import datetime, socket, struct from src import ModuleManager, utils DEFAULT_PORT = 64738 class Module(ModuleManager.BaseModule): @utils.hook("received.command.mumble") @utils.kwarg("min_args", 1) @utils.kwarg("help", "Get user and bandwidth stats for a mumble server") @utils.kwarg("usage", "<server>[:<port>]") def mumble(self, event): server, _, port = event["args_split"][0].partition(":") if port: if not port.isdigit(): raise utils.EventError("Port must be numeric") port = int(port) else: port = DEFAULT_PORT timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow().microsecond ping_packet = struct.pack(">iQ", 0, timestamp) s = socket.socket(type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.settimeout(5) with utils.deadline(): try: s.sendto(ping_packet, (server, port)) except socket.gaierror as e: raise utils.EventError(str(e)) try: pong_packet = s.recv(24) except socket.timeout: raise utils.EventError( "Timed out waiting for response from %s:%d" % (server, port)) pong = struct.unpack(">bbbbQiii", pong_packet) version = ".".join(str(v) for v in pong[1:4]) ping = (datetime.datetime.utcnow().microsecond-timestamp)/1000 users = pong[5] max_users = pong[6] bandwidth = pong[7]/1000 # kbit/s event["stdout"].write( "%s (v%s): %d/%d users, %.1fms ping, %dkbit/s bandwidth" % (server, version, users, max_users, ping, bandwidth))