import collections, datetime import Utils URL_BUS = "" URL_BUS_SEARCH = "" URL_LINE = "" LINE_NAMES = ["bakerloo", "central", "circle", "district", "hammersmith and city", "jubilee", "metropolitan", "piccadilly", "victoria", "waterloo and city"] URL_STOP = "" URL_STOP_SEARCH = "" class Module(object): _name = "TFL" def __init__(self, bot): = bot"received").on("command").on("tflbus" ).hook(self.bus, min_args=1, help="Get bus due times for a TfL bus stop", usage="")"received").on("command").on("tflline" ).hook(self.line, help="Get line status for TfL underground lines", usage="")"received").on("command").on("tflstop" ).hook(self.stop, min_args=1, help="Get a list of TfL stop IDs for a given name", usage="") def bus(self, event): app_id =["tfl-api-id"] app_key =["tfl-api-key"] stop_id = event["args_split"][0] target_bus_route = None if len(event["args_split"]) > 1: target_bus_route = event["args_split"][1].lower() bus_stop = None real_stop_id = "" stop_name = "" if stop_id.isdigit(): bus_search = Utils.get_url(URL_BUS_SEARCH % stop_id, get_params={ "app_id": app_id, "app_key": app_key}, json=True) bus_stop = bus_search["matches"][0] real_stop_id = bus_stop["id"] stop_name = bus_stop["name"] else: bus_stop = Utils.get_url(URL_STOP % stop_id, get_params={ "app_id": app_id, "app_key": app_key}, json=True) if bus_stop: real_stop_id = stop_id stop_name = bus_stop["commonName"] if real_stop_id: bus_stop = Utils.get_url(URL_BUS % real_stop_id, get_params={ "app_id": app_id, "app_key": app_key}, json=True) print(bus_stop) busses = [] for bus in bus_stop: bus_number = bus["lineName"] bus_due_iso8601 = bus["expectedArrival"] bus_due = datetime.datetime.strptime(bus_due_iso8601.split(".")[0], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") time_until = bus_due-datetime.datetime.utcnow() time_until = int(time_until.total_seconds()/60) busses.append([bus_number, time_until]) if busses: busses = sorted(busses, key=lambda b: b[-1]) busses_formatted = collections.OrderedDict() for bus_route, time_until in busses: if bus_route in busses_formatted: continue if time_until == 0: time_until = "due" elif time_until == 1: time_until = "in 1 minute" else: time_until = "in %d minutes" % time_until if not target_bus_route or bus_route.lower() == target_bus_route: busses_formatted[bus_route] = time_until busses_string = ", ".join(["%s (%s)" % (bus_route, time_until ) for bus_route, time_until in busses_formatted.items()]) event["stdout"].write("%s (%s): %s" % (stop_name, stop_id, busses_string)) else: event["stderr"].write("%s: No busses due" % stop_id) else: event["stderr"].write("Bus ID '%s' unknown" % stop_id) def line(self, event): app_id =["tfl-api-id"] app_key =["tfl-api-key"] lines = Utils.get_url(URL_LINE, get_params={ "app_id": app_id, "app_key": app_key}, json=True) statuses = [] for line in lines: for status in line["lineStatuses"]: entry = { "id": line["id"], "name": line["name"], "severity": status["statusSeverity"], "description": status["statusSeverityDescription"], "reason": status.get("reason") } statuses.append(entry) statuses = sorted(statuses, key=lambda line: line["severity"]) combined = collections.OrderedDict() for status in statuses: if not status["description"] in combined: combined[status["description"]] = [] combined[status["description"]].append(status) result = "" for k, v in combined.items(): result += k + ": " result += ", ".join(status["name"] for status in v) result += "; " if event["args"]: result = "" for status in statuses: for arg in event["args_split"]: if arg.lower() in status["name"].lower(): result += "%s: %s (%d) '%s'; " % (status["name"], status["description"], status["severity"], status["reason"]) if result: event["stdout"].write(result[:-2]) else: event["stderr"].write("No results") def stop(self, event): app_id =["tfl-api-id"] app_key =["tfl-api-key"] stop_name = event["args"] print(URL_STOP_SEARCH % stop_name) stop_search = Utils.get_url(URL_STOP_SEARCH % stop_name, get_params={ "app_id": app_id, "app_key": app_key, "maxResults": "4", "faresOnly": "False"}, json=True) print(stop_search) for stop in stop_search["matches"]: print(stop) results = ["%s (%s): %s" % (stop["name"], ", ".join(stop["modes"]), stop["id"]) for stop in stop_search["matches"]] event["stdout"].write("; ".join(results))