import contextlib, datetime, decimal, enum, io, ipaddress, multiprocessing import queue, re, signal, threading, typing from src.utils import cli, consts, irc, http, parse, security class Direction(enum.Enum): Send = 0 Recv = 1 ISO8601_PARSE = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z" ISO8601_PARSE_MICROSECONDS = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z" ISO8601_FORMAT_DT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" ISO8601_FORMAT_TZ = "%z" DATETIME_HUMAN = "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S" def iso8601_format(dt: datetime.datetime, milliseconds: bool=False) -> str: dt_format = dt.strftime(ISO8601_FORMAT_DT) tz_format = dt.strftime(ISO8601_FORMAT_TZ) ms_format = "" if milliseconds: ms_format = ".%s" % str(int(dt.microsecond/1000)).zfill(3) return "%s%s%s" % (dt_format, ms_format, tz_format) def iso8601_format_now(milliseconds: bool=False) -> str: now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) return iso8601_format(now, milliseconds=milliseconds) def iso8601_parse(s: str, microseconds: bool=False) -> datetime.datetime: fmt = ISO8601_PARSE_MICROSECONDS if microseconds else ISO8601_PARSE return datetime.datetime.strptime(s, fmt) def datetime_human(dt: datetime.datetime): return datetime.datetime.strftime(dt, DATETIME_HUMAN) TIME_SECOND = 1 TIME_MINUTE = TIME_SECOND*60 TIME_HOUR = TIME_MINUTE*60 TIME_DAY = TIME_HOUR*24 TIME_WEEK = TIME_DAY*7 def time_unit(seconds: int) -> typing.Tuple[int, str]: since = None unit = None if seconds >= TIME_WEEK: since = seconds/TIME_WEEK unit = "week" elif seconds >= TIME_DAY: since = seconds/TIME_DAY unit = "day" elif seconds >= TIME_HOUR: since = seconds/TIME_HOUR unit = "hour" elif seconds >= TIME_MINUTE: since = seconds/TIME_MINUTE unit = "minute" else: since = seconds unit = "second" since = int(since) if since > 1: unit = "%ss" % unit # pluralise the unit return (since, unit) REGEX_PRETTYTIME = re.compile( r"(?:(\d+)w)?(?:(\d+)d)?(?:(\d+)h)?(?:(\d+)m)?(?:(\d+)s)?", re.I) SECONDS_MINUTES = 60 SECONDS_HOURS = SECONDS_MINUTES*60 SECONDS_DAYS = SECONDS_HOURS*24 SECONDS_WEEKS = SECONDS_DAYS*7 def from_pretty_time(pretty_time: str) -> typing.Optional[int]: seconds = 0 match = re.match(REGEX_PRETTYTIME, pretty_time) if match: seconds += int( or 0)*SECONDS_WEEKS seconds += int( or 0)*SECONDS_DAYS seconds += int( or 0)*SECONDS_HOURS seconds += int( or 0)*SECONDS_MINUTES seconds += int( or 0) if seconds > 0: return seconds return None UNIT_MINIMUM = 6 UNIT_SECOND = 5 UNIT_MINUTE = 4 UNIT_HOUR = 3 UNIT_DAY = 2 UNIT_WEEK = 1 def to_pretty_time(total_seconds: int, minimum_unit: int=UNIT_SECOND, max_units: int=UNIT_MINIMUM) -> str: if total_seconds == 0: return "0s" minutes, seconds = divmod(total_seconds, 60) hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60) days, hours = divmod(hours, 24) weeks, days = divmod(days, 7) out = [] units = 0 if weeks and minimum_unit >= UNIT_WEEK and units < max_units: out.append("%dw" % weeks) units += 1 if days and minimum_unit >= UNIT_DAY and units < max_units: out.append("%dd" % days) units += 1 if hours and minimum_unit >= UNIT_HOUR and units < max_units: out.append("%dh" % hours) units += 1 if minutes and minimum_unit >= UNIT_MINUTE and units < max_units: out.append("%dm" % minutes) units += 1 if seconds and minimum_unit >= UNIT_SECOND and units < max_units: out.append("%ds" % seconds) units += 1 return " ".join(out) def parse_number(s: str) -> str: try: decimal.Decimal(s) return s except: pass unit = s[-1].lower() number_str = s[:-1] try: number = decimal.Decimal(number_str) except: raise ValueError("Invalid format '%s' passed to parse_number" % number_str) if unit == "k": number *= decimal.Decimal("1_000") elif unit == "m": number *= decimal.Decimal("1_000_000") elif unit == "b": number *= decimal.Decimal("1_000_000_000") else: raise ValueError("Unknown unit '%s' given to parse_number" % unit) return str(number) def prevent_highlight(nickname: str) -> str: return nickname[0]+"\u200c"+nickname[1:] class EventError(Exception): pass class EventsResultsError(EventError): def __init__(self): EventError.__init__(self, "Failed to load results") class EventsNotEnoughArgsError(EventError): def __init__(self, n): EventError.__init__(self, "Not enough arguments (minimum %d)" % n) class EventsUsageError(EventError): def __init__(self, usage): EventError.__init__(self, "Not enough arguments, usage: %s" % usage) class BitBotMagic(object): def __init__(self): self._hooks: typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, dict]] = [] self._kwargs: typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, typing.Any]] = [] self._exports: typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, typing.Any]] = [] def add_hook(self, hook: str, kwargs: dict): self._hooks.append((hook, kwargs)) def add_kwarg(self, key: str, value: typing.Any): self._kwargs.append((key, value)) def get_hooks(self): hooks: typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, typing.List[str, typing.Any]]] = [] for hook, kwargs in self._hooks: hooks.append((hook, self._kwargs.copy()+list(kwargs.items()))) return hooks def add_export(self, key: str, value: typing.Any): self._exports.append((key, value)) def get_exports(self): return self._exports.copy() def get_magic(obj: typing.Any): if not has_magic(obj): setattr(obj, consts.BITBOT_MAGIC, BitBotMagic()) return getattr(obj, consts.BITBOT_MAGIC) def has_magic(obj: typing.Any): return hasattr(obj, consts.BITBOT_MAGIC) def hook(event: str, **kwargs): def _hook_func(func): magic = get_magic(func) magic.add_hook(event, kwargs) return func return _hook_func def export(setting: str, value: typing.Any): def _export_func(module): magic = get_magic(module) magic.add_export(setting, value) return module return _export_func def kwarg(key: str, value: typing.Any): def _kwarg_func(func): magic = get_magic(func) magic.add_kwarg(key, value) return func return _kwarg_func class MultiCheck(object): def __init__(self, requests: typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, typing.List[str]]]): self._requests = requests def to_multi(self): return self def requests(self): return self._requests[:] def __or__(self, other: "Check"): return MultiCheck(self._requests+[(other.request, other.args)]) class Check(object): def __init__(self, request: str, *args: str): self.request = request self.args = list(args) def to_multi(self): return MultiCheck([(self.request, self.args)]) def __or__(self, other: "Check"): return MultiCheck([(self.request, self.args), (other.request, other.args)]) TOP_10_CALLABLE = typing.Callable[[typing.Any], typing.Any] def top_10(items: typing.Dict[typing.Any, typing.Any], convert_key: TOP_10_CALLABLE=lambda x: x, value_format: TOP_10_CALLABLE=lambda x: x): top_10 = sorted(items.keys()) top_10 = sorted(top_10, key=items.get, reverse=True)[:10] top_10_items = [] for key in top_10: top_10_items.append("%s (%s)" % (convert_key(key), value_format(items[key]))) return top_10_items class CaseInsensitiveDict(dict): def __init__(self, other: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]): dict.__init__(self, ((k.lower(), v) for k, v in other.items())) def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> typing.Any: return dict.__getitem__(self, key.lower()) def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: return dict.__setitem__(self, key.lower(), value) def __contains__(self, key: str): return dict.__contains__(self, key.lower()) def get(self, key: str, default: typing.Any=None): return dict.get(self, key.lower(), default) def is_ip(s: str) -> bool: try: ipaddress.ip_address(s) except ValueError: return False return True def is_main_thread() -> bool: return threading.current_thread() is threading.main_thread() class Setting(object): example: typing.Optional[str] = None def __init__(self, name: str, help: str=None, example: str=None): = name = help if not example == None: self.example = example def parse(self, value: str) -> typing.Any: return value def get_example(self): if not self.example == None: return "Example: %s" % self.example else: return self._format_example() def _format_example(self): return None def format(self, value: typing.Any): return repr(value) SETTING_TRUE = ["true", "yes", "on", "y"] SETTING_FALSE = ["false", "no", "off", "n"] class BoolSetting(Setting): example = "on" def parse(self, value: str) -> typing.Any: value_lower = value.lower() if value_lower in SETTING_TRUE: return True elif value_lower in SETTING_FALSE: return False return None class IntSetting(Setting): example = "10" def parse(self, value: str) -> typing.Any: if value == "0": return 0 else: stripped = value.lstrip("0") if stripped.isdigit(): return int(stripped) return None class IntRangeSetting(IntSetting): example = None def __init__(self, n_min: int, n_max: int, name: str, help: str=None, example: str=None): self._n_min = n_min self._n_max = n_max Setting.__init__(self, name, help, example) def parse(self, value: str) -> typing.Any: out = IntSetting.parse(self, value) if not out == None and self._n_min <= out <= self._n_max: return out return None def _format_example(self): return "Must be between %d and %d" % (self._n_min, self._n_max) class OptionsSetting(Setting): def __init__(self, options: typing.List[str], name: str, help: str=None, example: str=None, options_factory: typing.Callable[[], typing.List[str]]=None): self._options = options self._options_factory = options_factory Setting.__init__(self, name, help, example) def _get_options(self): if not self._options_factory == None: return self._options_factory() else: return self._options def parse(self, value: str) -> typing.Any: value_lower = value.lower() for option in self._get_options(): if option.lower() == value_lower: return option return None def _format_example(self): options = self._get_options() options_str = ["'%s'" % option for option in options] return "Options: %s" % ", ".join(options_str) class FunctionSetting(Setting): def __init__(self, func: typing.Callable[[str], bool], name: str, help: str=None, example: str=None): self._func = func Setting.__init__(self, name, help, example) def parse(self, value: str) -> typing.Any: return self._func(value) class SensitiveSetting(Setting): def format(self, value: typing.Any): return "*"*16 class DeadlineExceededException(Exception): pass def _raise_deadline(): raise DeadlineExceededException() @contextlib.contextmanager def deadline(seconds: int=10): old_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, lambda _1, _2: _raise_deadline()) old_seconds, _ = signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, seconds, 0) try: if not old_seconds == 0.0 and seconds > old_seconds: raise ValueError( "Deadline timeout larger than parent deadline (%s > %s)" % (seconds, old_seconds)) yield finally: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, old_handler) signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, old_seconds, 0) def deadline_process(func: typing.Callable[[], None], seconds: int=10): q = multiprocessing.Queue() def _wrap(func, q): try: q.put([True, func()]) except Exception as e: q.put([False, e]) q.close() p = multiprocessing.Process(target=_wrap, args=(func, q)) p.start() try: success, out = q.get(block=True, timeout=seconds) except queue.Empty: p.kill() _raise_deadline() if success: return out else: raise out