import json, string, re, typing, uuid from . import consts ASCII_UPPER = string.ascii_uppercase ASCII_LOWER = string.ascii_lowercase STRICT_RFC1459_UPPER = ASCII_UPPER+r'\[]' STRICT_RFC1459_LOWER = ASCII_LOWER+r'|{}' RFC1459_UPPER = STRICT_RFC1459_UPPER+"^" RFC1459_LOWER = STRICT_RFC1459_LOWER+"~" # case mapping lowercase/uppcase logic def multi_replace(s: str, chars1: typing.Iterable[str], chars2: typing.Iterable[str]) -> str: for char1, char2 in zip(chars1, chars2): s = s.replace(char1, char2) return s def lower(case_mapping: str, s: str) -> str: if case_mapping == "ascii": return multi_replace(s, ASCII_UPPER, ASCII_LOWER) elif case_mapping == "rfc1459": return multi_replace(s, RFC1459_UPPER, RFC1459_LOWER) elif case_mapping == "strict-rfc1459": return multi_replace(s, STRICT_RFC1459_UPPER, STRICT_RFC1459_LOWER) else: raise ValueError("unknown casemapping '%s'" % case_mapping) # compare a string while respecting case mapping def equals(case_mapping: str, s1: str, s2: str) -> bool: return lower(case_mapping, s1) == lower(case_mapping, s2) REGEX_COLOR = re.compile("%s(?:(\d{1,2})(?:,(\d{1,2}))?)?" % consts.COLOR) def color(s: str, foreground: consts.IRCColor, background: consts.IRCColor=None) -> str: foreground_s = str(foreground.irc).zfill(2) background_s = "" if background: background_s = ",%s" % str(background.irc).zfill(2) return "%s%s%s%s%s" % (consts.COLOR, foreground_s, background_s, s, consts.COLOR) HASH_COLORS = list(range(2, 16)) def hash_colorize(s: str): hash_code = sum(ord(c) for c in s.lower())%len(HASH_COLORS) return color(s, consts.COLOR_CODES[HASH_COLORS[hash_code]]) def bold(s: str) -> str: return "%s%s%s" % (consts.BOLD, s, consts.BOLD) def underline(s: str) -> str: return "%s%s%s" % (consts.UNDERLINE, s, consts.UNDERLINE) def strip_font(s: str) -> str: s = s.replace(consts.BOLD, "") s = s.replace(consts.ITALIC, "") s = REGEX_COLOR.sub("", s) s = s.replace(consts.COLOR, "") return s FORMAT_TOKENS = [ consts.BOLD, consts.RESET, consts.UNDERLINE ] FORMAT_STRIP = [ "\x08" # backspace ] def _format_tokens(s: str) -> typing.List[str]: is_color = False foreground = "" background = "" is_background = False matches = [] # type: typing.List[str] for i, char in enumerate(s): last_char = i == len(s)-1 if is_color: current_color = background if is_background else foreground color_finished = True if char.isdigit() and len(current_color) < 2: if is_background: background += char else: foreground += char color_finished = (len(current_color)+1) == 2 elif char == "," and not is_background: is_background = True color_finished = False if color_finished or last_char: color = foreground if background: color += ","+background matches.append("\x03%s" % color) is_color = False foreground = "" background = "" is_background = False if char == consts.COLOR: if is_color: matches.append(char) else: is_color = True elif char in FORMAT_TOKENS: matches.append(char) elif char in FORMAT_STRIP: matches.append(char) return matches def _color_match(code: typing.Optional[str], foreground: bool) -> str: if not code: return "" color = consts.COLOR_CODES[int(code)] return color.to_ansi(not foreground) def parse_format(s: str) -> str: has_foreground = False has_background = False bold = False underline = False for token in _format_tokens(s): replace = "" type = token[0] if type == consts.COLOR: match = REGEX_COLOR.match(token) if match and ( or foreground = _color_match(, True) background = _color_match(, False) if foreground: replace += foreground has_foreground = True if background: replace += background has_background = True else: if has_foreground: has_foreground = False replace += consts.ANSI_FOREGROUND_RESET if has_background: has_background = False replace += consts.ANSI_BACKGROUND_RESET elif type == consts.BOLD: if bold: replace += consts.ANSI_BOLD_RESET else: replace += consts.ANSI_BOLD bold = not bold elif type == consts.RESET: replace += consts.ANSI_RESET elif type == consts.UNDERLINE: if underline: replace += consts.ANSI_UNDERLINE_RESET else: replace += consts.ANSI_UNDERLINE underline = not underline elif type in FORMAT_STRIP: replace = "" s = s.replace(token, replace, 1) if has_foreground: s += consts.ANSI_FOREGROUND_RESET if has_background: s += consts.ANSI_BACKGROUND_RESET if bold: s += consts.ANSI_BOLD_RESET if underline: s += consts.ANSI_UNDERLINE_RESET return s OPT_STR = typing.Optional[str] class IRCConnectionParameters(object): def __init__(self, id: int, alias: str, hostname: str, port: int, password: OPT_STR, tls: bool, bindhost: OPT_STR, nickname: str, username: OPT_STR, realname: OPT_STR, args: typing.Dict[str, str]={}): = id self.alias = alias self.hostname = hostname self.port = port self.tls = tls self.bindhost = bindhost self.password = password self.nickname = nickname self.username = username self.realname = realname self.args = args class CTCPMessage(object): def __init__(self, command: str, message: str): self.command = command self.message = message def parse_ctcp(s: str) -> typing.Optional[CTCPMessage]: ctcp = s.startswith("\x01") if s.startswith("\x01"): ctcp_command, sep, ctcp_message = s[1:].partition(" ") if ctcp_command.endswith("\x01"): ctcp_command = ctcp_command[:-1] if ctcp_message.endswith("\x01"): ctcp_message = ctcp_message[:-1] return CTCPMessage(ctcp_command, ctcp_message) return None class Capability(object): def __init__(self, ratified_name: typing.Optional[str], draft_name: str=None, alias: str=None, depends_on: typing.List[str]=None): self.alias = alias or ratified_name self._caps = set([ratified_name, draft_name]) self.depends_on = depends_on or [] self._on_ack_callbacks = [ ] # type: typing.List[typing.Callable[[], None]] def available(self, capabilities: typing.Iterable[str] ) -> typing.Optional[str]: match = list(set(capabilities)&self._caps) return match[0] if match else None def match(self, capability: str) -> typing.Optional[str]: cap = list(set([capability])&self._caps) return cap[0] if cap else None def copy(self): return Capability(*self._caps, alias=self.alias, depends_on=self.depends_on[:]) def on_ack(self, callback: typing.Callable[[], None]): self._on_ack_callbacks.append(callback) def ack(self): for callback in self._on_ack_callbacks: callback() def nak(self): pass class MessageTag(object): def __init__(self, name: typing.Optional[str], draft_name: str=None): self._names = set([name, draft_name]) def get_value(self, tags: typing.Dict[str, str]) -> typing.Optional[str]: key = list(set(tags.keys())&self._names) return tags[key[0]] if key else None def present(self, tags: typing.Dict[str, str]) -> bool: return bool(set(tags.keys())&self._names) def match(self, tag: str) -> typing.Optional[str]: key = list(set([tag])&self._names) return key[0] if key else None class BatchType(object): def __init__(self, name: typing.Optional[str], draft_name: str=None): self._names = set([name, draft_name]) def match(self, type: str) -> typing.Optional[str]: t = list(set([type])&self._names) return t[0] if t else None def hostmask_match_many(hostmasks: typing.List[str], pattern: str ) -> typing.Optional[str]: part1_out = [] for part1 in pattern.split("?"): part2_out = [] for part2 in part1.split("*"): part2_out.append(re.escape(part2)) part1_out.append(".*".join(part2_out)) pattern_re = re.compile(".".join(part1_out)) for hostmask in hostmasks: if pattern_re.match(hostmask): return hostmask return None def hostmask_match(hostmask: str, pattern: str) -> bool: return not hostmask_match_many([hostmask], pattern) == None