#--depends-on commands #--depends-on location import datetime, enum import pytz from src import ModuleManager, utils NOLOCATION_USER = "%s doesn't have a location set" NOLOCATION_NAME = "Unknown location '%s'" class LocationType(enum.Enum): USER = 1 NAME = 2 class Module(ModuleManager.BaseModule): _name = "Time" def on_load(self): self.exports.add("time-localise", self.time_localise) def _find_setting(self, event): query = None target_user = None if event["args"]: query = event["args"] if len(event["args_split"]) == 1 and event["server"].has_user_id( event["args_split"][0]): target_user = event["server"].get_user(event["args_split"][0]) else: target_user = event["user"] if target_user: location = target_user.get_setting("location", None) if location: return (LocationType.USER, target_user.nickname, location["timezone"]) if query: location = self.exports.get_one("get-location")(query) if location: return (LocationType.NAME, location["name"], location["timezone"]) else: return LocationType.NAME, event["args"], None def _timezoned(self, dt, timezone): dt = dt.astimezone(pytz.timezone(timezone)) utc_offset = (dt.utcoffset().total_seconds()/60)/60 tz = "UTC" if not utc_offset == 0.0: if utc_offset > 0: tz += "+" tz += "%g" % utc_offset return "%s %s" % (utils.datetime.format.datetime_human(dt), tz) @utils.hook("received.command.time") @utils.kwarg("help", "Get the time for you or someone else") @utils.kwarg("usage", "[nickname]") @utils.kwarg("require_setting", "location") @utils.kwarg("require_setting_unless", "1") def time(self, event): type, name, timezone = self._find_setting(event) if not timezone == None: human = self._timezoned(datetime.datetime.now(), timezone) out = None if type == LocationType.USER: out = "Time for %s: %s" % (name, human) else: out = "It is %s in %s" % (human, name) event["stdout"].write(out) else: out = None if type == LocationType.USER: out = NOLOCATION_USER else: out = NOLOCATION_NAME event["stderr"].write(out % name) def time_localise(self, user, dt): location = user.get_setting("location", None) timezone = "UTC" if not location == None: timezone = location["timezone"] return self._timezoned(dt, timezone)