
246 lines
8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import datetime, typing, uuid
from src import EventManager, IRCObject, utils
# this should be 510 (RFC1459, 512 with \r\n) but a server BitBot uses is broken
LINE_MAX = 470
2019-02-10 14:18:33 +00:00
class IRCArgs(object):
def __init__(self, args: typing.List[str]):
self._args = args
def get(self, index: int) -> typing.Optional[str]:
if index < 0:
if len(self._args) > (abs(index)-1):
return self._args[index]
elif len(self._args) > index:
return self._args[index]
return None
def __repr__(self):
return "IRCArgs(%s)" % self._args
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._args)
2019-02-23 21:39:46 +00:00
def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> str:
return self._args[index]
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def __setitem__(self, index: int, value: str):
self._args[index] = value
2019-11-08 17:41:18 +00:00
def append(self, value: str):
class Hostmask(object):
def __init__(self, nickname: str, username: str, hostname: str,
hostmask: str):
self.nickname = nickname
self.username = username
self.hostname = hostname
self.hostmask = hostmask
def __repr__(self):
return "Hostmask(%s)" % self.__str__()
def __str__(self):
return self.hostmask
def parse_hostmask(hostmask: str) -> Hostmask:
nickname, _, username = hostmask.partition("!")
username, _, hostname = username.partition("@")
return Hostmask(nickname, username, hostname, hostmask)
MESSAGE_TAG_ESCAPED = [r"\:", r"\s", r"\\", r"\r", r"\n"]
MESSAGE_TAG_UNESCAPED = [";", " ", "\\", "\r", "\n"]
def message_tag_escape(s):
return utils.irc.multi_replace(s, MESSAGE_TAG_UNESCAPED,
def message_tag_unescape(s):
unescaped = utils.irc.multi_replace(s, MESSAGE_TAG_ESCAPED,
return unescaped.replace("\\", "")
class ParsedLine(object):
def __init__(self, command: str, args: typing.List[str],
2019-06-03 13:30:39 +01:00
source: Hostmask=None,
tags: typing.Dict[str, str]=None): = str(uuid.uuid4())
self.command = command
self._args = args
self.args = IRCArgs(args)
2019-06-03 13:30:39 +01:00
self.source = source
self.tags = tags or {} # type: typing.Dict[str, str]
self._valid = True
self._assured = False
def __repr__(self):
return "ParsedLine(%s)" % self.__str__()
def __str__(self):
return self.format()
def valid(self) -> bool:
return self._valid
def invalidate(self):
self._valid = False
def assured(self) -> bool:
return self._assured
def assure(self):
self._assured = True
def add_tag(self, tag: str, value: str=None):
self.tags[tag] = value or ""
def has_tag(self, tag: str) -> bool:
return "tag" in self.tags
def get_tag(self, tag: str) -> typing.Optional[str]:
return self.tags[tag]
def _tag_str(self, tags: typing.Dict[str, str]) -> str:
tag_pieces = []
for tag, value in tags.items():
if value:
value_escaped = message_tag_escape(value)
tag_pieces.append("%s=%s" % (tag, value_escaped))
if tag_pieces:
return "@%s" % ";".join(tag_pieces)
return ""
def _format(self) -> typing.Tuple[str, str]:
pieces = []
tags = ""
if self.tags:
tags = self._tag_str(self.tags)
2019-06-03 13:30:39 +01:00
if self.source:
2019-07-28 20:55:54 +01:00
pieces.append(":%s" % str(self.source))
if self.args:
for i, arg in enumerate(self._args):
if arg and i == len(self._args)-1 and (
" " in arg or arg[0] == ":"):
pieces.append(":%s" % arg)
return tags, " ".join(pieces).replace("\r", "")
def format(self) -> str:
tags, line = self._format()
line, _ = self._newline_truncate(line)
if tags:
return "%s %s" % (tags, line)
return line
def _newline_truncate(self, line: str) -> typing.Tuple[str, str]:
line, sep, overflow = line.partition("\n")
return (line, overflow)
def _line_max(self, hostmask: str, margin: int) -> int:
return LINE_MAX-len((":%s " % hostmask).encode("utf8"))-margin
def truncate(self, hostmask: str, margin: int=0) -> typing.Tuple[str, str]:
valid_bytes = b""
valid_index = -1
line_max = self._line_max(hostmask, margin)
tags_formatted, line_formatted = self._format()
for i, char in enumerate(line_formatted):
encoded_char = char.encode("utf8")
if (len(valid_bytes)+len(encoded_char) > line_max
or encoded_char == b"\n"):
valid_bytes += encoded_char
valid_index = i
valid_index += 1
valid = line_formatted[:valid_index]
if tags_formatted:
valid = "%s %s" % (tags_formatted, valid)
overflow = line_formatted[valid_index:]
if overflow and overflow[0] == "\n":
overflow = overflow[1:]
return valid, overflow
def parse_line(line: str) -> ParsedLine:
tags = {} # type: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]
source = None # type: typing.Optional[Hostmask]
command = None
if line[0] == "@":
tags_prefix, line = line[1:].split(" ", 1)
for tag in filter(None, tags_prefix.split(";")):
tag, sep, value = tag.partition("=")
if value:
tags[tag] = message_tag_unescape(value)
tags[tag] = None
line, trailing_separator, trailing_split = line.partition(" :")
trailing = None # type: typing.Optional[str]
if trailing_separator:
trailing = trailing_split
if line[0] == ":":
source_str, line = line[1:].split(" ", 1)
source = parse_hostmask(source_str)
command, sep, line = line.partition(" ")
args = [] # type: typing.List[str]
if line:
# this is so that `args` is empty if `line` is empty
args = line.split(" ")
if not trailing == None:
args.append(typing.cast(str, trailing))
return ParsedLine(command, args, source, tags)
class SentLine(IRCObject.Object):
def __init__(self, events: "EventManager.Events",
send_time: datetime.datetime, hostmask: str, line: ParsedLine): = events
self.send_time = send_time
self._hostmask = hostmask
self.parsed_line = line
2019-02-10 14:18:33 +00:00
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "IRCLine.SentLine(%s)" % self.__str__()
2019-02-10 14:18:33 +00:00
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self._for_wire()
def _for_wire(self) -> str:
return self.parsed_line.truncate(self._hostmask)[0]
def for_wire(self) -> bytes:
return b"%s\r\n" % self._for_wire().encode("utf8")
class IRCBatch(object):
def __init__(self, identifier: str, batch_type: str, args: typing.List[str],
tags: typing.Dict[str, str]=None, source: Hostmask=None):
self.identifier = identifier
self.type = batch_type
self.args = args
self.tags = tags or {}
self.source = source
self._lines = [] # type: typing.List[ParsedLine]
def add_line(self, line: ParsedLine):
def get_lines(self) -> typing.List[ParsedLine]:
return self._lines
class IRCSendBatch(IRCBatch):
def __init__(self, batch_type: str, args: typing.List[str],
tags: typing.Dict[str, str]=None):
IRCBatch.__init__(self, str(uuid.uuid4()), batch_type, args, tags)
def get_lines(self) -> typing.List[ParsedLine]:
lines = []
for line in self._lines:
line.add_tag("batch", self.identifier)
lines.insert(0, ParsedLine("BATCH",
["+%s" % self.identifier, self.type]))
lines.append(ParsedLine("BATCH", ["-%s" % self.identifier]))
return lines