from src import ModuleManager, utils REASON = "User is banned from this channel" @utils.export("channelset", utils.BoolSetting("ban-enforce", "Whether or not to parse new bans and kick who they affect")) @utils.export("channelset", utils.IntSetting("ban-enforce-max", "Do not enforce ban if the ban effects more than this many users. Default is half of total channel users.")) class Module(ModuleManager.BaseModule): @utils.hook("") def on_mode(self, event): if event["channel"].get_setting("ban-enforce", False): bans = [] kicks = set([]) for mode, arg in event["modes"]: if mode[0] == "+" and mode[1] == "b": bans.append(arg) affected = 0 defaultmax = len(event["channel"].users) // 2 realmax = event["channel"].get_setting("ban-enforce-max", defaultmax) if bans: umasks = {u.hostmask(): u for u in event["channel"].users} for ban in bans: mask = utils.irc.hostmask_parse(ban) matches = list(utils.irc.hostmask_match_many( umasks.keys(), mask)) for match in matches: affected = affected + 1 kicks.add(umasks[match]) if kicks: if affected > realmax: return nicks = [u.nickname for u in kicks] event["channel"].send_kicks(sorted(nicks), REASON)