import random from operator import itemgetter from time import time import EventManager import Utils DUCK_TAIL = "・゜゜・。。・゜゜" DUCK_HEAD = ["\_o< ", "\_O< ", "\_0< ", "\_\u00f6< ", "\_\u00f8< ", "\_\u00f3< "] DUCK_MESSAGE = ["QUACK!", "FLAP FLAP!", "quack!", "squawk!"] DUCK_MESSAGE_RARE = ["beep boop!", "QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK!!", "HONK!", Utils.underline("I AM THE METAL DUCK")] DUCK_MINIMUM_MESSAGES = 10 DUCK_MINIMUM_UNIQUE = 3 class Module(object): def __init__(self, bot, events, exports): = bot = events events.on("received.command.bef").hook(self.befriend, priority=EventManager.PRIORITY_HIGH, help="Befriend a duck!") events.on("received.command.bang").hook(self.shoot, priority=EventManager.PRIORITY_HIGH, help="Shoot a duck! Meanie.") events.on("received.command.decoy").hook( self.duck_decoy, priority=EventManager.PRIORITY_HIGH, help="Lay out a sneaky decoy!") events.on("received.command.friends").hook(self.duck_friends, help="See who the friendliest people to ducks are!") events.on("received.command.killers").hook(self.duck_enemies, help="See who shoots the most smount of ducks!") events.on("received.command.duckstats").hook(self.duck_stats, help="Shows your duck stats!") exports.add("channelset", {"setting": "ducks-enabled", "help": "Toggle ducks!", "validate": Utils.bool_or_none}) exports.add("channelset", {"setting": "ducks-kick", "help": "Should the bot kick if there's no duck?", "validate": Utils.bool_or_none}) exports.add("channelset", {"setting": "ducks-min-unique", "help": "Minimum unique users required to " "talk before a duck spawns.", "validate": Utils.int_or_none}) exports.add("channelset", {"setting": "ducks-min-messages", "help": "Minimum messages between ducks " "spawning.", "validate": Utils.int_or_none}) events.on("").hook(self.new_channel) events.on("").hook( self.channel_message, EventManager.PRIORITY_LOW) for server in for channel in server.channels.values(): self.bootstrap(channel) def new_channel(self, event): self.bootstrap(event["channel"]) def bootstrap(self, channel): self.init_game_var(channel) # getset ducks_enabled = channel.get_setting("ducks-enabled", False) if ducks_enabled == True: self.start_game(channel) def is_duck_channel(self, channel): if channel.get_setting("ducks-enabled", False) == False: return False if hasattr(channel, 'games') == False: return False if "ducks" not in return False return True def init_game_var(self, channel): if hasattr(channel, 'games') == False: = {} def clear_ducks(self, channel): rand_time = self.generate_next_duck_time() if hasattr(, "ducks"): del["ducks"]["ducks"] = {'messages': 0, 'duck_spawned': 0, 'unique_users': [], 'next_duck_time': rand_time, 'decoy_spawned': 0, 'decoy_requested': 0, 'next_decoy_time': rand_time} def start_game(self, channel): # event is immediately the IRCChannel.Channel() event for the current # channel self.clear_ducks(channel) min_unique = channel.get_setting("ducks-min-unique", 0) min_messages = channel.get_setting("ducks-min-messages", 0) if min_unique == 0: channel.set_setting("ducks-min-unique", DUCK_MINIMUM_UNIQUE) if min_messages == 0: channel.set_setting("ducks-min-messages", DUCK_MINIMUM_MESSAGES) def generate_next_duck_time(self): rand_time = random.randint(int(time()) + 360, int(time()) + 1200) return rand_time def is_duck_visible(self, event, decoy=False): channel = event["target"] visible =["ducks"]["decoy_spawned"] if \ decoy else["ducks"]["duck_spawned"] return visible def should_kick(self, event): channel = event["target"] return channel.get_setting("ducks-kick", False) def kick_bef(self, event): channel = event["target"] target = event["user"].nickname channel.send_kick(target, "You tried befriending a non-existent duck. Creepy!") def kick_bang(self, event): channel = event["target"] target = event["user"].nickname channel.send_kick(target, "You tried shooting a non-existent duck. Creepy!") def duck_decoy(self, event): channel = event["target"] if self.is_duck_channel(channel) == False: return if self.is_duck_visible(event): return game =["ducks"] game["decoy_requested"] = 1 def should_generate_duck(self, event): channel = event["channel"] game =["ducks"] spawned = int(game["decoy_spawned"] or game["duck_spawned"]) decoy = bool(game["decoy_requested"]) unique = len(game["unique_users"]) messages = game["messages"] next_duck = game["next_decoy_time"] if decoy else game["next_duck_time"] min_unique = 1 if decoy else channel.get_setting("ducks-min-unique", DUCK_MINIMUM_UNIQUE) min_messages = channel.get_setting("ducks-min-messages", DUCK_MINIMUM_MESSAGES) requirement = (unique >= min_unique and messages >= min_messages) # DUCK_MINIMUM_MESSAGES = 10 # DUCK_MINIMUM_UNIQUE = 3 if spawned == 0 and next_duck < time(): if requirement: return True else: return False else: return False def show_duck(self, event): channel = event["channel"] game =["ducks"] duck = "" if game["duck_spawned"] == 1 or game["decoy_spawned"] == 1: return duck += DUCK_TAIL duck += random.choice(DUCK_HEAD) if random.randint(1, 20) == 1: # rare! message = random.choice(DUCK_MESSAGE_RARE) duck = Utils.color(Utils.bold(duck + message), Utils.COLOR_RED) else: # not rare! duck += random.choice(DUCK_MESSAGE) channel.send_message(duck) # Decoys take priority over regular ducks. if game["decoy_requested"] == 1: game["decoy_spawned"] = 1 game["decoy_requested"] = 0 game["next_duck_time"] = self.generate_next_duck_time() else: game["duck_spawned"] = 1 def channel_message(self, event): if not event["channel"].get_setting("ducks-enabled", False): return channel = event["channel"] if "ducks" not in return user = event["user"] game =["ducks"] if game["decoy_spawned"] == 1 or game["duck_spawned"] == 1 or \ channel.has_user(event["user"]) == False: return unique = game["unique_users"] messages = game["messages"] if user not in unique: game["unique_users"].append(user) messages_increment = 1 else: messages_increment = 0.5 game["messages"] = messages + messages_increment if self.should_generate_duck(event) == True: self.show_duck(event) def befriend(self, event): channel = event["target"] user = event["user"] nick = user.nickname uid = user.get_id() if self.is_duck_channel(channel) == False: return if self.is_duck_visible(event, False) == False: if self.should_kick(event): self.kick_bef(event) self.clear_ducks(channel) return["ducks"][ "next_duck_time"] = self.generate_next_duck_time()["ducks"]["duck_spawned"] = 0 total_befriended = channel.get_user_setting(uid, "ducks-befriended", 0) total_befriended = total_befriended + 1 channel.set_user_setting(uid, "ducks-befriended", total_befriended) msg = "Aww! %s befriended a duck! You've befriended %s ducks in %s!" \ % (Utils.bold(nick), Utils.bold(total_befriended), Utils.bold( event["stdout"].write(msg) self.clear_ducks(channel) def shoot(self, event): channel = event["target"] user = event["user"] nick = user.nickname uid = user.get_id() if self.is_duck_channel(channel) == False: return if self.is_duck_visible(event, False) == False: if self.should_kick(event): self.kick_bang(event) self.clear_ducks(channel) return["ducks"][ "next_duck_time"] = self.generate_next_duck_time()["ducks"]["duck_spawned"] = 0 total_shot = channel.get_user_setting(uid, "ducks-shot", 0) total_shot = total_shot + 1 channel.set_user_setting(uid, "ducks-shot", total_shot) msg = "Pow! %s shot a duck! You've shot %s ducks in %s!" \ % (Utils.bold(nick), Utils.bold(total_shot), Utils.bold( event["stdout"].write(msg) self.clear_ducks(channel) def duck_stats(self, event): user = event["user"] channel = event["target"].name nick = user.nickname id = user.get_id() poached = user.get_channel_settings_per_setting("ducks-shot", []) friends = user.get_channel_settings_per_setting("ducks-befriended", []) channel_friends = 0 channel_poached = 0 total_friends = 0 total_poached = 0 for room, number in friends: if room == channel: channel_friends = number total_friends += number else: total_friends += number for room, number in poached: if room == channel: channel_poached = number total_poached += number else: total_poached += number tf = total_friends tp = total_poached cp = channel_poached cf = channel_friends msg = "%s ducks killed (%s in %s), and %s ducks befriended (%s in %s)" \ % (Utils.bold(tp), Utils.bold(cp), Utils.bold(channel), Utils.bold(tf), Utils.bold(cf), Utils.bold(channel)) event["stdout"].write(Utils.bold(nick) + ": " + msg) def duck_enemies(self, event): the_enemy = event["server"].find_all_user_channel_settings("ducks-shot") notorious = {} enemy_nicks = [] enemy_ducks = [] for i in the_enemy: if i[1] in notorious.keys(): notorious[i[1]] += i[2] else: notorious[i[1]] = i[2] for user, enemies in sorted(notorious.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True): enemy_nicks.append(user) enemy_ducks.append(enemies) sentence = Utils.bold("Duck Wranglers: ") build = [] length = len(enemy_nicks) if len(enemy_nicks) < 8 else 8 for i in range(0, length): nick = Utils.prevent_highlight(enemy_nicks[i]) build.append("%s (%s)" \ % (Utils.bold(nick), enemy_ducks[i])) sentence += ", ".join(build) event["stdout"].write(sentence) def duck_friends(self, event): friends = event["server"].find_all_user_channel_settings( "ducks-befriended") friendliest = {} friend_nicks = [] friend_ducks = [] for i in friends: if i[1] in friendliest.keys(): friendliest[i[1]] += i[2] else: friendliest[i[1]] = i[2] for user, friends in sorted(friendliest.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True): friend_nicks.append(user) friend_ducks.append(friends) sentence = Utils.bold("Duck Friends: ") length = len(friend_nicks) if len(friend_nicks) < 8 else 8 build = [] for i in range(0, length): nick = Utils.prevent_highlight(friend_nicks[i]) build.append("%s (%s)" \ % (Utils.bold(nick), friend_ducks[i]) ) sentence += ", ".join(build) event["stdout"].write(sentence)