From cbed30ed620bfff023be24eb1f0816bed090026d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jesopo <>
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2019 12:11:23 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Change to use geocoding, change in
 line with it

 modules/ | 31 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 modules/  | 25 +++++++++++++++++++++----
 2 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/ b/modules/
index e4f769aa..85e147da 100644
--- a/modules/
+++ b/modules/
@@ -1,16 +1,25 @@
 from src import ModuleManager, utils
 import pytz
-_lower_timezones = {}
-for tz in pytz.all_timezones:
-    if "/" in tz:
-        _lower_timezones[tz.split("/", 1)[1].lower()] = tz
-    _lower_timezones[tz.lower()] = tz
-def _find_tz(s):
-    return _lower_timezones.get(s.lower(), None)
-@utils.export("set", {"setting": "location", "help": "Set your location",
-    "validate": _find_tz})
 class Module(ModuleManager.BaseModule):
-    pass
+    def on_load(self):
+        self.exports.add("set", {"setting": "location",
+            "help": "Set your location", "validate": self._get_location,
+            "human": lambda x: "%s, %s" % (x["city"], x["country"])})
+    def _get_location(self,  s):
+        page = utils.http.request(URL_OPENCAGE, get_params={
+            "q": s, "key":["opencagedata-api-key"], "limit": "1"
+            }, json=True)
+        if page and["results"]:
+            result =["results"][0]
+            timezone = result["annotations"]["timezone"]["name"]
+            continent = result["components"]["continent"]
+            country = result["components"]["country"]
+            city = result["components"]["city"]
+            print("yes")
+            return {"timezone": timezone, "continent": continent,
+                "country": country, "city": city}
diff --git a/modules/ b/modules/
index ddf7a1a6..4c217944 100644
--- a/modules/
+++ b/modules/
@@ -5,15 +5,32 @@ from src import ModuleManager, utils
 class Module(ModuleManager.BaseModule):
-    @utils.hook("", min_args=1, usage="<location>")
+    def _user_location(self, user):
+        user_location = user.get_setting("location", None)
+        if not user_location == None:
+            return "%s, %s" % (user_location["city"], user_location["country"])
+    @utils.hook("", usage="<location>")
     def weather(self, event):
-        :help: Get current weather data for a provided location
-        :usage: <location>
+        :help: Get current weather for you or someone else
+        :usage: [nickname]
         api_key =["openweathermap-api-key"]
+        location = None
+        if event["args"]:
+            target_user = event["server"].get_user(event["args_split"][0])
+            location = self._user_location(target_user)
+            if location == None:
+                raise utils.EventError("%s doesn't have a location set")
+        else:
+            location = self._user_location(event["user"])
+            if location == None:
+                raise utils.EventError("You don't have a location set")
         page = utils.http.request(URL_WEATHER, get_params={
-            "q": event["args"], "units": "metric",
+            "q": location, "units": "metric",
             "APPID": api_key},
         if page: