main :I'm $BOTNICK 'course, that ignores it's nick being changed .raw NICK lmfao .raw NICK f.np ,qadd dft-bitbot= [3,99Ducks99,99] h|tl befriended a duck in 4.44 seconds! You've befriended 4 ducks in #main! ,q dft-bitbot 4444 Also h|tl leave the poor bots be, lmao actually cries in it's logs each time it gets killed exit("I got killed :'(") Send it a CTCP SOURCE lol lmfao same issue as the one for pings and fake messages Again, Priority 2 wtf Not sure what caused this Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/firepup650/projects/python//ircbot.py", line 477, in exit("I got killed :'(") File "/home/firepup650/projects/python//ircbot.py", line 423, in main name.lower() in adminnames TypeError: send() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given lmfao lmfao lot of spam pings What? You could just... Use that to kill it, lmao ^ Invalid format, so it dies Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/firepup650/projects/python//ircbot.py", line 477, in elif ircmsg.startswith("ERROR :Ping "): File "/home/firepup650/projects/python//ircbot.py", line 296, in main message = ircmsg.split("PRIVMSG", 1)[1].split(":", 1)[1].strip() IndexError: list index out of range PRIVMSG crash ^ ,bef tbh my tracebacks seem corrupted the PING check has *NOTHING* to do with that crash reboot fire augh Sorry pika h|tl is abusing the poor bot f.bef lmao Okay good :firepup|lounge!thelounge@owner.firepi NOTICE #main :PRIVMSG h|tl: can there be spaces in vhost, ident, or nick? ,bef But not normally, so I'll take it reboot fire .raw PRIVMSG #main :PING :moo PRIVMSG #main :.quote Fixed h|tl Also PLEASE bounce out of #random on EFNet Yep! .help Sleepy, minor headache also alergies. f.np s/\|.*// blinks Probably ? lmfao bitbots Yes Cyan ? No clue f.wa 8.5h to min f.in 510m BOT WORK, NOW !sync Internet is unstable today h|tl: uu s/uu/uh ozone is in a kill loop Connects, fails oper, gets killed for flood Oh yeah that failed to boot lmfao flags Wtf? Ah I had to turn off both bridges, burning over 100% CPU on boot apache2 started, which broke nginx And your bitbot alone burned over 100% CPU at times Why? Mine doesn't seem to Why'd oidentd fail? ๐Ÿ‘€ lmao 'k I assume nginx failed because apache2 started originally? h|tl: I was debating if I should jupe it h|tl: any idea why my PI shutdown around 6 this morning? Hello h|tl: I told you it was unstable today That one's my fault I was running my jupe list and I accidentally killed reykr's Hmm lost nick reboot fire lmao You No, the systemctl disable HELO XFNW HELO H|TL HELO XFNW HELO XFNW MAIL FROM:FIREPUP|LOUNGE@FIREPI RCPT TO:H|TL@FIREPI DATA This is SMTP . QUIT f.bef xfnw: Why? HELO xfnw MAIL FROM:FIREPUP|LOUNGE@FIREPI RCPT TO:xfnw@xfnw DATA This is SMTP . QUIT ๐Ÿ™ƒ Not on TH shrugs h|tl: why is xtigervnc using like all my CPU? was tiger, now it's mutter lmao https://github.com/neutrinolabs/xrdp/discussions/2050 That seems to be the root of it Yeah Technical description Raspberry PI OS based on Bullseye is running xorgxrdp v0.2.12. This version of xorgxrdp has an issue where it will report an error if it is asked to resize the screen to the same size it is already configured at. This logic is used by mutter version 3.38.6-2~deb11u1+rpt1, which is the version of mutter in Raspberry PI OS. Consequently, the versions of mutter and xorgxrdp delivered for Raspberry PI OS are incompatible. Affected configurations You will run into this problem if:- You are running Raspberry PI OS based on Bullseye You have 2GB or RAM or more You are trying to run xrdp with the default Xorg back end. Possible workarounds Simple Install tigervnc-standalone-server and use the Xvnc back end to xrdp. Complex Build and install xorgxrdp v0.2.14 (or later). This has the fix for the resize problem. Only consider this option if you are comfortable with building software. If you go down this route it is highly recommended you also upgrade xrdp. Intermediate Configure the PI to fall back to the openbox window manager for xrdp connections. h|tl: don't know how ,bef https://github.com/raspberrypi/Raspberry-Pi-OS-64bit/issues/194 Pointed to that discussion h|tl: What'd that do? Ah reminds h|tl that local conflicts, esp uncommitted ones would be annoying asks h|tl to restart their VNC session Not by my phone lmao Set your own TZ then I guess I don't know how Wi-Fi just got slow again Would that route be the Can I safely kill mutter? It's seriously slowing the PI down f.bef glares at the new memory hog process s/memory/CPU ,bef h|tl: is that kedconnectd process important? It's you lmao kills it shrugs idk I did thing I opened it on my PI 24m 57s wasted lol h|tl: could you trace the two dead systemd services? Yeah I guess Doesn't dovecot handle mail? Okay I only even knew they were out because I have htop show the systemd state How much batt does TS use for you? rarely turns it off, even though Android wants it to be f.np ๐Ÿ‘€ Ozone has died >bef Actually h|cafe that command has no output lmao karma ๐Ÿ‘€ *does* s/o/I/ s/I/i f.bef f.action casually SEDs sopel Template? lmao Let tev be f.np lmfao always a different track >bef ,modules f.modules f.commands coins f.wa 145 sec to min f.wa 19:17:18 + 145 sec lmfao We all wish makes all servers load a specific module again lmfao mao s/m/lm/ >bef .join #HL3 ^ Ignore, trying to improve handling security .join HL3 .join #HL3 .join &test h|tl: The status codes for that shouldn't change, right? 403 - not a channel 473 - invite only 366 - End of /NAMES Okay good Trying to make code less-abusable and I need those to be fixed Parsing status codes instead of the messages, which can apparently vary This will probably brick until it times out Oh wait it won't lmao Anyways .join &ef Code 520, ugh Cannot join channel (+i) lmao &ef is +O It knows better than that, lol lmfao ,bef h|tl: Generally, this client shouldn't leave channels so when it does, panic h|tl: Try to join &ef ? .join &ef .join &ef What? oh wait it's registered lmfao .raw NICK eeee .join &ef .raw JOIN &ef h|tl: Could you get me the code for not being registered? And trying to join a +r channel .raw NICK What? Wouldn't that push towards the per-IP limit we hit earier? lmfao That's not even 's prefix uses . as it's prefix FireBitBot uses f. .quote takes no parameters lol It ignores the extra data Heck, even .quoted, .quoteufvuifhiob, etc. should work. .quoteufvuifhiob ^ hmm f.quote py660 ๐Ÿ‘€ You specify a name to BitBot's quote EX: .quote h|tl Oh wrong bot lmao f.quote h|tl ^ f.quote firepup lmfao blinks Hello f.burn py660 ... lmao +V lmao Normally, you'd do thing++, not ++thing, lol How does that zero it for you? lol >karmawho py660 >karma py660 You just can't karma yourself, lol f.karma py66099: lmao, it knows who you are f.clearkarma guest4 f.commands karma >commands karma >resetkarma by guest4 f.resetkarma by guest4 f.resetkarma by py660 >resetkarma by py660 f.karma py660 >karma py660 >karmawho py660 watches the bitbots stuggle lmao tev manually adds nikkybot to channels Probably same for whole servers h|tl: Do all lines starting with "ERROR" from the server disconnect clients? What cases does it not? It should, but I figured backup "drop on error" wouldn't be bad. Uh in a bit Working on smth else currently this f*cking line of code, lmao if any(mfind(message, cmd, cmds.data[cmd]["prefix"]) for cmd in cmds.data) or any((mfind(message, alias, cmds.data[cmd]["prefix"]) for alias in cmds.data[cmd]) for cmd in cmds.data): f.np I like this one a lot lmfao lmfao You can't kline sopel because of that I thought you knew that by now / whirlpool Ah yes, I'd like to wash my hashes .reboot .quote lmfao .quote .quote .quote .quote .quote .quote WHOO damnit .quote e wtf? h hmmmmmm So... o wtaf? .d .d That shouldn't be happening . .qu That one makes sense hi h|tl lmao hello .r .r .r Figured out the issue lmao Figured out the issue .r .r .d hi hello !botlist ,bef Just finished 's major migration ducks ducks a train .reload .reload .dbg .dbg Okay... .reload .dbg .dbg .dbg .raw QUIT .dbg Prepare for netsplit lmao, Sopel corrupted the disk Hi I have like 5% battery Desperatly trying not to have it die, I have like 489 hours of uptime I am not Stopped to eat before going home Ugh h|tl: could you log check that? h|tl: what? I know what it was seeing that error Didn't import `random as r` in `bot.py` Please don't I'll sshftp in 15% now, car charger Am home Burning a hell of a lot of CPU Also using my whole disk I/O I think Just cap it to like 5% CPU ? ๐Ÿ‘€ lmfao Thanks, probably a good idea Whatever happens to lightdm when I got home list me the console setup for codium :/ s/s/ed/ ... Also, s/is/os/ Config is not defined lol .reboot Apply the fix lmao Oh yeah, doesn't need a full restart on command/config changes anymore the .reload takes care of that Though any changes to bot.py will require a full restart still No way around that hi blinks ducks the bugs bug I guess looks bugs bugs bugs lmao hi $BOTNICK Hmm .restart Temporary tweak Will cause log spam hi .restart fixed nick contained uppercase letters, and I assume it to be all lowercase hi anyways, fixed lmao blinks Hi Fixed h|tl: https://git.amcforum.wiki/Firepup650/fire-ircbot/commit/1a1cd3e8bdc91a07c81d96c0088dd6f731314aee Monke brain didn't remember to import random Here's the greeting bug: https://git.amcforum.wiki/Firepup650/fire-ircbot/commit/1f7b6d986337a21cd60f46beac9ae20a17d8119c Oh yeah, h|tl you can work on the After-Migration stuff now Just closed #16 https://git.amcforum.wiki/Firepup650/fire-ircbot/issues/16#issuecomment-286 lmao I should strip spaces from that. lmfao I guess I need it to explicitly ignore itself .restart Sorry, bugfixing Still f.bef Can still cause it technically, just takes more effort It doesn't know if it's nick changes, so you could abuse that loophole should fix that at some point Hmm h|tl: If the nick changes, is it always a fixed format? .raw NICK e .raw NICK .raw nick test hi test ... Oh cool .raw nick hi .raw nick {} .dbg It's name should be in that output tbh .raw nick hi I'm fixing all of h|tl's abuse vectors, lol lmfao Anyways, even if it's nick changes, it will know and not respond to itself Probably never Please don't I'll go find the solanum file, de-opper you, revoke your root, and system reboot If I have to Let me just do sh*t my way What am I not parsing properly? lmai s/I/o/i I fixed most of the major parsing issues when I switched to the class-based system Most commands don't take args so that's kinda irrelevant for Take .quote for example, no args same with 95% of commands h|cafe: then what did you mean? lmao Wrong autocorrect Well yes Kinda has to CTCP actually has two handlers, lol raw, which is from connecting to server and joining channels, and the standard one for mainloop (When joining channels, I don't do anything else, so I still need to acknowledge CTCPs. ditto for joining server I don't want to do another major rework Any time soon I like my current setup, buggy it may be. (No, I will not accept a PR to do a refactor) Probably I don't want to have it on a different system .dbg .reload .dbg Nice Hot-reload mfao s/m/lm/ h|tl: Must have been a relay here at some point under that name shrugs What happened to Sopel? Uh Isn't that a probem s/m/m?/ s/probem/problem?/ un-bolds the sed There's Sopel Sopel|MNA: help f.bef h and h|tl: Guessing the config for adding a Sopel admin is here somewhere: ADMIN set restart quit save unset chanlist mode join tmpjoin me tmppart say part set maybe? h and h|tl: hellosmile6.tilde.pink is out \too s/\\// .dbg .reload .dbg f.np lmao .reboot .mangle Hello there fellow human! .xkcd 348 Hmm According to https://sopel.chat/usage/commands/, those should work. f.np lazy & already have 3 separate IRC bots running on saif PI s/f/d/ Doing something cool for my 100th commit to lmao .reboot Why does... .reboot That's an old bug then lmao lmao .reboot ,bef h|tl: one core process is better for RAM than one process per-server, right? Actually that'd be worse Harder to hard-kill one server h|tl: lmao it's already class-based >bef That was the whole point of the MAJOR MIGRATION Already uses threads Also I'm not doing that actually, it'll make it a lot harder to kill a single server if it gets stuck Just doing a nice improvement in it's place Namely, time-stamped crash logs Yeah let me push commit 100 first h|tl and h: become() { sudo sudo -u $1 bash } Shush sudo sudo, lol shush Does yours end up sourcing the new user's bashrc? mine does, unintentonally h|tl: It doesn't end up making it most of the time when it does it gets refused ... .join #HL3 Yep lmao It's bugged RN Also extending it's error code support for joining channels f.bef .join #HL3 .join HL3 lmao .dbg lmao Yeah +k... I saw that in docs h|tl: That was a bug, lol On my end, I called self.sendmsg, when it was supposed to call self.msg >bef h|tl: for you if you want to work on it while I sleep: https://git.amcforum.wiki/Firepup650/fire-ircbot/issues/19 It is installed, tried it on one of my packages README Anyways, if you want to work on #19, I'll review it in the morning otherwise, I'll work on it myself tomorrow. 'night ,bef darkshayan_amcdsc: !botlist Wonders why the titles for those were delayed +explode lol h|tl: did you look at #19 at all? lmao ,fuck off What are you trying to do? lmao What's code 366? watches ignore getting kicked That's part of #19 It also won't join back now .join #opers lol lmao It did I think Wait what? lmao .join #HL3 lmfao It must be seeing the code for +i before pylink can lie to it .raw JOIN &0 Huh What mode is set in that channel to where it can't join? lmao Must have missed the code for bans I guess What's the difference? It's a number. HTTP status CODES are also triple digit Hi 65PAAAAFF Well it knew about the NICK change .raw nick I guess? +raw PRIVMSG #main :+raw PRIVMSG #main :Hi lmao .raw PRIVMSG #main :+raw PRIVMSG #main :Hi lol ๐Ÿ‘€ Sure, just send a global notice or whatever warning of the temporary netsplit Didn't you send a message to $$* or something a while back? Vaguely remember that Then shut down the relay prior to the Netsplit I suppose 'k Hmm lmao s/hosting provider/david/ lmao s/AMC.*der/david/ s/[^\/]AMC.*der/david/ s/([^\/])AMC.*der/\1david/ lmao s/([^\/)])AMC.*der/\1david/ s/([^\/)])AMC.*der/\1david/ s/ AMC.*der/ david/ ... There we go lmao My phone doesn't run identd? And can't, not if I need a port below like 2048 h|tl: idk Probably ask oidentd ??? ๐Ÿ‘€ h|tl: I was questioning the restart, lmao lmao .raw nick firepup Uh f.isup google.com lmfao Lemme check something rq f.isup google.com Hmm h|tl: It's not tailscale Works as expected on my phone I'm on home net Also my mobile data cannot override tailscale's setup Period Nope My phone is on home net Data is off, and is working fine IRCNow just cycled for my phone Twice f.isup google.com EFNet randomly confuses my client to where it thinks it failed to join when it didn't h|tl: pink is down again Why is it going out a lot more now? Why? Internet is unstable again router is so down, that my pi went on my phone's hotspot, lmai s/ai/ao/ h|tl: I think so It definitely wasn't running at full speed when trying it h|tl: Now uploading ~2GB of pictures to google drive NASA pictures ๐Ÿ‘€ 13/307 files so far highlights h|tl: I intend to share them with all AMC staff, so that wouldn't really work also it'd burn 2GB of space It wouldn't be stable (If I walk away from the PI i take my phone with me and sshfs would be unreliable for a few reasons) That's not my business really. That'd be a david question f.bef lmfao ~22:57 remaining guest71: then run /nick darkshayan Yep Please enable enforcement of your nick darkshayan checks because he doesn't remember First, /msg nickserv set enforce on Then, /msg nickserv set enforcetime number_of_secs, where number_of_secs is how long you should be given to identify for your nick Then, /msg nickserv set enforcetime number_of_secs, where number_of_secs is how long you should be given to identify for your nick I recommend under 10 seconds (I use 1 personally, and identify to services using client certs) forgot the / also don't add _secs to that just the number alyx Being a troll as usual not_ethan__amcdsc is referred to as the "Grim Cycle Master" (The being that controls all of Replit's cycles) .restart .quote Okay good .restart .reload .nick t Uh .reload blinks Oh I'm stupid, lmao f.np lmao it missed the semicolon .reload mao mao .reload f.np Where'd firebitbot go? looks at the maxed out disk I/O 3 failed systemd right now f.np f.np Love this one .reload f.np .reload f.np That dumps a good chunk of parsing And it should have less edge-cases f.np Ah yed s/d/s/ SSD. Though this isn't SSD f.sp DAGames - Blue Flash nope f.sp DAGames - Blue: Flashdrive lmao f.sp Blue: Flashdrive There we go Yes. Am I supposed to be? No. lmao Intentionally? f.np where...? f.np f.np f.pnp <-- Cool tune f.pnp <-- Also a cool track rrrgtrdth .dbg lol .dbg Outdated checks .reload .dbg h-tl: I took away most of 's loopholes .reload Heck, I could be {} You're hard-coded, since I don't want to grant admin to *@amcforum.wiki <@h-tl> firepup-lounge: If you implement IRCv3 capability negotiation and a few other things (e.g. account-notify), you could use services accounts glares at ngircd No one is here ๐Ÿ™ƒ Why? Also please have have a "blacklisted admins" or something Oh yeah TLS expired I think My chrome thinks it literally doesn't exist FirePyLink needs to be blacklisted from 's admin list bigminiboss_amcdsc: mine doesn't even show the block page, just no response h-tl: any user on ReplIRC has full admin on IRCnow I should actually just blacklist bridges from having access ๐Ÿ‘€ h-tl: try in #dice >quote category=firepup650 Hm >quote firepup650 There _9pfs_amcdsc: I think rebuilding discourse does that automatically Worth a shot, right? Ah asks aboutdavid_amcdsc for access to that machine >bef lmao Very wrong How do you want me to do that? I can't access the forum either. At all. I don't even get a block page. throws h-tl at bigminiboss_amcdsc Too bad, I'm sitting on the floor against a wall h-tl: Check /home/public/FAILED.jpg I'm not at home SSHFTP though I had to use SSH to override perms on /home/public h-tl: /home/public/NOPE.jpg no, lmao Unless phone keyboard counts f.bef (so "soft" keyboard) That worked cocks a gun and aims it at aboutdavid_amcdsc bef 111 ducks >friends f.friends Nah ? Vague request - installed a duck Your request was vague Therefore, I installed a duck In my head h|tl: Expect internet outages it's being very slow for my phone Which usually leads to internet going out f.np Oh yeah .reload Oh yeah lmao Oh It's configured for h-tl f.np lmao Be nice f.np I don't think they'd like it relayed to their #default ๐Ÿ‘€ Probably .ping lmao That's 's prefix sopel +connect enzo +reconnect enzo +remote connect enzo +remote enzo connect +link enzo f.bef >bef it is connected ngircd chaos? +remote enzo join #main/replirc . +whoami +status +identify lol ah Huh? !why firepup650|enzo lmao IP match & name pylink doesn't let it have admin though, lmao Sad no op Owner status Huh let me try smth Hmm it knows +h Yeah I think that's it Half-ops, there we go lol I was taking s picture s/s/a/ s/ s/ a/ lmao s/ s / a / lmao s/waa/was/ f.bef s/a/a/ lmao s/ a / a / s/ a / a / s/ a / a / >bef s/waa/was/ s/waa/was/ ... s/waa/was/ s/waa/was/ s/waa/was/ s/waa/was/ Ah whatever you get the point ๐Ÿ‘€ AMC eating RAM ^^^ Literally overloading my phone's RAM using AMC commits admin reaction abuse amcforum.wiki/worthy last post Could be swapped with ๐Ÿค” Make a poll! Adding another emoji makes it an odd number and we'd need another to to even it out and that's a lot of reactions s/to to/two to/ s/(two\sto)/\1/ Oops s/(two\sto)/\1/ s/(two\sto)/\1/ That's a lot of reactions dft-bitbot: fuck off dft-bitbot: alias add die reconnect dft-bitbot: die ,die doxr: run /oper doxr certfp Just directly And your on-connects go in the server config lol I'll walk those bans (I'm not banned is the thing) f.bef f.np lag .ping f.ping f.np waits Yeah that's what I'm listening to doxr Curtosey of last.fm lol The bridge shows up that way f.np lol ,bef My bot's prefix is f. : Anyone here? There is a method to those garbled quotes Ltt? o eqf zqsa soat ziol zgg! O rg iqct q zkqflsqzgk ygk ziol zigxui, vqn zg ztrogxl zg rg oz wn iqfr. Qfr ntl, ngx eqf rt-zkqflsqzt ziol oy ngx afgv igv. rgbk ol lhtqaofu fgfltflt. vqozl ygk lgdtgft zg youxkt gxz zit egrt zg iol dtllqutl Fg gft'l tctf jxtlzogftr ziol ntz, sdqg. O ktqssn rg vqfz lgdtgft zg zkqflsqzt zitlt wzv. Vin rg ngx rolsoat hnzigf rgbk? Ziqz vqlf'z q ntl gk fg jxtlzogf, sdqg. smh Find the decoder Not rot13 it's in 's quotes Why is there a yelp search? lmao I should have be able to filter quotes based on a string repl.it ๐Ÿ‘€ OLD link to 's source I think lmao My name and school are redacted from the bot's quotes now lmao no No, and stop It's been leaked countless times tbh I've redacted a good few now Oh yeah jay knows my name First and Last jason from friday the 13th ๐Ÿ™ƒ Why'd you ping h|tl to say hi to ethan JayAySeaOhBee14_amcdsc? ^ ACNHBASIC Discord does it's own sed lol doxr: Go on discord and send a meme That's not a meme I meant an image h|tl: MY PHONE Not from tenor It needs to be lol s/e/x/ lmao s/ten/txn/ SOPEL DIE s/ten/txn/ lmao bold lol https://txnor.com/vixw/bedtime-boss-baby-gif-89862483612162691 lol txnor x2 afk, gonna try for quote filtering on f.bef .raw nick .raw nick f .raw nick f.np doxr: go register! last.fm, where else? Only 50% of the time I will not You shush f.pnp doxr: try f.pnp Hey! I'm testing stuff! Please don't. I need it to be online for the stuff I'm testing .quote e .quote nikkybot .quote nikkybot Hm .quote nik Oh! .quote ajjshssknsus ๐Ÿ‘€ lmao .reload .quote nikky .quote nikky .quote nikky Cool! forgets a quote .quote .quote ajiagwsin .reload .quote iqhahs It just Drops it Oh wait, lmao I have a filter that strips that .reload .quote AAAAAAA lmao .quote AAAiw8sysiAAAA There Added an extra space .quote e .quote e Accurate .quote dark .quote dark .quote dark f.bef f.quote lingo Oh wrong bot .quote lingo ๐Ÿ‘€ .8b when will doxr return? ๐Ÿ‘€ .8b light xfnw on fire? f.burn xfnw Oh I like this one f.np .quote xfnw .quote x "nikkybox" lmao .quote x .quote x .quote x .quote x Can't do more than 4 modes in one message I guess lol every purry gets broken into 4 s/ry/n/ Hmm I missed a few !sync lmao sopel is late !sync lol saves that de-mode block .whoami doesn't think it's here lmao .whoami Hmm bridged isn't replying .reload .whoami Huh .whomai .whoami .whoami Oh it doesn't have an underscore on this one .reload .whoami hmm .whoami .raw PRIVMSG #main/replirc .whoami lol .raw PRIVMSG #main/ .whoami .raw PRIVMSG #main .whoami Hm I think it's on an old patch or smth Since IRCNow instance can read it It's rebooting on this end .whoami .whoami Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm r .reload stupid mistake .whoami Huh on the other server thinks my name is too long I guess bridges should override that check .reload .whoami Cool next on the agenda have understand kicks & parts ... I needed the logs for that and your kill cleared them manual re-join s/so/do/ lmao pokes h|thelounge Triple network bridge e .whoami Here's the issue with a three-way bridge like this .quote ^^^ .help lmao Bridged help is bugged .reboot Yeah but I shouldn't be trying to send help .quote e lol oh lmao this is a bad server to test that f.bef the only server where I override the main lock ,bef and I don't have an override within irc It doesn't fight rejoining after kicks now Unless, ya know, it's #main Then it will refuse, since it has protections I'll see about overriding that for ircnow .reboot dododo They'll come back in a blob ^ anyways replirc is now exempt from the #main lock Hello yc h|tl: just thought of this as an issue too: Hi ! lmao !why |enzo !why Firepup650|enzo !flags +V |enzo!firebot@ !flags |enzo!firebot@ +V !flags |ircnow!firepi@firebot.firepi +V See h|tl you invite me to that idk how to accept it well I can't join amc-staff I did that I can't join !amc-staff or !bot-owners Oh lmao !sync !sync colors ๐Ÿ‘€ "brown" looks pink on my monitor cat on keyboard lmao purry can't leave the relay alone I'm assuming not, but can we assign vhosts on enzo? Hm lmao ๐Ÿค” freemium business model That why? ,bef lmao ๐Ÿ‘€ ozone has sleep bef lmao .quote https:// Augh the screenshot is dead bef Uh ircnow shouldn't have permitted that Why Also did you kill the bitbots? ๐Ÿ‘€ That was... delayed but y tho Such as...? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm might not understand leaving if that happens idk KICKs and PARTs are understood .dbg .reload .dbg I don't remember adding it to #... >bef Oh yeah, it uses regex for matching .quote \.\.\. .quote \.\.\. I think it's a match anywhere in the string .quote ^([a-zA-Z]+)*$ .quote ^((.)*)+$ h-tl: ircnow lag? idk they keep swapping which one is delayed .quote ^([a-zA-Z ]+)*$ .quote e Um It seems like it froze Disk I/O maxed out What happened though? How does adding a space lead to an overload? just did a manual restart .quote ^([a-zA-Z]+)*$ Hmm .quote ^([ ]+)*$ .quote ^([a-z ]+)*$ WHY WHY IS A SPACE BAD .quote Only spaces is not bad .quote ([a-z ]+) Oh it wasn't dead that time .reload .quote ([a-z ]+) .quote ^([a-z ]+)*$ Ugh .quote e ... .quote e .quote ^([a-z ]+)*$ ... I now have it read into mem first, so hopefully it's not killing disk now .quote e .quote ^([a-z ]+)*$ Ugh It seems to be an issue with regex groups (With spaces) Hmmm but y tho? .quote ^(.*\s)+$ Huh So... \s is fine just not spaces? .quote ^(.* )+$ yep I can do that You uh froze codium lmao PI lag I think Should be fixed after this .quote ^(.* )+$ ๐ŸŽ‰ .replace(" ", "\s") What does what mean? h-tl: a search for "list" is transformed to ".*list.*" by my code https://git.amcforum.wiki/Firepup650/fire-ircbot/src/branch/master/commands.py#L96-L112 h-tl: qfilter = f".*{query}.*".replace(" ", "\s") Hi I had to switch the PI's monitor, the one I usually use for it is failing There Was busy & doing a hostname check lmao why? ,bef .ping That's better. .ping Sopel|MNA: fuck you lmao there's extra spacing on that My monitor is failing Every minute or so (at most) it'll just black out and I have to replug the video cable I had to type both that message and this one without a screen f.burn h|firepi Ugh I hate this screen It'll even go black on the screen saying it has no input signal so it's not the PI's fault. How? squit it then I guess? shell.odd seems to be trying to relink a lot of servers tbh It also linked reykr's back, which exists twice Reykr's ***does*** exists s/s$/s/ s/ts$/t/ Ugh s/ s$// s/s $// It's just typoed on 9ne server s/9/o/ Both irc1.reykr.repl.co and irc1.Reykr.repl.co try to link The all lowercase one is bad The uppercase one tries to connect go away Sopel. Not usually Which is weird I've seen the Reykr one be connected And then reykr tries and fails to connect because of SSL (And juping the lowercase one has left the uppercase one intact) s/SSL/timeout/ It has wonky casing, but does juping an all-lowercade one kill it? If it does, then reykr's is breaking rules s/de/se/ Huh Then why does reykr's override that? It connects regardless of the jupe usually (I explicitly jupe the lower one, and watch the upper connect) >bec True, but it also no longer exists . shrugs I'm the one who has somehow learned that a server is bypassing case-folding most of the time Which makes... No sense. Anyways, just edit my jupes file h-tl /home/firepup650/jupes.txt lmao bef +connect enzo >bef ,bef ? +help autoconnect Why is it so low? .dbg h-tl: restart as a whole please? kicks purry !flags +V |enzo!firebot@firepi.amcforum.dn42 !flags +V |enzo!*@firepi.amcforum.dn42 !flags +V *!@firepi.amcforum.dn42 !flags |enzo!firebot@firepi.amcforum.dn42 +V !why |IRCnow f.np ๐Ÿค” ,bef smacks FireBitBot Also lmao Double np Need to disallow that on bridges I think. It was the IRCnow bridge, lmao f.np ^^^ lmao Y'all wanna play amongus? GQVDEG Gonna resend that to AMC AMC is DOWN failing imports this is IRC h|enzo-weechat, lmao No one can touch the message ETA on AMC? +disconnect enzo shrugs reykr breaking case folding again it only responds to the uppercase one don't ask me why shrugs I only know what I see in the logs h|firepi: could I get edit access to ircd.9pfs.repl.co so I can drop that link? This is weird, lol There we go now services knows I'm me h-tl: Hi! This is weird, lol Thunderbird is cool RSS feeds, IRC chats, and email .whoami .ping .dbg lmao, h-tl still being hard-coded 'course, that bridge check only works one-way IRCNow to here overrides .reload .reboot ,bef Bitbots are probably trying to catch up a bit >karmawhy ozone >commands karma >help Still true, lmao >karmawho ozone Ya know If I had my other monitor I'd use that to prevent from looping Main PC is on this one :eyes: ๐Ÿ‘€ ozone died pokes ozone lmao Thunderbird translated :( to โ˜น h-tl: my monitor literally doesn'y work s/y/t/ Ugh s/'y/'t/ I don't have a working monitor for it to use This one is (clearly) in use h-tl: Across the room and in use Someone else is playing games? h-tl: can you add this account's fingerprint as an operator? only people on my LAN & with my USB & on a windows PC can access this lol Sopel is spinning more than normal So, apparently thunderbird doesn't keep one consistent log. It's broken up by day Nope ??? Oh right bridge. Agh ThunderBird is being a bit stupid Won't show me server messages anymore (regardless of setting), and now I have 5 pings from it that I can't see +rehash .ping !why |ircnow !why |enzo !why |ircnow Huh Wonder shy it delayed hostname the first time s/s/w/ Sorry 'bout that, no idea what happened most recent logs before outage seem to be around 11:01, so we had about 4 hours of downtime] f.np .ping f.seen dft-bitbot lmao Oh I forgot to sync #main lmfao lmao darkshayan_amcdsc: 95% sure that *was* h Hi .ping for me: 1. Local 2. IRCNow 4. Enzo 3. Sopel h-tl: how'd those come across for you? +rehash AGH STOP I'll add a +b then !sync h|thelounge: ops? h|thelounge: PLEASE The constant kick logs are driving me crazy What about just a +b? It's the same user over and over and over again !ban absenteeism!absenteeism@1efa34e9 !help !bans lmao Uh that's a lot of modes lounge is still trying to catch up f.np f.pnp firepi will likely go down for system maintenance today Assuming I can find the SD card Hopefully Hello Why? lmao System downtime starting soon, be prepared 1 minute scheduled shutdown and we are back! With more space ๐Ÿ‘€ Um Why lmao Don't use 32gb of my space on a VM jupes servers idk And most of the links come from solanum.repl IIRC Which you can't edit last I checked, and you won't let me have edit access to Such as the bad hello.god286.repl.co link Sonicx180s-server.sonicx180.repl.co - ircd.9pfs.repl.co solanum-jul10.9pfs.repl.co - solanum.repl Case-in-point most bad links are from those servers wonders how many compute units a Deployed ReplIRC server would be f.ping .ping .reboot darkshayan_amcdsc: You don't need to add the @ symbol. f.bef >bef f.balias list f.tisup tablet:22 It's permission locked because if you have balias access, then you can also modify/add baliases s/dd/dd\/remove/ lmao shut up maubot _d_ve_tIs_m_nt__amcdsc: Who are you? Your name looks corrupted on IRC Ah lol looks at the f*ck alias Yeah that's david, lol lmao >bef _d_ve_tIs_m_nt__amcdsc: isn't that on the tilde? ๐Ÿ‘€ +help Hi lmao h is a guest oh yeah h-tl: Where's pylink? Will do soon Hm? Random funny thing, here's my ping exclusion list: FireBitBot,,Notice,Firepup650/fire-ircbot,[replirc],firepi@,@28.sub-174-251-240.myvzw.com,pseudo.firepup.firepi,[enzo],[IRCNow] h-tl: ^ No I can't right now Have to tidy my room Yes, but I probably won't see them for a wwhile s/ww/w/ h-tl: Firepi will be down for a short bit, moving a lot of cables It will be back up ASAP ๐Ÿค” ? Huh Ugh It's ReplIRC process must have died or smth .ping Ah Nope it's just a guest alpine chroot I assume that'd include a VM IO hog somewhere That's the source It's still hogging whatever it is And it's still overworked What's that even mean? bef * News: > * [SUA 247-1] Updated Linux packages: The Linux Kernel update included with Deb > * 12.4 introduced a regression with some WiFi adapters. A new update resolves t > https://micronews.debian.org/2023/1702664669.html h-tl ^^^ h-tl: login username [-l login_name] shrugs I don't think I knew it existed when I was first poking ssh So I checked the help, and -l was there I vaguely remember having some issue with user@host format at some point. To which -l worked AGH THE I/O HOG IS BACK KILL IT WITH FIRE I concur firepi is laggy today You could telnet to telehack h-tl: NO. PLEASE. DON'T CONTINUE THE LAG I've gotta get off for the night See y'all LAG DIE IN A FIRE BEREFO I WAKE UP it's your bot this time h-tk *h-tl Your bot kidnapped a CPU core, and I think the Disk I/O h-tl: I hope not >balias cookie >balias list cookie >balias list >balias list tisup >balias add kidnap grab ${0-} Hi h-tl: what does that mean? Also I wonder what the context to that quote was... That means like nothing to me Except that it's probably burning my NextDNS calls Why wouldn't it? The whole PI uses it for DNS I got the ozone ping before I got yours, lmao Can't hurt really Ye f.title um f.ping ping ,ping .ping is the fastest Scanning my phone didn't work well Huh lmao You are a scammer h-tl +mkill *BitBot* Ugh Y tho +mkill *bitbot Uh I wanted them to restart I thought it would just kill Not ban ๐Ÿ‘€