533 lines
27 KiB
533 lines
27 KiB
import collections, re, time
from datetime import datetime, date
from collections import Counter
from src import ModuleManager, utils
from suds.client import Client
from suds import WebFault
# Note that this module requires the open *Staff Version* of the Darwin API
# You can register for an API key here: http://openldbsv.nationalrail.co.uk/
# We use this instead of the 'regular' version because it offers a *lot* more
# information.
URL = 'https://lite.realtime.nationalrail.co.uk/OpenLDBSVWS/wsdl.aspx?ver=2016-02-16'
class Module(ModuleManager.BaseModule):
_name = "NR"
_client = None
COLOURS = [utils.consts.LIGHTBLUE, utils.consts.GREEN,
utils.consts.RED, utils.consts.CYAN, utils.consts.LIGHTGREY,
def client(self):
if self._client: return self._client
token = self.bot.config["nre-api-key"]
client = Client(URL)
header_token = client.factory.create('ns2:AccessToken')
header_token.TokenValue = token
self._client = client
except Exception as e:
return self._client
def filter(self, args, defaults):
args = re.findall(r"[^\s,]+", args)
params = {}
for arg in args:
if ":" in arg:
params[arg.split(":", 1)[0]] = arg.split(":", 1)[1]
elif "=" in arg:
params[arg.split("=", 1)[0]] = arg.split("=", 1)[1]
params[arg.replace("!", "")] = '!' not in arg
ret = {k: v[0] for k,v in defaults.items()}
ret["default"] = True
ret["errors"] = []
for k,v in params.items():
if not k in defaults.keys():
ret["errors"].append((k, "Invalid parameter"))
if not defaults[k][1](v):
ret["errors"].append((v, 'Invalid value for "%s"' % k))
ret["default"] = False
ret[k] = v if len(defaults[k]) == 2 else defaults[k][2](v)
ret["errors_summary"] = ", ".join(['"%s": %s' % (a[0], a[1]) for a in ret["errors"]])
return ret
def process(self, service):
ut_now = datetime.now().timestamp()
nonetime = {"orig": None, "datetime": None, "ut": 0,
"short": ' ', "prefix": '', "on_time": False,
"estimate": False, "status": 4, "schedule": False}
times = {}
a_types = ["eta", "ata", "sta"]
d_types = ["etd", "atd", "std"]
for a in a_types + d_types:
if a in service and service[a]:
times[a] = {"orig": service[a]}
if len(service[a]) > 5:
times[a]["datetime"] = datetime.strptime(service[a], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
times[a]["datetime"] = datetime.strptime(
datetime.now().date().isoformat() + "T" + service[a][:4],
times[a]["ut"] = times[a]["datetime"].timestamp()
times[a] = nonetime
for k, a in times.items():
if not a["orig"]: continue
a["short"] = a["datetime"].strftime("%H%M") if len(a["orig"]) > 5 else a["orig"]
a["shortest"] = "%02d" % a["datetime"].minute if -300 < a["ut"]-ut_now < 1800 else a["short"]
a["prefix"] = k[2] + ("s" if k[0] == "s" else "")
a["estimate"] = k[0] == "e"
a["schedule"] = k[0] == "s"
a["on_time"] = a["ut"] - times["s"+ k[1:]]["ut"] < 300
a["status"] = 1 if a["on_time"] else 2
if "a" + k[1:] in service: a["status"] = {"d": 0, "a": 3}[k[2]]
if k[0] == "s": a["status"] = 4
arr, dep = [times[a] for a in a_types if times[a]["ut"]], [times[a] for a in d_types if times[a]["ut"]]
times["arrival"] = (arr + dep + [nonetime])[0]
times["departure"] = (dep + arr + [nonetime])[0]
times["a"], times["d"] = (arr + [nonetime])[0], (dep + [nonetime])[0]
times["both"] = times["departure"]
times["max_sched"] = {"ut": max(times["sta"]["ut"], times["std"]["ut"])}
return times
def activities(self, string): return [a+b.strip() for a,b in list(zip(*[iter(string)]*2)) if (a+b).strip()]
def reduced_activities(self, string): return [a for a in self.activities(string) if a in self.PASSENGER_ACTIVITIES]
@utils.hook("received.command.nrtrains", min_args=1)
def trains(self, event):
:help: Get train/bus services for a station (Powered by NRE)
:usage: <crs_id>
client = self.client
colours = self.COLOURS
eagle_key = self.bot.config["eagle-api-key"]
eagle_url = self.bot.config["eagle-api-url"]
schedule = {}
location_code = event["args_split"][0].upper()
filter = self.filter(' '.join(event["args_split"][1:]) if len(event["args_split"]) > 1 else "", {
"dest": ('', lambda x: x.isalpha() and len(x)==3),
"origin":('', lambda x: x.isalpha() and len(x)==3),
"inter": ('', lambda x: x.isalpha() and len(x)==3, lambda x: x.upper()),
"toc": ('', lambda x: x.isalpha() and len(x) == 2),
"dedup": (False, lambda x: type(x)==type(True)),
"plat": ('', lambda x: len(x) <= 3),
"type": ("departure", lambda x: x in ["departure", "arrival", "both"]),
"terminating": (False, lambda x: type(x)==type(True)),
"period": (120, lambda x: x.isdigit() and 1 <= int(x) <= 480, lambda x: int(x)),
"nonpassenger": (False, lambda x: type(x)==type(True)),
"time": ("", lambda x: len(x)==4 and x.isdigit()),
"date": ("", lambda x: len(x)==10),
"tops": (None, lambda x: len(x)<4 and x.isdigit()),
"power": (None, lambda x: x.upper() in ["EMU", "DMU", "HST", "D", "E"], lambda x: x.upper()),
"crs": (False, lambda x: type(x)==type(True)),
"st": (False, lambda x: type(x)==type(True))
if filter["errors"]:
raise utils.EventError("Filter: " + filter["errors_summary"])
if filter["inter"] and filter["type"]!="departure":
raise utils.EventError("Filtering by intermediate stations is only "
"supported for departures.")
nr_filterlist = client.factory.create("filterList")
if filter["inter"]: nr_filterlist.crs.append(filter["inter"])
now = datetime.now()
if filter["time"]:
now = now.replace(hour=int(filter["time"][:2]))
now = now.replace(minute=int(filter["time"][2:]))
if filter["date"]:
newdate = datetime.strptime(filter["date"], "%Y-%m-%d").date()
now = now.replace(day=newdate.day, month=newdate.month, year=newdate.year)
method = client.service.GetArrivalDepartureBoardByCRS if len(location_code) == 3 else client.service.GetArrivalDepartureBoardByTIPLOC
query = method(100, location_code, now.isoformat().split(".")[0], filter["period"],
nr_filterlist, "to", '', "PBS", filter["nonpassenger"])
except WebFault as detail:
if str(detail) == "Server raised fault: 'Invalid crs code supplied'":
raise utils.EventError("Invalid CRS code.")
raise utils.EventError("An error occurred.")
nrcc_severe = len([a for a in query["nrccMessages"][0] if a["severity"] == "Major"]) if "nrccMessages" in query else 0
if event.get("external"):
station_summary = "%s (%s) - %s (%s):\n" % (query["locationName"], query["crs"], query["stationManager"],
severe_summary = ""
if nrcc_severe:
severe_summary += ", "
severe_summary += utils.irc.bold(utils.irc.color("%s severe messages" % nrcc_severe, utils.consts.RED))
station_summary = "%s (%s, %s%s)" % (query["locationName"], query["crs"], query["stationManagerCode"], severe_summary)
if not "trainServices" in query and not "busServices" in query and not "ferryServices" in query:
return event["stdout"].write("%s: No services for the next %s minutes" % (
station_summary, filter["period"]))
trains = []
services = []
if "trainServices" in query: services += query["trainServices"][0]
if "busServices" in query: services += query["busServices"][0]
if "ferryServices" in query: services += query["ferryServices"][0]
for t in services:
parsed = {
"rid" : t["rid"],
"uid" : t["uid"],
"head" : t["trainid"],
"platform": '?' if not "platform" in t else t["platform"],
"platform_hidden": "platformIsHidden" in t and t["platformIsHidden"],
"platform_prefix": "",
"toc": t["operatorCode"],
"cancelled" : t["isCancelled"] if "isCancelled" in t else False,
"delayed" : t["departureType"]=="Delayed" if "departureType" in t else None,
"cancel_reason" : t["cancelReason"]["value"] if "cancelReason" in t else "",
"delay_reason" : t["delayReason"]["value"] if "delayReason" in t else "",
"terminating" : not "std" in t and not "etd" in t and not "atd" in t,
"bus" : t["trainid"]=="0B00",
"times" : self.process(t),
"activity" : self.reduced_activities(t["activities"]),
parsed["destinations"] = [{"name": a["locationName"], "tiploc": a["tiploc"],
"crs": a["crs"] if "crs" in a else '', "code": a["crs"] if "crs"
in a else a["tiploc"], "via": a["via"] if "via" in a else ''}
for a in t["destination"][0]]
parsed["origins"] = [{"name": a["locationName"], "tiploc": a["tiploc"],
"crs": a["crs"] if "crs" in a else '', "code": a["crs"] if "crs"
in a else a["tiploc"], "via": a["via"] if "via" in a else ''}
for a in t["origin"][0]]
parsed["departure_only"] = location_code in [a["code"] for a in parsed["origins"]]
if parsed["cancelled"] or parsed["delayed"]:
for k, time in parsed["times"].items():
time["short"], time["on_time"], time["status"], time["prefix"] = (
"%s:%s" % ("C" if parsed["cancel_reason"] else "D", parsed["cancel_reason"] or parsed["delay_reason"] or "?"),
False, 2, ""
if eagle_url:
summary_query = utils.http.request("%s/json/summaries/%s?uids=%s" % (eagle_url, now.date().isoformat(), "%20".join([a["uid"] for a in trains])), json=True, headers={"x-eagle-key": self.bot.config["eagle-api-key"]})
if summary_query:
for t in trains:
summary = summary_query.data[t["uid"]]
summary_plat = summary.get("platforms", {}).get(query["crs"])
if summary_plat and t["platform"]=="?":
t["platform"], t["platform_prefix"] = summary_plat, "s"
for t in trains:
t["dest_summary"] = "/".join(["%s%s" %(a["code"]*filter["crs"] or a["name"], " " + a["via"]
if a["via"] else '') for a in t["destinations"]])
t["origin_summary"] = "/".join(["%s%s" %(a["code"]*filter["crs"] or a["name"], " " + a["via"]
if a["via"] else '') for a in t["origins"]])
trains = sorted(trains, key=lambda t: t["times"]["max_sched"]["ut"] if filter["type"]=="both" else t["times"]["st" + filter["type"][0]]["ut"])
trains_filtered = []
train_locs_toc = []
for train in trains:
if not True in [
(train["destinations"], train["toc"]) in train_locs_toc and (filter["dedup"] or filter["default"]),
filter["dest"] and not filter["dest"].upper() in [a["code"] for a in train["destinations"]],
filter["origin"] and not filter["origin"].upper() in [a["code"] for a in train["origins"]],
filter["toc"] and not filter["toc"].upper() == train["toc"],
filter["plat"] and not filter["plat"] == train["platform"],
filter["type"] == "departure" and train["terminating"],
filter["type"] == "arrival" and train["departure_only"],
filter["terminating"] and not train["terminating"],
filter["tops"] and not filter["tops"] in train.get("tops_possible", []),
filter["power"] and not filter["power"]==train.get("power_type", None),
train_locs_toc.append((train["destinations"], train["toc"]))
if event.get("external"):
trains_string = "\n".join(["%-6s %-4s %-2s %-3s %1s%-6s %1s %s" % (
t["uid"], t["head"], t["toc"], "bus" if t["bus"] else t["platform"],
"~" if t["times"]["both"]["estimate"] else '',
t["times"]["both"]["prefix"] + t["times"]["both"]["short"],
"←" if t["terminating"] or filter["type"]=="arrival" else "→",
t["origin_summary"] if t["terminating"] or filter["type"]=="arrival" else t["dest_summary"]
) for t in trains_filtered])
trains_string = ", ".join(["%s%s (%s, %s%s%s%s, %s%s%s)" % (
"from " if not filter["type"][0] in "ad" and t["terminating"] else '',
t["origin_summary"] if t["terminating"] or filter["type"]=="arrival" else t["dest_summary"],
"bus" if t["bus"] else t["platform"],
"*" if t["platform_hidden"] else '',
"?" if "platformsAreUnreliable" in query and query["platformsAreUnreliable"] else '',
t["times"][filter["type"]]["prefix"].replace(filter["type"][0], '') if not t["cancelled"] else "",
utils.irc.bold(utils.irc.color(t["times"][filter["type"]]["shortest"*filter["st"] or "short"], colours[t["times"][filter["type"]]["status"]])),
bool(t["activity"])*", " + "+".join(t["activity"]),
) for t in trains_filtered])
if event.get("external"):
event["stdout"].write("%s%s\n%s" % (
station_summary, "\n calling at %s" % filter["inter"] if filter["inter"] else '', trains_string))
event["stdout"].write("%s%s: %s" % (station_summary, " departures calling at %s" % filter["inter"] if filter["inter"] else '', trains_string))
@utils.hook("received.command.nrservice", min_args=1)
def service(self, event):
:help: Get train service information for a UID, headcode or RID
(Powered by NRE)
:usage: <service_id>
client = self.client
colours = self.COLOURS
external = event.get("external", False)
SCHEDULE_STATUS = {"B": "perm bus", "F": "freight train", "P": "train",
"S": "ship", "T": "trip", "1": "train", "2": "freight",
"3": "trip", "4": "ship", "5": "bus"}
eagle_key = self.bot.config["eagle-api-key"]
eagle_url = self.bot.config["eagle-api-url"]
schedule = {}
sources = []
service_id = event["args_split"][0]
filter = self.filter(' '.join(event["args_split"][1:]) if len(event["args_split"]) > 1 else "", {
"passing": (False, lambda x: type(x)==type(True)),
"associations": (False, lambda x: type(x)==type(True)),
"type": ("arrival", lambda x: x in ["arrival", "departure"])
if filter["errors"]:
raise utils.EventError("Filter: " + filter["errors_summary"])
rid = service_id
if len(service_id) <= 8:
query = client.service.QueryServices(service_id, datetime.utcnow().date().isoformat(),
if eagle_url:
schedule_query = utils.http.request("%s/json/schedule/%s/%s" % (eagle_url, service_id, datetime.now().date().isoformat()), json=True, headers={"x-eagle-key": eagle_key})
if schedule_query:
schedule = schedule_query.data["current"]
if not query and not schedule:
return event["stdout"].write("No service information is available for this identifier.")
if query and len(query["serviceList"][0]) > 1:
return event["stdout"].write("Identifier refers to multiple services: " +
", ".join(["%s (%s->%s)" % (a["uid"], a["originCrs"], a["destinationCrs"]) for a in query["serviceList"][0]]))
if query: rid = query["serviceList"][0][0]["rid"]
if query:
query = client.service.GetServiceDetailsByRID(rid)
if schedule:
if not query: query = {"trainid": schedule["signalling_id"] or "0000", "operator": schedule["operator_name"] or schedule["atoc_code"]}
stype = "%s %s" % (schedule_query["tops_inferred"], schedule["power_type"]) if schedule_query["tops_inferred"] else schedule["power_type"]
for k,v in {
"operatorCode": schedule["atoc_code"],
"serviceType": stype if stype else SCHEDULE_STATUS[schedule["status"]],
query[k] = v
disruptions = []
if "cancelReason" in query:
disruptions.append("Cancelled (%s%s)" % (query["cancelReason"]["value"], " at " + query["cancelReason"]["_tiploc"] if query["cancelReason"]["_tiploc"] else ""))
if "delayReason" in query:
disruptions.append("Delayed (%s%s)" % (query["delayReason"]["value"], " at " + query["delayReason"]["_tiploc"] if query["delayReason"]["_tiploc"] else ""))
if disruptions and not external:
disruptions = utils.irc.color(", ".join(disruptions), utils.consts.RED) + " "
elif disruptions and external:
disruptions = ", ".join(disruptions)
else: disruptions = ""
stations = []
for station in query["locations"][0] if "locations" in query else schedule["locations"]:
if "locations" in query:
parsed = {"name": station["locationName"],
"crs": (station["crs"] if "crs" in station else station["tiploc"]).rstrip(),
"tiploc": station["tiploc"].rstrip(),
"called": "atd" in station,
"passing": station["isPass"] if "isPass" in station else False,
"first": len(stations) == 0,
"last" : False,
"cancelled" : station["isCancelled"] if "isCancelled" in station else False,
"associations": [],
"length": station["length"] if "length" in station else None,
"times": self.process(station),
"platform": station["platform"] if "platform" in station else None,
"activity": self.activities(station["activities"]) if "activities" in station else [],
"activity_p": self.reduced_activities(station["activities"]) if "activities" in station else [],
if parsed["cancelled"]:
parsed["times"]["arrival"].update({"short": "Cancelled", "on_time": False, "status": 2})
parsed["times"]["departure"].update({"short": "Cancelled", "on_time": False, "status": 2})
associations = station["associations"][0] if "associations" in station else []
for assoc in associations:
parsed_assoc = {
"uid_assoc": assoc.uid,
"category": {"divide": "VV", "join": "JJ", "next": "NP"}[assoc["category"]],
"from": parsed["first"], "direction": assoc["destTiploc"].rstrip()==parsed["tiploc"],
"origin_name": assoc["origin"], "origin_tiploc": assoc["originTiploc"],
"origin_crs": assoc["originCRS"] if "originCRS" in assoc else None,
"dest_name": assoc["destination"], "dest_tiploc": assoc["destTiploc"],
"dest_crs": assoc["destCRS"] if "destCRS" in assoc else None,
"far_name": assoc["destination"], "far_tiploc": assoc["destTiploc"],
"far_crs": assoc["destCRS"] if "destCRS" in assoc else None,
if parsed_assoc["direction"]:
parsed_assoc.update({"far_name": parsed_assoc["origin_name"],
"far_tiploc": parsed_assoc["origin_tiploc"], "far_crs": parsed_assoc["origin_crs"]})
parsed = {"name": (station["name"] or "none"),
"crs": station["crs"] if station["crs"] else station["tiploc"],
"tiploc": station["tiploc"],
"called": False,
"passing": bool(station.get("pass")),
"first": len(stations) == 0,
"last" : False,
"cancelled" : False,
"length": None,
"times": self.process(station["dolphin_times"]),
"platform": station["platform"],
"associations": station["associations"] or [],
"activity": self.activities(station["activity"]),
"activity_p": self.reduced_activities(station["activity"]),
[a for a in stations if a["called"] or a["first"]][-1]["last"] = True
for station in stations[0:[k for k,v in enumerate(stations) if v["last"]][0]]:
if not station["first"]: station["called"] = True
for station in stations:
for assoc in station["associations"]:
assoc["summary"] = "{arrow} {assoc[category]} {assoc[uid_assoc]} {dir_arrow} {assoc[far_name]} ({code})".format(assoc=assoc, arrow=assoc["from"]*"<-" or "->", dir_arrow=(assoc["direction"])*"<-" or "->", code=assoc["far_crs"] or assoc["far_tiploc"])
if station["passing"]:
station["times"]["arrival"]["status"], station["times"]["departure"]["status"] = 5, 5
elif station["called"]:
station["times"]["arrival"]["status"], station["times"]["departure"]["status"] = 0, 0
station["summary"] = "%s%s (%s%s%s%s%s)%s" % (
"*" * station["passing"],
station["crs"] + ", " if station["name"] != station["crs"] else '',
station["length"] + " car, " if station["length"] and (station["first"] or station["associations"]) else '',
("~" if station["times"][filter["type"]]["estimate"] else '') +
station["times"][filter["type"]]["prefix"].replace(filter["type"][0], ""),
utils.irc.color(station["times"][filter["type"]]["short"], colours[station["times"][filter["type"]]["status"]]),
", "*bool(station["activity_p"]) + "+".join(station["activity_p"]),
", ".join([a["summary"] for a in station["associations"]] if filter["associations"] else ""),
station["summary_external"] = "%1s%-5s %1s%-5s %-3s %-3s %-3s %s%s" % (
"~"*station["times"]["a"]["estimate"] + "s"*(station["times"]["a"]["schedule"]),
"~"*station["times"]["d"]["estimate"] + "s"*(station["times"]["d"]["schedule"]),
station["platform"] or '',
",".join(station["activity"]) or '',
station["crs"] or station["tiploc"],
"\n" + "\n".join([a["summary"] for a in station["associations"]]) if station["associations"] else "",
stations_filtered = []
for station in stations:
if station["passing"] and not filter["passing"]: continue
if station["called"] and filter["default"] and not external:
if not station["first"] and not station["last"]:
if station["first"] and not station["last"] and filter["default"] and not external:
stations_filtered.append({"summary": "(...)", "summary_external": "(...)"})
done_count = len([s for s in stations if s["called"]])
total_count = len(stations)
if external:
event["stdout"].write("%s: %s\n%s%s (%s) %s %s\n\n%s" % (
service_id, ", ".join(sources),
disruptions + "\n" if disruptions else '',
query["operator"], query["operatorCode"], query["trainid"], query["serviceType"],
"\n".join([s["summary_external"] for s in stations_filtered])
event["stdout"].write("%s%s %s %s (%s/%s/%s): %s" % (disruptions, query["operatorCode"],
query["trainid"], query["serviceType"],
utils.irc.color(done_count, utils.consts.LIGHTBLUE),
len(stations_filtered), total_count,
", ".join([s["summary"] for s in stations_filtered])))
@utils.hook("received.command.nrhead", min_args=1)
def head(self, event):
:help: Get information for a given headcode/UID/RID (Powered by NRE)
:usage: <headcode>
client = self.client
service_id = event["args_split"][0]
query = client.service.QueryServices(service_id, datetime.utcnow().date().isoformat(),
if not query:
raise utils.EventError("No currently running services match this "
services = query["serviceList"][0]
if event.get("external"):
event["stdout"].write("\n".join(["{a.uid:6} {a.trainid:4} {a.originName} ({a.originCrs}) → {a.destinationName} ({a.destinationCrs})".format(a=a) for a in services]))
event["stdout"].write(", ".join(["h/%s r/%s u/%s rs/%s %s (%s) -> %s (%s)" % (a["trainid"], a["rid"], a["uid"], a["rsid"], a["originName"], a["originCrs"], a["destinationName"], a["destinationCrs"]) for a in services]))
@utils.hook("received.command.nrcode", min_args=1)
def service_code(self, event):
:help: Get the text for a given delay/cancellation code (Powered by NRE)
:usage: <code>
client = self.client
if not event["args"].isnumeric():
raise utils.EventError("The delay/cancellation code must be a "
reasons = {a["code"]:(a["lateReason"], a["cancReason"]) for a in client.service.GetReasonCodeList()[0]}
if event["args"] in reasons:
event["stdout"].write("%s: %s" % (event["args"], " / ".join(reasons[event["args"]])))
event["stdout"].write("This doesn't seem to be a valid reason code")