PeGaSuS a02bd2ca8b
Update requirements.txt (#358)
- suds-jurko seems to be stalled, with the last release in Jan 24, 2014
- suds seems to actively mantained again, with the last release in Jun 28, 2022
- I'm putting version 1.0.0 as the minimum, which was released on Dec 05, 2021
2023-03-01 21:05:22 -06:00

17 lines
432 B

beautifulsoup4 ==4.8.0
cryptography >=3.3.2
dataclasses ==0.6;python_version<'3.7'
dnspython ==2.0.0
feedparser ==6.0.2
html5lib ==1.0.1
isodate ==0.6.0
lxml ==4.9.1
netifaces ==0.10.9
PySocks ==1.7.1
python-dateutil ==2.8.1
pytz ==2019.2
requests ==2.22.0
suds ==1.0.0
tornado ==6.0.3
tweepy ==3.8.0
requests-toolbelt ==0.9.1