import hashlib, re, urllib.parse from src import EventManager, ModuleManager, utils @utils.export("channelset", {"setting": "auto-title", "help": "Disable/Enable automatically getting info titles from URLs", "validate": utils.bool_or_none}) @utils.export("channelset", {"setting": "title-shorten", "help": "Enable/disable shortening URLs when getting their title", "validate": utils.bool_or_none}) @utils.export("channelset", {"setting": "auto-title-first", "help": ("Enable/disable showing who first posted a URL that was " "auto-titled"), "validate": utils.bool_or_none}) class Module(ModuleManager.BaseModule): def _url_hash(self, url): return "sha256:%s" % hashlib.sha256(url.lower().encode("utf8") ).hexdigest() def _get_title(self, channel, url): if not urllib.parse.urlparse(url).scheme: url = "http://%s" % url hostname = urllib.parse.urlparse(url).hostname if utils.http.is_localhost(hostname): self.log.warn("tried to get title of localhost: %s", [url]) return None try: page = utils.http.request(url, soup=True) except utils.http.HTTPWrongContentTypeException: return None except Exception as e: self.log.error("failed to get URL title: %s", [url], exc_info=True) return None if title ="\n", " ").replace( "\r", "").replace(" ", " ").strip() if channel.get_setting("title-shorten", False): short_url = self.exports.get_one("shortlink", lambda x: x )(url) return "%s - %s" % (title, short_url) return title else: return None @utils.hook("", priority=EventManager.PRIORITY_MONITOR) def channel_message(self, event): match =, event["message"]) if match and event["channel"].get_setting("auto-title", False): is_ignored_f = short_url = self.exports.get_one("is-ignored", lambda _1, _2: False) if is_ignored_f(event["server"], event["user"], "title"): return url = title = self._get_title(event["channel"], if title: message = title if event["channel"].get_setting("auto-title-first", False): setting = "url-last-%s" % self._url_hash(url) first_details = event["channel"].get_setting(setting, None) if first_details: first_nickname, first_timestamp, _ = first_details timestamp_parsed = utils.iso8601_parse(first_timestamp) timestamp_human = utils.datetime_human(timestamp_parsed) message = "%s (first posted by %s at %s)" % (title, first_nickname, timestamp_human) else: event["channel"].set_setting(setting, [event["user"].nickname, utils.iso8601_format_now(), url])"send.stdout").call(target=event["channel"], message=message, module_name="Title", server=event["server"]) @utils.hook("received.command.t", alias_of="title") @utils.hook("received.command.title", usage="[URL]") def title(self, event): """ :help: Get the title of a URL :usage: [URL] """ url = None if len(event["args"]) > 0: url = event["args_split"][0] else: url = event["target"].buffer.find(utils.http.REGEX_URL) if url: url =, url.message).group(0) if not url: raise utils.EventError("No URL provided/found.") title = self._get_title(event["target"], url) if title: event["stdout"].write(title) else: event["stderr"].write("Failed to get title")