# This systemd script was made to be used in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS # Check your distro and make the appropriate changes if needed # In order to allow the user to run their own systemd scripts # you need to type the following as root: # loginctl enable-linger $USER (replace $USER with the shell username) # User systemd scripts are placed inside /home/$USER/.config/systemd/user # All commands are issued as: systemctl --user [start|stop|restart|reload|enable|disable] service_name.service # If the folder doesn't exist, type: systemctl --user enable systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer # This will automatically create the folder and enable the tempfiles clean timer, # which can be disabled with: systemctl --user disable systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer # # After placing this script in the correct location, and with bitbot stopped, type: # systemctl --user enable bitbot_user.service --now # This will enable the systemd script and launch bitbot [Unit] Description=BitBot Service (User) Wants=default.target After=default.target [Service] # change any of the 4 following lines as applicable # The %h will be replaced with the user home directory # like /home/bitbot WorkingDirectory=%h/bitbot ExecStart=/usr/bin/env python3 %h/bitbot/bitbotd ExecStop=/usr/bin/env python3 %h/bitbot/bitbotctl stop ExecReload=/usr/bin/env python3 %h/bitbot/bitbotctl reload Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=dafault.target