
167 lines
6 KiB

#--depends-on check_mode
#--depends-on commands
#--depends-on permissions
import binascii, enum, os, uuid
from src import ModuleManager, utils
STR_NOVOTE = "Unknown vote '%s'"
class VoteCastResult(enum.Enum):
Cast = 1
Changed = 2
Unchanged = 3
@utils.export("channelset", utils.BoolSetting("votes-start-restricted",
"Whether starting a vote should be restricted to ops"))
@utils.export("channelset", utils.BoolSetting("votes-cast-restricted",
"Whether casting a vote should be restricted to voiced-and-above users"))
class Module(ModuleManager.BaseModule):
def _get_vote(self, channel, vote_id):
return channel.get_setting("vote-%s" % vote_id, None)
def _set_vote(self, channel, vote_id, vote):
channel.set_setting("vote-%s" % vote_id, vote)
def _random_id(self, channel):
while True:
vote_id = binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(3)).decode("ascii")
if self._get_vote(channel, vote_id) == None:
return vote_id
def _close_vote(self, channel, vote_id):
vote = self._get_vote(channel, vote_id)
if vote:
vote["open"] = False
self._set_vote(channel, vote_id, vote)
return True
return False
def _start_vote(self, channel, description):
vote_id = self._random_id(channel)
vote = {"description": description, "options": {"yes": [], "no": []},
"electorate": [], "open": True, "id": vote_id}
self._set_vote(channel, vote_id, vote)
return vote
def _format_vote(self, vote):
options = ["%d %s" % (len(v), k) for k, v in vote["options"].items()]
return "%s (%s)" % (vote["description"], ", ".join(options))
def _format_options(self, vote):
return ", ".join("'%s'" % o for o in vote["options"])
def _cast_vote(self, channel, vote_id, user, chosen_option):
vote = self._get_vote(channel, vote_id)
option_nicks = vote["options"][chosen_option]
cast_type = VoteCastResult.Cast
for option, nicks in vote["options"].items():
if in nicks:
if option == chosen_option:
return VoteCastResult.Unchanged
cast_type = VoteCastResult.Changed
self._set_vote(channel, vote_id, vote)
return cast_type
def _open_votes(self, channel):
open = []
for setting, vote in channel.find_settings(prefix="vote-"):
if vote["open"]:
return open
@utils.hook("received.command.startvote", channel_only=True, min_args=1)
def start_vote(self, event):
:help: Start a vote
:usage: <description>
if event["target"].get_setting("votes-start-restricted", True):
event["check_assert"](utils.Check("channel-mode", "o")|
utils.Check("permission", "vote")|
utils.Check("channel-access", "low,vote"))
vote = self._start_vote(event["target"], event["args"])
"Vote %s started. use '%svote %s <option>' to vote (options: %s)" %
(vote["id"], event["command_prefix"], vote["id"],
@utils.hook("received.command.endvote", channel_only=True, min_args=1)
def end_vote(self, event):
:help: End a vote
:usage: <id>
:require_mode: o
:require_access: high,vote
:permission: vote
vote_id = event["args_split"][0]
if self._close_vote(event["target"], vote_id):
vote = self._get_vote(event["target"], vote_id)
event["stdout"].write("Vote %s ended: %s" %
(vote_id, self._format_vote(vote)))
event["stderr"].write(STR_NOVOTE % vote_id)
@utils.hook("", channel_only=True, min_args=1)
def vote(self, event):
:help: Cast choice for a given vote
:usage: <id> [choice]
if event["target"].get_setting("votes-cast-restricted", True):
event["check_assert"](utils.Check("channel-mode", "v")|
utils.Check("permission", "vote")|
utils.Check("channel-access", "low,vote"))
vote_id = event["args_split"][0]
vote = self._get_vote(event["target"], vote_id)
if vote == None:
raise utils.EventError(STR_NOVOTE % vote_id)
if not len(event["args_split"]) > 1:
closed = "" if vote["open"] else " (closed)"
event["stdout"].write("Vote %s%s: %s" % (
vote_id, closed, self._format_vote(vote)))
if not vote["open"]:
raise utils.EventError("%s: vote %s is closed" % (
event["user"].nickname, vote_id))
choice = event["args_split"][1].lower()
if not choice in vote["options"]:
raise utils.EventError("Vote options: %s" %
cast_result = self._cast_vote(event["target"], vote_id,
event["user"], choice)
cast_desc = "has been cast"
if cast_result == VoteCastResult.Changed:
cast_desc = "has been changed"
elif cast_result == VoteCastResult.Unchanged:
cast_desc = "is unchanged"
event["stdout"].write("%s: your vote %s." %
(event["user"].nickname, cast_desc))
@utils.hook("received.command.votes", channel_only=True)
def votes(self, event):
:help: List open votes in the current channel
open_votes = self._open_votes(event["target"])
if open_votes:
open_votes_str = [
"%s (%s)" % (v["description"], v["id"]) for v in open_votes]
event["stdout"].write("Open votes: %s" % ", ".join(open_votes_str))
event["stderr"].write("There are no open votes")