2019-06-24 17:13:51 +01:00
from src import ModuleManager, utils
from . import colors
"ping": [
"ping" # new webhook received
"code": ["push"],
"pr-minimal": [
"pull_request/opened", "pull_request/closed", "pull_request/reopened"
"pr": [
"pull_request/opened", "pull_request/closed", "pull_request/reopened",
"pull_request/edited", "pull_request/assigned",
"pr-all": ["pull_request"],
"issue-minimal": [
"issues/opened", "issues/closed", "issues/reopened", "issues/deleted"
"issue": [
"issues/opened", "issues/closed", "issues/reopened", "issues/deleted",
"issues/edited", "issues/assigned", "issues/unassigned", "issue_comment"
"issue-all": [
"issues", "issue_comment"
"issue-comment-minimal": [
"issue_comment/created", "issue_comment/deleted"
"repo": [
"create", # a repository, branch or tag has been created
"delete", # same as above but deleted
"created": "commented",
"edited": "edited a comment",
"deleted": "deleted a comment"
2019-06-24 17:17:01 +01:00
class Gitea(object):
2019-06-24 18:32:20 +01:00
def is_private(self, data, headers):
if "repository" in data:
return data["repository"]["private"]
return False
2019-06-24 17:13:51 +01:00
def names(self, data, headers):
full_name = None
repo_username = None
repo_name = None
if "repository" in data:
full_name = data["repository"]["full_name"]
repo_username, repo_name = full_name.split("/", 1)
organisation = None
if "organization" in data:
organisation = data["organization"]["login"]
return full_name, repo_username, repo_name, organisation
def branch(self, data, headers):
if "ref" in data:
return data["ref"].rpartition("/")[2]
return None
def event(self, data, headers):
event = headers["X-Gitea-Event"]
event_action = None
if "action" in data:
event_action = "%s/%s" % (event, data["action"])
return event, event_action
def event_categories(self, event):
return EVENT_CATEGORIES.get(event, [event])
def webhook(self, full_name, event, data, headers):
if event == "push":
return self.push(full_name, data)
elif event == "pull_request":
return self.pull_request(full_name, data)
elif event == "pull_request_comment":
return self.pull_request_comment(full_name, data)
elif event == "issues":
return self.issues(full_name, data)
elif event == "issue_comment":
return self.issue_comment(full_name, data)
elif event == "create":
return self.create(full_name, data)
elif event == "delete":
return self.delete(full_name, data)
elif event == "repository":
return self.repository(full_name, data)
elif event == "release":
return self.release(full_name, data)
elif event == "fork":
return self.fork(full_name, data)
elif event == "ping":
return self.ping(data)
def ping(self, data):
return ["Received new webhook"]
def _short_hash(self, hash):
return hash[:8]
def push(self, full_name, data):
outputs = []
2019-09-24 13:00:08 +01:00
branch = data["ref"].rpartition("/")[2]
2019-06-24 17:13:51 +01:00
branch = utils.irc.color(branch, colors.COLOR_BRANCH)
2019-06-24 17:31:45 +01:00
author = utils.irc.bold(data["pusher"]["login"])
2019-06-24 17:13:51 +01:00
if len(data["commits"]) <= 3:
for commit in data["commits"]:
hash = commit["id"]
hash_colored = utils.irc.color(self._short_hash(hash), colors.COLOR_ID)
message = commit["message"].split("\n")[0].strip()
url = commit["url"]
2019-06-24 17:37:00 +01:00
"%s pushed %s to %s: %s - %s"
% (author, hash_colored, branch, message, url))
2019-06-24 17:13:51 +01:00
first_id = data["before"]
last_id = data["commits"][-1]["id"]
url = data["compare_url"]
2019-06-24 17:37:00 +01:00
outputs.append("%s pushed %d commits to %s - %s"
% (author, len(data["commits"]), branch, url))
2019-06-24 17:13:51 +01:00
return outputs
def pull_request(self, full_name, data):
number = utils.irc.color("#%s" % data["pull_request"]["number"],
action = data["action"]
action_desc = "%s %s" % (action, number)
branch = data["pull_request"]["base"]["ref"]
colored_branch = utils.irc.color(branch, colors.COLOR_BRANCH)
if action == "opened":
action_desc = "requested %s merge into %s" % (number,
elif action == "closed":
if data["pull_request"]["merged"]:
action_desc = "%s %s into %s" % (
utils.irc.color("merged", colors.COLOR_POSITIVE), number,
action_desc = "%s %s" % (
utils.irc.color("closed", colors.COLOR_NEGATIVE), number)
elif action == "ready_for_review":
action_desc = "marked %s ready for review" % number
elif action == "synchronize":
action_desc = "committed to %s" % number
pr_title = data["pull_request"]["title"]
author = utils.irc.bold(data["sender"]["login"])
2019-06-24 17:47:14 +01:00
url = data["pull_request"]["html_url"]
2019-06-24 17:13:51 +01:00
return ["[PR] %s %s: %s - %s" % (
author, action_desc, pr_title, url)]
def issues(self, full_name, data):
number = utils.irc.color("#%s" % data["issue"]["number"],
action = data["action"]
issue_title = data["issue"]["title"]
author = utils.irc.bold(data["sender"]["login"])
url = "%s/issues/%d" % (data["repository"]["html_url"],
return ["[issue] %s %s %s: %s - %s" %
(author, action, number, issue_title, url)]
def issue_comment(self, full_name, data):
if "changes" in data:
# don't show this event when nothing has actually changed
if data["changes"]["body"]["from"] == data["comment"]["body"]:
number = utils.irc.color("#%s" % data["issue"]["number"], colors.COLOR_ID)
action = data["action"]
issue_title = data["issue"]["title"]
type = "PR" if data["issue"]["pull_request"] else "issue"
commenter = utils.irc.bold(data["sender"]["login"])
2019-06-24 17:47:14 +01:00
url = data["comment"]["html_url"]
2019-06-24 17:13:51 +01:00
return ["[%s] %s %s on %s: %s - %s" %
(type, commenter, COMMENT_ACTIONS[action], number, issue_title,
def create(self, full_name, data):
ref = data["ref"]
ref_color = utils.irc.color(ref, colors.COLOR_BRANCH)
type = data["ref_type"]
sender = utils.irc.bold(data["sender"]["login"])
2019-06-24 17:41:29 +01:00
return ["%s created a %s: %s" % (sender, type, ref_color)]
2019-06-24 17:13:51 +01:00
def delete(self, full_name, data):
ref = data["ref"]
ref_color = utils.irc.color(ref, colors.COLOR_BRANCH)
type = data["ref_type"]
sender = utils.irc.bold(data["sender"]["login"])
return ["%s deleted a %s: %s" % (sender, type, ref_color)]
def repository(self, full_name, data):
return []
def release(self, full_name, data):
action = data["action"]
tag = data["release"]["tag_name"]
name = data["release"]["name"] or ""
if name:
name = ": %s" % name
author = utils.irc.bold(data["release"]["author"]["login"])
return ["%s %s a release%s" % (author, action, name)]
def fork(self, full_name, data):
forker = utils.irc.bold(data["sender"]["login"])
fork_full_name = utils.irc.color(data["repository"]["full_name"],
2019-06-24 17:47:14 +01:00
url = data["repository"]["html_url"]
2019-06-24 17:13:51 +01:00
return ["%s forked into %s - %s" %
(forker, fork_full_name, url)]