import collections, re, time from datetime import datetime, date from collections import Counter from src import ModuleManager, utils from suds.client import Client from suds import WebFault # Note that this module requires the open *Staff Version* of the Darwin API # You can register for an API key here: # We use this instead of the 'regular' version because it offers a *lot* more # information. URL = '' class Module(ModuleManager.BaseModule): _name = "NR" _client = None PASSENGER_ACTIVITIES = ["U", "P", "R"] COLOURS = [utils.consts.LIGHTBLUE, utils.consts.GREEN, utils.consts.RED, utils.consts.CYAN, utils.consts.LIGHTGREY, utils.consts.ORANGE] @property def client(self): if self._client: return self._client try: token =["nre-api-key"] client = Client(URL) header_token = client.factory.create('ns2:AccessToken') header_token.TokenValue = token client.set_options(soapheaders=header_token) self._client = client except Exception as e: pass return self._client def filter(self, args, defaults): args = re.findall(r"[^\s,]+", args) params = {} for arg in args: if ":" in arg: params[arg.split(":", 1)[0]] = arg.split(":", 1)[1] elif "=" in arg: params[arg.split("=", 1)[0]] = arg.split("=", 1)[1] else: params[arg.replace("!", "")] = '!' not in arg ret = {k: v[0] for k,v in defaults.items()} ret["default"] = True ret["errors"] = [] for k,v in params.items(): if not k in defaults.keys(): ret["errors"].append((k, "Invalid parameter")) continue if not defaults[k][1](v): ret["errors"].append((v, 'Invalid value for "%s"' % k)) continue ret["default"] = False ret[k] = v if len(defaults[k]) == 2 else defaults[k][2](v) ret["errors_summary"] = ", ".join(['"%s": %s' % (a[0], a[1]) for a in ret["errors"]]) return ret def process(self, service): ut_now = nonetime = {"orig": None, "datetime": None, "ut": 0, "short": ' ', "prefix": '', "on_time": False, "estimate": False, "status": 4, "schedule": False} times = {} a_types = ["eta", "ata", "sta"] d_types = ["etd", "atd", "std"] for a in a_types + d_types: if a in service and service[a]: times[a] = {"orig": service[a]} if len(service[a]) > 5: times[a]["datetime"] = datetime.strptime(service[a], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") else: times[a]["datetime"] = datetime.strptime( + "T" + service[a][:4], "%Y-%m-%dT%H%M" ) times[a]["ut"] = times[a]["datetime"].timestamp() else: times[a] = nonetime for k, a in times.items(): if not a["orig"]: continue a["short"] = a["datetime"].strftime("%H%M") if len(a["orig"]) > 5 else a["orig"] a["shortest"] = "%02d" % a["datetime"].minute if -300 < a["ut"]-ut_now < 1800 else a["short"] a["prefix"] = k[2] + ("s" if k[0] == "s" else "") a["estimate"] = k[0] == "e" a["schedule"] = k[0] == "s" a["on_time"] = a["ut"] - times["s"+ k[1:]]["ut"] < 300 a["status"] = 1 if a["on_time"] else 2 if "a" + k[1:] in service: a["status"] = {"d": 0, "a": 3}[k[2]] if k[0] == "s": a["status"] = 4 arr, dep = [times[a] for a in a_types if times[a]["ut"]], [times[a] for a in d_types if times[a]["ut"]] times["arrival"] = (arr + dep + [nonetime])[0] times["departure"] = (dep + arr + [nonetime])[0] times["a"], times["d"] = (arr + [nonetime])[0], (dep + [nonetime])[0] times["both"] = times["departure"] times["max_sched"] = {"ut": max(times["sta"]["ut"], times["std"]["ut"])} return times def activities(self, string): return [a+b.strip() for a,b in list(zip(*[iter(string)]*2)) if (a+b).strip()] def reduced_activities(self, string): return [a for a in self.activities(string) if a in self.PASSENGER_ACTIVITIES] @utils.hook("telegram.command.nrtrains") @utils.hook("received.command.nrtrains", min_args=1) def trains(self, event): """ :help: Get train/bus services for a station (Powered by NRE) :usage: <crs_id> """ client = self.client colours = self.COLOURS eagle_key =["eagle-api-key"] eagle_url =["eagle-api-url"] schedule = {} location_code = event["args_split"][0].upper() filter = self.filter(' '.join(event["args_split"][1:]) if len(event["args_split"]) > 1 else "", { "dest": ('', lambda x: x.isalpha() and len(x)==3), "origin":('', lambda x: x.isalpha() and len(x)==3), "inter": ('', lambda x: x.isalpha() and len(x)==3, lambda x: x.upper()), "toc": ('', lambda x: x.isalpha() and len(x) == 2), "dedup": (False, lambda x: type(x)==type(True)), "plat": ('', lambda x: len(x) <= 3), "type": ("departure", lambda x: x in ["departure", "arrival", "both"]), "terminating": (False, lambda x: type(x)==type(True)), "period": (120, lambda x: x.isdigit() and 1 <= int(x) <= 480, lambda x: int(x)), "nonpassenger": (False, lambda x: type(x)==type(True)), "time": ("", lambda x: len(x)==4 and x.isdigit()), "date": ("", lambda x: len(x)==10), "tops": (None, lambda x: len(x)<4 and x.isdigit()), "power": (None, lambda x: x.upper() in ["EMU", "DMU", "HST", "D", "E"], lambda x: x.upper()), "crs": (False, lambda x: type(x)==type(True)), "st": (False, lambda x: type(x)==type(True)) }) if filter["errors"]: raise utils.EventError("Filter: " + filter["errors_summary"]) if filter["inter"] and filter["type"]!="departure": raise utils.EventError("Filtering by intermediate stations is only " "supported for departures.") nr_filterlist = client.factory.create("filterList") if filter["inter"]:["inter"]) now = if filter["time"]: now = now.replace(hour=int(filter["time"][:2])) now = now.replace(minute=int(filter["time"][2:])) if filter["date"]: newdate = datetime.strptime(filter["date"], "%Y-%m-%d").date() now = now.replace(, month=newdate.month, year=newdate.year) method = client.service.GetArrivalDepartureBoardByCRS if len(location_code) == 3 else client.service.GetArrivalDepartureBoardByTIPLOC try: query = method(100, location_code, now.isoformat().split(".")[0], filter["period"], nr_filterlist, "to", '', "PBS", filter["nonpassenger"]) except WebFault as detail: if str(detail) == "Server raised fault: 'Invalid crs code supplied'": raise utils.EventError("Invalid CRS code.") else: raise utils.EventError("An error occurred.") nrcc_severe = len([a for a in query["nrccMessages"][0] if a["severity"] == "Major"]) if "nrccMessages" in query else 0 if event.get("external"): station_summary = "%s (%s) - %s (%s):\n" % (query["locationName"], query["crs"], query["stationManager"], query["stationManagerCode"]) else: severe_summary = "" if nrcc_severe: severe_summary += ", " severe_summary += utils.irc.bold(utils.irc.color("%s severe messages" % nrcc_severe, utils.consts.RED)) station_summary = "%s (%s, %s%s)" % (query["locationName"], query["crs"], query["stationManagerCode"], severe_summary) if not "trainServices" in query and not "busServices" in query and not "ferryServices" in query: return event["stdout"].write("%s: No services for the next %s minutes" % ( station_summary, filter["period"])) trains = [] services = [] if "trainServices" in query: services += query["trainServices"][0] if "busServices" in query: services += query["busServices"][0] if "ferryServices" in query: services += query["ferryServices"][0] for t in services: parsed = { "rid" : t["rid"], "uid" : t["uid"], "head" : t["trainid"], "platform": '?' if not "platform" in t else t["platform"], "platform_hidden": "platformIsHidden" in t and t["platformIsHidden"], "platform_prefix": "", "toc": t["operatorCode"], "cancelled" : t["isCancelled"] if "isCancelled" in t else False, "delayed" : t["departureType"]=="Delayed" if "departureType" in t else None, "cancel_reason" : t["cancelReason"]["value"] if "cancelReason" in t else "", "delay_reason" : t["delayReason"]["value"] if "delayReason" in t else "", "terminating" : not "std" in t and not "etd" in t and not "atd" in t, "bus" : t["trainid"]=="0B00", "times" : self.process(t), "activity" : self.reduced_activities(t["activities"]), } parsed["destinations"] = [{"name": a["locationName"], "tiploc": a["tiploc"], "crs": a["crs"] if "crs" in a else '', "code": a["crs"] if "crs" in a else a["tiploc"], "via": a["via"] if "via" in a else ''} for a in t["destination"][0]] parsed["origins"] = [{"name": a["locationName"], "tiploc": a["tiploc"], "crs": a["crs"] if "crs" in a else '', "code": a["crs"] if "crs" in a else a["tiploc"], "via": a["via"] if "via" in a else ''} for a in t["origin"][0]] parsed["departure_only"] = location_code in [a["code"] for a in parsed["origins"]] if parsed["cancelled"] or parsed["delayed"]: for k, time in parsed["times"].items(): time["short"], time["on_time"], time["status"], time["prefix"] = ( "%s:%s" % ("C" if parsed["cancel_reason"] else "D", parsed["cancel_reason"] or parsed["delay_reason"] or "?"), False, 2, "" ) trains.append(parsed) if eagle_url: summary_query = utils.http.get_url("%s/json/summaries/%s?uids=%s" % (eagle_url,, "%20".join([a["uid"] for a in trains])), json=True, headers={"x-eagle-key":["eagle-api-key"]}) if summary_query: for t in trains: summary = summary_query[t["uid"]] t.update(summary) summary_plat = summary.get("platforms", {}).get(query["crs"]) if summary_plat and t["platform"]=="?": t["platform"], t["platform_prefix"] = summary_plat, "s" for t in trains: t["dest_summary"] = "/".join(["%s%s" %(a["code"]*filter["crs"] or a["name"], " " + a["via"] if a["via"] else '') for a in t["destinations"]]) t["origin_summary"] = "/".join(["%s%s" %(a["code"]*filter["crs"] or a["name"], " " + a["via"] if a["via"] else '') for a in t["origins"]]) trains = sorted(trains, key=lambda t: t["times"]["max_sched"]["ut"] if filter["type"]=="both" else t["times"]["st" + filter["type"][0]]["ut"]) trains_filtered = [] train_locs_toc = [] for train in trains: if not True in [ (train["destinations"], train["toc"]) in train_locs_toc and (filter["dedup"] or filter["default"]), filter["dest"] and not filter["dest"].upper() in [a["code"] for a in train["destinations"]], filter["origin"] and not filter["origin"].upper() in [a["code"] for a in train["origins"]], filter["toc"] and not filter["toc"].upper() == train["toc"], filter["plat"] and not filter["plat"] == train["platform"], filter["type"] == "departure" and train["terminating"], filter["type"] == "arrival" and train["departure_only"], filter["terminating"] and not train["terminating"], filter["tops"] and not filter["tops"] in train.get("tops_possible", []), filter["power"] and not filter["power"]==train.get("power_type", None), ]: train_locs_toc.append((train["destinations"], train["toc"])) trains_filtered.append(train) if event.get("external"): trains_string = "\n".join(["%-6s %-4s %-2s %-3s %1s%-6s %1s %s" % ( t["uid"], t["head"], t["toc"], "bus" if t["bus"] else t["platform"], "~" if t["times"]["both"]["estimate"] else '', t["times"]["both"]["prefix"] + t["times"]["both"]["short"], "←" if t["terminating"] or filter["type"]=="arrival" else "→", t["origin_summary"] if t["terminating"] or filter["type"]=="arrival" else t["dest_summary"] ) for t in trains_filtered]) else: trains_string = ", ".join(["%s%s (%s, %s%s%s%s, %s%s%s)" % ( "from " if not filter["type"][0] in "ad" and t["terminating"] else '', t["origin_summary"] if t["terminating"] or filter["type"]=="arrival" else t["dest_summary"], t["uid"], t["platform_prefix"], "bus" if t["bus"] else t["platform"], "*" if t["platform_hidden"] else '', "?" if "platformsAreUnreliable" in query and query["platformsAreUnreliable"] else '', t["times"][filter["type"]]["prefix"].replace(filter["type"][0], '') if not t["cancelled"] else "", utils.irc.bold(utils.irc.color(t["times"][filter["type"]]["shortest"*filter["st"] or "short"], colours[t["times"][filter["type"]]["status"]])), bool(t["activity"])*", " + "+".join(t["activity"]), ) for t in trains_filtered]) if event.get("external"): event["stdout"].write("%s%s\n%s" % ( station_summary, "\n calling at %s" % filter["inter"] if filter["inter"] else '', trains_string)) else: event["stdout"].write("%s%s: %s" % (station_summary, " departures calling at %s" % filter["inter"] if filter["inter"] else '', trains_string)) @utils.hook("telegram.command.nrservice") @utils.hook("received.command.nrservice", min_args=1) def service(self, event): """ :help: Get train service information for a UID, headcode or RID (Powered by NRE) :usage: <service_id> """ client = self.client colours = self.COLOURS external = event.get("external", False) SCHEDULE_STATUS = {"B": "perm bus", "F": "freight train", "P": "train", "S": "ship", "T": "trip", "1": "train", "2": "freight", "3": "trip", "4": "ship", "5": "bus"} eagle_key =["eagle-api-key"] eagle_url =["eagle-api-url"] schedule = {} sources = [] service_id = event["args_split"][0] filter = self.filter(' '.join(event["args_split"][1:]) if len(event["args_split"]) > 1 else "", { "passing": (False, lambda x: type(x)==type(True)), "associations": (False, lambda x: type(x)==type(True)), "type": ("arrival", lambda x: x in ["arrival", "departure"]) }) if filter["errors"]: raise utils.EventError("Filter: " + filter["errors_summary"]) rid = service_id if len(service_id) <= 8: query = client.service.QueryServices(service_id, datetime.utcnow().date().isoformat(), datetime.utcnow().time().strftime("%H:%M:%S+0000")) if eagle_url: schedule_query = utils.http.get_url("%s/json/schedule/%s/%s" % (eagle_url, service_id,, json=True, headers={"x-eagle-key": eagle_key}) if schedule_query: schedule = schedule_query["current"] if not query and not schedule: return event["stdout"].write("No service information is available for this identifier.") if query and len(query["serviceList"][0]) > 1: return event["stdout"].write("Identifier refers to multiple services: " + ", ".join(["%s (%s->%s)" % (a["uid"], a["originCrs"], a["destinationCrs"]) for a in query["serviceList"][0]])) if query: rid = query["serviceList"][0][0]["rid"] if query: sources.append("LDBSVWS") query = client.service.GetServiceDetailsByRID(rid) if schedule: sources.append("Eagle/SCHEDULE") if not query: query = {"trainid": schedule["signalling_id"] or "0000", "operator": schedule["operator_name"] or schedule["atoc_code"]} stype = "%s %s" % (schedule_query["tops_inferred"], schedule["power_type"]) if schedule_query["tops_inferred"] else schedule["power_type"] for k,v in { "operatorCode": schedule["atoc_code"], "serviceType": stype if stype else SCHEDULE_STATUS[schedule["status"]], }.items(): query[k] = v disruptions = [] if "cancelReason" in query: disruptions.append("Cancelled (%s%s)" % (query["cancelReason"]["value"], " at " + query["cancelReason"]["_tiploc"] if query["cancelReason"]["_tiploc"] else "")) if "delayReason" in query: disruptions.append("Delayed (%s%s)" % (query["delayReason"]["value"], " at " + query["delayReason"]["_tiploc"] if query["delayReason"]["_tiploc"] else "")) if disruptions and not external: disruptions = utils.irc.color(", ".join(disruptions), utils.consts.RED) + " " elif disruptions and external: disruptions = ", ".join(disruptions) else: disruptions = "" stations = [] for station in query["locations"][0] if "locations" in query else schedule["locations"]: if "locations" in query: parsed = {"name": station["locationName"], "crs": (station["crs"] if "crs" in station else station["tiploc"]).rstrip(), "tiploc": station["tiploc"].rstrip(), "called": "atd" in station, "passing": station["isPass"] if "isPass" in station else False, "first": len(stations) == 0, "last" : False, "cancelled" : station["isCancelled"] if "isCancelled" in station else False, "associations": [], "length": station["length"] if "length" in station else None, "times": self.process(station), "platform": station["platform"] if "platform" in station else None, "activity": self.activities(station["activities"]) if "activities" in station else [], "activity_p": self.reduced_activities(station["activities"]) if "activities" in station else [], } if parsed["cancelled"]: parsed["times"]["arrival"].update({"short": "Cancelled", "on_time": False, "status": 2}) parsed["times"]["departure"].update({"short": "Cancelled", "on_time": False, "status": 2}) associations = station["associations"][0] if "associations" in station else [] for assoc in associations: parsed_assoc = { "uid_assoc": assoc.uid, "category": {"divide": "VV", "join": "JJ", "next": "NP"}[assoc["category"]], "from": parsed["first"], "direction": assoc["destTiploc"].rstrip()==parsed["tiploc"], "origin_name": assoc["origin"], "origin_tiploc": assoc["originTiploc"], "origin_crs": assoc["originCRS"] if "originCRS" in assoc else None, "dest_name": assoc["destination"], "dest_tiploc": assoc["destTiploc"], "dest_crs": assoc["destCRS"] if "destCRS" in assoc else None, "far_name": assoc["destination"], "far_tiploc": assoc["destTiploc"], "far_crs": assoc["destCRS"] if "destCRS" in assoc else None, } if parsed_assoc["direction"]: parsed_assoc.update({"far_name": parsed_assoc["origin_name"], "far_tiploc": parsed_assoc["origin_tiploc"], "far_crs": parsed_assoc["origin_crs"]}) parsed["associations"].append(parsed_assoc) else: parsed = {"name": (station["name"] or "none"), "crs": station["crs"] if station["crs"] else station["tiploc"], "tiploc": station["tiploc"], "called": False, "passing": bool(station.get("pass")), "first": len(stations) == 0, "last" : False, "cancelled" : False, "length": None, "times": self.process(station["dolphin_times"]), "platform": station["platform"], "associations": station["associations"] or [], "activity": self.activities(station["activity"]), "activity_p": self.reduced_activities(station["activity"]), } stations.append(parsed) [a for a in stations if a["called"] or a["first"]][-1]["last"] = True for station in stations[0:[k for k,v in enumerate(stations) if v["last"]][0]]: if not station["first"]: station["called"] = True for station in stations: for assoc in station["associations"]: assoc["summary"] = "{arrow} {assoc[category]} {assoc[uid_assoc]} {dir_arrow} {assoc[far_name]} ({code})".format(assoc=assoc, arrow=assoc["from"]*"<-" or "->", dir_arrow=(assoc["direction"])*"<-" or "->", code=assoc["far_crs"] or assoc["far_tiploc"]) if station["passing"]: station["times"]["arrival"]["status"], station["times"]["departure"]["status"] = 5, 5 elif station["called"]: station["times"]["arrival"]["status"], station["times"]["departure"]["status"] = 0, 0 station["summary"] = "%s%s (%s%s%s%s%s)%s" % ( "*" * station["passing"], station["name"], station["crs"] + ", " if station["name"] != station["crs"] else '', station["length"] + " car, " if station["length"] and (station["first"] or station["associations"]) else '', ("~" if station["times"][filter["type"]]["estimate"] else '') + station["times"][filter["type"]]["prefix"].replace(filter["type"][0], ""), utils.irc.color(station["times"][filter["type"]]["short"], colours[station["times"][filter["type"]]["status"]]), ", "*bool(station["activity_p"]) + "+".join(station["activity_p"]), ", ".join([a["summary"] for a in station["associations"]] if filter["associations"] else ""), ) station["summary_external"] = "%1s%-5s %1s%-5s %-3s %-3s %-3s %s%s" % ( "~"*station["times"]["a"]["estimate"] + "s"*(station["times"]["a"]["schedule"]), station["times"]["a"]["short"], "~"*station["times"]["d"]["estimate"] + "s"*(station["times"]["d"]["schedule"]), station["times"]["d"]["short"], station["platform"] or '', ",".join(station["activity"]) or '', station["crs"] or station["tiploc"], station["name"], "\n" + "\n".join([a["summary"] for a in station["associations"]]) if station["associations"] else "", ) stations_filtered = [] for station in stations: if station["passing"] and not filter["passing"]: continue if station["called"] and filter["default"] and not external: if not station["first"] and not station["last"]: continue stations_filtered.append(station) if station["first"] and not station["last"] and filter["default"] and not external: stations_filtered.append({"summary": "(...)", "summary_external": "(...)"}) done_count = len([s for s in stations if s["called"]]) total_count = len(stations) if external: event["stdout"].write("%s: %s\n%s%s (%s) %s %s\n\n%s" % ( service_id, ", ".join(sources), disruptions + "\n" if disruptions else '', query["operator"], query["operatorCode"], query["trainid"], query["serviceType"], "\n".join([s["summary_external"] for s in stations_filtered]) )) else: event["stdout"].write("%s%s %s %s (%s/%s/%s): %s" % (disruptions, query["operatorCode"], query["trainid"], query["serviceType"], utils.irc.color(done_count, utils.consts.LIGHTBLUE), len(stations_filtered), total_count, ", ".join([s["summary"] for s in stations_filtered]))) @utils.hook("telegram.command.nrhead") @utils.hook("received.command.nrhead", min_args=1) def head(self, event): """ :help: Get information for a given headcode/UID/RID (Powered by NRE) :usage: <headcode> """ client = self.client service_id = event["args_split"][0] query = client.service.QueryServices(service_id, datetime.utcnow().date().isoformat(), datetime.utcnow().time().strftime("%H:%M:%S+0000")) if not query: raise utils.EventError("No currently running services match this " "identifier") services = query["serviceList"][0] if event.get("external"): event["stdout"].write("\n".join(["{a.uid:6} {a.trainid:4} {a.originName} ({a.originCrs}) → {a.destinationName} ({a.destinationCrs})".format(a=a) for a in services])) else: event["stdout"].write(", ".join(["h/%s r/%s u/%s rs/%s %s (%s) -> %s (%s)" % (a["trainid"], a["rid"], a["uid"], a["rsid"], a["originName"], a["originCrs"], a["destinationName"], a["destinationCrs"]) for a in services])) @utils.hook("telegram.command.nrcode") @utils.hook("received.command.nrcode", min_args=1) def service_code(self, event): """ :help: Get the text for a given delay/cancellation code (Powered by NRE) :usage: <code> """ client = self.client if not event["args"].isnumeric(): raise utils.EventError("The delay/cancellation code must be a " "number") reasons = {a["code"]:(a["lateReason"], a["cancReason"]) for a in client.service.GetReasonCodeList()[0]} if event["args"] in reasons: event["stdout"].write("%s: %s" % (event["args"], " / ".join(reasons[event["args"]]))) else: event["stdout"].write("This doesn't seem to be a valid reason code")