57 lines
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57 lines
2 KiB
import json, re
from src import ModuleManager, utils
URL_GOOGLEBOOKS = "https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes"
URL_BOOKINFO = "https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=%s"
REGEX_BOOKID = re.compile("id=([\w\-]+)")
class Module(ModuleManager.BaseModule):
_name = "ISBN"
def get_book(self, query, event):
page = utils.http.get_url(URL_GOOGLEBOOKS, get_params={
"q": query, "country": "us"}, json=True)
if page:
if page["totalItems"] > 0:
book = page["items"][0]["volumeInfo"]
title = book["title"]
sub_title = (", %s" % book.get("subtitle")
) if book.get("subtitle") else ""
authors = ", ".join(book.get("authors", []))
authors = " - %s" % authors if authors else ""
date = book.get("publishedDate", "")
date = " (%s)" % date if date else ""
rating = book.get("averageRating", -1)
rating = " (%s/5.0)" % rating if not rating == -1 else ""
id = re.search(REGEX_BOOKID, book["infoLink"]).group(1)
info_link = " %s" % (URL_BOOKINFO % id)
event["stdout"].write("%s%s%s%s%s%s" % (
title, authors, date, sub_title, info_link, rating))
event["stderr"].write("Unable to find book")
event["stderr"].write("Failed to load results")
@utils.hook("received.command.isbn", min_args=1)
def isbn(self, event):
:help: Get book information from a provided ISBN
:usage: <isbn>
isbn = event["args_split"][0]
if len(isbn) == 10:
isbn = "978%s" % isbn
isbn = isbn.replace("-", "")
self.get_book("isbn:%s" % isbn, event)
@utils.hook("received.command.book", min_args=1)
def book(self, event):
:help: Get book information from a provided title
:usage: <book title>
self.get_book(event["args"], event)