Fix typos, missed imports, wrong namespaces, etc
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 66 additions and 138 deletions
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
import itertools, json
from src import ModuleManager, utils
from . import github
from . import colors, github
FORM_ENCODED = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
@utils.export("channelset", {"setting": "git-prevent-highlight",
"help": "Enable/disable preventing highlights",
@ -15,22 +18,22 @@ class Module(ModuleManager.BaseModule):
self._github = github.GitHub()
def github_webhook(self, event):
def _api_github_webhook(self, event):
return self._webhook("github", "GitHub", self._github,
event["data"], event["headers"])
def _webhook(self, webhook_type, webhook_name, handler, payload_str,
payload = event["data"].decode("utf8")
if event["headers"]["Content-Type"] == FORM_ENCODED:
payload = payload_str.decode("utf8")
if headers["Content-Type"] == FORM_ENCODED:
payload = urllib.parse.unquote(urllib.parse.parse_qs(payload)[
data = json.loads(payload)
full_name, repo_username, report_name, organisation = handler.names(
full_name, repo_username, repo_name, organisation = handler.names(
data, headers)
branch = handler.branch(data, headers)
event, event_action = handler.event(data, headers)
current_event, event_action = handler.event(data, headers)
hooks =
"%s-hooks" % webhook_type)
@ -46,6 +49,8 @@ class Module(ModuleManager.BaseModule):
found_hook = hooked_repos[repo_username]
elif organisation and organisation in hooked_repos:
found_hook = hooked_repos[organisation]
repo_hooked = True
server =
@ -57,8 +62,7 @@ class Module(ModuleManager.BaseModule):
events = []
for hooked_event in found_hook["events"]:
events = list(itertools.chain(*events))
channel = server.channels.get(channel_name)
@ -72,7 +76,7 @@ class Module(ModuleManager.BaseModule):
return {"state": "success", "deliveries": 0}
outputs = handler.webhook(data, headers)
outputs = handler.webhook(full_name, current_event, data, headers)
if outputs:
for server, channel in targets:
@ -83,7 +87,7 @@ class Module(ModuleManager.BaseModule):
for output in outputs:
output = "(%s) %s" % (
utils.irc.color(source, COLOR_REPO), output)
utils.irc.color(source, colors.COLOR_REPO), output)
if channel.get_setting("git-prevent-highlight", False):
output = self._prevent_highlight(server, channel,
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
from src import ModuleManager, utils
FORM_ENCODED = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
from . import colors
@ -93,7 +92,7 @@ class GitHub(object):
organisation = None
if "organization" in data:
organisation = data["organization"]["login"]
return full_name, repo_username, repo_name, oraganisation
return full_name, repo_username, repo_name, organisation
def branch(self, data, headers):
if "ref" in data:
@ -107,115 +106,40 @@ class GitHub(object):
event_action = "%s/%s" % (event, data["action"])
return event, event_action
def webhook(self, data, headers):
github_event = headers["X-GitHub-Event"]
full_name = None
repo_username = None
repo_name = None
if "repository" in data:
full_name = data["repository"]["full_name"]
repo_username, repo_name = full_name.split("/", 1)
organisation = None
if "organization" in data:
organisation = data["organization"]["login"]
event_action = None
if "action" in data:
event_action = "%s/%s" % (github_event, data["action"])
branch = None
if "ref" in data:
_, _, branch = data["ref"].rpartition("/")
hooks =
targets = []
repo_hooked = False
for server_id, channel_name, hooked_repos in hooks:
found_hook = None
if full_name and full_name in hooked_repos:
found_hook = hooked_repos[full_name]
elif repo_username and repo_username in hooked_repos:
found_hook = hooked_repos[repo_username]
elif organisation and organisation in hooked_repos:
found_hook = hooked_repos[organisation]
if found_hook:
repo_hooked = True
server =
if server and channel_name in server.channels:
if (branch and
found_hook["branches"] and
not branch in found_hook["branches"]):
github_events = []
for hooked_event in found_hook["events"]:
hooked_event, [hooked_event]))
github_events = list(itertools.chain(*github_events))
channel = server.channels.get(channel_name)
if (github_event in github_events or
(event_action and event_action in github_events)):
targets.append([server, channel])
if not targets:
if not repo_hooked:
return None
return {"state": "success", "deliveries": 0}
outputs = None
if github_event == "push":
outputs = self.push(full_name, data)
elif github_event == "commit_comment":
outputs = self.commit_comment(full_name, data)
elif github_event == "pull_request":
outputs = self.pull_request(full_name, data)
elif github_event == "pull_request_review":
outputs = self.pull_request_review(full_name, data)
elif github_event == "pull_request_review_comment":
outputs = self.pull_request_review_comment(full_name, data)
elif github_event == "issue_comment":
outputs = self.issue_comment(full_name, data)
elif github_event == "issues":
outputs = self.issues(full_name, data)
elif github_event == "create":
outputs = self.create(full_name, data)
elif github_event == "delete":
outputs = self.delete(full_name, data)
elif github_event == "release":
outputs = self.release(full_name, data)
elif github_event == "check_run":
outputs = self.check_run(data)
elif github_event == "fork":
outputs = self.fork(full_name, data)
elif github_event == "ping":
outputs =
elif github_event == "membership":
outputs = self.membership(organisation, data)
elif github_event == "watch":
outputs =
return outputs
def _prevent_highlight(self, server, channel, s):
for user in channel.users:
if len(user.nickname) == 1:
# if we don't ignore 1-letter nicknames, the below while loop
# will fire indefininitely.
regex = re.compile(r"(.)\b(%s)(%s)" % (
re.escape(user.nickname[0]), re.escape(user.nickname[1:])),
s = regex.sub("\\1\\2\u200c\\3", s)
return s
def event_categories(self, event):
return EVENT_CATEGORIES.get(event, [event])
def webhook(self, full_name, event, data, headers):
if event == "push":
return self.push(full_name, data)
elif event == "commit_comment":
return self.commit_comment(full_name, data)
elif event == "pull_request":
return self.pull_request(full_name, data)
elif event == "pull_request_review":
return self.pull_request_review(full_name, data)
elif event == "pull_request_review_comment":
return self.pull_request_review_comment(full_name, data)
elif event == "issue_comment":
return self.issue_comment(full_name, data)
elif event == "issues":
return self.issues(full_name, data)
elif event == "create":
return self.create(full_name, data)
elif event == "delete":
return self.delete(full_name, data)
elif event == "release":
return self.release(full_name, data)
elif event == "check_run":
return self.check_run(data)
elif event == "fork":
return self.fork(full_name, data)
elif event == "ping":
elif event == "membership":
return self.membership(organisation, data)
elif event == "watch":
def _short_url(self, url):
page = utils.http.request("", method="POST",
@ -235,9 +159,9 @@ class GitHub(object):
def _change_count(self, n, symbol, color):
return utils.irc.color("%s%d" % (symbol, n), color)+utils.irc.bold("")
def _added(self, n):
return self._change_count(n, "+", COLOR_POSITIVE)
return self._change_count(n, "+", colors.COLOR_POSITIVE)
def _removed(self, n):
return self._change_count(n, "-", COLOR_NEGATIVE)
return self._change_count(n, "-", colors.COLOR_NEGATIVE)
def _modified(self, n):
return self._change_count(n, "~", utils.consts.PURPLE)
@ -250,7 +174,7 @@ class GitHub(object):
def push(self, full_name, data):
outputs = []
branch = data["ref"].split("/", 2)[2]
branch = utils.irc.color(branch, COLOR_BRANCH)
branch = utils.irc.color(branch, colors.COLOR_BRANCH)
author = utils.irc.bold(data["pusher"]["name"])
forced = ""
@ -263,7 +187,7 @@ class GitHub(object):
elif len(data["commits"]) <= 3:
for commit in data["commits"]:
hash = commit["id"]
hash_colored = utils.irc.color(self._short_hash(hash), COLOR_ID)
hash_colored = utils.irc.color(self._short_hash(hash), colors.COLOR_ID)
message = commit["message"].split("\n")[0].strip()
url = self._short_url(COMMIT_URL % (full_name, hash))
@ -291,11 +215,11 @@ class GitHub(object):
def pull_request(self, full_name, data):
number = utils.irc.color("#%s" % data["pull_request"]["number"],
action = data["action"]
action_desc = "%s %s" % (action, number)
branch = data["pull_request"]["base"]["ref"]
colored_branch = utils.irc.color(branch, COLOR_BRANCH)
colored_branch = utils.irc.color(branch, colors.COLOR_BRANCH)
if action == "opened":
action_desc = "requested %s merge into %s" % (number,
@ -303,11 +227,11 @@ class GitHub(object):
elif action == "closed":
if data["pull_request"]["merged"]:
action_desc = "%s %s into %s" % (
utils.irc.color("merged", COLOR_POSITIVE), number,
utils.irc.color("merged", colors.COLOR_POSITIVE), number,
action_desc = "%s %s" % (
utils.irc.color("closed", COLOR_NEGATIVE), number)
utils.irc.color("closed", colors.COLOR_NEGATIVE), number)
elif action == "ready_for_review":
action_desc = "marked %s ready for review" % number
elif action == "synchronize":
@ -331,7 +255,7 @@ class GitHub(object):
return []
number = utils.irc.color("#%s" % data["pull_request"]["number"],
action = data["action"]
pr_title = data["pull_request"]["title"]
reviewer = utils.irc.bold(data["sender"]["login"])
@ -350,7 +274,7 @@ class GitHub(object):
def pull_request_review_comment(self, full_name, data):
number = utils.irc.color("#%s" % data["pull_request"]["number"],
action = data["action"]
pr_title = data["pull_request"]["title"]
sender = utils.irc.bold(data["sender"]["login"])
@ -359,7 +283,7 @@ class GitHub(object):
(sender, COMMENT_ACTIONS[action], number, pr_title, url)]
def issues(self, full_name, data):
number = utils.irc.color("#%s" % data["issue"]["number"], COLOR_ID)
number = utils.irc.color("#%s" % data["issue"]["number"], colors.COLOR_ID)
action = data["action"]
issue_title = data["issue"]["title"]
author = utils.irc.bold(data["sender"]["login"])
@ -372,7 +296,7 @@ class GitHub(object):
if data["changes"]["body"]["from"] == data["comment"]["body"]:
number = utils.irc.color("#%s" % data["issue"]["number"], COLOR_ID)
number = utils.irc.color("#%s" % data["issue"]["number"], colors.COLOR_ID)
action = data["action"]
issue_title = data["issue"]["title"]
type = "PR" if "pull_request" in data["issue"] else "issue"
@ -384,7 +308,7 @@ class GitHub(object):
def create(self, full_name, data):
ref = data["ref"]
ref_color = utils.irc.color(ref, COLOR_BRANCH)
ref_color = utils.irc.color(ref, colors.COLOR_BRANCH)
type = data["ref_type"]
sender = utils.irc.bold(data["sender"]["login"])
url = self._short_url(CREATE_URL % (full_name, ref))
@ -392,7 +316,7 @@ class GitHub(object):
def delete(self, full_name, data):
ref = data["ref"]
ref_color = utils.irc.color(ref, COLOR_BRANCH)
ref_color = utils.irc.color(ref, colors.COLOR_BRANCH)
type = data["ref_type"]
sender = utils.irc.bold(data["sender"]["login"])
return ["%s deleted a %s: %s" % (sender, type, ref_color)]
@ -433,11 +357,11 @@ class GitHub(object):
status_str = utils.irc.bold("started")
elif status == "completed":
conclusion = data["check_run"]["conclusion"]
conclusion_color = COLOR_POSITIVE
conclusion_color = colors.COLOR_POSITIVE
if conclusion in CHECK_RUN_FAILURES:
conclusion_color = COLOR_NEGATIVE
conclusion_color = colors.COLOR_NEGATIVE
if conclusion == "neutral":
conclusion_color = COLOR_NEUTRAL
conclusion_color = colors.COLOR_NEUTRAL
status_str = utils.irc.color(
CHECK_RUN_CONCLUSION[conclusion], conclusion_color)
Add table
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