#--depends-on config #--depends-on shorturl import difflib, hashlib, time from src import ModuleManager, utils import feedparser RSS_INTERVAL = 60 # 1 minute @utils.export("botset", utils.IntSetting("rss-interval", "Interval (in seconds) between RSS polls", example="120")) @utils.export("channelset", utils.BoolSetting("rss-shorten", "Whether or not to shorten RSS urls")) class Module(ModuleManager.BaseModule): _name = "RSS" def on_load(self): self.timers.add("rss-feeds", self._timer, self.bot.get_setting("rss-interval", RSS_INTERVAL)) def _format_entry(self, server, feed_title, entry, shorten): title = utils.parse.line_normalise(utils.http.strip_html( entry["title"])) author = entry.get("author", None) author = " by %s" % author if author else "" link = entry.get("link", None) if shorten: try: link = self.exports.get_one("shorturl")(server, link) except: pass link = " - %s" % link if link else "" feed_title_str = "%s: " % feed_title if feed_title else "" return "%s%s%s%s" % (feed_title_str, title, author, link) def _timer(self, timer): start_time = time.monotonic() self.log.trace("Polling RSS feeds") timer.redo() hook_settings = self.bot.database.channel_settings.find_by_setting( "rss-hooks") hooks = {} for server_id, channel_name, urls in hook_settings: server = self.bot.get_server_by_id(server_id) if server and channel_name in server.channels: channel = server.channels.get(channel_name) for url in urls: if not url in hooks: hooks[url] = [] hooks[url].append((server, channel)) if not hooks: return requests = [] for url in hooks.keys(): requests.append(utils.http.Request(url, id=url)) pages = utils.http.request_many(requests) for url, channels in hooks.items(): if not url in pages: # async url get failed continue try: data = pages[url].decode() except Exception as e: self.log.error("Failed to decode rss URL %s", [url], exc_info=True) continue feed = feedparser.parse(data) feed_title = feed["feed"].get("title", None) max_ids = len(feed["entries"])*10 for server, channel in channels: seen_ids = channel.get_setting("rss-seen-ids-%s" % url, []) valid = 0 for entry in feed["entries"][::-1]: entry_id, entry_id_hash = self._get_id(entry) if entry_id_hash in seen_ids or entry_id in seen_ids: continue if valid == 3: continue valid += 1 shorten = channel.get_setting("rss-shorten", False) output = self._format_entry(server, feed_title, entry, shorten) self.events.on("send.stdout").call(target=channel, module_name="RSS", server=server, message=output) seen_ids.append(entry_id_hash) if len(seen_ids) > max_ids: seen_ids = seen_ids[len(seen_ids)-max_ids:] channel.set_setting("rss-seen-ids-%s" % url, seen_ids) total_milliseconds = (time.monotonic() - start_time) * 1000 self.log.trace("Polled RSS feeds in %fms", [total_milliseconds]) def _get_id(self, entry): entry_id = entry.get("id", entry["link"]) entry_id_hash = hashlib.sha1(entry_id.encode("utf8")).hexdigest() return entry_id, "sha1:%s" % entry_id_hash def _get_entries(self, url, max: int=None): try: feed = feedparser.parse(utils.http.request(url).data) except Exception as e: self.log.warn("failed to parse RSS %s", [url], exc_info=True) feed = None if not feed or not feed["feed"]: return None, None entry_ids = [] for entry in feed["entries"]: entry_ids.append(entry.get("id", entry["link"])) return feed["feed"].get("title", None), feed["entries"][:max] @utils.hook("received.command.rss", min_args=1, channel_only=True) def rss(self, event): """ :help: Modify RSS/Atom configuration for the current channel :usage: list :usage: add <url> :usage: remove <url> :permission: rss """ changed = False message = None rss_hooks = event["target"].get_setting("rss-hooks", []) subcommand = event["args_split"][0].lower() if subcommand == "list": event["stdout"].write("RSS hooks: %s" % ", ".join(rss_hooks)) elif subcommand == "add": if not len(event["args_split"]) > 1: raise utils.EventError("Please provide a URL") url = utils.http.url_sanitise(event["args_split"][1]) if url in rss_hooks: raise utils.EventError("That URL is already being watched") title, entries = self._get_entries(url) if entries == None: raise utils.EventError("Failed to read feed") seen_ids = [self._get_id(e)[1] for e in entries] event["target"].set_setting("rss-seen-ids-%s" % url, seen_ids) rss_hooks.append(url) changed = True message = "Added RSS feed" elif subcommand == "remove": if not len(event["args_split"]) > 1: raise utils.EventError("Please provide a URL") url = utils.http.url_sanitise(event["args_split"][1]) if not url in rss_hooks: matches = difflib.get_close_matches(url, rss_hooks, cutoff=0.5) if matches: raise utils.EventError("Did you mean %s ?" % matches[0]) else: raise utils.EventError("I'm not watching that URL") rss_hooks.remove(url) changed = True message = "Removed RSS feed" elif subcommand == "read": url = None if not len(event["args_split"]) > 1: if len(rss_hooks) == 1: url = rss_hooks[0] else: raise utils.EventError("Please provide a url") else: url = event["args_split"][1] title, entries = self._get_entries(url) if not entries: raise utils.EventError("Failed to get RSS entries") shorten = event["target"].get_setting("rss-shorten", False) out = self._format_entry(event["server"], title, entries[0], shorten) event["stdout"].write(out) else: raise utils.EventError("Unknown subcommand '%s'" % subcommand) if changed: if rss_hooks: event["target"].set_setting("rss-hooks", rss_hooks) else: event["target"].del_setting("rss-hooks") event["stdout"].write(message)