Add src/utils/irc/ that should have been added some commits ago

This commit is contained in:
jesopo 2019-02-18 23:00:50 +00:00
parent bf696b32ee
commit 3bb917b619

src/utils/irc/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
import json, string, re, typing
from src import utils
from . import protocol
ASCII_UPPER = string.ascii_uppercase
ASCII_LOWER = string.ascii_lowercase
# case mapping lowercase/uppcase logic
def _multi_replace(s: str,
chars1: typing.Iterable[str],
chars2: typing.Iterable[str]) -> str:
for char1, char2 in zip(chars1, chars2):
s = s.replace(char1, char2)
return s
def lower(case_mapping: str, s: str) -> str:
if case_mapping == "ascii":
return _multi_replace(s, ASCII_UPPER, ASCII_LOWER)
elif case_mapping == "rfc1459":
return _multi_replace(s, RFC1459_UPPER, RFC1459_LOWER)
elif case_mapping == "strict-rfc1459":
return _multi_replace(s, STRICT_RFC1459_UPPER, STRICT_RFC1459_LOWER)
raise ValueError("unknown casemapping '%s'" % case_mapping)
# compare a string while respecting case mapping
def equals(case_mapping: str, s1: str, s2: str) -> bool:
return lower(case_mapping, s1) == lower(case_mapping, s2)
class IRCHostmask(object):
def __init__(self, nickname: str, username: str, hostname: str,
hostmask: str):
self.nickname = nickname
self.username = username
self.hostname = hostname
self.hostmask = hostmask
def __repr__(self):
return "IRCHostmask(%s)" % self.__str__()
def __str__(self):
return self.hostmask
def seperate_hostmask(hostmask: str) -> IRCHostmask:
nickname, _, username = hostmask.partition("!")
username, _, hostname = username.partition("@")
return IRCHostmask(nickname, username, hostname, hostmask)
class IRCArgs(object):
def __init__(self, args: typing.List[str]):
self._args = args
def get(self, index: int) -> typing.Optional[str]:
if len(self._args) > index:
return self._args[index]
return None
def __repr__(self):
return "IRCArgs(%s)" % self._args
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._args)
def __getitem__(self, index) -> str:
return self._args[index]
def _tag_str(tags: dict) -> str:
tag_str = ""
for tag, value in tags.items():
if tag_str:
tag_str += ","
tag_str += tag
if value:
tag_str += "=%s" % value
if tag_str:
tag_str = "@%s" % tag_str
return tag_str
class IRCParsedLine(object):
def __init__(self, command: str, args: typing.List[str],
prefix: IRCHostmask = None, tags: dict = None):
self.tags = tags
self.prefix = prefix
self.command = command
self._args = args
self.args = IRCArgs(args)
def format(self) -> str:
s = ""
if self.tags:
s += "%s " % _tag_str(self.tags)
if self.prefix:
s += "%s " % self.prefix
s += self.command
if self.args:
for i, arg in enumerate(self._args):
s += " %s" % trailing(arg)
return s
MESSAGE_TAG_ESCAPED = [r"\:", r"\s", r"\\", r"\r", r"\n"]
MESSAGE_TAG_UNESCAPED = [";", " ", r"\\", "\r", "\n"]
def message_tag_escape(s):
def message_tag_unescape(s):
def parse_line(line: str) -> IRCParsedLine:
tags = {} # type: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]
prefix = None # type: typing.Optional[IRCHostmask]
command = None
if line[0] == "@":
tags_prefix, line = line[1:].split(" ", 1)
if tags_prefix[0] == "{":
tags_prefix = message_tag_unescape(tags_prefix)
tags = json.loads(tags_prefix)
for tag in filter(None, tags_prefix.split(";")):
tag, sep, value = tag.partition("=")
if sep:
tags[tag] = message_tag_unescape(value)
tags[tag] = None
line, trailing_separator, trailing_split = line.partition(" :")
trailing = None # type: typing.Optional[str]
if trailing_separator:
trailing = trailing_split
if line[0] == ":":
prefix_str, line = line[1:].split(" ", 1)
prefix = seperate_hostmask(prefix_str)
command, sep, line = line.partition(" ")
args = [] # type: typing.List[str]
if line:
# this is so that `args` is empty if `line` is empty
args = line.split(" ")
if not trailing == None:
args.append(typing.cast(str, trailing))
return IRCParsedLine(command, args, prefix, tags)
REGEX_COLOR = re.compile("%s(?:(\d{1,2})(?:,(\d{1,2}))?)?" % utils.consts.COLOR)
def color(s: str, foreground: utils.consts.IRCColor,
background: utils.consts.IRCColor=None) -> str:
foreground_s = str(foreground.irc).zfill(2)
background_s = ""
if background:
background_s = ",%s" % str(background.irc).zfill(2)
return "%s%s%s%s%s" % (utils.consts.COLOR, foreground_s, background_s, s,
def bold(s: str) -> str:
return "%s%s%s" % (utils.consts.BOLD, s, utils.consts.BOLD)
def underline(s: str) -> str:
return "%s%s%s" % (utils.consts.UNDERLINE, s, utils.consts.UNDERLINE)
def strip_font(s: str) -> str:
s = s.replace(utils.consts.BOLD, "")
s = s.replace(utils.consts.ITALIC, "")
s = REGEX_COLOR.sub("", s)
s = s.replace(utils.consts.COLOR, "")
return s
"\x08" # backspace
def _format_tokens(s: str) -> typing.List[str]:
is_color = False
foreground = ""
background = ""
is_background = False
matches = [] # type: typing.List[str]
for i, char in enumerate(s):
last_char = i == len(s)-1
if is_color:
can_add = False
current_color = background if is_background else foreground
color_finished = False
if char.isdigit() and len(current_color) < 2:
if is_background:
background += char
foreground += char
color_finished = (len(current_color)+1) == 2
if char == "," and not is_background:
is_background = True
elif not char.isdigit() or (color_finished and last_char):
color = foreground
if background:
color += ","+background
matches.append("\x03%s" % color)
is_color = False
foreground = ""
background = ""
is_background = False
if char == utils.consts.COLOR:
if is_color:
is_color = True
elif char in FORMAT_TOKENS:
elif char in FORMAT_STRIP:
return matches
def _color_match(code: typing.Optional[str], foreground: bool) -> str:
if not code:
return ""
color = utils.consts.COLOR_CODES[int(code)]
return color.to_ansi(not foreground)
def parse_format(s: str) -> str:
has_foreground = False
has_background = False
bold = False
underline = False
for token in _format_tokens(s):
replace = ""
type = token[0]
if type == utils.consts.COLOR:
match = REGEX_COLOR.match(token)
if match and ( or
foreground = _color_match(, True)
background = _color_match(, False)
if foreground:
replace += foreground
has_foreground = True
if background:
replace += background
has_background = True
if has_foreground:
has_foreground = False
replace += utils.consts.ANSI_FOREGROUND_RESET
if has_background:
has_background = False
replace += utils.consts.ANSI_BACKGROUND_RESET
elif type == utils.consts.BOLD:
if bold:
replace += utils.consts.ANSI_BOLD_RESET
replace += utils.consts.ANSI_BOLD
bold = not bold
elif type == utils.consts.RESET:
replace += utils.consts.ANSI_RESET
elif type == utils.consts.UNDERLINE:
if underline:
replace += utils.consts.ANSI_UNDERLINE_RESET
replace += utils.consts.ANSI_UNDERLINE
underline = not underline
elif type in FORMAT_STRIP:
replace = ""
s = s.replace(token, replace, 1)
return s + utils.consts.ANSI_RESET
OPT_STR = typing.Optional[str]
class IRCConnectionParameters(object):
def __init__(self, id: int, alias: OPT_STR, hostname: str, port: int,
password: OPT_STR, tls: bool, ipv4: bool, bindhost: OPT_STR,
nickname: str, username: OPT_STR, realname: OPT_STR,
args: typing.Dict[str, str]={}): = id
self.alias = alias
self.hostname = hostname
self.port = port
self.tls = tls
self.ipv4 = ipv4
self.bindhost = bindhost
self.password = password
self.nickname = nickname
self.username = username
self.realname = realname
self.args = args
class CTCPMessage(object):
def __init__(self, command: str, message: str):
self.command = command
self.message = message
def parse_ctcp(s: str) -> typing.Optional[CTCPMessage]:
ctcp = s.startswith("\x01")
if s.startswith("\x01"):
ctcp_command, sep, ctcp_message = s[1:].partition(" ")
if ctcp_command.endswith("\x01"):
ctcp_command = ctcp_command[:-1]
if ctcp_message.endswith("\x01"):
ctcp_message = ctcp_message[:-1]
return CTCPMessage(ctcp_command, ctcp_message)
return None
class IRCBatch(object):
def __init__(self, identifier: str, batch_type: str, tags: dict=None): = identifier
self.type = batch_type
self.tags = tags
self.lines = [] # type: typing.List[IRCParsedLine]
class IRCRecvBatch(IRCBatch):
class IRCSendBatch(IRCBatch):
def trailing(s: str) -> str:
if s[0] == ":" or " " in s:
return ":%s" % s
return s