#--depends-on commands #--require-config wordnik-api-key import time from src import ModuleManager, utils URL_WORDNIK = "https://api.wordnik.com/v4/word.json/%s/definitions" URL_WORDNIK_RANDOM = "https://api.wordnik.com/v4/words.json/randomWord" RANDOM_DELAY_SECONDS = 3 class Module(ModuleManager.BaseModule): _last_called = 0 def _get_definition(self, word): page = utils.http.request(URL_WORDNIK % word, get_params={ "useCanonical": "true", "limit": 1, "sourceDictionaries": "wiktionary", "api_key": self.bot.config["wordnik-api-key"]}) if page: if page.code == 200: return True, page.json()[0] else: return True, None else: return False, None @utils.hook("received.command.define") def define(self, event): """ :help: Define a provided term :usage: """ if event["args"]: word = event["args"] else: word = event["target"].buffer.get(from_self=False) word = word.replace(" ", "+") success, definition = self._get_definition(word) if success: if not definition == None: text = utils.http.strip_html(definition["text"]) event["stdout"].write("%s: %s" % (definition["word"], text)) else: event["stderr"].write("No definitions found") else: raise utils.EventResultsError() @utils.hook("received.command.randomword") def random_word(self, event): """ :help: Define a random word """ if not self._last_called or (time.time()-self._last_called >= RANDOM_DELAY_SECONDS): self._last_called = time.time() page = utils.http.request(URL_WORDNIK_RANDOM, get_params={ "api_key": self.bot.config["wordnik-api-key"], "min_dictionary_count": 1}).json() if page: success, definition = self._get_definition(page["word"]) if not success: raise utils.EventError("Try again in a couple of seconds") text = utils.http.strip_html(definition["text"]) event["stdout"].write("Random Word: %s - Definition: %s" % ( page["word"], text)) else: raise utils.EventResultsError() else: event["stderr"].write("Try again in a couple of seconds")