`!ghwebhook add [name]` where `[name]` is either a full repository name (e.g. `jesopo/bitbot`) to get a specific repository or a user/organisation name (e.g. `jesopo`) to get all repositories for that user/organisation
`!ghwebhook events [hook] [events]` where `[hook]` is the `[name]` used in the `add` command and where `[events]` is a space-separated list of either raw events (see [here](https://developer.github.com/v3/activity/events/types/)) or the following (default: "ping code pr issue repo")
`!ghwebhook branches [hook] [branches]` where `[hook]` is the `[name]` used in the `add` command and where `[branches]` is a space-separated list of branch names