272 lines
11 KiB
272 lines
11 KiB
import collections, datetime, re
from src import ModuleManager, utils
URL_BUS = "https://api.tfl.gov.uk/StopPoint/%s/Arrivals"
URL_BUS_SEARCH = "https://api.tfl.gov.uk/StopPoint/Search/%s"
URL_LINE_ARRIVALS = "https://api.tfl.gov.uk/Line/%s/Arrivals"
URL_LINE = "https://api.tfl.gov.uk/Line/Mode/tube/Status"
LINE_NAMES = ["bakerloo", "central", "circle", "district", "hammersmith and city", "jubilee", "metropolitan", "piccadilly", "victoria", "waterloo and city"]
URL_STOP = "https://api.tfl.gov.uk/StopPoint/%s"
URL_STOP_SEARCH = "https://api.tfl.gov.uk/StopPoint/Search/%s"
URL_VEHICLE = "https://api.tfl.gov.uk/Vehicle/%s/Arrivals"
URL_ROUTE = "https://api.tfl.gov.uk/Line/%s/Route/Sequence/all?excludeCrowding=True"
PLATFORM_TYPES = ["Northbound", "Southbound", "Eastbound", "Westbound", "Inner Rail", "Outer Rail"]
class Module(ModuleManager.BaseModule):
_name = "TFL"
result_map = {}
def vehicle_span(self, arrival_time, human=True):
vehicle_due_iso8601 = arrival_time
if "." in vehicle_due_iso8601:
vehicle_due_iso8601 = vehicle_due_iso8601.split(".")[0]+"Z"
vehicle_due = datetime.datetime.strptime(vehicle_due_iso8601,
time_until = vehicle_due-datetime.datetime.utcnow()
time_until = int(time_until.total_seconds()/60)
if time_until == 0: human_time = "due"
else: human_time = "in %s min" % time_until
if human: return human_time
else: return time_until
def platform(self, platform, short=False):
p = re.compile("(?:(.*) - Platform (\\d+)|(.*bound) Platform (\\d+))")
m = p.match(platform)
if m:
platform = "platform %s (%s)" % (m.group(2), m.group(1))
if short and m.group(1) in PLATFORM_TYPES:
platform = m.group(2)
return platform
@utils.hook("received.command.tflbus", min_args=1)
def bus(self, event):
:help: Get bus due times for a TfL bus stop
:usage: <stop_id>
app_id = self.bot.config["tfl-api-id"]
app_key = self.bot.config["tfl-api-key"]
stop_id = event["args_split"][0]
target_bus_route = None
if len(event["args_split"]) > 1:
target_bus_route = event["args_split"][1].lower()
bus_stop = None
real_stop_id = ""
stop_name = ""
if stop_id.isdigit():
bus_search = utils.http.get_url(URL_BUS_SEARCH % stop_id,
get_params={"app_id": app_id, "app_key": app_key},
bus_stop = bus_search["matches"][0]
real_stop_id = bus_stop["id"]
stop_name = bus_stop["name"]
bus_stop = utils.http.get_url(URL_STOP % stop_id,
get_params={"app_id": app_id, "app_key": app_key},
if bus_stop:
real_stop_id = stop_id
stop_name = bus_stop["commonName"]
if real_stop_id:
bus_stop = utils.http.get_url(URL_BUS % real_stop_id,
get_params={"app_id": app_id, "app_key": app_key},
busses = []
for bus in bus_stop:
bus_number = bus["lineName"]
human_time = self.vehicle_span(bus["expectedArrival"])
time_until = self.vehicle_span(bus["expectedArrival"], human=False)
# If the mode is "tube", "Underground Station" is redundant
destination = bus.get("destinationName", "?")
if (bus["modeName"] == "tube"): destination = destination.replace(" Underground Station", "")
busses.append({"route": bus_number, "time": time_until, "id": bus["vehicleId"],
"destination": destination, "human_time": human_time, "mode": bus["modeName"],
"platform": bus["platformName"],
"platform_short" : self.platform(bus["platformName"], short=True)})
if busses:
busses = sorted(busses, key=lambda b: b["time"])
busses_filtered = []
bus_route_dest = []
bus_route_plat = []
# dedup if target route isn't "*", filter if target route isn't None or "*"
for b in busses:
if target_bus_route != "*":
if (b["route"], b["destination"]) in bus_route_dest: continue
if bus_route_plat.count((b["route"], b["platform"])) >= 2: continue
bus_route_plat.append((b["route"], b["platform"]))
bus_route_dest.append((b["route"], b["destination"]))
if b["route"] == target_bus_route or not target_bus_route:
self.result_map[event["target"].id] = busses_filtered
# do the magic formatty things!
busses_string = ", ".join(["%s (%s, %s)" % (b["destination"], b["route"], b["human_time"],
) for b in busses_filtered])
event["stdout"].write("%s (%s): %s" % (stop_name, stop_id,
event["stderr"].write("%s: No busses due" % stop_id)
event["stderr"].write("Bus ID '%s' unknown" % stop_id)
def line(self, event):
:help: Get line status for TfL underground lines
:usage: <line_name>
app_id = self.bot.config["tfl-api-id"]
app_key = self.bot.config["tfl-api-key"]
lines = utils.http.get_url(URL_LINE, get_params={
"app_id": app_id, "app_key": app_key}, json=True)
statuses = []
for line in lines:
for status in line["lineStatuses"]:
entry = {
"id": line["id"],
"name": line["name"],
"severity": status["statusSeverity"],
"description": status["statusSeverityDescription"],
"reason": status.get("reason")
statuses = sorted(statuses, key=lambda line: line["severity"])
combined = collections.OrderedDict()
for status in statuses:
if not status["description"] in combined:
combined[status["description"]] = []
result = ""
for k, v in combined.items():
result += k + ": "
result += ", ".join(status["name"] for status in v)
result += "; "
if event["args"]:
result = ""
for status in statuses:
for arg in event["args_split"]:
if arg.lower() in status["name"].lower():
result += "%s: %s (%d) '%s'; " % (status["name"], status["description"], status["severity"], status["reason"])
if result:
event["stderr"].write("No results")
@utils.hook("received.command.tflsearch", min_args=1)
def search(self, event):
:help: Get a list of TfL stop IDs for a given name
:usage: <name>
app_id = self.bot.config["tfl-api-id"]
app_key = self.bot.config["tfl-api-key"]
#As awful as this is, it also makes it ~work~.
stop_name = event["args"].replace(" ", "%20")
stop_search = utils.http.get_url(URL_STOP_SEARCH % stop_name, get_params={
"app_id": app_id, "app_key": app_key, "maxResults": "6", "faresOnly": "False"}, json=True)
if stop_search:
for stop in stop_search["matches"]:
results = ["%s (%s): %s" % (stop["name"], ", ".join(stop["modes"]), stop["id"]) for stop in stop_search["matches"]]
event["stdout"].write("[%s results] %s" % (stop_search["total"], "; ".join(results)))
event["stderr"].write("No results")
@utils.hook("received.command.tflvehicle", min_args=1)
def vehicle(self, event):
:help: Get information for a given vehicle
:usage: <ID>
app_id = self.bot.config["tfl-api-id"]
app_key = self.bot.config["tfl-api-key"]
vehicle_id = event["args_split"][0]
vehicle = utils.http.get_url(URL_VEHICLE % vehicle_id, get_params={
"app_id": app_id, "app_key": app_key}, json=True)[0]
arrival_time = self.vehicle_span(vehicle["expectedArrival"], human=False)
platform = self.platform(vehicle["platformName"])
event["stdout"].write("%s (%s) to %s. %s. Arrival at %s (%s) in %s minutes on %s" % (
vehicle["vehicleId"], vehicle["lineName"], vehicle["destinationName"], vehicle["currentLocation"],
vehicle["stationName"], vehicle["naptanId"], arrival_time, platform))
@utils.hook("received.command.tflservice", min_args=1)
def service(self, event):
:help: Get service information and arrival estimates
:usage: <service index>
app_id = self.bot.config["tfl-api-id"]
app_key = self.bot.config["tfl-api-key"]
service_id = event["args_split"][0]
if service_id.isdigit():
if not event["target"].id in self.result_map:
event["stdout"].write("No history")
results = self.result_map[event["target"].id]
if int(service_id) >= len(results):
event["stdout"].write("%s is too high. Remember that the first arrival is 0" % service_id)
service = results[int(service_id)]
arrivals = utils.http.get_url(URL_LINE_ARRIVALS % service["route"],
get_params={"app_id": app_id, "app_key": app_key}, json=True)
arrivals = [a for a in arrivals if a["vehicleId"] == service["id"]]
arrivals = sorted(arrivals, key=lambda b: b["timeToStation"])
"%s (%s) to %s: " % (arrivals[0]["vehicleId"], arrivals[0]["lineName"], arrivals[0]["destinationName"]) +
", ".join(["%s (%s, %s)" %
(a["stationName"], self.platform(a.get("platformName", "?"), True),
) for a in arrivals]))
@utils.hook("received.command.tflstop", min_args=1)
def stop(self, event):
:help: Get information for a given stop
:usage: <stop_id>
app_id = self.bot.config["tfl-api-id"]
app_key = self.bot.config["tfl-api-key"]
stop_id = event["args_split"][0]
stop = utils.http.get_url(URL_STOP % stop_id, get_params={
"app_id": app_id, "app_key": app_key}, json=True)
def route(self, event):
app_id = self.bot.config["tfl-api-id"]
app_key = self.bot.config["tfl-api-key"]
route_id = event["args_split"][0]
route = utils.http.get_url(URL_ROUTE % route_id, get_params={
"app_id": app_id, "app_key": app_key}, json=True)