from src import ModuleManager, utils from . import colors EVENT_CATEGORIES = { "ping": [ "ping" # new webhook received ], "code": ["push"], "pr-minimal": [ "merge_request/open", "merge_request/close", "merge_request/reopen", "merge_request/merge" ], "pr": [ "merge_request/open", "merge_request/close", "merge_request/reopen", "merge_request/update", "merge_request/merge", "note+mergerequest", "confidential_note+mergerequest" ], "pr-all": [ "merge_request", "note+mergerequest", "confidential_note+mergerequest" ], "issue-minimal": [ "issue/open", "issue/close", "issue/reopen", "confidential_issue/open", "confidential_issue/close", "confidential_issue/reopen" ], "issue": [ "issue/open", "issue/close", "issue/reopen", "issue/update", "confidential_issue/open", "confidential_issue/close", "confidential_issue/reopen", "confidential_issue/update", "note+issue", "confidential_note+issue" ], "issue-all": [ "issue", "confidential_issue", "note+issue", "confidential_note+issue" ], "repo": ["tag_push"] } COMMENT_ACTIONS = { "created": "commented", "edited": "edited a comment", "deleted": "deleted a comment" } ISSUE_ACTIONS = { "open": "opened", "close": "closed", "reopen": "reopened", "update": "updated", "merge": "merged" } class GitLab(object): def is_private(self, data, headers): if "project" in data: return not data["project"]["visibility_level"] == 20 return False def names(self, data, headers): full_name = data["project"]["path_with_namespace"] repo_username, repo_name = full_name.split("/", 1) organisation = None if full_name.count("/") == 2: organisation = repo_username repo_username = full_name.rsplit("/", 1)[0] return full_name, repo_username, repo_name, organisation def branch(self, data, headers): if "ref" in data: return data["ref"].rpartition("/")[2] return None def event(self, data, headers): event = headers["X-GitLab-Event"].rsplit(" ", 1)[0].lower() event = event.replace(" ", "_") action = None event_action = None category = None category_action = None if "object_attributes" in data: if "action" in data["object_attributes"]: action = data["object_attributes"]["action"] if "noteable_type" in data["object_attributes"]: category = data["object_attributes"]["noteable_type"].lower() category = "%s+%s" % (event, category) if action: if category: category_action = "%s/%s" % (category, action) event_action = "%s/%s" % (event, action) return [event]+list(filter(None, [event_action, category, category_action])) def event_categories(self, event): return EVENT_CATEGORIES.get(event, [event]) def webhook(self, full_name, event, data, headers): if event == "push": return self.push(full_name, data) elif event == "merge_request": return self.merge_request(full_name, data) elif event in ["issue", "confidential_issue"]: return self.issues(full_name, data) elif event in ["note", "confidential_note"]: return self.note(full_name, data) elif event == "tag_push": return self.tag_push(full_name, data) def _short_hash(self, hash): return hash[:7] def tag_push(self, full_name, data): create = not data["after"].strip("0") == "" tag = utils.irc.color(data["ref"].rsplit("/", 1)[-1], colors.COLOR_BRANCH) author = utils.irc.bold(data["user_username"]) action = "created" if create else "deleted" return [["%s %s a tag: %s" % (author, action, tag), None]] def push(self, full_name, data): outputs = [] branch = data["ref"].rpartition("/")[2] branch = utils.irc.color(branch, colors.COLOR_BRANCH) author = utils.irc.bold(data["user_username"]) if len(data["commits"]) <= 3: for commit in data["commits"]: hash = commit["id"] hash_colored = utils.irc.color(self._short_hash(hash), colors.COLOR_ID) message = commit["message"].split("\n")[0].strip() url = commit["url"] outputs.append(["%s pushed %s to %s: %s" % (author, hash_colored, branch, message), url]) else: first_id = data["before"] last_id = data["after"] url = data["compare_url"] outputs.append(["%s pushed %d commits to %s" % (author, len(data["commits"]), branch), None]) return outputs def merge_request(self, full_name, data): number = utils.irc.color("!%s" % data["object_attributes"]["iid"], colors.COLOR_ID) action = data["object_attributes"]["action"] action_desc = "%s %s" % (ISSUE_ACTIONS.get(action, action), number) branch = data["object_attributes"]["target_branch"] colored_branch = utils.irc.color(branch, colors.COLOR_BRANCH) if action == "open": action_desc = "requested %s merge into %s" % (number, colored_branch) elif action == "close": action_desc = "%s %s" % ( utils.irc.color("closed", colors.COLOR_NEGATIVE), number) elif action == "merge": action_desc = "%s %s into %s" % ( utils.irc.color("merged", colors.COLOR_POSITIVE), number, colored_branch) pr_title = data["object_attributes"]["title"] author = utils.irc.bold(data["user"]["username"]) url = data["object_attributes"]["url"] return [["[MR] %s %s: %s" % (author, action_desc, pr_title), url]] def issues(self, full_name, data): if not "action" in data["object_attributes"]: return number = utils.irc.color("#%s" % data["object_attributes"]["iid"], colors.COLOR_ID) action = data["object_attributes"]["action"] action = ISSUE_ACTIONS.get(action, action) issue_title = data["object_attributes"]["title"] author = utils.irc.bold(data["user"]["username"]) url = data["object_attributes"]["url"] return [["[issue] %s %s %s: %s" % (author, action, number, issue_title), url]] def note(self, full_name, data): type = data["object_attributes"]["noteable_type"] if type == "Issue": self._note(full_name, data, data["issue"]) elif type == "MergeRequest": self._note(full_name, data, data["merge_request"]) def _note(self, full_name, data, type): number = utils.irc.color("#%s" % type["iid"], colors.COLOR_ID) type = data["object_attributes"]["noteable_type"] type == "issue" if type == "Issue" else "MR" title = object["title"] commenter = utils.irc.bold(data["user"]["username"]) url = data["object_attributes"]["url"] return [["[%s] %s commented on %s: %s" % (type, commenter, number, title), url]]