103 lines
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103 lines
3.5 KiB
import typing
import datetime as _datetime
import dateutil.relativedelta
from .common import *
def iso8601(dt: _datetime.datetime, timespec: TimeSpec=TimeSpec.NORMAL
) -> str:
dt_format = dt.strftime(ISO8601_FORMAT_DT)
tz_format = dt.strftime(ISO8601_FORMAT_TZ)
ms_format = ""
if timespec == TimeSpec.MILLISECOND:
ms_format = ".%s" % str(int(dt.microsecond/1000)).zfill(3)
return "%s%s%s" % (dt_format, ms_format, tz_format)
def iso8601_now(timespec: TimeSpec=TimeSpec.NORMAL) -> str:
return iso8601(utcnow(), timespec)
def datetime_human(dt: _datetime.datetime, timespec: TimeSpec=TimeSpec.NORMAL):
date = _datetime.datetime.strftime(dt, DATE_HUMAN)
time = _datetime.datetime.strftime(dt, TIME_HUMAN)
if timespec == TimeSpec.MILLISECOND:
time += ".%s" % str(int(dt.microsecond/1000)).zfill(3)
return "%s %s" % (date, time)
def date_human(dt: _datetime.datetime, timespec: TimeSpec=TimeSpec.NORMAL):
return _datetime.datetime.strftime(dt, DATE_HUMAN)
def time_unit(seconds: int) -> typing.Tuple[int, str]:
since = None
unit = None
if seconds >= TIME_WEEK:
since = seconds/TIME_WEEK
unit = "week"
elif seconds >= TIME_DAY:
since = seconds/TIME_DAY
unit = "day"
elif seconds >= TIME_HOUR:
since = seconds/TIME_HOUR
unit = "hour"
elif seconds >= TIME_MINUTE:
since = seconds/TIME_MINUTE
unit = "minute"
since = seconds
unit = "second"
since = int(since)
if since > 1:
unit = "%ss" % unit # pluralise the unit
return (since, unit)
def to_pretty_time(total_seconds: int, max_units: int=UNIT_MINIMUM,
direction: typing.Optional[RelativeDirection]=None) -> str:
if total_seconds < 1:
return "0s"
if not direction == None:
now = utcnow()
later = now
mod = _datetime.timedelta(seconds=total_seconds)
if direction == RelativeDirection.FORWARD:
later += mod
later -= mod
dts = [later, now]
relative = dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(max(dts), min(dts))
years = relative.years
months = relative.months
weeks, days = divmod(relative.days, 7)
hours = relative.hours
minutes = relative.minutes
seconds = relative.seconds
years, months = 0, 0
weeks, days = divmod(total_seconds, SECONDS_WEEKS)
days, hours = divmod(days, SECONDS_DAYS)
hours, minutes = divmod(hours, SECONDS_HOURS)
minutes, seconds = divmod(minutes, SECONDS_MINUTES)
out: typing.List[str] = []
if years and len(out) < max_units:
out.append("%dy" % years)
if months and len(out) < max_units:
out.append("%dmo" % months)
if weeks and len(out) < max_units:
out.append("%dw" % weeks)
if days and len(out) < max_units:
out.append("%dd" % days)
if hours and len(out) < max_units:
out.append("%dh" % hours)
if minutes and len(out) < max_units:
out.append("%dmi" % minutes)
if seconds and len(out) < max_units:
out.append("%ds" % seconds)
return " ".join(out)
def to_pretty_since(total_seconds: int, max_units: int=UNIT_MINIMUM
) -> str:
return to_pretty_time(total_seconds, max_units, RelativeDirection.BACKWARD)
def to_pretty_until(total_seconds: int, max_units: int=UNIT_MINIMUM
) -> str:
return to_pretty_time(total_seconds, max_units, RelativeDirection.FORWARD)