import enum, gc, glob, importlib, io, inspect, os, sys, typing, uuid from src import Config, EventManager, Exports, IRCBot, Logging, Timers, utils class ModuleException(Exception): pass class ModuleWarning(Exception): pass class ModuleNotFoundException(ModuleException): pass class ModuleNameCollisionException(ModuleException): pass class ModuleLoadException(ModuleException): pass class ModuleUnloadException(ModuleException): pass class ModuleNotLoadedWarning(ModuleWarning): pass class ModuleType(enum.Enum): FILE = 0 DIRECTORY = 1 class BaseModule(object): def __init__(self, bot: "IRCBot.Bot", events: EventManager.EventHook, exports: Exports.Exports, timers: Timers.Timers, log: Logging.Log): = bot = events self.exports = exports self.timers = timers self.log = log self.on_load() def on_load(self): pass def unload(self): pass def command_line(self, args: str): pass class LoadedModule(object): def __init__(self, name: str, module: BaseModule, context: str, import_name: str): = name self.module = module self.context = context self.import_name = import_name class ModuleManager(object): def __init__(self, events: EventManager.EventHook, exports: Exports.Exports, timers: Timers.Timers, config: Config.Config, log: Logging.Log, directory: str): = events self.exports = exports self.config = config self.timers = timers self.log = log = directory self.modules = {} # type: typing.Dict[str, LoadedModule] self.waiting_requirement = {} # type: typing.Dict[str, typing.Set[str]] def list_modules(self) -> typing.List[typing.Tuple[ModuleType, str]]: modules = [] for file_module in glob.glob(os.path.join(, "*.py")): modules.append((ModuleType.FILE, file_module)) for directory_module in glob.glob(os.path.join(, "*", "")): directory = os.path.dirname(directory_module) modules.append((ModuleType.DIRECTORY, directory)) return sorted(modules, key=lambda module: module[1]) def _module_name(self, path: str) -> str: return os.path.basename(path).rsplit(".py", 1)[0].lower() def _module_path(self, name: str) -> str: return os.path.join(, name) def _import_name(self, name: str) -> str: return "bitbot_%s" % name def _get_magic(self, obj: typing.Any, magic: str, default: typing.Any ) -> typing.Any: return getattr(obj, magic) if hasattr(obj, magic) else default def _load_module(self, bot: "IRCBot.Bot", name: str) -> LoadedModule: path = self._module_path(name) if os.path.isdir(path) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join( path, "")): path = os.path.join(path, "") else: path = "" % path for hashflag, value in utils.parse.hashflags(path): if hashflag == "ignore": # nope, ignore this module. raise ModuleNotLoadedWarning("module ignored") elif hashflag == "require-config" and value: if not self.config.get(value.lower(), None): # nope, required config option not present. raise ModuleNotLoadedWarning("required config not present") elif hashflag == "require-module" and value: requirement = value.lower() if not requirement in self.modules: if not requirement in self.waiting_requirement: self.waiting_requirement[requirement] = set([]) self.waiting_requirement[requirement].add(path) raise ModuleNotLoadedWarning("waiting for requirement") import_name = self._import_name(name) import_spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(import_name, path) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(import_spec) sys.modules[import_name] = module loader = typing.cast(, import_spec.loader) loader.exec_module(module) module_object_pointer = getattr(module, "Module", None) if not module_object_pointer: raise ModuleLoadException("module '%s' doesn't have a " "'Module' class." % name) if not inspect.isclass(module_object_pointer): raise ModuleLoadException("module '%s' has a 'Module' attribute " "but it is not a class." % name) context = str(uuid.uuid4()) context_events = context_exports = self.exports.new_context(context) context_timers = self.timers.new_context(context) module_object = module_object_pointer(bot, context_events, context_exports, context_timers, self.log) if not hasattr(module_object, "_name"): module_object._name = name.title() for attribute_name in dir(module_object): attribute = getattr(module_object, attribute_name) for hook in self._get_magic(attribute, utils.consts.BITBOT_HOOKS_MAGIC, []): context_events.on(hook["event"]).hook(attribute, **hook["kwargs"]) for export in self._get_magic(module_object, utils.consts.BITBOT_EXPORTS_MAGIC, []): context_exports.add(export["setting"], export["value"]) if name in self.modules: raise ModuleNameCollisionException("Module name '%s' " "attempted to be used twice") return LoadedModule(name, module_object, context, import_name) def load_module(self, bot: "IRCBot.Bot", name: str) -> LoadedModule: try: loaded_module = self._load_module(bot, name) except ModuleWarning as warning: self.log.warn("Module '%s' not loaded", [name]) raise except Exception as e: self.log.error("Failed to load module \"%s\": %s", [name, str(e)]) raise self.modules[] = loaded_module if in self.waiting_requirement: for requirement_name in self.waiting_requirement[]: self.load_module(bot, requirement_name) self.log.debug("Module '%s' loaded", []) return loaded_module def load_modules(self, bot: "IRCBot.Bot", whitelist: typing.List[str]=[], blacklist: typing.List[str]=[]): for type, path in self.list_modules(): name = self._module_name(path) if name in whitelist or (not whitelist and not name in blacklist): try: self.load_module(bot, name) except ModuleWarning: pass def unload_module(self, name: str): if not name in self.modules: raise ModuleNotFoundException() loaded_module = self.modules[name] if hasattr(loaded_module.module, "unload"): try: loaded_module.module.unload() except: pass del self.modules[] context = loaded_module.context self.exports.purge_context(context) self.timers.purge_context(context) module = loaded_module.module del loaded_module.module del sys.modules[loaded_module.import_name] namespace = "%s." % loaded_module.import_name for import_name in list(sys.modules.keys()): if import_name.startswith(namespace): del sys.modules[import_name] references = sys.getrefcount(module) referrers = gc.get_referrers(module) del module references -= 1 # 'del module' removes one reference references -= 1 # one of the refs is from getrefcount self.log.debug("Module '%s' unloaded (%d reference%s)", [, references, "" if references == 1 else "s"]) if references > 0: self.log.debug("References left for '%s': %s", [, ", ".join([str(referrer) for referrer in referrers])])