import random class Module(object): def __init__(self, bot):"received.command.strax").hook( self.strax, help="Glory to the sontaran empire, through IRC!") def strax(self, event): suggestion_greeting = ["Might I suggest", "I'd suggest"] command_greeting = ["We should attack now with", "We must attack now with"] method_of_attack_a = ["full-frontal", "pincer", "surprise", "brutally excessive", "multi-pronged", "glorious", "violent", "devestating", "superior"] method_of_attack_an = ["acid-heavy", "immediate", "overwhelming", "unstoppable"] type_of_attack = ["assault", "attack", "bombardment", "offensive", "barrage", "charge", "strike", "operation", "manoeuvre", "blitzkrieg"] attack_adjective = ["laser", "berserker", "acid", "armoured attack", "proton", "three kinds of", "atomic", "toxic", "explosive", "red-hot", "thermal", "automated fire", "cluster", "enhanced germ", "energy-drink-fueled"] attack_object = ["bees", "chainsaws", "marmots", "acid", "monkeys", "mines", "bombs", "snakes", "spiders", "knives", "rockets", "sharks", "owls", "repurposed cybermats", "cannons", "alligators"] attack_object_two = ["robots", "ninjas", "grenades", "a dolphin full of napalm", "acid", "dynamite", "xenomorphs", "lots and lots of C4", "tactical nukes", "MacGyver", "bio-weapons", "rocket launchers", "an elephant", "a memory worm for afterwards", "this pencil"] method_of_attack = " an " + random.choice(method_of_attack_an) if random.choice([1, 2]) == 1 else " a " + random.choice( method_of_attack_a) greeting_choice = random.choice([1,2]) greeting = random.choice(suggestion_greeting) if greeting_choice == 1 else random.choice(command_greeting) exclamation = "?" if greeting_choice == 1 else "!" suggestion = greeting + method_of_attack + " " + random.choice(type_of_attack) + " with " + random.choice(attack_adjective) + " " + random.choice(attack_object) + " and " + random.choice(attack_object_two) + exclamation event["stdout"].write(suggestion)