#--depends-on config #--depends-on permissions import re, string from src import EventManager, ModuleManager, utils from . import outs COMMAND_METHOD = "command-method" COMMAND_METHODS = ["PRIVMSG", "NOTICE"] REGEX_ARG_NUMBER = re.compile(r"\$(\d+)(-?)") MSGID_TAG = utils.irc.MessageTag("msgid", "draft/msgid") NON_ALPHANUMERIC = [char for char in string.printable if not char.isalnum()] def _command_method_validate(s): if s.upper() in COMMAND_METHODS: return s.upper() @utils.export("channelset", {"setting": "command-prefix", "help": "Set the command prefix used in this channel", "example": "!"}) @utils.export("serverset", {"setting": "command-prefix", "help": "Set the command prefix used on this server", "example": "!"}) @utils.export("serverset", {"setting": "command-method", "help": "Set the method used to respond to commands", "validate": _command_method_validate, "example": "NOTICE"}) @utils.export("channelset", {"setting": "command-method", "help": "Set the method used to respond to commands", "validate": _command_method_validate, "example": "NOTICE"}) @utils.export("channelset", {"setting": "hide-prefix", "help": "Disable/enable hiding prefix in command reponses", "validate": utils.bool_or_none, "example": "on"}) @utils.export("channelset", {"setting": "commands", "help": "Disable/enable responding to commands in-channel", "validate": utils.bool_or_none, "example": "on"}) @utils.export("channelset", {"setting": "prefixed-commands", "help": "Disable/enable responding to prefixed commands in-channel", "validate": utils.bool_or_none, "example": "on"}) class Module(ModuleManager.BaseModule): def on_load(self): self.exports.add("is-ignored", self._is_ignored) @utils.hook("new.user|channel") def new(self, event): if "user" in event: target = event["user"] else: target = event["channel"] target.last_stdout = None target.last_stderr = None def has_command(self, command): return command.lower() in self.events.on("received").on( "command").get_children() def get_hooks(self, command): return self.events.on("received.command").on(command ).get_hooks() def is_highlight(self, server, s): if s and s[-1] in [":", ","]: s = s[:-1] return server.is_own_nickname(s) def _get_aliases(self, server): return server.get_setting("command-aliases", {}) def _set_aliases(self, server, aliases): server.set_setting("command-aliases", aliases) def _alias_arg_replace(self, s, args_split): for match in REGEX_ARG_NUMBER.finditer(s): index = int(match.group(1)) continuous = match.group(2) == "-" if index >= len(args_split): raise IndexError("Unknown alias arg index") if continuous: replace = " ".join(args_split[index:]) else: replace = args_split[index] s = s.replace(match.group(0), replace) return s.split(" ") def _command_method(self, target, server): return target.get_setting(COMMAND_METHOD, server.get_setting(COMMAND_METHOD, "PRIVMSG")).upper() def _is_ignored(self, server, user, command): if user.get_setting("ignore", False): return True elif user.get_setting("ignore-%s" % command, False): return True elif server.get_setting("ignore-%s" % command, False): return True return False def _find_command_hook(self, server, command, is_channel, args_split): if not self.has_command(command): aliases = self._get_aliases(server) if command.lower() in aliases: command, _, new_args = aliases[command.lower()].partition(" ") try: args_split = self._alias_arg_replace(new_args, args_split) except IndexError: return None, None hook = None if self.has_command(command): for potential_hook in self.get_hooks(command): alias_of = self._get_alias_of(potential_hook) if alias_of: if self.has_command(alias_of): potential_hook = self.get_hooks(alias_of)[0] else: raise ValueError( "'%s' is an alias of unknown command '%s'" % (command.lower(), alias_of.lower())) if not is_channel and potential_hook.kwargs.get("channel_only"): continue if is_channel and potential_hook.kwargs.get("private_only"): continue hook = potential_hook break return hook, args_split def command(self, server, target, target_str, is_channel, user, command, args_split, tags, hook, **kwargs): if self._is_ignored(server, user, command): return False module_name = self._get_prefix(hook) or "" if not module_name and hasattr(hook.function, "__self__"): module_name = hook.function.__self__._name send_tags = {} msgid = MSGID_TAG.get_value(tags) if msgid: send_tags["+draft/reply"] = msgid stdout = outs.StdOut(server, module_name, target, target_str, send_tags) stderr = outs.StdErr(server, module_name, target, target_str, send_tags) command_method = self._command_method(target, server) if hook.kwargs.get("remove_empty", True): args_split = list(filter(None, args_split)) min_args = hook.kwargs.get("min_args") if min_args and len(args_split) < min_args: command_prefix = "" if is_channel: command_prefix = self._command_prefix(server, target) usage = self._get_usage(hook, command, command_prefix) if usage: stderr.write("Not enough arguments, usage: %s" % usage).send(command_method) else: stderr.write("Not enough arguments (minimum: %d)" % min_args).send(command_method) else: returns = self.events.on("preprocess.command").call_unsafe( hook=hook, user=user, server=server, target=target, is_channel=is_channel, tags=tags, args_split=args_split, command=command, **kwargs) hard_fail = False force_success = False error = None for returned in returns: if returned == utils.consts.PERMISSION_HARD_FAIL: hard_fail = True break elif returned == utils.consts.PERMISSION_FORCE_SUCCESS: force_success = True elif returned: error = returned if hard_fail or (not force_success and error): if error: stderr.write(error).send(command_method) return True args = " ".join(args_split) new_event = self.events.on(hook.event_name).make_event(user=user, server=server, target=target, args=args, tags=tags, args_split=args_split, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, is_channel=is_channel, command=command, **kwargs) self.log.trace("calling command '%s': %s", [command, new_event.kwargs]) try: hook.call(new_event) except utils.EventError as e: stderr.write(str(e)) if not hook.kwargs.get("skip_out", False): command_method = self._command_method(target, server) stdout.send(command_method) stderr.send(command_method) target.last_stdout = stdout target.last_stderr = stderr return new_event.eaten def _command_prefix(self, server, channel): return channel.get_setting("command-prefix", server.get_setting("command-prefix", "!")) @utils.hook("received.message.channel", priority=EventManager.PRIORITY_LOW) def channel_message(self, event): if event["action"]: return commands_enabled = event["channel"].get_setting("commands", True) if not commands_enabled: return prefixed_commands = event["channel"].get_setting("prefixed-commands", True) command_prefix = self._command_prefix(event["server"], event["channel"]) command = None args_split = None if event["message_split"][0].startswith(command_prefix): if not prefixed_commands: return command = event["message_split"][0].replace( command_prefix, "", 1).lower() args_split = event["message_split"][1:] elif len(event["message_split"]) > 1 and self.is_highlight( event["server"], event["message_split"][0]): command = event["message_split"][1].lower() args_split = event["message_split"][2:] if command: hook, args_split = self._find_command_hook(event["server"], command, True, args_split) if hook: self.command(event["server"], event["channel"], event["target_str"], True, event["user"], command, args_split, event["tags"], hook, command_prefix=command_prefix) event["channel"].buffer.skip_next() else: regex_hook = self.events.on("command.regex").get_hooks() for hook in regex_hook: pattern = hook.get_kwarg("pattern", None) if not pattern and hook.get_kwarg("pattern-url", None) == "1": pattern = utils.http.REGEX_URL if pattern: match = re.search(pattern, event["message"]) if match: command = hook.get_kwarg("command", "") res = self.command(event["server"], event["channel"], event["target_str"], True, event["user"], command, "", event["tags"], hook, match=match, message=event["message"], command_prefix="") if res: break @utils.hook("received.message.private", priority=EventManager.PRIORITY_LOW) def private_message(self, event): if event["message_split"] and not event["action"]: command = event["message_split"][0].lower() # this should help catch commands when people try to do prefixed # commands ('!help' rather than 'help') in PM command = command.lstrip("".join(NON_ALPHANUMERIC)) args_split = event["message_split"][1:] hook, args_split = self._find_command_hook(event["server"], command, False, args_split) if hook: self.command(event["server"], event["user"], event["user"].nickname, False, event["user"], command, args_split, event["tags"], hook, command_prefix="") event["user"].buffer.skip_next() def _get_help(self, hook): return hook.get_kwarg("help", None) or hook.docstring.description def _get_usage(self, hook, command, command_prefix=""): command = "%s%s" % (command_prefix, command) usage = hook.get_kwarg("usage", None) if usage: usages = [usage] else: usages = hook.docstring.var_items.get("usage", None) if usages: return " | ".join( "%s %s" % (command, usage) for usage in usages) return usage def _all_command_hooks(self): all_hooks = {} for child_name in self.events.on("received.command").get_children(): hooks = self.events.on("received.command").on(child_name ).get_hooks() if hooks: all_hooks[child_name.lower()] = hooks[0] return all_hooks def _get_prefix(self, hook): return hook.get_kwarg("prefix", None) def _get_alias_of(self, hook): return hook.get_kwarg("alias_of", None) @utils.hook("received.command.help") def help(self, event): """ :help: Show help for a given command :usage: [module [command]] """ if event["args"]: module_name = event["args_split"][0] module = self.bot.modules.from_name(module_name) if module == None: raise utils.EventError("No such module '%s'" % module_name) if len(event["args_split"]) == 1: commands = [] for command, command_hook in self._all_command_hooks().items(): if (command_hook.context == module.context and not self._get_alias_of(command_hook)): commands.append(command) event["stdout"].write("Commands for %s module: %s" % ( module.name, ", ".join(commands))) else: requested_command = event["args_split"][1].lower() available_commands = self._all_command_hooks() if requested_command in available_commands: command_hook = available_commands[requested_command] help = self._get_help(command_hook) if help: event["stdout"].write("%s: %s" % ( requested_command, help)) else: event["stderr"].write("No help available for %s" % requested_command) else: event["stderr"].write("Unknown command '%s'" % requested_command) else: contexts = {} for command, command_hook in self._all_command_hooks().items(): if not command_hook.context in contexts: module = self.bot.modules.from_context(command_hook.context) contexts[module.context] = module.name modules_available = sorted(contexts.values()) event["stdout"].write("Modules: %s" % ", ".join(modules_available)) @utils.hook("received.command.usage", min_args=1) def usage(self, event): """ :help: Show the usage for a given command :usage: <command> """ command_prefix = "" if event["is_channel"]: command_prefix = self._command_prefix(event["server"], event["target"]) command = event["args_split"][0].lower() if command in self.events.on("received").on( "command").get_children(): hooks = self.events.on("received.command").on(command).get_hooks() usage = self._get_usage(hooks[0], command, command_prefix) if usage: event["stdout"].write("Usage: %s" % usage) else: event["stderr"].write("No usage help available for %s" % command) else: event["stderr"].write("Unknown command '%s'" % command) @utils.hook("received.command.more", skip_out=True) def more(self, event): """ :help: Show more output from the last command """ if event["target"].last_stdout and event["target"].last_stdout.has_text(): event["target"].last_stdout.send( self._command_method(event["target"], event["server"])) @utils.hook("received.command.ignore", min_args=1) def ignore(self, event): """ :help: Ignore commands from a given user :usage: <nickname> [command] :permission: ignore """ setting = "ignore" for_str = "" if len(event["args_split"]) > 1: command = event["args_split"][1].lower() setting = "ignore-%s" % command for_str = " for '%s'" % command user = event["server"].get_user(event["args_split"][0]) if user.get_setting(setting, False): event["stderr"].write("I'm already ignoring '%s'%s" % (user.nickname, for_str)) else: user.set_setting(setting, True) event["stdout"].write("Now ignoring '%s'%s" % (user.nickname, for_str)) @utils.hook("received.command.unignore", min_args=1) def unignore(self, event): """ :help: Unignore commands from a given user :usage: <nickname> [command] :permission: unignore """ setting = "ignore" for_str = "" if len(event["args_split"]) > 1: command = event["args_split"][1].lower() setting = "ignore-%s" % command for_str = " for '%s'" % command user = event["server"].get_user(event["args_split"][0]) if not user.get_setting(setting, False): event["stderr"].write("I'm not ignoring '%s'%s" % (user.nickname, for_str)) else: user.del_setting(setting) event["stdout"].write("Removed ignore for '%s'%s" % (user.nickname, for_str)) @utils.hook("received.command.serverignore", in_args=1) def server_ignore(self, event): """ :permission: server-ignore """ command = event["args_split"][0].lower() setting = "ignore-%s" % command if event["server"].get_setting(setting, False): event["stderr"].write("I'm already ignoring '%s' for %s" % (command, str(event["server"]))) else: event["server"].set_setting(setting, True) event["stdout"].write("Now ignoring '%s' for %s" % (command, str(event["server"]))) @utils.hook("received.command.serverunignore", in_args=1) def server_unignore(self, event): """ :permission: server-unignore """ command = event["args_split"][0].lower() setting = "ignore-%s" % command if not event["server"].get_setting(setting, False): event["stderr"].write("I'm not ignoring '%s' for %s" % (command, str(event["server"]))) else: event["server"].del_setting(setting) event["stdout"].write("No longer ignoring '%s' for %s" % (command, str(event["server"]))) @utils.hook("send.stdout") def send_stdout(self, event): target = event["target"] stdout = outs.StdOut(event["server"], event["module_name"], target, event.get("target_str", target.name), {}) if event.get("hide_prefix", False): stdout.hide_prefix() stdout.write(event["message"]).send( self._command_method(event["target"], event["server"])) if stdout.has_text(): event["target"].last_stdout = stdout @utils.hook("send.stderr") def send_stderr(self, event): target = event["target"] stderr = outs.StdErr(event["server"], event["module_name"], target, event.get("target_str", target.name), {}) if event.get("hide_prefix", False): stderr.hide_prefix() stderr.write(event["message"]).send( self._command_method(event["target"], event["server"])) if stderr.has_text(): event["target"].last_stderr = stderr @utils.hook("received.command.alias", min_args=2) def add_alias(self, event): """ :help: Add a command alias :usage: <alias> <command> <args...> :permission: command-alias """ alias = event["args_split"][0].lower() command = " ".join(event["args_split"][1:]) aliases = self._get_aliases(event["server"]) aliases[alias] = command self._set_aliases(event["server"], aliases) event["stdout"].write("Added '%s' alias" % alias) @utils.hook("received.command.removealias", min_args=1) def remove_alias(self, event): """ :help: Remove a command alias :usage: <alias> :permission: command-alias """ alias = event["args_split"][0].lower() aliases = self._get_aliases(event["server"]) if not alias in aliases: raise utils.EventError("No '%s' alias" % alias) del aliases[alias] self._set_aliases(event["server"], aliases) event["stdout"].write("Removed '%s' alias" % alias)