import os from slack_bolt import App from slack_bolt.adapter.socket_mode import SocketModeHandler from dotenv import load_dotenv import firepup650 as fp input = fp.replitInput fp.replitCursor = fp.bcolors.REPLIT + ">>>" + fp.bcolors.RESET load_dotenv() for requiredVar in ["SLACK_BOT_TOKEN", "SLACK_APP_TOKEN"]: if not os.environ.get(requiredVar): raise ValueError(f'Missing required environment variable "{requiredVar}". Please create a .env file in the same directory as this script and define it.') # Initializes your app with your bot token and socket mode handler app = App(token=os.environ.get("SLACK_BOT_TOKEN")) client = app.client # Start your app if __name__ == "__main__": while 1: chan = input("Channel") try: print("^C to change channel") while 1: thread = input("Reply to a thread?").lower().startswith("y") ts = None if thread: hasID = input("Do you have the TS ID?").lower().startswith("y") if not hasID: try: res = client.conversations_history( channel=chan, inclusive=True, limit=1 ) found = res["messages"][0] print(found) ts = found["ts"] except Exception as E: print(f"Exception: {E}") else: ts = input("TS ID") print("^C to change thread/channel") while 1: msg = input("Message") try: print( client.chat_postMessage( channel=chan, text=msg, thread_ts=ts ) ) except Exception as E: print(f"Exception: {E}") msg = input("Message") try: print(client.chat_postMessage(channel=chan, text=msg)) except Exception as E: print(f"Exception: {E}") except KeyboardInterrupt: print()