import collections, datetime, re, time import Utils from suds.client import Client URL = '' class Module(object): _name = "NR" def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.result_map = {}"received").on("command").on("nrtrains" ).hook(self.arrivals, min_args=1, help="Get train information for a station (Powered by NRE)", usage="<crs_id>")"received").on("command").on("nrservice" ).hook(self.service, min_args=1, help="Get train service information for a Darwin ID (Powered by NRE)", usage="<service_id>") def time_compare(self, one, two): return (one.hour - two.hour) * 60 + (one.minute - two.minute) def span(self, gen, std, etd, human=True): expected = std if etd.replace(":", "").isdigit(): expected = etd elif etd != "On time": return etd time_due = datetime.datetime.strptime(expected, "%H:%M") time_until = self.time_compare(time_due.time(), gen.time()) if time_until == 0: human_time = "due" else: human_time = "in %s min" % time_until if human: return human_time else: return time_until def arrivals(self, event): token =["nre-api-key"] crs = event["args_split"][0].upper() client = Client(URL) header_token = client.factory.create('ns2:AccessToken') header_token.TokenValue = token client.set_options(soapheaders=header_token) query = client.service.GetDepartureBoard(50, crs) trains = [] for t in query["trainServices"][0]: trains.append({ "estimated" : t["etd"], "scheduled" : t["std"], "time" : t["std"] if t["etd"] == "On time" else t["etd"], "on_time" : t["etd"] == "On time", "dest_name": t["destination"][0][0]["locationName"], "dest_id": t["destination"][0][0]["crs"], "service_id" : t["serviceID"], "via": '' if not "via" in t["destination"][0][0] else t["destination"][0][0]["via"], "platform": "?" if not "platform" in t else t["platform"] }) for t in trains: t["dest_via"] = t["dest_name"] + (" " if t["via"] else '') + t["via"] trains = sorted(trains, key=lambda t: int(t["scheduled"].replace(":", ""))) self.result_map[event["target"].name] = trains trains_filtered = [] train_dest_plat = [] for train in trains: if (train["dest_name"] + train["via"], train["platform"]) in train_dest_plat: continue train_dest_plat.append((train["dest_name"] + train["via"], train["platform"])) trains_filtered.append(train) trains_string = ", ".join(["%s (plat %s, %s%s%s)" % (t["dest_via"], t["platform"], Utils.color(Utils.COLOR_GREEN if t["on_time"] else Utils.COLOR_RED), t["time"], Utils.color(Utils.FONT_RESET) ) for t in trains_filtered]) event["stdout"].write("%s (%s): %s" % (query["locationName"], crs, trains_string)) def service(self, event): colours = [Utils.COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, Utils.COLOR_GREEN, Utils.COLOR_RED] token =["nre-api-key"] service_id = event["args_split"][0] if service_id.isdigit(): if not event["target"].name in self.result_map: event["stdout"].write("No history") return results = self.result_map[event["target"].name] if int(service_id) >= len(results): event["stdout"].write("%s is too high. Remember that the first departure is 0" % service_id) return service_id = results[int(service_id)]["service_id"] client = Client(URL) header_token = client.factory.create('ns2:AccessToken') header_token.TokenValue = token client.set_options(soapheaders=header_token) query = client.service.GetServiceDetails(service_id) stations = [{ "name": query["locationName"], "crs": query["crs"], "scheduled": query["std"], "time": query["etd"] if "etd" in query else query["atd"], "length": query["length"], "called": "atd" in query }] for station in query["subsequentCallingPoints"][0][0][0]: stations.append( {"name": station["locationName"], "crs": station["crs"], "scheduled": station["st"], "time": station["et"] if "et" in station else station["at"], "length": station["length"], "called": "at" in station }) for station in stations: station["on_time"] = station["time"] == "On time" station["status"] = 1 if station["on_time"] else 2 if station["called"]: station["status"] = 0 if station["time"] == "On time": station["time"] = station["scheduled"] station["summary"] = "%s (%s, %s %s%s%s)" % ( station["name"], station["crs"], "at" if station["called"] else "est", Utils.color(colours[station["status"]]), station["time"], Utils.color(Utils.FONT_RESET) ) done_count = len([s for s in stations if s["called"]]) total_count = len(stations) event["stdout"].write("%s car %s train (%s/%s): %s" % (query["length"], query["operator"], done_count, total_count, ", ".join([s["summary"] for s in stations])))